Chapter 882 Surrender
"Khan, they are catching up, what should we do now? What should we do now?"

The officer next to Abrun shouted at Abrun in a panic.

There are only a dozen Ye Bu Shou behind Abo, but such a small number of Ye Bu Shou has already frightened the current Abu Lun into this state.

"What to do? How do I know what to do? Run!"

Abu Lun collected his mind, then galloped on and ran away into the distance.

However, after running for such a long time, the war horse under his crotch has reached the edge of exhaustion, so even if Abu Lun frantically whipped the whip in his hand to the buttocks of the war horse under his crotch, the speed of the war horse under his crotch gradually slowed down. Slow down.

Although Abrun is the Great Khan of the Yarkand Kingdom, the current Yarkand Kingdom is not very powerful, especially after being attacked by Mangui, the strength of the Yarkand Kingdom can be said to have plummeted and is on the verge of collapse .

Against this background, the quality of the war horses in Abrun's hands is uneven, and those good-quality war horses have been exhausted long ago. The current war horses are just some war horses that Abrun didn't like before.

Therefore, the speed of the war horse under Abrun's crotch is getting slower and slower. Although Abrun frantically pulled the whip in his hand towards the horse's buttocks, the speed of the war horse did not increase, and even kept slowing down.

Abu Lun looked at the horse under his crotch, and the panic on his face became more and more intense. He knew that if the horse stopped, he would be overtaken by the pursuers sooner or later. At that time, he could only die and could no longer live. .

"Hurry up, hurry up, you damn bastard, I usually feed you such good materials, but they don't work at critical times!"

Abron's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and he panicked and yelled at the war horse under his crotch.

The guards around Abron also gradually slowed down.

Ye Bushou, who was at the back, keenly noticed Abron's current changes.

"Their speed has slowed down, report this news to the commander-in-chief!"

Ye Bushou, the leader, arranged for a few people to report the news to Man Gui, and then led the rest of them to chase after him.

These war horses under Ye Bu Shou's crotch are all carefully bred. The breed and quality of the war horses are good, and they are also fed on weekdays, so the quality is better than the war horses under Abrun's crotch. I don't know. how many times.

The speed of Abron's horses has slowed down now, but the horses under Ye Bushou's crotch still have strong endurance.

Ye Bushou, the leader, led his remaining men to chase after Abron, and the distance between the two became shorter and shorter.

It didn't take long for the people sent out by the leader of the night to report the news to the cabinet.

After receiving the news, Man Gui led his men, led by Ye Bushou, to chase Abu Lun.

The distance between Mangui and Abrun is also constantly shrinking. On the Gobi Desert, two huge clouds of smoke are getting closer.

When the time came to the afternoon, Man Gui finally came behind Abron and the others.

Man Gui looked at the thick smoke in front of him with a relaxed expression on his face.

"Hehe, I finally caught up with you. I wonder where you are going this time? If you run away this time, I will write Man Gui's name backwards!"

"Everyone is there, speed up and try to end the battle before dark!"

Man Gui said a few words contemptuously, and then gave the order to speed up.

"Drive, drive!"


Man Gui and the soldiers under Man Gui erupted with great strength. They looked at Abron in front with madness on their faces.

For Man Gui and his men, Abu Lun, who was in the front, was a soldier who could walk.

The more intensive sound of horseshoes appeared behind Abu Lun, and Abu Lun turned his head and looked back.

With just one glance, Abu Lun was so shocked that he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Sure enough, it's Man Gui, it's all over now!"

Abu Lun's face was ugly, and his body was trembling constantly. At this time, he was like falling into an ice hole in the twelfth lunar month, and his whole body was extremely cold from head to toe.

The speed of the war horse under Abrun's crotch was also getting slower and slower. Finally, the war horse under Abrun's crotch exhausted all its strength and fell to the ground.

The war horse fell down, throwing Abu Lun flying off his back.

Abrun fell to the ground. In order to remove the powerful impact and the horses rushing from behind, Abrun rolled crazily on the ground and ate a mouthful of sand.

Seeing that Abrun fell to the ground, the guards around Abrun hurriedly formed a human wall to surround Abrun inside, preventing the guards behind who didn't know the situation from rushing up.

After stopping, Abron stood up from the ground with difficulty.

He squinted his eyes, spat out a mouthful of sand, and looked at the huge cloud of dust behind him with a dead face.

"Khan, run quickly, if you don't run, it will be too late!"

One of Aburun's personal guards jumped off his horse and handed his own horse to Aburun.

Abu Lun looked at the guard with dull eyes and a stiff face.

"Where are we going to run, can we still run now? We can't escape at all now.

Man Gui's war horses are all carefully selected. The endurance and speed of these war horses are better than those of our previous war horses, let alone these poor horses in our hands now.

We can't escape at all, since we can't escape, why should we escape?Let's not run away! "

Abu Lun collected himself, took a few breaths, and calmed down his mood a few times.

"Khan, since we're not going to run away, what should we do now? If we don't run away, we're waiting to die?"

An officer looked at Abrun in panic, and besides this officer, the guards around him also looked at Abrun in panic.

At this time, the guards following Abrun basically stopped, protecting Abrun in the middle.

Abu Lun looked at the eyes of these personal guards looking at him, and said with a difficult face: "We only have to surrender now, and we have to surrender in order to survive."

Abrun's personal guards were silent, they stared blankly at Abrun.

This was not Abron's first surrender. After Man Gui defeated Abrun's main force, Abrun surrendered once, and now it was Abrun's second surrender.

"Surrender? But we have surrendered once before, is it okay this time?"

The officer who spoke before looked at Abron with a look of disbelief.

"Why not? As long as we surrender, they won't touch us. Those people are stubborn. They think it is ominous to kill and surrender. So, as long as we surrender, we will definitely save our lives.

When this matter gradually passes, we'll find another chance to escape. After escaping, we'll go west and stop staying here. People like Man Gui are too scary, I really don't want to meet him again! "

Abu Lun looked embarrassed, and said in a low tone.

Although Abron has no bottom line, the successive surrenders really made him feel bad, and it really made him lose face and lose face in front of his own guards, but if he didn't do this, he would have no way out.

"Get ready, surrender!" Abron shouted loudly to the officers and personal guards around him.

When Abrun's order was passed on, these personal guards under Abrun began to take off their weapons and throw them on the ground, and then lined up neatly, facing the rear.

Abron also took off his armor, came to the front of the team, and knelt directly on the ground.

When Man Gui led the soldiers and horses to Abron's place, he was surprised.

"Yo Ho, what's the situation? Is it possible to surrender again?
Give me the order to stop advancing! "

Man Gui pulled the reins of the horse in his hand and began to slow down, forcing the horse to stop.

The soldiers behind Man Gui also started to slow down after Man Gui's order was passed down.

Man Gui stopped in front of Abron, about a mile away.

Man Gui looked at Abu Lun who was kneeling on the ground with a strange expression on his face.

This was also the scene when Abrun surrendered for the first time. Seeing this scene, Man Gui couldn't help but think of Abrun's first surrender.

"It's really a good idea to fight. If you can beat it, you can fight it. If you can't beat it, you will surrender. You have taken all the good things in this world!"

Man Gui scolded a few times, then rode a war horse and brought a few personal guards to the front of Abu Lun.

"I said, Abrun, are you going to surrender again like last time? If you still surrender this time, it will be unreasonable. After all, you are also the Great Khan of the Yarkand Kingdom. How can you surrender one after another? ? Isn't this too shameless!"

Man Gui stopped in front of Abu Lun, and said to A Bu Lun jokingly.

Abu Lun buried his head very low, he didn't dare to look directly at Man Gui.

As the Great Khan of the Yarkand Kingdom, Abrun can also speak and understand Chinese.

Abron raised his head, showing a very flattering expression.

"Where is the matter, although I am the Great Khan of the Yarkand Kingdom, to the Mandarin, the Yarkand Kingdom is just a piece of shit.

The identity of this profuse sweat is nothing in front of Lord Man Guiman, but he is nothing but a fart.

Mandarin don't care about the things I did before, I hope Mandarin can accept my surrender! "

In order to be able to surrender successfully, Abron doesn't want anything, no face, no dignity. Now he puts his status very low, even humiliating himself, just for himself to be able to surrender successfully.

Man Gui listened to what Abu Lun said, without any expression on his face.

These were the same rhetoric when Abron surrendered for the first time.

"Hehe, if I'm not mistaken, you also said these words when you surrendered for the first time!"

(End of this chapter)

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