Chapter 890 Fairfax's Disdain
"Before I leave, I hope you can do one thing for me!
This matter is not a big deal, I think only the two of you can accomplish it better! "

Cromwell looked at Pym and Hampton, and said.

Pym and Hampton looked at each other, and they both saw doubts in each other's eyes.

In the impression of Pym and Hampton, Cromwell is a very capable and resourceful person. It seems that there is nothing he cannot accomplish in this world, and Cromwell likes to complete his own things very much. He seldom asked others to help him, so why did he suddenly have to let the two of them do things for him?
Cromwell saw the reaction of the two people in his eyes, and said: "The thing I want you to do is very simple, and it is not a big deal, but I want to leave in a hurry, so I want to leave this matter to you two." After all, you two are very capable."

"What's the matter?" Pym asked.

"It's not a big deal, but after I leave, I hope that the two of you can stir up the residents in the city, so that the residents in the city will start to oppose His Royal Highness, delay the time as much as possible, and distract His Royal Highness." Cromwell said calmly.

When Pym and Hampton heard what Cromwell said, their complexions instantly turned dark.

"Cooperate with you and run first, and then let the two of us fan you in the city? If His Royal Highness is really angry, it will be the two of us who will be responsible for it! You are good, your idea is good!"

Pim immediately understood everything in it. Although he was very ashamed of Cromwell's behavior, he did not say these words.

In today's parliament, Cromwell's strength is still relatively large, even if he said these words, it would not help, but would offend Cromwell.

"If that's the case, then leave this matter to us. It's not a difficult task. We will definitely arm and unite all the residents in the city to fight against His Royal Highness!" said the screen.

Cromwell nodded, and then said: "That's good. Remember, when uniting the people in the city, you must make big moves. You must anger His Royal Highness. You must anger His Royal Highness like a raging lion. So that His Royal Highness can do something unexpected."

When Cromwell said this, there was no expression on his face, like a cold stone.

Listening to what Cromwell said, Pim gasped inwardly.

Pim is a smart person, he can keenly feel what Cromwell meant from these words of Cromwell.

What Cromwell meant by saying this was to make Pym and Hampton keep irritating Charles I. Unable to bear it, Charles I would definitely attack the residents in the city. At that time, Charles I would completely lose his last hope. The moral high ground.

Once Charles I loses the last moral high ground, he will become the sinner of the whole shit-stirring stick.

It has to be said that Cromwell's method is indeed vicious. Through this method, Charles I can be easily pushed to the opposite of the residents of London City.

But although this method is good, it also has great risks.

If this method is seen through by Charles I, or before Pym and Hampton incite the residents in the city, Charles I will arrest Pym and Hampton.

If this is the case, then Cromwell's approach will be completely aborted.

But that didn't matter to Cromwell, it was better if it succeeded, and it didn't matter if it failed.

Anyway, Cromwell will definitely not be in the city of London at that time, even if Charles I raids the whole city, he will not do anything to Cromwell.

"Remember what I said. When the time comes, we must unite all the residents in the city, let the residents in the city go out in unison, and tell the residents that the power in their hands can only be won by themselves, and it is impossible to rely on others." Cromwell kept urging.

"Don't worry, I've written down these things, and I'll definitely handle them perfectly when the time comes!" Pim said again and again.

"Okay, I'm very relieved to leave this matter to you two, I seem to have seen the day when we won!"

Cromwell stood up, walked to the side of Pym and Hampton, and patted Pym and Hampton's shoulders with a smirk.

Cromwell is not only as simple as it seems on the surface, what he wants to do is not only to overthrow the rule of Charles I.

Cromwell in history wanted to be the second Charles I very much, but in the West, where blood is very important, Cromwell will never become the second Charles I.

So Cromwell became a dictator, and the so-called parliament has completely become a display in his hands. The whole shit-stirring stick can be said to be Cromwell's words.

"Okay, let's end today's meeting here, you guys leave first, I still have things to do later!"

After arranging his own affairs, Cromwell issued an order to expel the guests.

Pym and Hampton stood up, exited the living room with smiles on their faces, and walked outside with their entourage.

When the two were leaving, Cromwell did not see them off, but just stood at the door of the living room and watched the two leave.

It seems that these two people are just Cromwell's subordinates.

The moment he walked out of the gate of the manor, Pim took a deep breath, his face full of helplessness.

Hampton's eyes were also full of strange expressions. The two of them had already seen certain shortcomings in Cromwell, but now that Cromwell was powerful, even if the two of them were a little dissatisfied, there was nothing they could do.

Cromwell stood outside the door of the living room. After Pym and Hampton disappeared completely, Cromwell returned to the living room.

"I hope this time it will go smoothly. Although His Royal Highness has that kind of powerful weapon in his hand, to be honest, I don't really believe it. After all, this weapon is too exaggerated, and the exaggeration is unimaginable!"

Cromwell sat on the sofa, muttering to himself.


In the northeast of the shit stick, there is a large and historic place, which is the hometown of Fairfax-Yorkshire.

Yorkshire has a long history of nearly 2000 years and is known as the "County of God".

Yorkshire has a long history and is also a place with beautiful scenery and profound culture.

Yorkshire is world-renowned for its beauty, with its rolling valleys, ancient churches and rugged moors.

The residents here have a strong sense of struggle. After returning to Yorkshire, Fairfax began to recruit soldiers and horses in Yorkshire, intending to fight against Charles I.

In Fairfax's hometown, Denton, Yorkshire, Fairfax travels between villages and cities almost every day.

He tried his best to persuade the local residents to join the army.

Fairfax was well known in Denton, Yorkshire, the son of Fernando Fairfax, [-]nd Baron Fairfax.

In the first bishop's war, he raised a team called the Yorkshire red hat dragoons in the local area, and participated in the first bishop's war. It was also for this reason that he was knighted.

Later, he fought in the Second Bishop's War, but later sided with his opponent.

In the past few years, Charles I had recruited troops in his hometown without restraint and using strong means, which caused dissatisfaction among the local residents.

At that time, it was Fairfax who stood up bravely. It was for this reason that Fairfax was hailed as a hero by the local residents.

Fairfax had assembled a cavalry force of more than 8000 men in so many days back home.

Moreover, quite a few of them are veterans who have participated in two bishop wars and have rich experience.

Fairfax gathered these soldiers and circled a large area around his manor to train these soldiers.

Yorkshire has a large plain, which is very suitable for raising horses, so there are more war horses here, and there are a considerable number of excellent war horses.

The Fairfax family's estate is relatively large. In fact, in the final analysis, the Fairfax family is still a relatively traditional landowner.

But for various reasons, Fairfax sided with the parliament.

Next to Fairfax Manor, Fairfax rode a war horse and patrolled back and forth on the circled training ground.

There are more than 8000 soldiers being trained on the training ground. The area enclosed by Fairfax is very large and can accommodate the training of [-] cavalry.

With the sound of horseshoes, these more than 8000 cavalry are training seriously on the training ground.

A young man on a war horse followed Fairfax.

This man is Fairfax's younger brother, Hunter Fairfax.

Fairfax is a surname, and Fairfax's full name is Thomas Fairfax.

Although Hunter was younger than Fairfax, he had served as Fairfax's bodyguard during the Second Bishop's War and had also been on the battlefield.

"Brother, almost all of the soldiers you recruited this time are cavalry. I'm afraid something is wrong!" Hunter said to Fairfax solemnly.

Fairfax looked at Hunter and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I always feel that we should recruit some arquebus gunners now. Although the cavalry is relatively lethal on the battlefield, the cavalry consumes a lot. The consumption of people and horses is a very large number.

Now the military salary in my brother's hands is basically collected, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it for a long time! "Hunter said seriously.

"Why recruit arquebus gunners? Although this kind of thing is powerful at close range, can he stop my cavalry? Now the battle is mainly based on the cavalry, and the cavalry is the main reason for the victory or defeat of the Dingding war!"

(End of this chapter)

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