Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 895 Prince Rupert's Plan

Chapter 895 Prince Rupert's Plan
But in this era, Charles I had more than 1000 soldiers with live ammunition in his hands. He was not afraid of Parliament at all, so he didn't have to go north.

"His Royal Highness, what should the residents of the city do if they riot? Don't we just suppress it directly like this, I'm afraid there will be a lot of trouble by then!"

Sir Ralph Hopton, standing behind Prince Rupert, looked at Charles I with a puzzled expression.

Sir Ralph Hopeton, also one of Charles I's confidantes.

"If these residents in the city riot, then directly send troops to suppress them. These untouchables, don't let them see any blood. They don't know who is the biggest in London!"

Charles I had a grim face, and said coldly, in his eyes, these residents in the city were not human beings at all, but untouchables one by one.

"Uncle is right. These residents in the city are nothing more than untouchables. If they riot, let them die!" Prince Rupert also said viciously.

These people standing in this office basically have the same attitude towards the residents of the city.

"Your Highness, what should He Donglang and the others do?"

Thomas suddenly looked at Charles I and asked.

When Charles I heard the words He Donglang, his face immediately darkened.

At this time, Charles I didn't want to hear the words He Donglang at all. Charles I understood that although the thousand soldiers in his hands could run across the entire country, if they met He Donglang, it might be true.

During such a long time together, Charles I had not seen the weapons they used with his own eyes.

But Charles I understood that the weapons in He Donglang's hands were no worse than those used by the thousand soldiers in his hands now, not to mention the warships of He Donglang's docked at the port. Much larger than these guns.

"His Royal Highness, we have already paid off the debt before and handed it all over to He Donglang and the others, but now He Donglang and the others not only have not left, but have stayed here all the time, I am afraid their purpose is not pure.

Maybe this time, they will intervene in the war between us and the parliament. If they help the parliament, it will not be a good thing for us. "

Thomas had a gloomy face. He was very unwilling to see this kind of thing happen, because he knew that once He Donglang and the others decided to help the parliament, Charles I would have no way to eradicate the parliament.

"What you said is very reasonable. What we are most afraid of now is that He Donglang and the others will interfere in the affairs between us and the parliament!" Charles I's face was ugly.

"Uncle, what's there to be afraid of, let's just get rid of them!" Prince Rupert looked arrogant.

Charles I looked at Prince Rupert and felt an urge to scold his mother. If Prince Rupert hadn't been Charles I's nephew, Charles I would have cursed him long ago.

"It's easy to say, how to get rid of them? I want to get rid of them, but with the strength in our hands, there is no way to get rid of them."

Charles I shook his head and said with a displeased face.

"Uncle, if we confront them head-on, we may not be their opponents, but we can change our way of thinking, let's set a trap for them, use this trap, and then get rid of them." Rupert The prince stroked his chin like a wise man.

Charles I looked at Prince Rupert, and he saw that he was confident from Prince Rupert's face.

"Listen to you, you already have a solution now, why don't you tell the solution!" Charles I looked at Prince Rupert expectantly.

The people standing behind Prince Rupert also looked at Prince Rupert expectantly.

If Prince Rupert could really think of a way to get rid of He Donglang and the others, it would be like adding wings to a tiger for Charles I.

Prince Rupert enjoyed watching the gazes cast by these people.

Prince Rupert is only in his twenties, it is the time when he is young and frivolous, and it is also the time when he likes to express himself the most.

"Uncle, we can use the excuse of thanking He Donglang for training our soldiers, and treat He Donglang and the others to dinner.

As long as He Donglang and the others enter our Windsor Castle, and transfer these thousand soldiers over at that time, under a sudden attack, they will definitely be wiped out. "

When Prince Rupert said these words, his face was full of excitement. When he said that he had caught everything, he suddenly swung his right hand forward and grabbed it suddenly, with a murderous look on his face.

"However, Your Royal Highness, He Donglang and the others are numerous, how could we possibly wipe them all out?
Even if we attack suddenly, I am afraid that both sides will suffer the best result.

Even if we use the reason of thanking He Donglang for training our soldiers to entertain them, then He Donglang has no reason to bring all the soldiers with him when he goes to the banquet. He must only bring a few followers, as for the rest he must Will stay at camp.

At that time, the soldiers who stayed in the camp would definitely make trouble when they saw that their chief did not come back in time. If they knew that we were dealing with He Donglang, these people would make trouble much more terrifying than the parliament. "

Thomas looked at the excited Prince Rupert and expressed his opinion.

What Thomas said was exactly what Charles I was worried about. If he wanted to deal with them, he had to deal with all the people. If he only dealt with one He Donglang and abandoned those subordinates of He Donglang, this was a stupid idea.

Prince Rupert glanced at Thomas lightly, and said with a look of disdain: "Actually, we can deal with one He Donglang, as long as the main commander is killed, as for the soldiers under He Donglang, we can give them to you." These soldiers have some interests, and then disperse and win him over.

I still don't believe it, we don't know how far the east is from here, on our territory, can't we still accomplish these things? "

"You mean, let's get rid of He Donglang first, and then tempt He Donglang's subordinates with benefits, and then disperse and recruit them, turn them into our own use, and become our strength?" Charles I squinted Eyes on Prince Rupert.

Vaguely, Charles I felt that this method was not impossible.

"That's right, that's it. He Donglang's subordinates are nothing more than ordinary soldiers. I don't believe it anymore. They came across the ocean without any pursuit.

I'm sure that when they came here, their king or their emperor must have promised them very big benefits. If they didn't have such a big benefit, they would definitely not come here. "

Prince Rupert patted his chest, explaining to Charles I solemnly.

What Prince Rupert said was based on his own perspective and the current situation of the shit-stirring stick.

The current shit-stirring sticks have also begun to colonize. At this time, the ships are basically wooden sailboats, and the speed of sailing is very slow. Therefore, in order to appease the sailors and colonial soldiers, the commanders often make promises to these soldiers or sailors. Great profits, in order to lure them across the ocean.

So in Prince Rupert's view, those subordinates of He Donglang must have come here because of this reason.

Listening to Prince Rupert's explanation, Charles I's eyes gradually brightened.

"From what you've said, it's really possible.

If this is the case, then we are very likely to use those subordinates of He Donglang for our own use.

If we can really win over those subordinates of He Donglang, then we can not only eradicate the parliament, but even look at the whole world.

During the Hundred Years' War, the humiliation we suffered will be wiped out in our hands, and our territory will be infinitely vast. "

The more Charles I spoke, the more excited he was. He kept slapping the armrests of the chair, his eyes glowed with excitement, and he even saw that he had become the supreme emperor.

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that you are not only a good leader in battle, but also so good in strategy. It seems that you have not wasted your time for so many years."

Charles I looked excited and said three good words again and again.

Except for Thomas, the rest of the people in the office also had bright eyes and excited faces, as if they had now become the masters of the entire western world.

Only Thomas's face was full of dignity, he frowned and sighed non-stop.

Thomas' reaction was discovered by Charles I, who asked with a puzzled look: "I don't know what you are worried about?"

Thomas said: "His Royal Highness, I have personally been to that country. Although I have not been in contact with the soldiers of this country for a long time, according to my observations, the soldiers of this country cannot be bought with some money.

Moreover, their emperor is a very wise man. When he dispatched these soldiers, he must have thought about these issues. It is estimated that the soldiers he selected are the most determined soldiers and the most loyal soldiers to him.

I'm afraid that His Royal Highness' plan will fail! "

These words of Thomas are all from the heart, and they are all from the heart, but at this time, these heartfelt words are out of date, especially now that Charles I is in the mood.

Charles I's face turned cold, and he looked at Thomas with dissatisfaction, "What do you mean by that? Do you mean that we should just get caught without a fight? We should just watch He Donglang and the others come to us Show off your power on the territory of the country?
You went to the East once, how did you become so timid?Since you are so timid, why are you still fighting? You might as well go home and hold your baby.What great things can a person who is afraid of wolves and tigers achieve? "

Charles I startled Thomas, and Thomas did not expect Charles I's reaction to be so great.

Thomas was trembling, trembling all over.

"Your Highness, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say that we should be more careful!" Thomas replied again and again, for fear that Charles I would punish him for what he said.

"It's also unintentional for you. I won't pursue this matter today, but remember, don't say that you are my man, not He Donglang's man, and figure out your position!" Charlie I said to Thomas with a dissatisfied face.

When a person decides on something, especially if he decides it from the bottom of his heart, then he subconsciously thinks that the thing will develop as he imagined, thus ignoring the differences of the people around him. They may even think that the different opinions of the people around them are all illusory.

This is the case of Charles I now. After the bombardment of Prince Rupert's remarks, Charles I believed that the method Prince Rupert said would definitely succeed, and he would be able to turn He Donglang's subordinates into his own. use.

In fact, those subordinates of He Donglang were too tempting to Charles I.

"Yes, yes, His Royal Highness is right. I will never say these things in the future, and I ask His Royal Highness to forgive me!" Thomas repeatedly apologized.

"I didn't mean to hold you accountable, so don't say these words again!" Charles I waved his right hand unintentionally, and then looked at Prince Rupert.

"If that's the case, then the day after tomorrow we will let He Donglang and the others come to the castle. In order to show our sincerity, this time you will go in person this time. What do you think?" Charles I watched hopefully for a year. Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert patted his chest and accepted the task, "Uncle, leave this matter to me, I will definitely get He Donglang and the others for you."

"Okay, okay, if that's the case, then you go invite them today!" Charles I said impatiently to Rupert.

Prince Rupert nodded heavily and said, "Okay."


An hour later, Prince Rupert stopped outside He Donglang's camp in a carriage with seven or eight entourages.

He Donglang had heard about Prince Rupert for a long time, and had met several times, so when he heard the report from his subordinates that Prince Rupert was waiting outside the camp, he took Wang Dongliang to greet him in person.

As soon as he walked out of the camp, He Donglang saw Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert stood outside the camp, looking at He Donglang who was walking over with a smile.

"Mr. He, long time no see!" Prince Rupert shouted at He Donglang from afar.

Now He Donglang can roughly understand some simple English, and He Donglang can still understand the words Prince Rupert yelled.

He Donglang came in front of Prince Rupert and replied in broken English with a smile: "His Royal Highness, long time no see. I wonder what His Royal Highness is here today?"

"I have nothing else to do here today, but to inform Mr. He on the order of my uncle.

In order to thank the thousand soldiers trained by Mr. He, my uncle decided to hold a banquet in Windsor Castle the day after tomorrow to entertain Mr. He, and Mr. He must be there when the time comes. "

After Prince Rupert finished speaking, his eyes fixed on He Donglang's face, for fear of missing any expression of He Donglang.

What Prince Rupert said, He Donglang only understood roughly.

Behind He Donglang stood a subordinate who had basically mastered English.

This subordinate translated the words of Prince Rupert into details.

English is relatively simple, and He Donglang's subordinate is also very talented in languages, so in such a short period of time, he has basically mastered English.

 Visiting relatives today, it’s really too late to come back. It’s not long since I just got home, so I can only update one chapter, please forgive me! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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