Chapter 894 Confident Charles I

Cromwell got out of the carriage, followed in the carriage behind Cromwell, and those entourages brought by Cromwell also walked down.

Cromwell came to the front of his carriage, and those followers stood around Cromwell, protecting Cromwell inside.

In front of Cromwell, there is a person who has wrapped himself tightly, only showing a pair of eyes. This person is taller, much taller than Cromwell.

There is no one else but this man.

Cromwell looked at the man in front of him with a serious expression on his face.

"It shouldn't be a robber. If it is a robber, there can't be only such a person, and it can't be dressed like this!"

Cromwell ruled out this option in just a split second.

Cromwell's eyes were fixed on the man in front of him, and under Cromwell's gaze, this man walked towards Cromwell.

Cromwell immediately became vigilant, and the followers around him protected him, and at the same time raised their weapons and aimed at this man.

The man walking towards Cromwell didn't seem to be afraid. He looked at the guards around Cromwell holding matchlock guns, and there was no fear in his eyes.

"Who are you? Stop now, what do you want to do?"

Cromwell looked at this person very calmly, and he couldn't help but feel very puzzled. He shouted a few words at this person.

But this person did not stop, and still walked towards Cromwell.

"What should we do? What should we do now? Should we shoot him directly?" One of Cromwell's followers hurriedly asked.

Cromwell shook his head and said, "Don't worry, this person doesn't seem to have any malice towards us. Let's take a look first and see what he wants to do."

While speaking, this person stopped at a distance of ten steps in front of Cromwell.

Under Cromwell's gaze, the man took off the scarf covering his face layer by layer.

When the scarves were all taken off, Cromwell's face was full of disbelief.

"Oriental faces? What's the matter?"

Cromwell looked at the man standing in front of him with disbelief.

The person standing in front of Cromwell was sent by He Donglang to contact the parliament.

However, during the recent period, the members of the council in the city are basically scattered in various places in the city, and it is not so easy to get in touch with them.

In addition, the people sent out by He Donglang all had oriental faces and were easy to be noticed, so for such a long time, these people sent out did not find out where Cromwell was.

The reason why I approached Cromwell was because Cromwell was one of the principals in the parliament and had relatively great power in the parliament. If I had direct contact with Cromwell, it would be better than contacting other people in the parliament. I don't know how many times better.

Therefore, the people sent out by He Donglang were mainly looking for Cromwell.

Hard work paid off, and by chance, the people sent by He Donglang finally found out Cromwell's address.

After finding out Cromwell's address, the people sent by He Donglang came to Cromwell's address, but they were still a step late. When they arrived at Cromwell's address, Cromwell had left.

There was no other way, so the people sent out by He Donglang could only go out of the city to look for them.

At the same time, the people He Donglang sent out also told He Donglang the news.

After knowing the news, He Donglang analyzed and concluded that Cromwell must be planning to return to his own hometown.

So He Donglang sent the one who spoke the best English among his men to chase him along the road to Cromwell's hometown.

In addition to going to Cromwell's hometown, He Donglang also sent many men to search around the city of London, just in case.

And the subordinate standing in front of Cromwell was the one sent by He Donglang along the road to Cromwell's hometown to find him.

"Are you those Orientals? What do you want from me?"

Cromwell asked suspiciously.

The subordinate He Donglang sent out is called Zheng Yihe. Zheng Yihe speaks very good English, the best among He Donglang's subordinates, so he can understand what Cromwell asked. .

Zheng Yihe said: "I came here to contact you. You are the most powerful person in the parliament. I have ordered you to come to contact you!"

"Contact me? It's interesting. I don't know you guys, and I don't have any friendship with you. Why are you contacting me?
Moreover, I see that you are getting closer to His Highness the King, and you should also know that the relationship between me and His Highness the King is no longer the same.

Are you coming to me now, are you trying to tell me that you are standing on the side of His Royal Highness and want to attack me?

Or, is it you who want to arrest me to His Royal Highness the King?I tell you relying on you alone, don't try to catch me, I feel like you are dreaming! "

Cromwell looked at the man standing in front of him with a look of contempt.

"Your Excellency, I think you made a mistake. Although we are closer to His Royal Highness, it does not mean that we are the same as His Royal Highness.

I want to tell you one thing, now in the hands of His Royal Highness, there is a very powerful weapon, this weapon is exactly what we sold to them!

If you don't know about this weapon or have no way to deal with it, no matter how many soldiers and horses there are in the council, it will be a disastrous defeat! Zheng Yihe said to Cromwell with a serious face.

Cromwell had no interest in what Zheng Yihe said.

"The powerful weapons depend on you, and you sold the powerful weapons to His Highness the King? How ridiculous!" Cromwell said with a sarcasm.

Cromwell already knew that Charles I now had a powerful weapon in his hands. Cromwell didn't have a clear understanding of the powerful weapon in Charles I's hands, but only heard that he stayed in Windsor Castle Eyeliner said.

However, the always proud Cromwell didn't take this matter to heart at all.In his view, this incident is likely to be a smoke bomb released by Charles I to confuse the parliament.

"I know this matter may be incredible to you, but what I said is true, you must believe us, if you intend to go your own way, then the council will be a disastrous defeat!"

Zheng Yihe did not give up and persuaded Cromwell again.

"Okay, you go now, I don't want to say anything!" Cromwell said impatiently.

Cromwell didn't believe that He Donglang, who was so close to Charles I, would kindly remind himself.

After Cromwell said that, he got into the carriage. Zheng Yihe wanted to say more, but seeing that Cromwell had already stepped into the carriage, he had no choice but to keep his mouth shut.

Cromwell's carriage drove past Zheng Yihe and headed into the distance.

Looking at the carriage that Cromwell left, Zheng Yihe murmured, "You will eventually pay the price for today."

Zheng Yihe walked towards the camp as he spoke.

After Zheng Yihe returned to the camp, he went to see He Donglang.

In the room where He Donglang was, Zheng Yihe stood in front of He Donglang, and said to He Donglang: "My lord, I have met Cromwell, who is in charge of the parliament, but things are not going well."

He Donglang sat in front of Zheng Yihe. He looked at Zheng Yihe and asked, "Why is it not going well? What did you say to him when you saw him? How did he answer you?"

"My lord, the thing is like this..." Zheng Yihe explained in detail what happened when he met Cromwell today.

Listening to Zheng Yihe's voice, He Donglang's face was full of disdain, "These people are really arrogant, and they will pay the price for their ignorance sooner or later."

In fact, He Donglang had already guessed that this would be the result.

After He Donglang came here, the people in the city who had contacted Charles I or wandered around the city, judging from their attitudes, these people treated He Donglang and the others with unusual pride, feeling like a high-ranking man. The state of a man when he sees an inferior man.

He Donglang didn't know where the arrogance of these people came from, nor did he want to know where the arrogance of these people came from.

"My lord, what should we do now? Cromwell doesn't believe us. If Charles I really beats Cromwell to the ground and wipes out the parliament, then we won't be able to complete His Majesty's mission." The mission given to us will fail at that time!" Zheng Yihe asked anxiously.

"Why are you in a hurry? Cromwell doesn't believe what you said, and he doesn't believe us either, so let him suffer a little bit before talking.

Cromwell is an extremely arrogant person. He doesn't look down on us people and Charles I at all. Sooner or later he will suffer. People like Cromwell will not suffer a little. No way. "He Donglang's face was full of indifferent expressions.

For He Donglang, Cromwell believed it was better, and it didn't matter if he didn't believe it, as long as he grasped a certain degree, when Charles I was about to defeat the Parliament, He Donglang and the others would make another move to save the Parliament.

At that time, people like Cromwell have to believe it if they don't believe it.

It was nothing more than wasting more time, which He Donglang and the others could afford to waste.

"Okay, you go down first!" He Donglang waved at Zheng Yihe, indicating that he can leave now.

Zheng Yihe left He Donglang's room, not long after Zheng Yihe left He Donglang's room, Wang Dongliang came to find him.

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang stood beside the table, on which was a map of shit-stirring sticks.

He Donglang looked at the map of the shit-stirring stick seriously, and murmured: "According to the information we have inquired in the city in the past few days, most of the main managers in the council have returned to their own places. Hometown, began to recruit troops.

Among them, the one named Fairfax seems to have returned to his hometown a long time ago. Maybe he has recruited a lot of soldiers and horses now. I heard that this Fairfax participated in some bishop wars before. , is a good leader in battle. "

Although He Donglang's appearance is very different from that of the people here, but in the recent period, He Donglang has been sending people outside to inquire about all kinds of news. At that time, He Donglang was willing to spend money, so he got a lot of useful information.

"Yes, this Fairfax has commanded cavalry before and fought in the bishop's war. He is a man who can recruit and fight well.

This time, however, Fairfax was doomed.

Although the firearms sold to Charles I were not as good as the firearms we use now, they were many times stronger than the arquebus they used.

The firearms used by Charles I are also effective against cavalry, and the cavalry led by Fairfax must be folded in front of Charles I. "Wang Dongliang thinks so too.

He Donglang set his eyes on Fairfax's hometown, and said: "But we can't let Fairfax and the others suffer too much, if we let Fairfax and the others suffer too much , then all the troops in Fairfax's hands will be dispersed at once.

At that time, even if we support Fairfax again, they may not be able to gain an advantage over Charles I in terms of numbers. "

"That's the reason, but it's hard to grasp the speed. The two sides haven't started a war yet, and we don't know where their battlefield is. Anyway, it doesn't seem to be here in London!" Wang Dongliang said.

"Regardless of these things, let's talk about it when the time comes. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge. Let's talk about it then!" He Donglang said.


At this time, Charles I's office was full of his confidantes.

Among them, Charles I's hardcore confidants Thomas and Prince Rupert stood at the forefront.

"His Royal Highness, during this period of time, I have sent many spies in the city. According to the news from these spies, in the next few days, the remnants of the parliament will incite the city residents to riot. What should we do now? ?” Thomas looked at Charles I solemnly.

"Ha ha!"

Charles I sneered twice, and said: "Just because they have such powerful weapons in our hands now, what are they, even if they incite the residents of the entire city of London to riot, for us, they can be defeated in the shortest time. Calm down!"

The current Charles I is very confident.

"Yes, yes, uncle is right!"

Prince Rupert, who was standing next to Thomas, also shouted loudly.

After seeing those powerful weapons, Lu Ban's situation is now full of confidence. In his opinion, the thousand soldiers he is now commanding will be the most invincible existence in the whole shit-stirring stick.

With these thousand soldiers, Prince Rupert felt that no one in this world could stop him, let alone these ordinary people in London.

Charles I in history did not have such good luck.

In history, he personally led the army to arrest Pym and others, but was strongly opposed by the people in London.

At that time, the entire city of London was full of rioting people.They gathered together, holding weapons they didn't know where they got, and wanted to attack Windsor Castle.

The royalist faction in London was weak, so Charles I had to go north to York City to organize a royalist army.

After that, Charles I set up the banner of the royal army in Nottingham, declared the parliament a rebellion, and conquered the parliament in the same year.

But in this era, now that Charles I has these thousand fully armed soldiers in his hands, he is not afraid of the riots of the people in the city at all.

 I wish you all a happy new year, and the Year of the Ox is booming.

  I can only update this chapter today, I am too busy, please forgive me!

(End of this chapter)

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