Chapter 876
"North, north. I don't know when I will have the time and energy to send troops to the north. For the time being, it is not suitable to send troops to the north.

Although there are a large number of mineral resources such as oil fields in the north, the current situation does not support a large-scale military expedition to the north, and the main target now is the west.

I hope that the country in the north can be more stable, more stable, and don't provoke me. "

Zhao Wen looked to the north, took a deep breath, and said expectantly.

It's a pity that all of Zhao Wen's thoughts will come to nothing.

In the Siberian area north of the Outer Xing'an Mountains and west of Nuer Gandusi.

A cavalry marched slowly. Although it was early winter, it was snowing heavily here.

Heavy snow fell from the sky, and the woods were full of snow. The cavalry was struggling forward in the snow.

Unlike those sturdy Cossack cavalry, this cavalry is much better than the Cossack cavalry in terms of equipment and personnel quality.

This cavalry came from the capital of Tsarist Russia. This is the main task in the west. It is not a war, but a routine inspection of these newly occupied places.

Today's Siberia can be said to be under the control of Tsarist Russia.

Tsarist Russia's occupation of Siberia can be traced back to the sixth year of Wanli.

In October of the sixth year of Wanli, Tsarist Russia sent Cossack cavalry to march eastward and southward.

Within a few years, Cossack cavalry conquered the Kuchen Khanate and pacified western Siberia.

After assessing western Siberia, Tsarist Russia continued to advance eastward, reaching the Sea of ​​Okhotsk in the ninth year of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, and conquered the entire territory of Siberia.

Although Zhao Wen had left a large number of soldiers and horses in Nurgan Dusi before, he also left Mao Wenlong in Nurgan Dusi.

However, in such a large area as Nurgan Dusi, the soldiers and horses in Mao Wenlong's hands are really not enough compared to such a large area.

Moreover, most of Nurgandus belongs to that kind of no-man's land, and it is not enough to control Nurgandus, let alone occupy Siberia first.

Although it is impossible to occupy Siberia first, Zhao Wen is also preparing for the occupation of Siberia.

For so many years, Zhao Wen kept immigrating to Nurgan Dusi, and at the same time encouraged childbirth. All Zhao Wen did was to prepare for further conquest of these places in the future.

Although Siberia now belongs to the territory of Tsarist Russia, the population of Tsarist Russia is too small. Although the army in their hands is very powerful, the number is not large. simple things.

Tsarist Russia said that there were not many soldiers arranged in such a vast area of ​​Siberia, because Tsarist Russia's main target was still the West.

Every year, Tsarist Russia sends a troop to inspect those strongholds in Siberia.

There are about 500 cavalrymen, but they carry nearly 3000 horses, and these horses carry a lot of supplies.

They are not only patrolling these strongholds in Siberia, they also shoulder the task of supplementing these strongholds with living supplies.

At the forefront of this team, a young and strong man about 30 years old rode a war horse and led these people.

This young man is the commander of this team.

This young and robust man was wearing a cowhide felt hat and a cowhide coat, and his whole body was wrapped airtight by various cowhide products.

But even so, the biting cold wind still made his body shiver non-stop.

The cold north kept blowing, and the snowflakes all over the sky hit the team.

The team struggled to move forward in the heavy snow.

"Hold on for a while, let the brothers hold on for a while, the campsite we built before is ahead, after we arrive at the campsite, let's take a good rest!"

The young and strong man turned his head and yelled loudly at a messenger who was following him.

The orderly followed closely beside the young and strong man. Because of the heavy snowstorm, the orderly did not hear the young and strong man's shout.

The young and strong man shouted several times in a row before he conveyed his order.

The orderly received the order from the young and strong man, turned around and moved slowly towards the back.

Siberia is extremely cold every winter. For the convenience of replenishing supplies and their own safety, these Tsarist Russians built many temporary camps in Siberia.

These campsites are far from being as good as the strongholds built, but they can also shelter from the wind and snow.

These campsites are the nests built with those tall trees.

Facing the wind and snow, this team kept moving forward with one foot deep and one shallow foot. Because of the heavy snow, their speed was very slow. They didn't arrive at the campsite until the sun set and the sky became dark.

The camp is not very big, but the nests in the camp are enough for these soldiers to live in.

There are also some simple stables around Diwozi. Of course, these stables are not as comfortable as Diwozi, but they can also shelter part of the wind and snow.

The sky became completely dark, the cold wind blew through the treetops, making a very eerie whistle, the heavy snow was still falling, and the whole world was extremely cold.

In a relatively large den, the young commander was sitting next to the fire in the middle of the den, holding an iron cup in his hand, drinking the hot water inside.

There was also a copper pot lake hanging above the fire, which was filled with water and boiled until it was gurgling.

The water they drink is snow from the outside. In winter, this snow is the best source of drinking water.

Next to the young commander sat an officer about his age.

This officer is the adjutant in the team, that is, the deputy commander, and the relationship between the two is also good.

"Oleg, I heard that when we came out this time, His Majesty seemed to be seriously ill, and his health didn't seem to be working!" the deputy commander said to the commander.

Oleg is the name of the commander.

Oleg took a sip of hot water, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Afjay, these things are not our concern, we are just a little soldier, and our main task now is to get our current supplies Hurry up and transport the luggage, these things have nothing to do with us, and we don't need to deliberately inquire about them."

Hearing what Oleg said, Afjay had no choice but to close his mouth.

Afja also held an iron cup in his hand. He stood up and poured himself a cup of hot water from the copper pot.

There are only two of them in this den, and because both of them are commanders, the area of ​​the den they live in is relatively large.

The ground nest fell into silence, except for the crackling sound when it was burning, there was nothing else.

The firewood they burned was prepared in summer, and the firewood they prepared was for winter.

Both Afjay and Oleg are small military officers, their rights are limited, and the news they get is through hearsay through various channels.

Oleg is a person with a strong sense of responsibility, and also a very serious and rigid person. In his opinion, he doesn't want to talk about anything other than mission-related matters, and he is not interested.

Afjay is a person with a strong heart for gossip. Although he sat there quietly, he kept thinking about the news he heard from nowhere.

Avjay was right, the current tsar was indeed terminally ill.

During this era, Tsarist Russia was ruled by the Romanov dynasty.

The current emperor of Tsarist Russia is Mikhail Fedorovich, the son of Fedor Romanov, head of the Romanov family and archbishop of Filaret.

Mikhail can be said to be the founding emperor of the Romanov dynasty, and he was the first emperor of the Romanov dynasty.

Generally speaking, the founding emperors of each dynasty are emperors with great reputation and great martial arts.

But this Mikhail is not. It can be said that Mikhail's position as emperor was picked up, and it is precisely because of his good luck that he can become this emperor.

He was only 16 years old when he became emperor. Unlike other emperors, Mikhail did not have any outstanding political achievements or achievements during his reign. There were almost no major changes during his reign. .

Mikhail was a mediocre monarch, but his son and grandson did not inherit his mediocrity.

Mikhail's grandson is the famous Peter the Great in history.

Although Mikhail was a mediocre emperor, Tsarist Russia is still expanding, and the speed of expansion is not slow.

In today's Siberia, there are many strongholds built by Tsarist Russia, and these strongholds are the garrisons that Tsarist Russia stayed in Siberia.

Among these garrisons, the Cossack cavalry accounted for a considerable part. In addition to the Cossack cavalry, there was also a serious Tsarist Russian army.

The weapons used by these soldiers are very miscellaneous, including bows and arrows, broadswords, spears, and matchlock guns.

The number of matchlock guns is actually not many, and it will take another 30 to [-] years for large-scale use of matchlock guns.

Afjay and Oleg sat quietly by the fire and warmed up. The coldness of forty to fifty degrees below zero could not be resisted by the thin walls of the den, and it was still terribly cold inside the den.

When the two went to bed at night, they slept next to the fire. Their bodies were wrapped in very thick cowhide, and only in this way could they fall asleep.

The night was heavy, and the heavy snow was still falling.

The next day, just after dawn, Avjay and Oleg packed their bags and led the team to set off.

They didn't dare to delay for too long, they were afraid that they would not be able to deliver the supplies to those strongholds on time. If the supplies could not be delivered to the strongholds on time, the soldiers in the strongholds might be at risk of starving to death and freezing to death. They are responsible for this I can't afford it.

(End of this chapter)

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