Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 886 The Prince's Marriage

Chapter 886 The Prince's Marriage

Usually, there are people everywhere in Xuan Town, but now because it is Chinese New Year, those people who work in Xuan Town have basically returned to their hometowns, so the current population of Xuan Town is smaller than before Go up a lot.

Although the population is small, the flavor of the New Year is still strong. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the streets are full of people visiting relatives and friends.

These officials in Xuanzhen City also sent congratulatory forms to Zhao Wen on this day. This is an annual tradition for these officials. .

In today's harem, Zhao Wen set up two tables of meals in the main hall of Kunning Palace.

In the past year, Zhao Wen hardly had a good meal with his wife and children, so taking advantage of this time, Zhao Wen planned to have a good meal with his wife and children.

There were very few people who could sit at the table, only Li Xiaoying and Hai Lanzhu, as for Zhao Wen's other concubines, they sat at another table.

Today's banquet is a family banquet, and we don't talk about state affairs. During today's banquet, Zhao Wen, Hai Lanzhu and Li Xiaoying kept talking about homely things.

Scenes like today are very rare for Li Xiaoying, Hai Lanzhu and the others, so they cherish this banquet very much.

At the banquet, Zhao Wen and Li Xiaoying Hai Lanzhu talked and laughed happily.

Zhao Wen's other concubines also had smiling faces, and they were also very happy.

In an alley not too far from the imperial palace, there is a relatively luxurious house.

This house is the home of Liu Wenzhong. As the first civil servant to follow Zhao Wen, Liu Wenzhong can be said to be an extremely human minister now.

In Liu Wenzhong's house today, it is also full of joy and excitement.

Liu Wenzhong is now the No. [-] official of the Senate, so every Chinese New Year, there are many officials who come to visit Liu Wenzhong.

Although Liu Wenzhong doesn't like these officials' visits very much, during the Chinese New Year, there are a lot of officials who visit him, and they all come in the name of New Year's greetings. If Liu Wenzhong keeps refusing, it will not be a problem, so He will selectively interview some.

In the hall of Liu Wenzhong's house, Liu Wenzhong sat on the main seat, and officials who came to visit Liu Wenzhong sat on both sides of the hall.

These officials sat on both sides of the hall with smiles on their faces. They looked at Liu Wenzhong and kept saying various auspicious words.

Liu Wenzhong was already impatient with these voices. Although he didn't want to listen to these words, he still had to get by on the surface. Liu Wenzhong's whole face was full of fake smiles, and he occasionally replied politely. .

"Lord Liu, the crown prince is not young now, when does His Majesty plan to make an engagement for the crown prince?

You must know that the crown prince is the foundation of the country, the sooner it is settled, the sooner it will be stabilized.It's not that the subordinates said it badly, but the subordinates think that the crown prince should really get engaged early! "

An official stood up and said to Liu Wenzhong.

Liu Wenzhong looked at the official and recognized the official's origin at a glance.

This official is a servant of the Ministry of Rites, and he likes to worry about it on weekdays.

And this Guan Yu has a very weird quirk, that is, he likes to match others. Liu Wenzhong had heard about it before, but seeing him today really opened Liu Wenzhong's horizons.

"This Zhang Tongran is so courageous, he even talked about the crown prince when he said the matchmaker!" Liu Wenzhong sighed in his heart.

"What do you mean by that? The current crown prince is indeed young, and His Majesty has never expressed the attitude of wanting to marry the crown prince. I'm afraid it's not good for you to say such a thing now!

I've heard people say that you have a quirk and like to match others. I didn't believe it at first, but when I saw it today, it really opened my eyes. "

Liu Wenzhong looked at Zhang Tongran expressionlessly.

Zhang Tongran lowered his head with embarrassment.

"Subordinate, isn't this also for the sake of the country?"

Zhang Tongran sat down resentfully.

"My lord, I think Brother Zhang is right. Although the crown prince is young, if you count according to the rules of etiquette, he should be engaged!
The current crown prince is already twelve years old, and he is not too young, so it is time to get engaged.If it was placed in an ordinary family's home, I'm afraid they would be married at the age of fourteen or fifteen, and the crown prince's engagement at this age would not violate the rules of etiquette! "

Another official stood up, and he very much agreed with what Zhang Tongran said just now.

Liu Wenzhong stroked the beard on his chin, looked at the official standing up, and fell into deep thought.

"Indeed, the current crown prince is 12 years old. If you put it in the homes of ordinary people, you will get married at the age of [-] or [-], and have children at the age of [-] or [-]. The age of the current crown prince is young or not. It's not small, but His Majesty has never shown the attitude of betrothing the Crown Prince!"

What this official said was not unreasonable, and Liu Wenzhong thought so too, but it was useless for them to think like this, the most important thing was to see Zhao Wen's attitude.

"I understand what you said, but His Majesty has never shown that he wants to marry the crown prince. What's the use of you being anxious?" Liu Wenzhong said to the official.

"My lord, I don't think so. Our majesty is the first in history. Our majesty's way of thinking about things is different from others. We can't use ordinary people's thinking to guess your majesty.

Your Majesty's failure to show such an attitude does not mean that His Majesty has never thought about such things in his heart, and there are some things that His Majesty does not say are His Majesty's affairs, so we have to remind them.

Your Majesty doesn't need to say it, but we have to think about it, otherwise, what does His Majesty want us courtiers to do? "

Zhang Tongran suddenly interjected.

"Yeah, we also think the same way. Your Majesty may not have such an idea, but we must!"

"I think so too, the crown prince is not too young now!"

The officials in the hall began to talk a lot, and the attitude they showed was that Zhao Mingyu is indeed old enough now, and it is indeed time to get engaged.

Liu Wenzhong looked at the officials in the hall and murmured for a while.

After a dozen or so breaths, Liu Wenzhong stood up and said to the officials in the hall: "What you said is very reasonable, how about it, I will find your Majesty in a few days and tell him about this matter. Let's see what kind of attitude His Majesty has, no matter how anxious we are about this kind of thing, it's useless, the decision rests with His Majesty."


Around the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, Liu Wenzhong went to the palace.

Zhao Wen gave these officials under him a seven-day leave, and it is not time to take the leave yet.

So Zhao Wen was a little surprised that Liu Wenzhong suddenly asked to see him today.

In the front yard of the palace, Zhao Wen was walking in casual clothes, and Liu Wenzhong followed behind Zhao Wen.

When Liu Wenzhong visited Zhao Wen, Zhao Wen was walking in the front yard of the palace, so Zhao Wen asked Liu Wenzhong to come to see him directly.

"Why do you have time to come to me today? It's only the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, and there are two days before the summer vacation. If you don't spend time at home with your family, what are you doing here? But what's the matter?"

Zhao Wen asked aimlessly while walking.

Liu Wenzhong came at this time, and it didn't look like there was any urgent matter, so Zhao Wen was not in a hurry.

Liu Wenzhong really wanted to ask about Zhao Mingyu's engagement, but he didn't know how to speak for a while, so he hesitated for a long time with a embarrassed expression on his face.

Seeing Liu Wenzhong like this, Zhao Wen knew that something unspeakable must have come to him.

"What happened, why did you become like this in front of me? Is there something you can't say?" Zhao Wen asked with a smile.

"Returning to Your Majesty, it's not something difficult to say, but I really don't know what to say about this matter!" Liu Wenzhong looked embarrassed.

Zhao Wen stopped, and looked at Liu Wenzhong, "I don't know what to say, why don't I know what to say, just say it!"

"Okay, then, let's just say it straight.

Your Majesty is like this. Now that the crown prince is 12 years old, he is placed in the homes of ordinary people. Those who get married at the age of fourteen or fifteen often get married. I would like to ask Your Majesty, what should I do about the prince's marriage? "

Liu Wenzhong finally plucked up the courage to speak out his reason for coming.

After Liu Wenzhong finished speaking, he kept staring at Zhao Wen, trying to see something from Zhao Wen's face.

"Marriage? Mingyu is only 12 years old now, isn't it too early for marriage?"

Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong with some surprise. Under the influence of later generations, Zhao Wen always felt that it was too early to get engaged at the age of 12.

After this era came, Zhao Wen also saw many people who were married at the age of 12 or [-], but this kind of thing did not happen to Zhao Wen after all, all of a sudden.His son got engaged when he was only [-] years old, which caught Zhao Wen by surprise.

Liu Wenzhong said: "It's not too early to return to Your Majesty. I was only seventeen or eighteen years old when I got married, and I was fourteen or fifteen years old when I got engaged.

The minister believes that the current prince is not young, even if he is not in a hurry for the time being, he should put this matter on the agenda and arrange it in advance! "

"Besides you thinking like this, is there anyone else?" Zhao Wen asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, it is not just a minister who has such an idea, and there are many officials who have such an idea in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty.

Indeed, although the prince is not very old now, it is indeed time to put this matter on the agenda. "Liu Wenzhong replied respectfully.


Zhao Wen let out a sigh of relief, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

"Before I knew it, my son was getting engaged, how time flies!

If Ming Yu gets engaged, what kind of girl does Ai Qing think is worthy of my son? "

(End of this chapter)

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