Chapter 880 The Surprised Abron
"Pass my order, let's rest here for another two days. After two days, we will set off again, all the way to the west, leave this ghost place, and completely get rid of Mangui and the others." Abron put down the food in his hand, stood up, and directed Shouting loudly outside the big tent.

The orderlies standing outside the big tent took Abrun's order down.

"Come on, bring me some wine. I want to have a good drink and vent my anger." Abron sat down again and shouted loudly.

Not long after Abrun's voice fell, seven or eight subordinates appeared in the big tent with a few wine jugs.

These subordinates placed the wine jugs in their hands neatly on the table in front of Abron, and Abrun waved his hands at these subordinates, indicating that they could leave.

After these men left, Abron picked up the wine on the table, pointed his mouth directly at the jug, and poured it into it.

Time passed slowly, and the sky soon turned dark. The temperature difference between day and night on the Gobi Desert is very large, not to mention that it is already early winter, and the night is even colder.

There are several braziers for heating in Abrun's big tent, and these braziers keep Abrun's big tent warm.

Abu Lun sat quietly behind the table, drinking dull wine.

"Hoo, hoo!"

The north wind blew again outside the big tent, and the north wind kept blowing.

The north wind rolled up the sand on the Gobi Desert and slapped it on the big tent, making a crackling sound.

In the midst of this voice, Abu Lun lay on the bed and fell asleep.

In his sleep, Abron dreamed of Man Gui's face, and the angry Abrun rushed forward, tearing Man Gui's face into pieces.

In reality, the corners of Abron's mouth raised slightly, revealing a smile.

At the same time, Man Gui and the soldiers he led all stopped and began to set up camp.

The wind is very strong tonight, and it is also very cold. It is not suitable for traveling overnight. If you travel overnight, there will be big problems. Therefore, Man Gui asked his men to rest for one night and wait for the next day. Go back early.

After the camp was set up, Mangui sat in his big tent, looking at the map in Yili's pocket.

"Yili has various forces criss-crossing in this place, and the situation is very complicated. It may not be that simple to straighten out the situation here.

The best way to solve the situation in Yili is to send a large number of soldiers to directly push all the forces in Yili.

However, there are desolate no-man's land everywhere here, and it will take a lot of time and manpower to push all the forces here.

If the tank that His Majesty added to me this time is really that powerful, maybe relying on the tank can push all the forces here.

However, the land here is sparsely populated. After the power here is flattened, how to govern this place is a very troublesome problem. "

Man Gui walked back and forth in the big tent, thinking about these issues non-stop.

"I'm a little envious of Mao Wenlong now. Mao Wenlong is in Nurgan Dusi. There are not so many intricate forces around, and the population is small, so it is relatively simple to govern. Where is it like my place, such a large area, it is difficult to govern. I have no clue!" Man Gui said enviously.

"After the Yarkand Khanate is dealt with, Junggar must be dealt with.

Junggar is to the north of the Yarkand Khanate, to the west of the grassland, and to the north of Yilibali.

After the Yarkant Khanate is dealt with, it is necessary to deal with Junggar. If the delay is long, I am afraid it will be too late. "

Man Gui looked to the north with anxious eyes.

In today's Yilibali area, various forces are intertwined and the situation is complicated.

In addition to the prosperous Yarkand Khanate, there is Junggar in the north and the Heshuote tribe in the south.

Further west, there are the Kazakh Khanate, the Bukhara Khanate, and the Khiva Khanate.

During Genghis Khan's southern and northern wars, he divided these places he captured into four major khanates and handed them over to his descendants.

The four major Khanates are the Yuan Dynasty, also known as the Great Khanate, the Chagatai Khanate, the Ilkhanate and the Golden Horde.

Among them, the Yuan Dynasty is the most powerful. For a long time, the Yuan Dynasty has always been the head of the four khanates and the suzerain of several other khanates.

With the change of time, the strength of the Yuan Dynasty gradually declined. When the Red Scarf Army revolted, the strength of the Yuan Dynasty could no longer maintain its original position among the four khanates.

Moreover, there were more and more conflicts between the Yuan Dynasty and the other three major Khanates.

When Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, the Yuan Dynasty completely lost its status.

Although it is said that Zhu Yuanzhang overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty, and the rule of the Yuan Dynasty also fell apart, the forces of the other khanates are still relatively complete.

Today's Yarkand Khanate and the Shuote Ministry are descendants of the Chagatai Khanate.

Chagatai is the name of the second son of Genghis Khan, so the Chagatai Khanate is named after the second son of Genghis Khan.

Later, with the demise of the Chagatai Khanate, coupled with various reasons such as religion and ethnicity, various forces were criss-crossed in the original position of the Chagatai Khanate.

It is also for this reason that Ming did not control all the places west of Hamiwei, and did not control the Western Regions for as long as the Han and Tang Dynasties.

"Genghis Khan, Genghis Khan, you have been dead for such a long time, and the things you left behind are still causing harm to the world.

If it weren't for you, how could the Western Regions have become what they are now?If there was no Chagatai Khanate back then, Daming would probably have been able to take down the Western Regions. "

When Man Gui thought of what happened here, his head hurt very much.


In the early morning of the next day, Man Gui led his men to set off at dawn.

Today the north wind can be a little bit weaker, but not much weaker, and the strong wind and sand are still blowing non-stop.

Man Gui wrapped his head very tightly to prevent the wind and sand from rushing in. If he was running in the Gobi Desert, the speed was too fast, and the wind and sand would easily injure his face.

That night, Mangui set up camp like yesterday.

After resting for one night on the deserted Gobi Desert, Man Gui led his soldiers and horses to move forward.

However, at this time, the nights sent out by Mangui had already arrived around Jimsar.

Before Man Gui set off, he sent about 300 experienced Yebushou to Jimsar.

Around today's Jimsar, these nights are constantly cruising on horses.

These Ye Bu Shou are equipped with binoculars, so they don’t need to get too close to Jimsar, which ensures their safety.

Yebushou raised the binoculars in his hand and looked towards Jimsar. Through the binoculars, he saw continuous camps, and among these tents, there was the banner of Abron.

"It seems that the people like Abu Lun haven't left yet. These people are really brave!" Ye Bufu muttered to himself, with a look of contempt on his face.

"Brothers, follow me and move forward. Let's investigate near Jimsar, try to catch a few tongues, and find out all the current situation in Jimsar. When the time comes, the commander-in-chief will be able to prepare for attacking Jimsar. It is not enough for Abron to run away again."

This Yebushou put up the binoculars in his hand, waved his horsewhip, and rushed towards Jimsar.

Ye Bushou all around followed behind him and rushed towards Jimsar.

There was a sound of horseshoes, and the yellow sand and smoke brought up by the horseshoes on the Gobi Desert pierced into the sky, which could be seen clearly from a long distance.

The soldiers under Abu Lun have already begun to prepare.

Under Abron's order, they will leave this place tomorrow morning, so they must make all preparations today.

"Look what that is? I seem to have seen a few streams of smoke. Could it be that someone is coming towards us?" One of Abron's men saw several streams of smoke coming towards Jimsar. Come on, instantly alert.

There are a dozen soldiers behind him, and these soldiers are patrolling the city of Jimsar.

Although the current Jimsar City can no longer be called a city, Abrun sent these soldiers to patrol the city for safety reasons.

"It seems to be, it seems that there are indeed a few clouds of smoke and dust coming here, but I can't see who they are. Could it be Man Gui and the others?"

"Maybe, maybe it's really Man Gui. Now there are only Man Gui and these chasing soldiers behind us. Apart from Guo Man Gui, I really can't figure out who else will appear outside Jimsar City."

"Although there are still some residents in the city, it is already winter. These residents are preparing to spend the winter. There is no need to run so far. Moreover, there are no people around Jimsar, and it is impossible to be like this."

These soldiers immediately became vigilant. They had fought with Man Gui's soldiers before and had a deep understanding of the strength of Man Gui's soldiers, so when they saw the smoke and dust, they were like frightened birds.

"Quickly report this news to the Great Khan!"

A soldier ran towards Abrun's king's tent as he spoke.

"What? How many clouds of smoke and dust are coming towards us? It is very likely that it is Man Gui and the others. How is this possible?"

Abu Lun, who was sitting in the king's tent, looked at an officer standing in front of him with a look of astonishment, and screamed loudly.

"Before, I sent a large number of Yebushou around Jimsar. Have these Yebushou been recovered? Where did this news come from? Is it accurate?"

A trace of panic flashed across Abu Lun's face, and then quickly calmed down.

"Khan, the news came from the patrolling soldiers in the city, and they also discovered the situation.

As for those nights sent out by the Great Khan, they have not returned until now, and none of them have returned. I am afraid that an accident will happen! "

(End of this chapter)

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