Chapter 877 The Heir

In the Kremlin in Moscow, Mikhail, the first emperor of the Romanov dynasty, was lying on his bed in his bedroom. His face was sallow and haggard, his hair was yellow and his eyes were sunken.

Now Mikhail has few years left to live, and his life is about to come to an end, and in two years time, his life will also be dissipated between heaven and earth.

In Mikhail's bedroom, the princes and nobles of the current dynasty gathered together. They looked at Mikhail lying on the bed and talked non-stop.

Mikhail's eldest son, Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, stood in front of Mikhail's bed, looking at Mikhail lying on the bed with tears in his eyes.

A doctor stood next to Alexei. The doctor looked at Mikhail lying on the bed and kept sighing.

Mikhail has been weak and sick since he was a child, and he caught a cold a few days ago, and now his health is getting worse day by day.

The doctor understood that Mikhail was running out of time.

Alexei's teacher, Morozov, stood beside Alexei and patted Alexei on the shoulder lightly.

Mikhail looked at his tearful son and forced a smile.

"You are my eldest son, and you will be the king of this dynasty in the future. You have to cheer up and don't cry." Mikhail lay on the bed and said to his son gently.

Morozov looked at Mikhail lying on the bed, then at Alexei, and turned his head away with a sad face, not daring to look at the scene in front of him again.

Alexei is only 12 years old now. He is still young and cannot live without his parents. But seeing Mikhail's body getting worse day by day, Morozov can't imagine that if Mikhail What will Alexei be like when he fails?
These people in the dormitory looked at Mikhail lying on the bed and kept sighing. They knew that Mikhail's time was numbered now.

"Father, I can't live without you. Get well soon, and this country can't live without you. Our country is poor and weak. Without you, I really don't know where our country will go. Get well soon, father." Get up, get well soon!"

Alexei fell into Mikhail's arms, crying loudly at Mikhail.

"What a tragedy in the world!" Morozov turned his head and wiped away the tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

"I know my body. I have been weak and sick since I was a child. I am content to live until now. You are still young, and this country will be yours in the future. I hope that in your hands, this country can be brought to prosperity.

I'm afraid I can't see that day. I just hope that you will be more promising than me in the future. I have achieved nothing in my life. This country has never been better in my hands. "

Mikhail stroked Alexei's head, speaking softly.

Although Mikhail's voice was not loud, these people in the bedroom could hear it.

These people in the bedroom set their sights on Mikhail. Judging from what Mikhail said, Mikhail intends to make Alexei the heir of the country.

Regarding the words Mikhail said, these people in the bedroom had no other thoughts.

Alexei is Mikhail's eldest son, and Mikhail spared no effort in his training.

Alexei received a good education from an early age, and Mikhail appointed Morozov, the most famous scholar at that time, as Alexei's teacher.

Under the guidance of Morozov, Alexei began to read at the age of five. At first, he read the Psalms and Acts in the Bible. He began to learn to write at the age of seven, and began to study in the church choir at the age of nine.

By the time he was 12, he had read enough to start a small home library.

In addition, Alexey also studied grammar, geography, diplomatic etiquette, playing musical instruments, riding and archery and other subjects.

Even though the current Alexei is not very old, he is already the most knowledgeable young man in the entire Tsarist Russian middle school. You must know that he is only 12 years old now.

"Don't cry, you are my eldest son and the heir of this country in the future, you have to be brave and act like a man." Mikhail wiped away the tears from the corners of Alexei's eyes, exhorting him expectantly .

"Father, I don't want to lose you!" Alexei said with a sad face while holding Mikhail's right hand.

"People always face this kind of thing in the process of growing up, and only by going through this kind of thing can you become stronger.

Okay, you go out first, I still have something to discuss with others. "Mikhail said to his son, Alexei.

Alexei nodded and walked out of the bedroom.

When Alexei walked out of the bedroom, Mikhail asked the servant to put a pillow under his back and let him sit on the bed.


Mikhail said to these people in the bedroom.

These people in the bedroom are mainly members of the Senate.

Tsarist Russia is still in a serf society. Although it belongs to the Romanov dynasty, the power of the Senate is still relatively large.

The members of the Senate are basically the nobles and big landowners of the country and other prominent people.

The relationship between the Senate and the Tsar belonged to the kind of mutual existence and mutual restraint.

"Everyone, I feel that my time is running out, but this country cannot live without a monarch. I plan to make Alexei the heir of the country. What do you think?" Mikhail looked at the king in the bedroom. These people asked.

"We have nothing else to say and we very much agree with His Majesty the King.

Alexei is the most knowledgeable young man in the whole country. If Alexei can become the heir of this country, I believe that under the leadership of Alexei, this country will definitely become stronger and stronger. the most powerful country. "

"Yeah, I think so too. Under the leadership of Alexei, this country will definitely become the most powerful country."

These people in the bedroom started talking one after another.

They also agree with Alexei very much, and Alexey is indeed capable, otherwise it would be impossible for so many people to agree.

"If that's the case, then draft an edict to finalize this matter. My time is running out, so as to avoid any other accidents." Mikhail said.

"Okay, then listen to His Royal Highness's arrangement!"

If there are no accidents, Mikhail will die in more than two years.

Alexei will become the new king of this country. In the hands of Alexei, the Romanov Dynasty will further consolidate its rule.

Moreover, after Alexei becomes the king, he will further encourage business development. After Alexei's son Peter I ascends the throne, relying on the foundation laid by Alexei, and then carrying out reforms, the country will leap forward in one fell swoop. for a strong country.


In the East Palace in Xuanzhen, Zhao Wen sat in the study of the East Palace, and Zhao Mingyu sat next to Zhao Wen.

In front of the two of them was a table with some memorials on it.

These memorials were specially selected by Zhao Wen, and the main purpose was to let Zhao Mingyu learn to review the memorials.

Zhao Mingyu is not young anymore, in Zhao Wen's view, it is time to get involved in political affairs.

If it was placed in later generations, Zhao Mingyu should be in junior high school now, but now he has already started to review memorials. It has to be said that none of the royal children is simple, and the pressure is not ordinary.

"How do you respond to this memorial?"

Zhao Wen held a memorial, pointed to the content on it, and said to Zhao Mingyu.

Zhao Mingyu looked at the content above, frowned and thought about it quietly.

This memorial was sent from Shanxi Taiyuan Prefecture. It said that all the power plants in Shanxi Taiyuan Prefecture have been completed and put into use. However, because there is too little coal, these power plants have not been built. Can't run at full capacity.

If the power plant cannot operate at full capacity, then the factories in Taiyuan Prefecture cannot operate at full capacity. Therefore, the local industry official made a memorial to inform Zhao Wen of this matter.

"Father, since there is not enough coal, let's give them more coal, and I remember that Shanxi is rich in coal, and there are many coal mines. Since they don't have enough coal, they should open more coal mines." Zhao Mingyu looked at Zhao Wen Blinking his eyes incessantly, he said anxiously.

"The method you said is not impossible, but have you ever thought about this problem? Give them more coal. If more coal is given to Taiyuan Prefecture, what about other places?

Now not only is Taiyuan Prefecture short of coal, but other places are also short of coal. If more coal is approved for Taiyuan Prefecture, what about power plants in other places?Do you want to develop in other places?
There are also coal mines in Shanxi. There is indeed a lot of coal, but mining requires a price. Now is the time for great development in the country, and a large number of people are needed in all parts of the country. In addition to coal mines, various gold, silver, copper, iron and other mines, It also requires a large population.

Where is the surplus population to mine coal?And if there are fewer people mining coal mines, the coal mined will definitely not be enough. If there are more people, there will be fewer people in other places.

Coal mines cannot be mined overnight. The difficulty of mining coal mines is much more difficult than building houses, and the mined coal cannot be put into use immediately.

Therefore, mining coal will not solve this problem for the time being. "

Zhao Wen pointed to the contents of the memorial and explained it to Zhao Mingyu with a serious face.

Zhao Mingyu listened to Zhao Wen's explanation, his face was full of doubts.

"Father, if you say that, then there is no way to solve this problem?" Zhao Mingyu looked at Zhao Wen.

(End of this chapter)

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