Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 885 Ironclad Ship on the Agenda

Chapter 885 Ironclad Ship on the Agenda
After Mao Wenlong finished arranging these things, he wandered around the market for a while. When the sky darkened, Mao Wenlong left the market and walked towards the Duke's Mansion.

On the way back, the sky began to snow again.

Feather-like heavy snow fell from the sky one after another, and the municipal staff who were clearing the snow in the city had to put down their work first.

Nuergancheng is currently the northernmost territory in Zhao Wen's hands.

Moreover, the current Nuergan City is built along the sea, and across the sea to the east of Nuergan City is Sakhalin Island.

There are also soldiers under Mao Wenlong on Sakhalin Island. These soldiers built some fortresses on Sakhalin Island.

Because of the heavy snow, Mao Wenlong stopped the task of his soldiers patrolling the border in winter.

After the beginning of spring, these soldiers in Mao Wenlong's hands will start to patrol the border of Nu'ergan.

In fact, this task was not proposed by Mao Wenlong at first, but by Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen knew that during this period of time, the greedy country in the north would open its gluttonous mouth towards the south, so in order to stop the greedy country in the north in time, Zhao Wen asked Mao Wenlong's soldiers to patrol the border on time.

It was really because of the complicated environment in the north and the immature timing that Zhao Wen did not take the lead in launching an offensive against the north.


Time passed day by day, and it was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye.

On the night of New Year's Eve, the whole Xuan Town is very lively, full of jubilant people and the sound of firecrackers everywhere.

The air in Xuanzhen was filled with the faint smell of gunpowder. Zhao Wen stood on the palace wall with Li Xiaoying, Hai Lanzhu and his sons, watching the fireworks that were blooming on the square in front of the palace.

One after another, fireworks bombs shot up from the square in front of the palace, blooming bright fireworks in the sky.

Zhao Wen looked at the fireworks in the sky with a faint smile on his face.

Zhao Wen's eldest son, Zhao Mingyu, stood beside Zhao Wen. He looked at the fireworks in the sky and kept jumping around in place.

Zhao Mingyu is the prince, but he is still a child, as long as he is a child, he has a playful heart.

So when he saw those fireworks in the sky, he was no different from other children.

"After the new year, it will be five years of Qiyuan, how time flies, so many years have passed in a blink of an eye!
At that time, I just became the garrison of Longmen Castle, and I still remember it clearly, but now I am the emperor of this country. "

Zhao Wen's face was full of emotion.

Except for Zhao Wen, the officials under Zhao Wen were also beaming.However, not all of them are like this.

In the research institute, in a relatively large courtyard.

There is a two-story building in this courtyard, which is built with reinforced concrete.

On the first floor of the building, there is a huge hall, where meetings and discussions are held.

There is an oval conference table in the hall on the first floor, and more than 50 researchers sit around the oval conference table one by one.

Right in front of the hall is a huge blackboard with a drawing about the size of the blackboard hanging on it.

In front of the drawing is a 30-year-old researcher, wearing a white coat, holding a pointer in his hand, pointing to a place on the drawing, and shouting at the researchers sitting around the conference table: "Everyone, What do you think here? What do you want to say about this structure?"

"The structure here is relatively simple. When I was in college, it was discussed in the textbooks of the college!"

A researcher stood up and said loudly to this person.

"I'm not talking about this. What I'm asking is, have you done the enlarged picture of this structure? I remember that I handed over this task to the third team before. Where is the person in charge of the third team? You guys have enlarged the structure. Are you done with the picture?"

The 30-year-old researcher took back the pointer in his hand and came to the conference table.

The person in charge of the third team stood up with a huff, and he said loudly to the 30-year-old researcher: "Master Wang, we have finished the enlarged picture of this structure, but now we are going to enlarge the structure of this structure." Make final revisions to the diagram, and it will take another two or three days to completely complete the enlarged diagram of the structure.”

"Very well, you must complete the tasks I have arranged for you on time and earnestly.

Remember, this matter was entrusted to us by His Majesty, and has been urged for a long time. If this matter cannot be completed on time, His Majesty will blame it, and it will not be so easy to escape.

I hope you can face up to the problem and complete this task in time!

The task in our hands is related to the construction of the shipyard. If the task in our hands cannot be completed in one day, the new shipyard cannot be built in one day, and the new shipyard cannot be built in one day, then the blueprints entrusted to us by His Majesty will not be able to become a reality. Then there is no way for ironclad ships to sail on the seas of the empire! "The researcher called Mr. Wang said to the researchers around the conference table with a straight face and a serious face.

This Lord Wang is called Wang Tie, and he is mainly in charge of the ironclad ship project.

A long time ago, Zhao Wen drew the blueprint of the iron-clad ship, and the blueprint of the iron-clad ship that Zhao Wen drew was based on the Zhiyuan ship.

After Zhao Wen drew the blueprint of the iron-clad ship, he handed it over to Song Yingxing to start building the iron-clad ship when the time was right.

When Zhao Wen drew the blueprints of the iron-clad ship, Zhao Wen's industrial strength was still relatively weak, and there was no way to manufacture the iron-clad ship.

The construction of the ironclad ship can only be delayed again and again.

Later, as the industrial strength in Zhao Wen's hands continued to increase, coupled with the increase in the number of college students, the construction of iron-clad ships was also put on the agenda.

Wang Tie's main task now is to enlarge the various parts of the ironclad ship blueprint drawn by Zhao Wen before, discuss it, and then design the corresponding construction process.

In addition to these, there are a series of things related to ironclad ships such as the construction of shipyards.

"Currently, in the blueprint of the ironclad ship, all parts of it have basically been enlarged.

The construction process of the ironclad ship is halfway through, and the next step is the critical moment for this matter.

Everyone, in the new year, we must complete these things. After one year, the construction of the shipyard must start. We will spend another year to complete the construction of the shipyard, and we will start building ironclad ships within two years.

Within four years, the ironclad ship must be launched, that is to say, the time to actually build the ironclad ship is only two years.

Two years may be a bit tight, but no matter how tense it is, the ironclad ship must be taken down within two years! "

Wang Tie's will was very firm, and he shouted loudly at the researchers in the hall.

Although the industrial power in Zhao Wen's hands is now many times better than before, there is still no way to compare it with later generations.

The warship Zhao Wen built this time was not an ordinary wooden warship, but an iron-clad warship.

The difficulty came up all at once. These people in Zhao Wen's hands had never built an iron-clad ship before, so they must not have enough experience. Who knows what will happen at that time. If there is another accident, they will not be able to build it in two years. .

Besides, the difficulty of building an ironclad ship is many times higher than that of building a wooden warship.

When building wooden warships, only a small number of technicians are needed.

But when building an ironclad ship, the number of technical personnel must be large.

Moreover, the iron-clad ships to be built must use electric welding. In Xuan Town, those who can use electric welding are all senior technicians. It is very difficult to train these people, let alone let them build iron-clad ships, which they have never seen before.

In other words, it is very difficult to build an ironclad ship within two years.

Zhao Wen attaches great importance to ironclad ships, because with ironclad ships, the sailing time from east to west will be greatly shortened.

At that time, the maritime hegemony can truly unfold. Now relying on wooden warships, it is still a waste of time to intervene in Western affairs.

"Everyone, I know that today is New Year's Eve, but you have to remember that New Year's Eve has nothing to do with us. Our top priority now is to complete the tasks His Majesty entrusted to us.

Alright, let's stop here for today's meeting, let's get busy first! As Wang Tie said, he left the meeting room first.


The next day the sun rose from the horizon, and the first day of the new year was the time to visit relatives and friends.

There are smiling people everywhere in Xuan Town, carrying gifts.

In the current Xuanzhen City, horse-drawn carriages are rare, replaced by a huge number of bicycles and tricycles.

In addition to these bicycles and tricycles, there are also a large number of buses, but now it is Chinese New Year, and some bus drivers are on annual leave, so there are not many buses in Xuanzhen City.

Some of the factories outside Xuanzhen had their annual holidays, and some didn’t. For the more important ones, such as steel plants and cement plants, factories didn’t have annual holidays.

Now there is a lot of waste to be built all over the country, and the demand for steel is increasing day by day. Other factories can have a holiday, but the steel factory cannot.

Now outside Xuanzhen City, the number of steel factories is constantly increasing.

With the increase in the number of steel factories, more and more workers are needed, and the wages in the steel factories are better, attracting many young and strong people to enter.

When the number of workers increases, there will be more supporting service personnel in the city.

The current Xuan Town is like a water pump, pumping the people around Xuan Town into the city continuously.

Not only around Xuanzhen, but even the people from Datong Shanxi came to Xuanzhen.

 Thank you book friend 20180204113742117 for the 11 monthly tickets, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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