Chapter 881
"Khan, I'm afraid that something bad happened to those Yebushou you sent out, otherwise, it is impossible for them not to come back." The officer said to Abu Lun.

The officer was right, those Yebushou sent out by Abron had indeed encountered an accident, and they were all strangled by those Yebushou sent out by Man Gui.

The Ye Bu Shou sent out by Abron mainly used scimitars or bows and arrows, while the Ye Bu Shou sent by Man Gui was well-equipped, with 56 punches, big black stars, and even 40 fires.

With such a big difference in weapons and equipment, how could the opponents sent by Abron who would not accept them at night be the opponents sent by Man Gui who would not accept them at night.

The nights sent by Abrun were strangled by the nights sent by Mangui early on, because the nights sent by Mangui were well-trained and well-coordinated, so Abrun sent them out Almost no one could escape from those nights.

"How could they be so fast, it can't be so fast, how did they know I was in Jimsar? How did they know that I was in Jimsar? Could it be someone who leaked the secret? Could it be a traitor!"

Abron walked back and forth in the big tent, and now he was on the verge of going berserk.

Abu Lun did not believe that Man Gui would find his trace so quickly.

"Khan, now is not the time to think about this issue, what should we do now?
Those streaks of smoke and dust are likely to be soldiers and horses sent by Mangui. Although these smoke and dust seem to have very little money now, who knows if there are a large number of troops behind them.

Once a large number of people from Mangui appear, we will not be able to run away at that time, let's run quickly! "The officer shouted anxiously at Abron.

"You're right, our top priority now is to run away!
Pass my order, quickly pack up your things, prepare to evacuate, take all the things you can take away, throw away all the things you can't take away, escape is important! "

As he spoke, Abu Lun rushed out of the big tent in a panic.

When rushing out of the big tent, Abron yelled loudly at the officer who was following him, "Hurry up and prepare the horses for me, I want to evacuate."

A few small clouds of smoke made Abrun's army turbulent. From this, we can see how deep the impression Man Gui left on Abrun?

In Jimsar City, Abrun's subordinates all panicked. Under Abrun's order, they put all the things they could take away on the horseback.

The first person to rush out of Jimsar City was Abrun.

Wearing a suit of iron armor, Abu Lun ran wildly on the ground like a sheep seeing a wolf under the protection of hundreds of personal guards.

"Someone has escaped from the city, who among you can see clearly who the escaped person is!"

Abu Lun, who escaped from the city, was soon discovered by these Yebushou sent by Mangui.

Mangui's nights are mainly in the east of Jimsar, while Abrun, who escaped from the city, fled all the way to the west of the city.

Although in the west of the city there are also nights that are full of laurel, but there are not many of them, and they are far away from the city.

Yebushou in the west of the city hastily raised the binoculars in their hands and looked at the people in Abron.

Abrun did not carry his guard of honor or flag when he escaped from the city, so Man Gui could not tell the identity of Abrun without any obvious identification.

"I don't know, I don't know who escaped from the city, but judging from this posture, the person who escaped from the city should be Abu Lun!" Yebushou shouted loudly at the people around him.

"You guys hurry up and report the news back, and I will lead people to follow. Hurry up, the speed must be fast, once Abron escapes again, we will have nothing to eat!"

The leader, Ye Bushou, yelled a few words at the surrounding Ye Bushou, then raised the whip in his hand, and chased after Abu Lun.

At this time, Mangui was not far away from Jimsar, that is, a distance of ten miles.

If this distance is fast, it can be reached in a quarter of an hour.

Those who went to report the news at night, after a short gallop, came to the front of Mangui.

It's no wonder that when he heard the news, his face suddenly became serious.

Turning his head to the officers and messengers who were following him, he shouted loudly: "Brothers, you must be fast, and you must catch up with Abron and the others in the shortest possible time.

Abron and the others are right in front of us now, we must catch up with Abrun.

Give me all the strength of breastfeeding, don't pity the horsepower, even if you run the horse to death, chase it for me! "

After Man Gui finished speaking, he kept pulling the whip in his hand towards the horse's back.

"Crack, snap, snap!"

The war horse under Man Gui's crotch neighed a few times, and the speed increased a lot again.

When Mangui came outside the city of Jimsar, there were only Abrun's soldiers who hadn't escaped yet.

Man Gui stopped outside Jimsar City. He picked up the water bag on the horse's back, unplugged the water bag, and poured mouth to mouth.

"Now this is Jimsar City. If the news is reliable, Abrun has escaped from Jimsar City and is heading west." Man Gui put down the water bag in his hand and looked at Jimsar City in front of him. .

Several soldiers came to Man Gui holding the prisoner's tongue.

Man Gui looked at the captive's tongue and asked, "Did Abron run away?"

These tongues that were captured could not understand what Man Gui said.

An officer standing next to Man Gui translated what Man Gui said.

To the west of Hamiwei, various ethnic groups criss-cross and the language is complicated. It is difficult to communicate with these people without a special translator.

The captured tongues understood the translated language, and they said to Man Gui in fear, "The Great Khan has indeed escaped, but I don't know where they escaped.

I'm just a soldier, we really don't know these things, please forgive us. "

There is no one in this world who is not afraid of death, let alone these soldiers who have been thrown up by Abron.

From the moment Abu Lun escaped from Jimsar City, these soldiers who had not had time to escape had been abandoned by Abu Lun.

Man Gui glanced at the captives contemptuously, and then led his men to chase westward.

Before leaving, Man Gui left two hundred soldiers here to collect the prisoners who had not yet escaped in Jimusa City.

Of course Man Gui would not kill these captives. In Man Gui's view, these captives were the best coolies.

In the future, Yili will definitely construct all kinds of buildings, military towns or towns in this area.

At that time, these captives will be the best labor force, and they will not have to pay wages.

The sky is full of yellow sand, and the north wind is blowing.

Man Gui rode on the horse, his eyes wide open, looking at the road ahead.

Mangui has goggles, so he is not afraid of sandstorms and cold winds.

But Abu Lun didn't. In this season, Abu Lun was riding on a war horse, his eyes could only be half-open, and tears flowed out.

"Damn it, Man Gui is really damned! If it wasn't for Man Gui, how could I have fallen to this point? Damn it!"

Abu Lun roared loudly while running for his life, and now he has dried Man Gui to death.

"Khan, what should I do if there seem to be pursuers chasing after me?"

The officer who was following Abu Lun turned his head and saw Ye Bushou chasing up, he rushed to Abu Lun and shouted loudly.

After hearing the officer's shout, Abron turned his head and glanced.

As soon as he turned his head, Abron saw those streaks of smoke and the black figures under the smoke.

"Bone gangrene, these people are simply gangrene, why have they been chasing me?"

Abu Lun roared twice with anger on his face, and then clamped his legs on the horse's back, causing the horse under his crotch to speed up again.

At this time, the Yebushu who followed Abrun were less than two miles away from Abrun.

"What shall we do now?"

Ye Bushou, who was following the leader of Yebushou, asked the leader loudly.

"What else can we do? Follow them for the time being. With the few of us, it is impossible to stop them all. Let's follow them now and try to slow down their speed at the same time!"

The leader of Yebushu said, and took out the big black star that was placed on his waist.

He held the reins of the horse with his left hand, held the big black star in his right hand, and pulled the trigger forward.

He knew that at this distance, the big black star in his hand couldn't reach at all, but in order to slow down the speed of Abron's escape, he could only do this.

Seeing this, those Ye Bu Shou who followed the leader of Ye Bu Shou also took out their weapons one after another, and pulled the trigger towards Abron.

All of a sudden, gunshots rang out, and the bullets flew towards Abron with a whistling sound.

But because the distance was too far and the horse was bumping, the bullets basically didn't know where they flew.

Abron, who wanted to escape for his life, heard the gunshots behind him, like a frightened bird.

After hearing these gunshots, Abron was distraught and flustered.At the beginning, Man Gui defeated Abrun with these weapons, and these weapons and the sounds made by these weapons pressed on Abrun's chest like a nightmare.

"It's that kind of weapon, it's the sound of that kind of weapon, these people behind must be sent by Mangui!" Abron growled in despair.

If it is said that Abron still had some luck in his heart before, then now he is only left with despair.

Abu Lun recalled the scene of being defeated by Man Gui before, cold sweat poured out from his forehead, and was blown into the air behind by the blowing of the north wind.

(End of this chapter)

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