Chapter 875 The North
The people had already lost confidence in Charles I.All kinds of dissatisfaction broke out today with the fanning and fueling of the parliament.

All kinds of voices, one after another, echoed non-stop in the street.Charles I was riding on a war horse, looking at the chaos in front of him and the voices ringing in his ears, his face was distorted out of shape.

"Damn, damn, these untouchables are damned, they dare to scold me, they are looking for death. Thomas shoots me, I kill them!"

Charles I yelled loudly at Thomas, but just as the voice yelled out, he took it back.

"Forget it, it's more important to get down to business, first spare the lives of these untouchables."

Charles I gritted his teeth and said.

After Charles I ascended the throne, he has been oppressed by parliament and influenced by religion. He didn't have a few good days in the first half of his life.

He endured being scolded by those in the parliament before, but today he was scolded by these ordinary people, which made Charles I feel very uncomfortable.

But when he thought that if he shot these people, it would be counterproductive, so Charles I temporarily dismissed this idea.

"Thomas, you bring 50 people to open the way ahead, and try to arrest Cromwell Pym and Hampton in the shortest possible time." Charles I said to Thomas.

Thomas hurriedly selected fifty people to walk in front of Charles I and began to open the way for Charles I.

But things didn't go well. Charles I underestimated these angry people. The fifty people selected by Thomas couldn't open a road at all. On the contrary, more and more people came from all directions, and Charlie I and Thomas were surrounded.

Charles I's face became more and more ugly and gloomy. He really didn't expect that these farts who dared not even fart on weekdays could burst out with such a powerful force today, and they were not afraid of him.

"Scatter them all for me, disperse them all for me, otherwise, be careful of your lives.

Spread it all out, spread it out to me, otherwise, be careful with your lives! "

Thomas yelled hysterically at the crowded people, and the soldiers standing behind Thomas also yelled hysterically at the people.

But Thomas' voice was like throwing a stone into the sea, and it couldn't start any turbulent waves at all.

Thomas led fifty soldiers to squeeze forward crazily, but how could the strength of these fifty men overwhelm hundreds of people?
Under the crowd of people, Thomas and others kept retreating. Soon, Thomas and others retreated in front of Charles I, and also forced Charles I to retreat.

"Hey Law!"

The war horse under Charles I's crotch neighed, and Charles I listened to the neighing of the horse, the roar of the people, and the roar of Thomas, and his patience gradually disappeared.

"Damn the untouchables, damn the untouchables!"

Charles I kept yelling and cursing these crowded people.

The current Charles I really wanted the soldiers he led to shoot at these people, but Charles I knew in his heart that these people are now on the verge of going berserk, if they shoot suddenly, once these people twist into a rope, overwhelming He rushed towards him, and at that time, I'm afraid things will not end well.

Moreover, the main purpose of Charles I today is to arrest Cromwell and others. Now that these people are crowding their way, obviously, they have no way to arrest Cromwell and others.

"His Royal Highness, what should we do now? We can't rush out at all. More and more people are crowding towards us, and we have no way to rush over!" Thomas stopped in front of Charles I. He Shouting loudly at Charles I.

The expression on Charles I's face was very rich, like changing his face, the expression kept changing, sometimes angry, sometimes cold, sometimes helpless.

"We can't catch Cromwell and the others today, let's go now, retreat first, withdraw first, we can't catch Cromwell and the others today, sooner or later I will arrest them all!"

Charles I gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw quickly!"

Thomas got on his horse and shouted loudly, defending Charles I and heading towards Windsor Castle.

When they walked out of the urban area of ​​London, those people did not give up. They followed Charles I all the time, roaring at Charles I non-stop.

Charles I turned his head several times, wanting to give an order to attack the people, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

On the way back, Charles I's expression was so cold that he didn't expect that he would be raped again today.

All kinds of humiliating experiences before came to my mind, making Charles I unable to calm down for a long time.

He panted heavily, breathing in the air continuously, trying to calm down his anger.

Thomas quietly followed Charles I and did not speak loudly. He knew that Charles I was in a bad mood now. Although he was very favored, it was always right to be careful.

At the same time, He Donglang and Wang Dongliang stood at the gate of the barracks, looking at downtown London with strange expressions.

"Oh, why is it so lively today? The voice is so loud that it almost overturns the sky. What's going on? How did it become like this all of a sudden?" He Donglang said with a strange face.

"Who knows, anyway, I don't understand the situation here. This parliament looks a bit like the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty, but the cabinet of the Ming Dynasty does not have such power as the parliament.

Judging by today's posture, it should be that the people in the city have demonstrated. The sound has never disappeared since this morning. I don't know what happened, but it is definitely not a good thing. "Wang Dongliang, who was standing beside He Donglang, said thoughtfully.

"You are right, maybe their king and the parliament are about to start a war. I am now looking forward to them starting a war. If they can fight one day earlier, we can intervene in their affairs one day earlier. Let's By meddling in their affairs, we can go back one day earlier." He Donglang said expectantly.

"Yeah, that's what I thought too. If the war between their king and the parliament can be fought earlier, then we can implement His Majesty's measures earlier, and then we can go back earlier. To be honest, I have already been here." I've had enough, what kind of shit is really uncomfortable." Wang Dongliang said with a look of disgust.


Zhao Wen was sitting in the royal study room dealing with the memorials that had been sent up in the past few days. Now Zhao Wen has been obsessed with these memorials, especially now that the year is approaching, the number of memorials is increasing.

It is already early winter, and under the influence of the small ice box, the weather in early winter has become extremely cold. The heating in Zhao Wen's imperial study has been turned on, making the imperial study warm.

Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand, picked up the teacup on the table, and drank the tea inside.

Zhao Wen stood up, heaved a sigh of relief, and reviewed the memorials all day, and it was time to move his body.

Zhao Wen came to the outside of the imperial study room, and paced back and forth in the open space outside the imperial study room.

Suddenly, Zhao Wen stopped, and he looked to the north with deep eyes.

"I don't know what's going on with the empire in the north. The first czar of the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, hasn't lived for a few years. I don't know what's going on with the Romanov dynasty now. Sample?
Before, before I was enthroned.Those Cossack cavalry in the north appeared on the grassland. With my ascension to the throne and the submission of the grassland, the tribes in the northern desert gradually moved south, and the population gradually settled down. I don’t know the current north What is the situation. "

Zhao Wen looked to the north, feeling a little worried.

Zhao Wen, who is familiar with history, knows that during this period of time, it was the era when the greedy northern empire rose.

The empire in the north has an extraordinary greed for land, no matter what kind of land they are, they are extremely obsessed.

Before Zhao Wen ascended the throne, the tribes in the north of the grassland had encountered Cossack cavalry, and Zhao Wen even sent soldiers and horses to help those tribes, but there was no large-scale contact between the two.

Now with Zhao Wen's accession to the throne, the support of the grassland, and under the influence of the Little Ice River, the north is becoming less and less suitable for survival, and the herdsmen in the north are gradually moving south and settled in the south of the grassland.

After the tribes in the north moved south, they rarely heard about the Cossack cavalry.

Zhao Wen was extremely busy before and after he ascended the throne. When no one mentioned the Cossack matter, Zhao Wen temporarily put this matter behind him and was busy with his current affairs.

Now that Zhao Wenneng was a little more relaxed, he remembered this long-lost matter.

"Although the next main target is the west, the north cannot give up. The north still has to deal with it, but compared with dealing with the west, dealing with the north is more difficult."

Zhao Wen looked to the north, thinking about these things in his mind.

Thinking of the wind and snow in the north and the cold of minus [-] to [-] degrees or even [-] to [-] degrees, Zhao Wen felt a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

The biggest hidden danger in dealing with the north is not the fierce enemies in the north, but the bitingly cold temperature.

Especially now that we are still in the Little Ice Age, if we attack the north without sufficient preparation, once those people in the north are delayed until winter, by that time, even if these weapons are very powerful, there will probably be many Zhao Wen was a little worried about the loss and the long supply line.

(End of this chapter)

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