Chapter 884 Mao Wenlong

Man Gui looked at the rice paper in which Zhao Wen's order was written in his hand, his face was full of disbelief, he never thought that there would be such an ingenious method in this world, that he could cross such a long distance, and in such a short time. The message is delivered.

"But what if someone forges His Majesty's order?"

Man Gui suddenly looked at the piece of rice paper in his hand with a solemn expression.

It's not that Man Gui doesn't believe the content on the rice paper in his hand, but that Man Gui is afraid that someone will forge Zhao Wen's order in the future.

After all, it was just a piece of rice paper, without any identification on it, so Man Gui was still a little nervous.

"Marshal, you are completely overthinking this. Each radio transmitter has its own unique code. When receiving a message, the radio transmitter will automatically recognize the other party's code, and use the other party's code to determine the other party's code. identity.

So there is no need to be afraid of someone forging His Majesty's order at all.

Besides, radio equipment is the most important thing nowadays, without His Majesty's order, even officials who specialize in radio equipment cannot use it without authorization, let alone other people.

How many people in the world will use this powerful thing? "

The staff of the radio transmitter stood in front of Man Gui, patiently explaining various reasons to Man Gui.

The staff member was about to leave after giving the rice paper to Man Gui, but when he heard Man Gui's doubts, he couldn't help answering Man Gui's questions one by one.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is, since the safety can be guaranteed, then this radio transmitter is really a product of the Xian family!" Man Gui said with a smile on his face.


In addition to distributing radio equipment to Mangui, Zhao Wen also distributed radio equipment to Mao Wenlong who was far away in Nurgandusi.

Although Nurgan Dusi is not far from Xuanzhen, the place where Mao Wenlong is located is still very far from Xuanzhen.

So between Mao Wenlong and Xuanzhen, a radio transfer station was also built.

At this time, Mao Wenlong was wandering slowly in Nuergan City with a dozen or so personal guards.

After so many years of construction, Nuergan City is now the largest and most complete city in Nuergandusi.

Coupled with Zhao Wen's continuous immigration to Nuergan for so many years, there are about [-] people in Nuergan City today.

In addition to the people who had migrated to Zhao Wen, there were also those wild Jurchens or people from other tribes who migrated from the depths of the mountains.

These people who migrated from the depths of the mountains have lived in Nuergan City for a long time. In addition, Zhao Wen sent many captive officials. Already able to use Chinese conversation.

There are still schools built in Nurgan City, but because the teaching resources are relatively weak, the schools are only primary schools.

These primary schools are open to the people of the whole city. As long as they are the people in the city, their children can enter the school to study, and the tuition fee is very low.

In addition to schools, there are also some factories in Nuergan City and outside the city.

These factories cannot be compared with the factories in Xuanzhen, and these factories are only built by Zhao Wen to make the local people work.

These factories are basically not profitable, and Zhao Wen has to subsidize a lot of money every year.

Although a lot of money has been subsidized to these factories, the hearts of the local people have become more and more stable, and the money is worthwhile.

Nuergancheng is located in the north, which is a place of bitter cold. In addition, it is winter now, and the temperature has reached minus [-] to [-] degrees, and it is getting colder every day.

Mao Wenlong was wearing a fur coat, wrapping himself tightly.

Mao Wenlong walked on the sidewalk in the city. There are special municipal personnel in Nurgan City. Once there is snow in the city, these municipal personnel will clear the snow in the shortest time.

Of course, if the weather is bad and the snow is constantly blowing and the wind is blowing, these municipal personnel will have no way to clean up the snow.

Today's weather can't be called good, but it's not bad either. The sky is gloomy, but fortunately, there is no snow. The city's municipal staff took advantage of this time to clean up the snow that hadn't been cleared a few days ago.

"There are over one hundred thousand people in Nuergan City. Even if it is placed in the interior, it is not a small city. In this bitter cold place outside the Great Wall, Nuergan City can be said to be the largest city."

Mao Wenlong stopped. He stood at a crossroads with his hands behind his back, looked around for a week, and said with emotion.

The planning of Nurgan City was made by Zhao Wen. At the beginning, when Mao Wenlong got the planning map designed by Zhao Wen, he was still surprised.

Because the planning plan designed by Zhao Wen is simply a smaller Xuan Town.

Mao Wenlong has been to Xuanzhen, of course he knows the layout of Xuanzhen, but he can't figure out why Zhao Wen designed Nuergan City to be the same as Xuanzhen.

Zhao Wen's design is of course for long-term considerations. Although Nuergan City is almost empty now, who knows whether Nuergan City will become more prosperous in the future.

In order not to waste time and money in the future, Zhao Wen designed the Nuergan City according to the Xuanzhen method.

"My lord, it's all because of my lord that our slave Gancheng can have this scene!"

A guard who was following Mao Wenlong also said to Mao Wenlong with emotion on his face.

Mao Wenlong turned around and looked at the guard, "You're not right, it's not our Nuer Gancheng, it's the court's Nuer Gancheng, it's His Majesty's Nuer Gancheng,

Nuer Gancheng can have today's scene not because of me, but because of His Majesty.

Remember, without Your Majesty, there would be no me, and without Your Majesty, there would be no Nuer Gancheng. You must distinguish between priorities and stop saying such things in the future! "

"Yes, yes, I will remember what the Duke taught me!" The guard who spoke quickly admitted his mistake.

Mao Wenlong was made the Duke of the State by Zhao Wenlong, so there is nothing wrong with his subordinates calling him the Duke of the State.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's go around again, the New Year is coming soon, and the market in the city has become lively in the past few days, let's go to the market to see if there is anything new thing!"

As Mao Wenlong said, he walked towards the market.

The market in Nuergan City is located in the south of the city, with a relatively large area. Because there is a shortage of supplies in Nuergan City, there are not many shops here, and the business is not strong. If it is not for Zhao Wen's support, I am afraid that not many merchants are willing to do so. Come here for business.

As soon as Mao Wenlong came to the edge of the market, he saw a scene full of excitement.

On weekdays, the market with few people is now crowded with people.

All kinds of goods are placed on both sides of the street, and the doors of those shops are also opened, and the goods in their shops are displayed.

The streets were full of people, and the sounds of bargaining resounded endlessly.

Mao Wenlong looked at the scene in front of him with a relaxed smile on his face.

"This is life. Although Nuergan is far away from the mainland, the flavor of the New Year is still very strong here!

The scene in front of us proves that everything we slaves do is going in a good direction. "

Man Gui walked into the market with his guards, his eyes kept scanning back and forth on the goods on both sides of the street.

These commodities include daily necessities such as soaps shipped from the mainland, as well as those mountain products that hunters brought back from hunting in the mountains before the heavy snow closed the mountains.

Every not far away, there is a shop selling fireworks and firecrackers.

Firecrackers are set off no matter when the Chinese New Year is celebrated, no matter how poor the people here are, they will buy a bunch of firecrackers during the Chinese New Year.

Mao Wenlong stood in front of a stall selling fireworks and firecrackers. He looked at the fireworks and firecrackers on the stall.

The number and types of these fireworks and firecrackers are far less than those in the mainland, but it is not easy to transport the fireworks and firecrackers here.

Mao Wenlong picked up a hanging firecracker, looked at the stall owner, and asked, "How much is this hanging firecracker?"

"Hey, guest officer, this firecracker only costs five cents!"

The stall owner saw the business coming, and with the fur coat on Mao Wenlong, the stall owner felt that Mao Wenlong was a rich man, so he smiled, for fear that this big customer would run away.

"Five cents is a bit expensive!" Mao Wenlong frowned.

Indeed, the firecrackers in Mao Wenlong's hands only had two or three hundred rings. The firecrackers with only two or three hundred rings cost about two cents in the Mainland, but they unexpectedly doubled here.

Seeing what Mao Wenlong said, the stall owner hurriedly explained, "Guest officer, this is a place outside the Great Wall, and the transportation is inconvenient. These firecrackers are all transported from the mainland, and it takes a lot of effort to transport these firecrackers. Come, people eat horses and chew, and the cost will be high!"

"What you said is true. Unfortunately, the current railway has not been completed. If the railway is completed, the speed will be much faster, and the cost will be reduced by then!" Mao Wenlong put down the firecrackers in his hand, and said to The stall owner said, "How about this, how many firecrackers you have, how many firecrackers I want, I will cover all the firecrackers you have!"

Seeing what Mao Wenlong said, the stall owner narrowed his eyes instantly and smiled like a flower.

"Dele, guest officer, I'll get all my firecrackers out for you right now!"

After the stall owner finished speaking, he hurriedly started to get all his firecrackers out from under the table.

Mao Wenlong turned around and said to a guard standing behind him: "The Chinese New Year is to set off cannons. If you don't set off the cannons, the New Year will not be strong. If you set off the cannons during the Chinese New Year, next year's life will get better and better. You can do more later." Buy some firecrackers, and set them off lively!"

(End of this chapter)

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