Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 889 Do Your Best to Recruit Soldiers and Horses

Chapter 889 Do Your Best to Recruit Soldiers and Horses
In Windsor Castle, Charles I walked back and forth in his office with anger on his face.

Thomas stood in front of Charles I with his head bowed like a grandson.

"What do you do for food? That's how you do things for me. You can do it once or twice. Why hasn't it been done for me for so long?"

After hearing this, Charles I pointed at Thomas and growled angrily at Thomas.

Thomas shrank his neck and explained helplessly.

"Your Highness, it's not that I don't care, it's that those troublemakers are too hateful.

Cromwell and the others are inciting those troublemakers, and I simply cannot take them away from Cromwell, Pym and Hamp.

I can't even find where they are now. In the entire city, almost all the troublemakers are on the side of Klinwell and the others. There are so few people who support us! "

"Don't tell me these things, although there are a lot of troublemakers in the whole city who support Cromwell and the others, you must know that the weapons in our hands are not comparable to Cromwell and the others.

With such a powerful weapon in your hand, you can't even bring Cromwell and the others. What do you think you are eating?I used to think that you did a good job in handling affairs, but now I realize that you are actually a waste! "

Charles I's face was full of anger, he was like an enraged wolf.

Earlier, Charles I personally took people to capture Cromwell and the others, but when they walked into the city, they found those citizens who were marching. When those marching citizens saw Charles I, it was like seeing an enemy Similarly, they all rushed towards Charles I. In desperation, Charles I had to evacuate early.

After going back, Charles I became more and more angry as he thought about it, and finally Charles I wanted to lead people to arrest Cromwell and the others again.

But this time, Charles I was stopped by Thomas.

Thomas knew that if Charles I personally led the troops to capture Cromwell and the others, the target would be too big, and there would be no way to capture Cromwell.

Moreover, if Cromwell incited the people to do something radical, what harm would it do to Charles I?The consequences are not something Thomas can afford.

So Thomas volunteered and led his troops to capture Cromwell and the others.

When Thomas went to capture Cromwell and the others, although he did not encounter what Charles I had encountered before, there were many residents who came to stop Thomas.

After squeezing through the layers of these residents, Thomas finally led the people to Cromwell's address.

However, after arriving here, Thomas was completely dumbfounded. Now the address of Cromwell and the others has been vacated, leaving only empty buildings.

After Thomas returned, he sent his men to investigate, but after many days, they still couldn't find out where Cromwell and the others had gone, and those people who supported the parliament were also overtly and covertly preventing Thomas' investigation.

Charles I was very angry and resentful towards Cromwell and the others, but now they let them run away. This feeling is like letting Charles I eat fly shit.

"Your Highness, what should we do now? Now that Cromwell and the others have all run away, we don't know where they are now!" Thomas looked at Charles I cautiously.

"What should I do? What else can I do? Abolish the parliament, prepare for war, and recruit troops!"

Charles I's face was gloomy and cold, and he spoke word by word.


Thomas nodded heavily, then walked outside.

At the same time, in a small manor on the outskirts of London, the mainstays of these parliaments, such as Cromwell Pym Hampton, sat in the drawing room inside the manor.

Around this manor, there are a large number of bright and dark posts, monitoring the surrounding movement.

This manor was bought by Cromwell a long time ago.

Cromwell was sitting in the living room, with a rectangular coffee table in front of him.

Pym, Hampton and the others sat around the coffee table.

"Everyone, according to the report from the eyeliner I put in the city, His Royal Highness and those subordinates of His Royal Highness are hunting us in the city.

This time, His Royal Highness came down aggressively, so I'm afraid he won't let it go so easily. "Cromwell's face was full of heaviness.

Cromwell had expected this day, but when this day suddenly appeared in front of him, Cromwell was still a little at a loss.

"These evil feudal monarchs only have their own interests in mind, why have they ever cared about our lives?
For these feudal monarchs, as long as they are not in the same way, they will all execute these people.

The power in the hands of these feudal monarchs is too great, we are like lambs at the mercy of others.

This is definitely not going to work, we have to fight for our own rights, this is the time for us to break these things, and we have to rebuild a world. "

Pim stood up, raised his right fist excitedly, and shouted loudly.

Colomwell looked at the cheering Pim calmly.

"Stop, stop, stop, now is not the time to shout slogans. No matter how loud the slogan is, it will not work without a substantive solution. No matter how loud the slogan is, these feudal monarchs cannot realize their mistakes. You should not shout gone."

Cromwell stopped Pym who kept shouting.

The people around originally wanted to shout along with Pym, but after hearing what Cromwell said, they all stopped.

"According to reliable sources, His Royal Highness is now holding a very powerful weapon.

I arranged some eyeliners in Windsor Castle a long time ago. I suddenly lost contact with these eyeliners a few days ago. It is estimated that these eyeliners have been discovered by His Royal Highness.

These eyeliners used to bring me a lot of big news before they lost touch.

The news that His Royal Highness held a powerful weapon was brought back by these eyeliners.

According to the information obtained by these eyeliners, the weapon His Royal Highness is currently holding is a very powerful rifle with fast reloading speed, which can reload ten to twelve rounds per minute, and has a very long range.

His Royal Highness has now trained a thousand soldiers, all of whom use this kind of weapon.

You said, relying on the power we have now, are we the opponent of His Highness the King? "

Cromwell looked at the people around him with a heavy face.

From the moment they completely broke their faces with Charles I, these people seemed to have lost their way, thinking that they were number one in the world, and no one would be their opponent.

They also felt that Charles I couldn't beat them at all, and it was a certainty that they would change the world.

This kind of thinking is unacceptable, and if you underestimate your opponent too much, it will cause a serious price.

Cromwell is the calmest of these people. He deeply knows that if Charles I really has such a powerful weapon in his hands, it will be a catastrophe for the parliament.

"I don't think so, from the beginning of the matchlock until now, those craftsmen are constantly improving the matchlock.

They exhausted their brains and tried their best to make the reloading speed of the matchlock gun faster and the range longer.

But after so many years, have you ever seen an arquebus with fast loading speed and long range? "

Hampton said calmly.

He didn't believe what Cromwell said at all, and he didn't believe that there would be such a powerful rifle in this world.

In his opinion, if Charles I really had such a powerful rifle in his hand, how could it be possible that Charles I was so quiet before?
"Yeah, I don't believe it either. The reload speed of the matchlock gun is very slow, and the range is only so far. I really can't think of what kind of matchlock gun, the reload speed can change so fast.

I guess this is likely to be the news specially released by His Royal Highness to deter us! "Pim was self-righteous and explained carelessly.

"Yes, that's right, that's what it looks like. It must be fake news specially released by His Royal Highness to confuse us."

Just as Pim finished speaking, Hampton slapped the coffee table in front of him and shouted loudly.

Cromwell looked at Pym and Hampton in front of him, and frowned tightly.

At this moment, Cromwell really wanted to dig out the brains of these two people to see what was in their minds.

"Okay, you two don't analyze blindly. If you two say you don't believe that there are such powerful rifles in this world, then you explain to me, how did the warships docked outside the port come from? How were they built? ?

The gunfire of those warships bombarded the port was continuous. According to the density, if those warships did not have faster-firing artillery, it would be impossible to produce such continuous artillery fire only with those warships.

Whether you believe it or not, this is the problem now, it is not a good sign to underestimate the enemy! "Cromwell said with a serious face.

Pym and Hampton looked at each other. What Cromwell said was very reasonable, and the two of them didn't know what to say.

"Then what shall we do now?"

After about 10 minutes, Pim asked.


Cromwell breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What else can I do? Of course, it is a massive conscription, pulling the residents along.

We must unite all the forces we can unite to fight against His Royal Highness.

For His Royal Highness, one must not be too contemptuous.In the future, try not to shout those slogans that you shouted. These slogans are meaningless, and the slogans are loudly shouted. If there is no substantive action, it is farting.

After today, I will go back to my hometown, and I will go back to my hometown to recruit soldiers, and so will you, go back to your hometown, and try your best to recruit soldiers and horses! "

(End of this chapter)

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