Chapter 892 I Can't Wait!

"This time I called you, uncle has one thing to entrust to you, that is, uncle wants to hand over the army in his hands to you, and let you lead it.

Uncle knows your talent, and I believe that under your leadership, this army will display a strong combat effectiveness! "Charles I said to Prince Rupert with a smile on his face.

Prince Rupert's strength was well known to Charles I, and it was very appropriate to hand over this army to Prince Rupert.

First of all, Prince Rupert is the nephew of Charles I. When he was a child, Prince Rupert was often taken care of by Charles I.

Regardless of blood relationship or emotion, Prince Rupert is the most hard-core confidant of Charles I, even more hard-core than Thomas.

Prince Rupert's face was full of excitement, he looked at Charles I in disbelief, "Uncle, is what you said true? Do you really want to hand over this army to me to lead?"

Although Prince Rupert had never seen that powerful firearm, judging from Charles I's reaction just now, with that kind of firearm, this army must be extremely powerful.

Handing over such an army to Prince Rupert proved that Charles I valued Prince Rupert very much, which was a very happy thing for Prince Rupert.

"Is it true? You are my nephew. I can't be more assured of entrusting this army to you. I can only rest assured that such a powerful army is entrusted to you!" Charles I said with a smile.

"In that case, I would like to thank uncle!" Prince Rupert gave a big gift to Charles I with an excited expression on his face.

After staying in London for such a long time, Prince Rupert fell ill a long time ago.Now, there is finally something to do, how can Prince Rupert not be excited?
"You get up first, and I will have someone take you to the station of this army later, so that you can familiarize yourself with this army and the guns used by this army." Charles I waved his hand at Prince Rupert , and then said: "You go down first, I will arrange someone to take you there right away."

"Uncle, then I'll go down!" Prince Rupert exited Charles I's office.

Not long after Prince Rupert left, Charles I called Thomas to his office.

Now Thomas is the temporary commander of these soldiers, and it is most appropriate for Thomas to take Prince Rupert to get acquainted with these soldiers.

After Charles I explained the matter, Thomas hurriedly led people out of Windsor Castle.

That afternoon, Thomas brought Prince Rupert to the soldiers' quarters.

For the sake of safety and for the convenience of control, these soldiers were placed within two miles around Windsor Castle by Charles I.

These thousand soldiers are the most powerful combat power in the hands of Charles I, so Charles I was very solemn when treating these thousand soldiers.

Among the garrison of a thousand soldiers, Thomas led Prince Rupert slowly around the camp.

Now these more than 1000 soldiers are training every day. Prince Rupert is walking in the garrison, and the resounding gunfire keeps ringing in Prince Rupert's ears.

It has not yet arrived at the training ground of the thousand soldiers, so Prince Rupert did not see the training scenes of these soldiers, but he listened to the gunshots passing by his ears, his face was full of excitement.

Prince Rupert has been on the battlefield and is relatively familiar with various weapons. He has even played with matchlocks often. He has a deep understanding of firearms.

"Is this gunshot the kind of new weapon my uncle mentioned? The sound is very loud. Even at such a distance, the gunshot still has a strong penetrating power.

Judging from the sound of the guns alone, this weapon is a powerful firearm.If the reloading speed of this kind of firearm is really as fast as my uncle said, then this kind of weapon is simply invincible. "

Prince Rupert was talking as he walked forward.The excitement on his face never disappeared from the beginning to the end, he involuntarily accelerated the speed of his feet, and now he couldn't wait to see this weapon.

Thomas looked at Prince Rupert's expression, of course he knew what Prince Rupert wanted to do now, Thomas also speeded up and led Prince Rupert to the training ground.

Not long after, Thomas brought Prince Rupert to the training ground.

The area of ​​the training ground is so large that it can fully accommodate the training of a thousand soldiers.

On the current training ground, there are flashes of fire from time to time, and gunpowder smoke rises from time to time. After arriving at the training ground, the gunshots ringing in Prince Rupert's ears became much louder.

Prince Rupert had his hands on his hips. He stood on the edge of the training ground, squinted his eyes and looked around the training ground for a week, then patted Thomas on the shoulder, and said excitedly: "Let's not talk about weapons, from the mental outlook of these soldiers As well as the ranks of the ranks, these soldiers are the most elite soldiers."

Prince Rupert is an expert in leading troops in battle. Just from the mental outlook of these soldiers, you can tell whether these soldiers are elite.

Thomas said to Prince Rupert proudly: "Your Highness, I selected these soldiers individually from the Royal Army. These soldiers are the best in terms of physical fitness and loyalty to His Royal Highness. Certainly, they are the most elite soldiers in the entire country!"

"Not bad, you did a good job in this matter, and I will definitely go to uncle to ask for credit!" Prince Rupert said with a smile on his face.

Thomas hastily offered some flattery, "His Royal Highness, I am just a layman leading the army in battle. In this respect, I am far inferior to His Royal Highness. In the entire country today, leading soldiers and fighting is the best That is His Royal Highness, these soldiers are under the command of His Royal Highness, it is most appropriate!"

Prince Rupert, who was being flattered by Thomas, was elated, and Prince Rupert said with a smile on his face: "How can I be as good as you say? In our country, I am the one with the strongest ability to lead soldiers and fight wars." My uncle, I am far inferior to my uncle."

"Okay, let's not talk about these things, I'll go and see if this weapon is really what uncle said!"

Prince Rupert threw down a sentence, and then led his entourage towards a group of soldiers who were training.

Seeing this, Thomas hurriedly chased after Prince Rupert.

In the blink of an eye, Prince Rupert came behind the group of soldiers who were training.

This group of soldiers who were training was concentrating on aiming at the target ahead, so they didn't find Prince Rupert standing behind them for a while.

When they finished a round and were about to load ammunition, they found Prince Rupert standing behind them.

In this day and age, the hierarchy is relatively strict here. Prince Rupert wears clothes that only princes are qualified to wear. In addition, these soldiers are the Royal Army, so they recognized Rupert in an instant. The identity of Prince Burt.

These soldiers were about to salute Prince Rupert, but Prince Rupert stopped them.

"You don't need to salute me, I just came to see your current training situation and the weapons you are using now.

From today onwards, you people will be led by me, and His Royal Highness' orders will be sent here immediately, and I will come to touch your bottom in advance! "

As Prince Rupert spoke, he stretched out his right hand towards a soldier. He looked at the soldier, his eyes full of eager light.

"Give me the gun in your hand, I want to take a good look!"

As soon as Prince Rupert's words were spoken, the soldier quickly handed over the gun in his hand to Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert is now the most beloved nephew of Charles I, and he, a little soldier, cannot afford to be neglected.

After receiving the rifle from the soldier, Prince Rupert narrowed his eyes and watched carefully.

Prince Rupert stood there with a serious face, his eyes narrowed very small, and he looked at all aspects of the entire rifle, for fear of missing something.

Because he was watching very seriously, when Prince Rupert raised his head, more than 30 minutes had passed.

Three or ten minutes later, Prince Rupert held a rifle in his left hand and rubbed his neck with his right hand, the excitement on his face became more intense.

"This rifle is so exquisite, God, I dare say this is the first time I have seen such an exquisite rifle, perfect like a work of art, no, even the most perfect in the world Artwork is no match for it.

This rifle looks like it came out of the hand of God, there is no better looking rifle in the world, my goodness, I can't believe there is such a rifle in the world, so exquisite, so exquisite! "

Prince Rupert cheered loudly while stroking the rifle.

In this era, although the Renaissance is drawing to a close, the Industrial Revolution has not yet begun.

In this era, matchlock guns were still forged manually, and the matchlock guns that were forged manually had great flaws both in appearance and quality.

And the Dreiser rifle in the hands of Prince Rupert is the result of Zhao Wen's industrialization. The dark metal is wrapped in hard walnut wood, coupled with the perfect design, it is simply like the most perfect artwork of this era. Same.

The dark gun barrel exudes the unique luster of metal, in Rupert's eyes, it is so captivating.

"I can't wait to try it!"

Prince Rupert looked excitedly at the soldier standing in front of him, and shouted impatiently at the soldier: "Teach me how to use this gun quickly, I can't wait now, teach me quickly."

How can Prince Rupert look like a prince at this time?Now he is like a child who found his favorite toy.

 Thank you for the reward of the sunshine in summer, thank you for your support! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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