Chapter 888 Contradiction Escalation
"You are right. If there is too much difference in status between two people, then there will be no happiness between them." Zhao Wen very much agrees with what Li Xiaoying said.

Zhao Wen never respected his son's opinions and ideas like other emperors.

Zhao Wen's management of his son is relatively loose, and he still respects Zhao Mingyu in some matters.

"Although Chaozhong seems to be peaceful and calm now, there is a different kind of storm under this harmony.

Although civil servants like Liu Wenzhong have been with me for such a long time, these people used to be very traditional scholars after all. Under the influence of the Ming Dynasty for more than 300 years, the idea of ​​using literature to control martial arts is deeply rooted. "

When Zhao Wen thought of this disgusting use of literature to defend military affairs, he had a headache.

If it weren't for the strategy of Wen Yuwu, the Ming Dynasty in history would not have been abandoned like that in the end.

The root of using Wen Yuwu began in the Song Dynasty, but the Ming Dynasty carried it forward. After the Tumu Fortress Change, the level of military generals was completely incomparable with civil officials.

Zhao Wen is also very afraid that this kind of scene will appear on his side. Once the civil and military struggle occurs, it is not so easy to stop.

Now Zhao Wen can completely suppress this situation by relying on his prestige, but Zhao Wen cannot live forever. If Zhao Mingyu ascends the throne in the future, he does not have Zhao Wen's abilities. How will he face this situation?
"Impossible, it's impossible for such a scene to happen, godfather is not that kind of person, I know him very well!" Li Xiaoying looked at Zhao Wen with some surprise, she had never thought about this question.

Li Xiaoying's father and Liu Wenzhong have a very good relationship. After losing her family, Li Xiaoying met Liu Wenzhong and recognized Liu Wenzhong as her godfather.

So it is not an exaggeration for Li Xiaoying to call Liu Wenzhong a godfather.

Zhao Wen said with some concern: "I know what kind of person Liu Wenzhong is, maybe he won't provoke civil and military disputes. But hasn't he thought about it in his heart?

Another one, even if he doesn't think about it, his ass decides his thoughts. Now he is the head of the civil servants, and the civil servants below him will affect him more or less.

Although there are many college students in the imperial court, the number of college students is limited. In the power center of the imperial court, most of them are traditional scholars, those who followed me for a long time. It is difficult to change the views of these people in a short period of time. "

Zhao Wen hated the use of literature to control martial arts, and he also hated competition between civil and martial arts, but this kind of thing is hard to avoid, unless the college students cover the entire court in the future, it is possible for this so-called tradition to disappear.

"No way, I don't think it's possible, and the wind and waves are calm now!" Li Xiaoying still didn't believe it.

"You don't have frequent contact with these foreign ministers, so you definitely don't know what's going on here.

Now the civil servants have not expressed this idea, but they must think so in their hearts.

People like Zhao Daniu and Song Hu have made great achievements, but these civil servants still look down on them from the bottom of their hearts. "

Zhao Wen stood up at this point, and he paced slowly in front of Li Xiaoying.

"Currently there is no civil and military conflict between the court and the central government, but who knows if it will happen in the future? The matter of Mingyu's marriage this time is probably going to be another battle between dragons and tigers.

Liu Wenzhong was the first to ask me about this matter, so he must have already had an idea in his mind.

Now Zhao Daniu, Song Hu and the others are attacking the Southwest. At this time, Liu Wenzhong raised such a thing, it is difficult to guarantee whether there is any selfishness in this matter.

I think, from Liu Wenzhong's point of view, what he would like to see the most is that the future princess comes from a civil society.

The civil officials definitely hoped that the princess would be born in a civil society, but the generals would also hope that the princess would come from a military group. There was an almost irreconcilable contradiction between the two, and there was no way to deal with it. "

"If that's the case, why don't we just discard these two groups and choose the princess from another place?" Li Xiaoying asked.

Zhao Wen shook his head, with a troubled expression on his face, "Leave these two groups aside, if you get rid of these two groups, then you will follow the path of the Ming Dynasty and you can only be selected from the people.

But you said before that if the two people's identities are too different, there must be no common language. Even if they get married, the two will not be happy, and many things that shouldn't happen will happen. "

The current situation has almost become a deadlock, if you want the future princess to have an identity and self-restraint.Then there is no way to avoid the two groups of civil servants and military commanders.

But in this way, civil and military disputes will be set off. If we want to avoid civil and military disputes, we must select from the people.

"How did it become like this? Why can't it work inside and out?" Li Xiaoying also had a look of embarrassment on her face.

After listening to Zhao Wen's analysis, Li Xiaoying also realized that this matter was not as simple as imagined.

"Oh, I thought this matter would be easy to solve, but after hearing what you said, I realized that there is no way to solve this matter at all!" Li Xiaoying said with a sad face.

"Now I can only take one step at a time, let's procrastinate!"

Zhao Wen didn't know what to do for a while, and there was no good way, so he could only delay this matter first.

"That's the only way to go!" Li Xiaoying said.


After the Spring Festival, logically speaking, the weather will get warmer day by day, but in this little ice age, after the Spring Festival, the weather is still cold.

Xuanzhen is covered with ice and snow, while London, thousands of miles away, is still covered with ice and snow.

In the camp near the port of London, He Donglang and Wang Dongliang sat in a low room with a brazier in the room, which raised the temperature of the gloomy room.

He Donglang sat beside the brazier, put his hands next to the brazier, and kept rubbing his hands.

"It's really cold. Why is it so cold this winter? It's getting colder every year!" He Donglang said with a sad face.

"Who knows, I heard from His Majesty before that it seems to belong to some kind of Little Ice Age. I don't know too well. It is said that it will take decades for this kind of cold." Wang Dongliang, who was sitting next to He Donglang, said softly. talking.

A bracket was placed on the brazier, and a copper pot filled with water was placed on the bracket. Under the roasting of the flame, the water in the copper pot was already boiling, gurgling, and steam was constantly escaping.

He Donglang took a teacup from the table behind him, and poured the hot water from the copper pot into the teacup.

Inside the teacup were the tea leaves he brought over, and these tea leaves were just ordinary tea leaves.

But now these tea leaves have become his only consolation for his hometown in a foreign land.

He Donglang held the teacup in both hands, and sipped the tea in the teacup.

"Hurry up and end it, I want to go home early." He Donglang sighed.

"Master He, I also want to go home early. The situation here is becoming more and more tense now. It won't take long for it to end."

Wang Dongliang was also holding a teacup, drinking the hot water in it.

"It should be. In the recent period, the king and the parliament have been constantly recruiting troops, and various frictions between the two sides have continued. The people in the city are also divided into two factions, one supports the king and the other supports the parliament. Looking at the number of people on both sides, the number of people who support the parliament is higher."

He Donglang drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, and said.

"Hey, it seems that there are more people in the parliament, but the king has our weapons. No matter how many people there are in the parliament, it will be useless. I hope they will fight quickly."

Wang Dongliang said in a playful tone with a playful face.

It's not that Wang Dongliang looks down on the parliament, it's that the gap between the two parties cannot be made up by relying on the number of people.

"By the way, during this period of time, we also need to send someone to contact the parliament." He Donglang said.

Wang Dongliang was a little embarrassed, he looked at He Donglang, and said, "I also want to send someone to contact the council, but you also know that our looks are too different from those of these people, if we just swagger It’s too easy to be discovered if you send someone to contact you.”

"I know, but even if we are too easy to be found, we have to send someone to contact the Parliament.

Are we still afraid that the king will fail?At this critical juncture, I still don't believe it. If he can do something to us, he is not afraid to completely force us to the parliament?
The king is not a fool, he is shrewd, and he thinks about things more clearly than us. "He Dong said expressionlessly.

What He Donglang said was not unreasonable. At this critical juncture, if He Donglang sent people to contact the parliament, Charles I would not only be unable to show his teeth to He Donglang, but would even have to smile.

The warships docked outside the port were not a joke, nor was He Donglang's disarming power to Charles I.

Seeing that He Donglang had already made up his mind, Wang Dongliang couldn't say anything more, "If that's the case, then I'll start making arrangements tomorrow.

Among our subordinates, there are a few who learn their language faster. I will send these people who learn faster when the time comes. Although the language of our people may not be very good, it is better to be safe. "

He Donglang nodded and said, "Okay, let's do it like this!"

The firewood in the brazier gradually burned out, He Donglang put the teacup in his hand on the table behind him, and walked out with the wooden frame in the corner of the room.

There are two neat rows of firewood stacked under the eaves outside the room, and these firewood is the fuel for He Donglang to spend the winter.

These firewood were arranged by King Charles I for He Donglang and the others before, and Charles I's attitude towards He Donglang and the others has always been very erratic.Therefore, Charles I was very careful when dealing with He Donglang and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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