Chapter 887 How Do You See It
"What kind of girl does Aiqing think is worthy of Mingyu?" Zhao Wen looked at Liu Wenzhong and asked calmly.

Hearing Zhao Wen's voice, Liu Wenzhong was about to answer, but suddenly realized something and stopped immediately.

As the saying goes, no matter what the emperor said, you can't take it seriously, you have to think carefully, and you have to deeply understand what the meaning behind these words said by the emperor is?
Liu Wenzhong has been with Zhao Wen for so many years, and he knows Zhao Wen quite well. Although he thinks that Zhao Wen can't use such words to test him, he can't make a big mistake if he is careful.

"Your Majesty, I think it must be the kind of girl who is one in a million to be worthy of the crown prince.

The prince is a person with excellent knowledge and skills, and an ordinary girl is definitely not good enough for the prince. "

Liu Wenzhong said sternly.

Liu Wenzhong said these words as if he didn't say them, he said a lot of nonsense.

This is also for the sake of insurance, Liu Wenzhong had to say this.

"The things you said are as if you didn't say anything. I'm asking what kind of girl you think she is, such as her status, not this!" Zhao Wen frowned slightly, slightly dissatisfied.

"Return to Your Majesty, this minister is hard to say!" Liu Wenzhong hesitated.

Liu Wenzhong was afraid that Zhao Wen would use this to test himself. From Liu Wenzhong's point of view, although Zhao Wen's question was not a big problem, there was a pit buried in it.

From ancient times to the present, the marriage of the crown prince has never been a simple matter, especially the crown prince's concubine is the top priority.

It was better in the Ming Dynasty. In order to prevent foreign relatives from being monopolized by Zhu Yuanzhang, most of the empresses of the Ming Dynasty came from the people. The identity of the empress or the identity of the princess basically has nothing to do with the princes and nobles in the court.

But there seems to be only one phenomenon like Daming from ancient times to the present.

Going forward, the concubine's background basically came from those families with dignity and status.

One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, and with Zhao Wen's ascension to the throne, those who followed Zhao Wen to work hard were also promoted and became the current nobles.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and there are disputes. Although these people who follow Zhao Wen are very loyal to Zhao Wen, there is also competition among these people.

Don't look at the current Xuanzhen as calm as a lake, but under this calm lake, there are still disputes hidden.

Zhao Wen could see these disputes clearly, but because the benefits of these disputes now outweigh the disadvantages, Zhao Wen didn't care about them.

Today Liu Wenzhong came to Zhao Wen suddenly, and when he mentioned Zhao Mingyu's marriage, Zhao Wen thought of a lot.

After Liu Wenzhong finished speaking, Zhao Wen didn't answer immediately and fell into silence.

Zhao Wen walked quietly in the front yard of the palace, his eyes moved casually, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

Liu Wenzhong quietly followed Zhao Wen, seeing that Zhao Wen didn't answer, he didn't ask again.

After a long time, Zhao Wencai started to speak.

"Yeah, according to what you said, Mingyu should also be engaged, but what kind of girl should I marry for Mingyu, I've never been sure.

How about this, I will leave this matter to your Council for discussion first, and after the vacation is accepted, your Council will briefly discuss this matter first, it doesn't matter if you can't discuss it, don't worry for now! "

The biggest purpose of Zhao Wen's saying this is to deal with this matter coldly, that is, neither support nor objection.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Seeing that Zhao Wen had said this, Liu Wenzhong couldn't say anything more, so he left Zhao Wen's order.

"Okay, step back first!" Zhao Wen waved at Liu Wenzhong, and then, surrounded by Chen Donglai, walked towards the depths of the palace.

Seeing Zhao Wen leave, Liu Wenzhong had no choice but to walk outside the palace.

Zhao Wen came to Kunning Palace, at this time Li Xiaoying was sitting in Kunning Palace copying Buddhist scriptures.

This is what Li Xiaoying often does in her spare time.

In Li Xiaoying's view, copying Buddhist scriptures is equivalent to praying for blessings. The more Buddhist scriptures are copied, the more blessings you pray for.

Of course, Li Xiaoying was praying for Zhao Wen and her son Zhao Mingyu. Although Zhao Wen and Zhao Mingyu didn't seem to be doing anything wrong now, Li Xiaoying just liked to pray for blessings.

Just as Zhao Wen walked into the Kunning Palace, Li Xiaoying noticed Zhao Wen walking in.

Li Xiaoying put down the brush in her hand, went up to meet her, and asked with a smile on her face, "Why do you have time to come to my place today?"

"What is time again? If there is no accident, I may come to you at any time during the period before the year has passed. Isn't this a normal thing?"

Zhao Wen replied with a smile on his face.

"You are a busy person, it's rare to have time to rest!" Li Xiaoying laughed.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, sit down first!" Zhao Wen took Li Xiaoying's hand and sat in the center of Kunning Palace.

"I encountered something today, and I want to hear your opinion!" Zhao Wen said, holding Li Xiaoying's hand.

"What's the matter? It made you come over and ask me?"

Li Xiaoying was very puzzled, what kind of thing actually made Zhao Wen come over and ask her.

"It's not a big deal, it's just related to Mingyu!"

"Is it related to Mingyu? What is related to Mingyu?"

When Li Xiaoying heard this, she instantly became alert.

Zhao Mingyu is Li Xiaoying's son, and Li Xiaoying's most beloved son, so when Li Xiaoying heard that it was related to Zhao Mingyu, she was afraid that this matter would have a bad impact on Zhao Mingyu.

"What are you excited about? Listen to me first, it's Mingyu's marriage.

Just now, Liu Wenzhong came to me, explaining that Mingyu is not young anymore, and his marriage should be on the agenda, so I want to hear your opinion, after all, you are a child and his mother. " Zhao Wen said.

Li Xiaoying let out a sigh of relief when she heard this, and finally let go of her hanging heart.

"I thought it was something that shocked me so much, it turned out to be about Mingyu's marriage!"

"Indeed, Mingyu's age is indeed not young. Although he is only twelve years old this year, in the homes of ordinary people, there are many people who get married at the age of fourteen or fifteen, so it is normal for his marriage to be on the agenda now." .

I wanted to tell you about this before, but I never said it. " Li Xiaoying said.

"I think so too, but what do you think of the candidate for the crown princess?

The origin and status of the princess, what kind of regulations do you think should be? " Zhao Wen asked.

"What do I think? Is my opinion useful? Although I am Ming Yu's mother, the decision on his marriage is still in your hands. My opinion is useless!" Li Xiaoying said.

"That's not what I mean, I just want to ask your opinion.

A long time ago, when Mingyu was held a ceremony to establish a crown prince, Zhao Daniu and the others once expressed their attitude of betrotting their daughter to Zhao Mingyu. At that time, Mingyu was younger than now, and they all fought so hard Yes, let alone now? "

Zhao Wen remembered the banquet after the ceremony of establishing the crown prince. During that banquet, Zhao Daniu, Song Hu and the others all expressed their attitude of wanting to betroth their daughter to Zhao Mingyu.

In addition to Zhao Daniu and Song Hu, some civil servants also showed such an attitude.

At that time, these officials were all blushing and thick-necked, let alone now.

"I understand what you said. Isn't it like this from ancient times to the present? In all dynasties, princesses and queens have been the envy of everyone.

During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the empresses and concubines were basically born in official families. Rather than saying that these empresses and concubines were selected, it would be better to say that they were selected by those aristocratic families.

At the time of Emperor Hongwu of the Ming Dynasty, in order to prevent foreign relatives from monopolizing power, he established the rule that the queen should be selected from the people.This rule has been passed down for more than 200 years.

Emperor Chongzhen's empress Zhou, her father was just a mason.Zhang Yan, the empress of Emperor Xizong, also had a bad background.

Although it is said that doing so can restrain the dictatorship of foreign relatives as much as possible, but if you want to implement such a method, I think it is indeed a bad treatment for Mingyu. "Li Xiaoying said her own opinion.

There is no mother in this world who does not love her son, Li Xiaoying loves Zhao Mingyu in every possible way.

So, if Zhao Wen wanted to marry Zhao Mingyu a daughter-in-law from a lowly family background, even if Li Xiaoying didn't say anything, she would feel uncomfortable.

"Ming Yu is so outstanding, how can a country woman be worthy of him?
And at the time of the Ming Dynasty, the empress’s family was not one or two troubles caused by being poor for a long time and then getting rich. You have to think about it, for our son to marry a daughter-in-law, not to help others become rich. "

Li Xiaoying said to Zhao Wen seriously.

Listening to what Li Xiaoying said, Zhao Wen fell into deep thought.

Indeed, what Li Xiaoying said was not unreasonable. After all, Zhao Mingyu was the future emperor, and Zhao Mingyu's identity was here. It would be really inappropriate for Zhao Mingyu to marry a country woman who knew nothing and was short-sighted.

It's not that Zhao Wen looks down on those country women, but that the status difference between the two is too great. For the sake of his son's happiness, if he really married a country woman to Zhao Mingyu, what would happen between them? common language?

Just like Ming Yingzong and Queen Hu Shanxiang, the two had almost no common language after they got married. In addition, Hu Shanxiang did not give Yingzong a son, and was finally abolished by Yingzong.

All these things have been going on for a long time. If there were no such troubles, it is estimated that Ming Yingzong could live for a while longer.

"What you said is very reasonable. The status and status of the two are too different. There is indeed no common language, and it is true that they will not be happy!"

(End of this chapter)

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