Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 891 Uncle Wants You to Command the Army

Chapter 891 Uncle Wants You to Command the Army

"I admit that the arquebus gun is very powerful and can break through plate armor at a very short distance, but the impact speed of the arquebus gun is too slow. After one shot, my cavalry rushed in front of them, that is to say The arquebus shooter has only one chance, if he fails to seize this opportunity, he will face the massacre of the cavalry!"

Fairfax spoke with a disdainful expression on his horse.

In this era, matchlock guns have been popular for a long time, but in the traditional concept of some people, matchlock guns are still not good.

In the west of this era, whether it is a shit-stirring stick or other countries, there are still a large number of spearmen and archers.

The reason is that the quality of the matchlock gun, the loading speed and range are not satisfactory.

In this era, the most powerful on land is cavalry, of course, this does not include Zhao Wen's army.

"The most powerful army in the world is the cavalry. This is an unchanging law on land. Hunter, I hope you will remember this sentence. The cavalry in front of you is the most powerful means for us to fight against His Royal Highness." .

I hope you understand that although the arquebus is very good, we are based on these cavalry, and we will rely on these cavalry in our battles with His Royal Highness in the future.

As for the matchlock guns, of course I will not give up all of them. I will equip my cavalry with some shorter matchlock guns, which can be fired in an emergency at close range. said Fairfax.

Obviously, Fairfax already had a complete set of plans and methods in mind.

Hunter looked at Fairfax and couldn't say anything more after hearing these words.

"But brother, what about the military pay? The military pay in your hands is raised by you through untold hardships. The food and fodder consumed by these 8000 cavalrymen every day is a very huge number. In your hands The military salary won't last long, have you ever thought about what to do if the military salary in your hand is used up?" Hunter looked at Fairfax with a tangled expression.

When Fairfax returned home, Cromwell did not pay Fairfax.

Here, only the royal army is a serious army and a regular army. Other armies, including the army in the hands of the parliament, are part-time troops, that is, irregular troops.

The royal army is paid by the army, and it is paid by the king. The military pay of the parliament is obtained by the parliament. It is very difficult for the parliament to feed the army of the parliament, let alone pay Fairfax. up.

After Fairfax returned to his hometown, in addition to recruiting soldiers and horses, his biggest task was to raise military salaries.

Fortunately, Fairfax is relatively well-known in Yorkshire and respected by local residents, so Fairfax was able to raise the military salaries needed by the soldiers in a very short period of time.

However, the amount of these military salaries is not very large, and it can only last for a short period of time.

If it drags on for a long time, the military pay in Fairfax's hands will run out sooner or later. Even if these soldiers are willing to continue to follow Fairfax, their combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed.

Fairfax frowned slightly. He had been thinking about this question for the past few days.

"Let's go and see first. If the military salary is really not enough, I will pay it from my family first. After all, my family has a title and some land. I have accumulated some family property over the years. If it is not enough, I will take it from my family first. !” said Fairfax.

Fairfax has no good way but to do this.

"But brother, this is your property after all, are you so willing to take it out?" Hunter looked at Fairfax in shock. He really didn't expect that Fairfax would actually take his family's property. Family property is used as military pay. In this era of the Western world, behavior like Fairfax's is rare.

"Let's do this first. After the war starts, the parliament will definitely have to bear the military salary. At that time, I will still have time to withdraw!" Although Fax said.

"Okay, don't say these words, hurry up and start training!"

Fairfax raised the whip in his hand and controlled the horse to gallop forward.

Fairfax was an excellent commander, and he rode very well, very well.

He was riding on a war horse, and kept doing a series of difficult movements, as if showing off his skills, which attracted cheers from the cavalry.

Seeing Fairfax like this, Hunter felt his heart itch for a moment. He also flicked the whip in his hand and chased after Fairfax.


At the same time, in the office of Charles I in Windsor Castle, a tall and handsome young man stood in front of Charles I.

The appearance of this young man is somewhat similar to that of Charles I.

The young man standing in front of Charles I is Charles I's nephew, Prince Rupert.

In history, he was one of the most outstanding commanders of the Royalist faction in the Civil War.

Prince Rupert's life experience is quite embarrassing. His father was Frederick V, Elector of the Palatine Territory, and the famous Winter King at the beginning of the Thirty Years' War.

His mother was Elizabeth Stuart, daughter of King James I.

Shortly after he was born, due to various reasons, he had to leave his birthplace.

His mother had no affection for him, and his mother loved monkeys and dogs more than he loved him.

And his father ran around to restore the throne, died on the road when he was 13 years old, and didn't even know where he was buried.

That winter, Gustav II, the hope of their family's restoration, also died on the battlefield.

He gradually grows into a handsome prince who likes various adventure activities and is deeply loved by his uncle Charles I. He has participated in the Thirty Years' War with victories and defeats.

Historically, he was appointed Commander of the King's Army Cavalry during the Civil War at the age of 23.

In the early days of the Civil War, he led the charge in the attack of the royalist army and won an extremely brilliant victory. He tied with the parliamentary army at the Battle of Mount Edge, captured Bristol, relieved the siege of Newark, and occupied Lankshire. Most areas.

His reputation spread throughout the country as a wizard who could make wind and rain, and a devil who eats hearts and hearts.

However, in this day and age, those things above are likely to never happen again. With Zhao Wen's intervention, history is destined to deviate from its original track.

"Uncle, why did you ask me?" Prince Rupert looked at Charles I and asked with a smile on his face.

Charles I had a smile on his face, like a flower.

"I came to you today to catch up with you. I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you doing recently? How are you eating, dressing, and sleeping?" Charles I stood up and came to the In front of Prince Rupert, he asked with a look of concern.

Prince Rupert did not have any aversion to Charles I's enthusiasm, nor did he have any doubts, because Prince Rupert had been loved by Charles I since he was a child.

"Uncle, I have eaten and slept well recently, nothing wrong!" Prince Rupert replied with a cute face.

"That's good, that's good!" Charles I said two good things again and again.

"Uncle, I heard that the country is not peaceful now. A while ago, the residents in London took to the streets to make trouble, but the guys in the parliament are restless. These guys are really not big or small!" said Prince Rupert.

Charles I sighed when he heard Prince Rupert talking about this matter.

"Oh, you're right, those people in the parliament started to make noise again, these guys are really hateful!" Charles I said with a sad face.

But soon, Charles I's face changed.

The expression on his face changed from a sad face to a cruel and cold expression in an instant.

"Didn't I tell you before that I bought a batch of weapons from the East? These weapons are powerful, and I will let someone take you to see them later. With these weapons in hand, no matter how much the council has The soldiers and horses are not my opponents." Charles I looked confident.

Charles I with these weapons and Charles I without these weapons are simply two people, and now Charles I's self-confidence has exploded to the extreme.

"Uncle, didn't I hear people say that the East is very backward? They say that the people in the East are barbarians. How did Uncle buy a batch of weapons from them? I wanted to ask before, but I never asked. Exit." Prince Rupert asked suspiciously.

Charles I returned to his seat and sat down. He held the armrests beside the chair with both hands, tapping his index and middle fingers constantly.

His face was full of relief, "Who said it? Who did you hear it from? It's not known how many years ago it was fake news, and now the East is beyond what you and I can imagine.

Didn't I get you a copy of "Heavenly Creation" before? The content of "Heavenly Creation" is a true portrayal of the Eastern Empire today.

And now there are so many warships docked on the port, these warships have already explained everything, what else is incomprehensible? "

Prince Rupert fell into deep thought. He stood quietly in front of Charles I, constantly thinking about what Charles I said.

Prince Rupert is a very smart person with strong insight and independent thinking ability.

In a short period of time, Prince Rupert wanted to understand a lot.

"Uncle, if you say that, then this parliament is no match for uncle at all?" Prince Rupert began to have an excited expression on his face.

Charles I snapped his fingers and said excitedly: "You're right, this parliament is no match for uncle at all. Today uncle came to you because he wanted to hand over the army in his hands to you. Let you take command."

(End of this chapter)

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