Chapter 893
"Teach me how to use this firearm, I can't wait!" Prince Rupert shouted excitedly at the soldier standing in front of him.

The soldier standing in front of Prince Rupert hurriedly replied: "Your Highness, the operation method of this rifle is very simple, even simpler than that of an arquebus. I will teach you how to use this rifle now." way, to ensure that you can remember it once!"

Prince Rupert handed over the Dreiser rifle in his hand to the soldier, and the soldier began to demonstrate after receiving the Dreiser rifle from Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert has a great talent for firearms. This soldier only demonstrated it two or three times, and Prince Rupert firmly remembered all the procedures in his heart.

"Okay, you can hand over the rifle in your hand to me now, I have learned how to use it!"

Prince Rupert said to the soldier.

The soldier handed the Dreiser rifle to Prince Rupert.

After Prince Rupert took the Dreiser rifle, he recalled in his mind the soldier's demonstration action just now, and then repeated it according to the soldier's demonstration action just now.

Because it is the first time to use it, Prince Rupert is inevitably a little rusty. It took Prince Rupert a full half a minute to load it this time.

Half a minute later, Prince Rupert finally loaded the ammunition into the chamber of Dreiser's rifle.

Prince Rupert took a loaded Dreiser rifle and aimed at the wooden sign about 100 meters ahead.

Prince Rupert kept calming his breathing, making his breathing as gentle as possible, so that the shaking of the rifle in his hand was as smooth as possible.

After a long time, Prince Rupert pulled the trigger.


With a gunshot, the bullet flew out of the barrel and flew towards the target ahead.

Prince Rupert often played with the Vulcan before, so his aiming was relatively safe.

At the moment of the gunshot, a hole was punched in the wooden target.

"Hit, His Royal Highness, hit!"

Before Prince Rupert could react, Thomas, standing behind Prince Rupert, shouted excitedly.

Because of the distance, Prince Rupert could not see the hole punched in the wooden target.

Because the moment the bullet hit the target, the target would be shot out of sawdust by the bullet, and Thomas just saw the sawdust that was shot out.

"Go get the target, I want to see it!" Prince Rupert said to the soldier standing beside him while reloading.

The soldier standing beside Prince Rupert sped up and ran towards the target.

Not long after, the soldier brought the target that Prince Rupert hit in front of Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert looked at the hole punched in the target, and said with a smile on his face: "There is a distance of more than thirty feet from here to the target. At this distance, the ordinary arquebus shot The bullet probably didn't know where it flew, but the bullet of this rifle actually hit the target accurately.

Moreover, if the target is directly penetrated, the hole will be very large. From this point of view, this distance is not the limit range of this rifle. "

Thomas said: "His Royal Highness, you are right, the maximum range of this rifle is about two hundred feet, and it is still lethal within two hundred feet.

It can easily break through armor within a hundred feet, even well-equipped plate armor. Within thirty feet, this rifle can punch through well-equipped plate armor! "

When Thomas bought this kind of firearm, Zhao Wen had someone do an experiment in front of Thomas, and when Thomas got this weapon back, he also did a similar experiment, so regarding the various performances of this weapon, Thomas Still familiar with the chest.

Listening to what Thomas said, Prince Rupert's face was shocked but shocked.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it, this rifle not only looks very good-looking, but also has such a powerful lethality!

This kind of rifle is simply not something that can be made in the world. I'm afraid it was made by God!
It can be seen from this that the mysterious East is not what those people say it is, it is a place that is extremely powerful, it seems that the East cannot be treated like the natives of America in the future! said Prince Rupert.

At this time, the shit stirrers have begun to colonize the Americas. Although the colonization is very small, the colonization has already begun, and when the shit stirrers colonized the Americas, what they did was extremely bloody. There is nothing for these shit stirrers Any concealment is even proud.

In terms of dealing with the colonization of the Americas, these people in China don't feel that what they are doing is wrong, and they even feel that they are not doing enough.

Prince Rupert is similar to other people in dealing with colonization, but now he saw this powerful rifle in his hand, and keenly discovered that the mysterious East is not what others said, it is an ancient and powerful land. The country of China can be seen just from the rifle in front of you.

"Hurry up and find some brand-new targets. I want to test the power of this rifle, and find some excellent plate armor. I want to test the armor-piercing ability of this rifle!" Prince Rupert He looked at Thomas who was standing next to him.

Thomas ran down with a few entourages graciously, and it didn't take long for Thomas to bring all the things Prince Rupert requested.

After Prince Rupert received these things, he began to experiment.

During the experiment in Rupert's case, Cromwell left the city of London in a carriage and headed towards his hometown.

Cromwell's home town was in Huntingdonshire, which lies to the east of the Shit Scrambler.

The seat of Huntingdon County is in Huntingdon. Huntingdon is a relatively large city, but this big is compared to the shit-stirring stick. If compared with those cities in Zhao Wen's hands, it is not as good as The prosperity of a town with a relatively large population.

Cromwell's prestige in Huntingdon County is relatively high, so Cromwell wanted to go back to his hometown to recruit soldiers and recruit a large number of soldiers, so as to face Charles I head-on.

Cromwell was sitting in the carriage, wearing a top hat, holding a wooden scepter in his hand, and looking out the window with ecstatic eyes.

The windows of Cromwell's carriage were not glass windows but shutters. Through the gaps in the shutters, Cromwell looked at the snow on both sides of the road and fell into a deep thought.

The biggest confusion for him now is what kind of system the country will implement after overthrowing the rule of Charles I.

Cromwell knew that he could never become the monarch of this country with his own blood.

The Western world attaches great importance to blood. During the Glorious Revolution, after the emerging bourgeoisie and nobles overthrew the rule of James II, they even invited the ruler of the Netherlands, William, Prince of Orange, to be the king of the shit stick.

If this kind of thing were placed in the mainland, it would be an incredible thing, but in the West, such a thing is very common.

In fact, in the final analysis, in the whole of the West, these royal families are basically relatives. No matter how they fight, no matter how hard they fight, they are all relatives.

For them, the meat is all rotten in a pot, how could they allow outsiders to covet the meat in the pot?
Of course, this statement is only one of the reasons, not all, but it shows that the Western world in this era attaches great importance to blood.

"After overthrowing the rule of Charles I, what kind of system will this country implement? This is really a headache!"

Cromwell rubbed his forehead and kept thinking, but now his head was in chaos, and he couldn't think of an ingenious solution for a while.

In history, Cromwell was the first protector of the shit stick. Although the system he established at that time was not so perfect, it was almost tailor-made according to his interests.

But that's all for the future, and Cromwell didn't think so much now.

But whether it is Cromwell in history or Cromwell now, they all believe that they can definitely overthrow the rule of Charles I.

The current Cromwell is extremely firm about being able to overthrow Charles I's rule, almost pathologically firm.

The wooden wheels of the wooden carriage rolled on the snow, making a creaking sound. Because of the snow, the speed of the carriage was not fast.

Cromwell wrapped his coat tightly, and the cold wind seeped in through the gaps in the blinds. Cromwell couldn't help shivering, and then pulled the lever on the blinds to close the gaps above.

The farther you go from the city of London, the slower the speed of the carriage and the thicker the snow will be.

While walking, the carriage stopped suddenly. Cromwell opened his tired eyes and shouted towards the front of the carriage: "What happened, why did it stop suddenly?"

"There is someone blocking the way ahead, I don't know who it is, there are seven or eight!"

A trembling voice came in. After the shit stirrers of this era leave the city, there will also be robbers.

So Cromwell's coachman thought he had met a robber.

"I don't know who it is? What are you afraid of? This time it's not just you, besides me, I also brought more than 20 followers, let the followers behind us go and check!"

Cromwell heard fear in the coachman's voice.

When Cromwell left the city, he did not go alone; he led an entourage of more than two dozen, and these entourage are now crowded in the carriage behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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