Chapter 878

"Father, in this case, there is no way to solve this matter."

Zhao Mingyu looked at Zhao Wen with a puzzled expression. Judging from what Zhao Wen said, there is no way to solve this matter. No matter what you do, it will be a dead end.

Zhao Wen looked at the doubts on his son's face and explained softly, "Why can't you solve it? As the saying goes, everything depends on human effort. Most things in this world can be solved, it depends on whether you have the determination.

You will be the emperor of the empire in the future. No matter what happens to you in the future, no matter how difficult it is, you must try your best to solve it. Don’t ask why, because it’s as simple as you are the emperor. "

"Okay, let's get down to business, let me teach you how to solve this matter now.

Looking at the essence through the surface of the matter, the fundamental problem of this matter lies in the lack of coal.But why is there a shortage of coal?
In the past, because the power plants were limited, although there were a large number of factories, those coal mines were fully able to supply these factories and power plants.

However, with the beginning of the great development, power plants and factories have been established one after another across the country. As the number of power plants and factories increases, the demand for coal will also increase.

However, the number of coal mines is only so many, and it has not increased due to the increase of power plants and factories. After all, coal mines are not things like power plants and factories, and they can be increased if they can be increased.

Before solving this problem, I need you to understand one thing, and that is the supply relationship.

Simply put, the relationship between power plants and coal is a supply relationship.The amount of coal determines the amount of electricity generated by the power plant. If the supply exceeds demand, the electricity generated by the power plant will continue to flow. If the demand exceeds supply, the electricity generated by the power plant will be scarce.

The current situation is that demand exceeds supply, and the supply of coal is far from enough for power plants and various factories.


Zhao Wen explained the deeper reasons to Zhao Mingyu in detail.

Zhao Mingyu looked at Zhao Wen and listened seriously. While listening to the class, Zhao Mingyu also wrote down the key points that Zhao Wen said in the notebook in front of him.

"Today, those coal mines are basically under the jurisdiction of the imperial court, and the imperial court's energy is limited, and the mining of coal mines requires development costs in the early stage.

Nowadays, all parts of the country are developing rapidly, and all parts of the country need money. Those factories and power plants need a huge amount of money in the early stage, and there is no way to pay back the cost in a short time.

Therefore, if coal mines are developed on a large scale at present, the cost will be a huge problem.

In other words, we must find a way to produce a large amount of coal in a short period of time with low cost. " Zhao Wen said to his son Zhao Mingyu.

"However, this solution doesn't seem to be easy to find!" Zhao Mingyu looked embarrassed.

Zhao Mingyu didn't believe that there was such a way to get the best of both worlds in this world.

"Why is it not easy? The key to the problem today is that the imperial court does not have that much capital, nor does it have that much energy to develop new coal mines.

Although the imperial court does not have it, but the folks have it, we can let go of the mining qualifications and let the folks participate.

Just now I told you about the supply relationship. If the people are allowed to participate, there will definitely be a large number of coal mines in a short period of time.

At that time, the amount of coal produced will definitely exceed the number of factories and power plants. When the supply exceeds demand at that time, the price of coal will drop.

As the price of coal drops, the cost of power generation and the cost of factories will drop, which will bring about a drop in the cost of industrial products.

At that time, business will flourish even more. "

"But if this is done, wouldn't these private coal mines lose money? If they lose money, if they quit in the future, the quantity of coal will decrease, and the quantity of coal will decrease, and the coal will become more expensive. What should we do when?"

"Coal becomes more expensive, and there will definitely be a group of people who will mine more coal.

There are no eternal friends in this world, only eternal interests. Driven by interests, people in this world can do anything.

Let me tell you a word, you must always keep it in your heart. When you govern in the future, in addition to the righteousness of the family and the country, the first thing to consider is the benefit on the basis of not violating the Magna Carta.

If you can think about problems from the perspective of interests, then you will want to understand many things.

Why can I ascend the throne and become emperor?Why can I win the whole world in such a short period of time?In the final analysis, it is because I can bring benefits to the people of this world.

What is saving the people from the misery, what is helping the heaven and justice, these things are all illusory. In the final analysis, I can bring benefits to them, and I can bring benefits to the world.

The hustle and bustle of the world is for profit, and the prosperity of the world is for profit. This is the eternal truth. I hope you can keep it in your heart in the future. "

Zhao Wen spoke earnestly to Zhao Mingyu, what Zhao Wen said to Zhao Mingyu was something that Zhao Mingyu had never heard before, and no one had ever explained it to him.

Zhao Mingyu fell into deep thought. He didn't know that this world had such a core.

"You may not be able to understand these things for a while, but you still have a long time to come. Sooner or later, you will be able to figure it out." Zhao Wen stood in front of Zhao Mingyu and kept talking.

"Okay, let's come here first today, the words I told you, think about it after you go down, write an article for me in a few days, let me see the meaning of these words you said to me understand."

With these words left by Zhao Wen, he left the East Palace.


"...Leaving the Hansai, returning the geese to the Hutian. The desert is solitary, and the long river falls into the sun..."

Man Gui rode a war horse and stood on a hillside.

"This place in the northwest is really desolate and terrifying, sparsely populated, full of no-man's land, and the Gobi Desert, Wang Wei's poem is very suitable for this place.

I don't know why His Majesty has a soft spot for this place. I really don't know what is the use of coming to such a poor place?
During the Han and Tang Dynasties, the Northwest area was indeed under control for a period of time, but that was when the country was strong.Afterwards, the national power declined, and it also lost control of this area. It is really not easy to really control this area.

Now that I am at the peak of the Spring and Autumn Period, and the national power is far ahead of the Han and Tang Dynasties, it is not difficult to control this place, but I just can't understand why Your Majesty will never forget this place! "

Man Gui looked at the yellow sand and the Gobi Desert in front of him, talking to himself.

Man Gui is a pure warrior, he will do whatever Zhao Wen asks him to do, so when Zhao Wen sent him here, Man Gui didn't complain, and he stayed here for such a long time, and he didn't have any complaints. complain.

It's just that Man Gui just can't figure out why Zhao Wen is so reluctant to part with this poor and cold place.

Behind Man Gui are two thousand cavalry led by him.

At this time, Man Gui was four hundred miles west of Hamiwei, and now he was leading his troops to hunt down the rebellious Abron.

The sky is full of yellow sand in the northwest, and there are Gobi deserts everywhere. In this land, there are countless strong winds and sand almost every day. Man Gui has been in Hami for many years.

He stayed in the Hami position, and his main task was to stabilize the place and take control of the Hexi area west of Hamiwei.

However, during his stay for such a long time, it was not all smooth sailing. The Yilibali area west of Hamiwei was controlled by the Yarkand Khanate.

When the Central Plains fell into melee and was unable to look westward, the Yarkand Khanate took advantage of the situation to rise.

Man Gui once took Zhao Wen's order and led the army to attack Hamiwei, which had been lost for many years.

After taking down Hamiwei, Man Gui stayed here, and kept attacking the west at the same time.

Mangui once defeated Abrun, the great Khan of the Yarkand Khanate, and Abrun surrendered to Mangui when he saw Mangui's power.

For various reasons, Man Gui did not execute Abu Lun, but imprisoned him in Hami Acropolis.

But in the end, Abrun escaped. After Abrun escaped, he wanted to take revenge on Mangui. He recruited soldiers and horses to start a frantic attack, spreading all over the gathering places of Han people on the Gobi Desert in the northwest.

For this reason, Man Gui had to start chasing and killing Abron in the desolate and boundless Northwest.

"Marshal, it won't be long before His Majesty's troops to replenish our supplies will arrive at Hamiwei.

I heard that among the supplementary materials this time, there are also weapons newly made by His Majesty, which seem to be called tanks.

I heard that this tank is powerful and can run faster than a horse. It is a mobile artillery that can hit very far. When we have this kind of weapon, we will definitely be able to wipe out all the dogs like Abrun. "

Man Gui's adjutant stood beside Man Gui, and said to Man Gui excitedly.

Man Gui squinted his eyes, looked at the Gobi Desert in front of him, and smiled on his face, "I hope so, I hope this tank can help us, this area is really too big, we are like looking for a needle in a haystack Similarly, there will be no trace of Abron and the others within a short period of time."


While speaking, a dozen or so fast horses rushed towards Man Gui.

The horseshoes stepped on the Gobi Desert, stirring up countless loess and sand dust.

It was like a yellow smoke, coming towards Man Gui.

"I hope it can bring good news, otherwise, I am afraid that this time I will return without success.

The weather was about to turn cold, and the heavy snow was coming soon. If there was a delay of seven or eight days or ten days, I'm afraid I would have to go back. "Man Gui looked at these people coming towards him, and said with emotion.

The people Mangui sent out were Yebushou who Mangui sent out to search for Abrun's traces.

(End of this chapter)

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