Chapter 896 Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse

"You mean to say that His Royal Highness wants to entertain me at Windsor Castle?"

After understanding the translated content, He Donglang looked at Prince Rupert with a puzzled expression.

He Donglang never thought that one day, Charles I would entertain him.

"You don't need to entertain me. At the beginning, when purchasing the weapon, His Majesty promised that we must teach the guests how to use this weapon. Therefore, all this is our duty, and it is completely unnecessary." He Dong Lang replied.

He Donglang didn't want to go to this kind of banquet at all. Now the parliament and Charles I were about to go to war. At this time, he could try to keep as little contact with the two parties as possible.

"Mr. He, you can't say that. Without you, these thousand soldiers would not be able to learn to use this weapon. Although you have the responsibility to teach our people how to use this weapon, we still have to thank you." Prince Rupert said hastily.

"I appreciate your kindness, but I really can't attend your banquet!" He Donglang still didn't want to go.

"Mr. He, we are almost ready now, and His Royal Highness also appreciates you very much. This time, His Royal Highness intends to thank you very much. If Mr. He does not go, then I have no way to explain to His Royal Highness when I go back. Although His Royal Highness the King is my uncle, but I still have to approve it because it is a matter of business."

When Prince Rupert said this, he put his status very low, and said to He Donglang almost in a begging tone.

Seeing Prince Rupert's appearance, He Donglang originally planned to continue to refuse, but after thinking about it, after all, he is still here, and now he can't contact the parliament for the time being, so why not go there, Anyway, Charles I couldn't do any tricks.

He Donglang never thought that Charles I would attack him. In He Donglang's view, with so many soldiers in his hands and so many warships docked at the port, even if Charles I had 1 courage, He didn't dare to do anything to himself.

It's not that He Donglang is too confident, as long as anyone has such strength in his hands, he basically has the same idea as He Donglang.

"In that case, then I'll go there!" He Donglang finally agreed.

When what He Donglang said was translated to Prince Rupert by He Donglang's subordinates, Prince Rupert almost jumped up from the ground happily.

Prince Rupert's face was full of smiles, he tried his best to calm down the excitement in his heart, for fear of being seen by He Donglang.

"Mr. He, then it's settled. The day after tomorrow, I will send someone to pick you up!" Prince Rupert said excitedly to He Donglang.

He Donglang nodded heavily, "I will definitely go then!"

"Then it's settled. I'll go first. I still have something to do."

After speaking, Prince Rupert turned around and got into the carriage.

Looking at the back of the carriage leaving, Hedong Langshen took a breath, and said in a puzzled way: "I really don't understand, why treat me to dinner so well, these Westerners are really red tape."

"My lord invites you to dinner at this time, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this matter!" Wang Dongliang, who was standing behind He Donglang, said thoughtfully.

He Donglang turned around and said nonchalantly: "There is something wrong? What could be wrong? Could it be that Charles I dared to attack us? Was Charles I so courageous?

I guess, they should be trying to win us over. After all, they are about to go to war with the parliament now, and we have stayed here for such a long time. They issued an order to expel guests before, but we ignored it, so Charles I was afraid. Let's join this war. "

He Donglang had done all his calculations, but he couldn't count that Charles I would attack them. What He Donglang thought was that Charles I should be afraid of meddling in this war and win him over.

"Okay, don't think about these things anymore, let's go back first!" He Donglang said, and walked towards the camp.

The cold wind kept blowing, Prince Rupert sat in the carriage, his face was full of excitement.

He held a short knife inlaid with gems in his hand, and kept playing with the short knife.

Occasionally he would pull out the dagger and test the blade of the dagger with his right thumb.

"Hehe, after the day after tomorrow, these people will all become our subordinates, Hedong Lang, and I will build a very luxurious tomb for you at that time. When I conquer the whole world, I will visit your tomb You, because of you, I can conquer the whole world."

Prince Rupert's eyes were full of fierce light.

The carriage was driving on the streets of London, and the axles and wheels creaked due to friction.

At this time, the shit stirrer has not yet entered the industrial civilization, so there is no bearing connection between the axle and the wheel, and the friction force is naturally much greater.

Today's weather is particularly cold, and there are almost no people on the streets of the City of London.

But all of this was just a superficial phenomenon. Pym and Hampton brought their respective subordinates and shuttled around the city non-stop. They were doing the tasks assigned to them by Cromwell when they left.

London at this time is at the time of the famous enclosure incident in history, which is the so-called sheep cannibalism.

It is precisely for this reason that the land of the yeoman farmers around London was occupied by the emerging bourgeoisie and the emerging aristocrats to build pastures and raise sheep.

And these self-cultivators who lost their land had to come to work in London.

The number of residents in the city of London has also increased a lot.

Pym wore a very huge cloak, wrapped himself tightly, and he led a few of his men on the streets of London, shuttling non-stop.

He looked down at the road under his feet, thinking about something.

"In the current city of London, there are a very large number of residents, and most of them are strong young and strong labor force. If these people can be effectively organized, then the chances of winning against His Royal Highness will be much greater.

However, I heard that His Royal Highness has a very powerful army in his hands. I don’t know whether this matter is true or not. If it is true, can the parliament win His Royal Highness? If not, then the parliament will be defeated. His Royal Highness dismissed. "

There was a hint of confusion on Pim's face, and now he didn't know what this war would look like.

"I hope Cromwell can form a strong army, yes, and Fairfax!" Pym sighed and came to the gate of a single-family house.

This single-family house is a stronghold that Pim uses to contact his subordinates. Now this single-family house is full of Pim's subordinates.

After Pim walked into the single-family house, he discussed things with his subordinates.


Sitting in the imperial study, Zhao Wen put down the brush in his hand. Zhao Wen, who had been exhausted all day, picked up the cold tea on the table and drank the tea in it.

Zhao Wen watched the sunset fading outside the window, and took a deep breath.

"I don't know what's going on with He Donglang and the others now. If we look at the historical trend, the shit stirrers are about to break out into civil war now!"

Zhao Wen put down the teacup in his hand and stood up, walking slowly in the imperial study.

The new year has passed, and the weather is getting warmer day by day, but during the Little Ice Age, these temperature rises are almost negligible.

"If it weren't for me, according to the trend of history, the battle between the Roundheads and Charles I would end with the victory of the Roundheads!
It's just that this time I'm here, how could I let you two end so easily?I'm going to keep you in a never-ending battle, and I'm going to give you a little more! "

Zhao Wen suddenly thought of those foreign students brought by Thomas.

After Thomas got the weapons from Zhao Wen, he left these foreign students in Xuanzhen, and he himself took the weapons Zhao Wen gave him and ran back to the shit-stirring stick.

In Thomas' opinion, the foreign students brought by Thomas were far less important than the weapons Zhao Wen gave him. When Thomas decided to keep these foreign students in Xuan Town, these foreign students were destined to be abandoned by Thomas.

"These international students are good seedlings. This time I will make good use of them!"

There were extremely strange smiles on Zhao Wen's face.

After accepting these foreign students, Zhao Wen transferred some teachers from the university to teach these students. The first thing these students need to learn is Chinese and Chinese characters.

These foreign students who were selected by Thomas and brought to Xuanzhen are all very smart and extremely talented students in language.

Therefore, in a short period of time, these foreign students brought by Thomas have roughly mastered Chinese grammar and can understand some simple Chinese.

In order to prevent these foreign students from being exposed to the textbooks in the university, Zhao Wen rebuilt a courtyard in Xuan Town to teach these foreign students.

The textbooks used by these international students were written by Zhao Wen. Zhao Wen's English is very good, so Zhao Wen compiled the textbooks for these international students in English.

However, the teaching materials written by Zhao Wen for these foreign students have almost nothing to do with industry. The teaching materials that Zhao Wen flogged were basically related to the national system and ideology.

In the teaching materials, Zhao Wen tried his best to promote "freedom and democracy", the favorite slogans of Western countries.

Of course, the contents written by Zhao Wen in the textbooks are all castrated versions. The castrated version is very harmful, and only one-sided analysis is possible.

If the castrated version is used to govern the country, it will only make a mess of the country's governance.

Having said that, it was the first time for these international students to see the contents of the textbooks written by Zhao Wen. When they saw the contents of the textbooks for the first time, they subverted their knowledge.

These international students have never seen such a thing, and they don't even dare to think that there is such a magical and great thought in this world.

When these foreign students read these textbooks, combined with themselves and the current domestic situation of the shit-stirring stick, they immediately feel that all the contents in the textbooks are the truth.

The current era is the budding era of capitalism, everything is in the process of groping, almost everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones, but now Zhao Wen suddenly came up with a more mature plan, which is It is like building a bridge over a turbulent river that is not familiar with the conditions of the river. How could it not excite these international students?

Although these international students were all brought by Thomas, the minds of young students are the most active. When they see new knowledge, they absorb nutrients like a dry sponge like a dry sponge.

Soon under the influence of Zhao Wen's textbooks, they have abandoned Thomas, and now they have become Zhao Wen's most loyal believers.

These foreign students have now regarded the contents of the textbooks compiled by Zhao Wen as classics, and now Zhao Wen has established a very glorious image in the minds of these foreign students.

Zhao Wen has a very clear grasp of the movements of these international students, and Zhao Wen also knows the basic situation of these international students.

"It's time to let these international students go back, they are much better than the roundheads who claim to be righteous in the world.

After these overseas students go back, the knowledge they carry will definitely overturn the knowledge of almost everyone in the country.

At that time, Charles I will not tolerate these international students, and the Roundhead Party in Parliament will not tolerate these international students, and these students will not tolerate Charles I and the Roundhead Party.

There will definitely be competition between these three, and it is still the kind of endless competition. At this time, the inside of the pot of the shit stirrer will look good! "

Zhao Wen's eyes were very bright. He walked out of the imperial study room and stood in the yard outside the imperial study room, watching the last sunset on the western mountain, with a very strange expression on his face.


After a busy day at work, Cao Dongsheng finally walked out of the yamen. He was walking on the street home, looking at the street lights that had been turned on on both sides of the street, his frowning expression couldn't be relieved a little.

Cao Dongsheng is the director of the Factory Management Department of the Ministry of Industry. The Factory Management Department is a very powerful government office that manages almost all factories in the entire country, except for the factories directly managed by each government office or Zhao Wen.

As long as the factory is not under the direct management of various yamen or Zhao Wen, it almost always obeys the orders of the factory management department.

Even if the factory is privately run, it is still under the management of the factory management department.

The Factory Management Department is under the direct management of the Ministry of Industry, and Cao Dongsheng's direct person in charge is Song Yingxing, the Minister of Industry.

There are a lot of people in the Industrial Management Division, and with the increase in the number of factories in the country today, the work in the Industrial Management Division is becoming increasingly busy.

Cao Dongsheng works almost every day, even during Chinese New Year, he is still on duty in the Yamen.

Cao Dongsheng's official position is a fourth-rank official, and his power is still relatively large. Sometimes, if he encounters an emergency, he can directly meet Zhao Wen without reporting it.

"With the great development policy formulated by His Majesty, there are more and more factories all over the country. Now there are too many things in the yamen, and today's work is not finished. Alas, I really don't know when it will end. ah!"

Cao Dongsheng sighed and walked forward with a tired face.

Although Cao Dongsheng was very tired, he did not give up for this reason.

Cao Dongsheng followed Wen earlier, Cao Dongsheng is a traditional scholar, because when he followed Zhao Wen, he was not very old, only 25 or [-] years old, so after Zhao Wen established a university, Zhao Wen took Cao Dongsheng Arranged into the university.

Cao Dongsheng studied in the university for two years. After two years of systematic study, Cao Dongsheng is now able to stand alone.

Cao Dongsheng's home is not far from the factory management department, only two streets away, so Cao Dongsheng would choose to walk or ride a bicycle after returning home every day.

Today, Cao Dongsheng's bicycle had a little problem, so Cao Dongsheng did not ride the bicycle.

Cao Dongsheng rubbed his temples while walking forward.

Pedestrians on the sidewalk did not decrease because of the dark sky.

Now that the New Year has passed, these people in Xuan Town have also started to get busy. Now this is the time when the factories are off work, so there are still many pedestrians on the street.

In order to take a shortcut, Cao Dongsheng walked into an alley with fewer people.

This alley is relatively long, but there are not many street lights inside.

Cao Dongsheng was walking in the dark alley. At this time, he was walking very slowly, as if to relax.

When Cao Dongsheng passed a street lamp, his figure was stretched out by the lamp.

After Cao Dongsheng walked past the streetlight for a long time, a figure appeared under the streetlight.

The man looked at Cao Dongsheng who was going away, pulled up the mask on his face and walked forward.

In the current declaration of war, masks are no longer a rare thing. In order to deal with the epidemic in Qingyang Mansion, Zhao Wen made masks, and now masks are also popular.

Behind Cao Dongsheng, there was a person following him. The person following Cao Dongsheng wrapped himself tightly. He could only see that he was about 1.7 meters tall, but he couldn't see his real appearance.

"There are too many things today. There seems to be a little problem with the ledger of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory. I don't know how they did it. The tax they paid and their ledger are still inconsistent. I will check it tomorrow. Once again, if it still doesn't match, send a commissioner to the slaughterhouse."

During the period after the Spring Festival every year, all the factories in Xuan Town, except those directly managed by the government offices or directly managed by Zhao Wen, have to hand over all their account books and the amount of taxes to be paid to the factory management. manage.

In addition to these, each factory has to list the profits of the previous year in detail to the factory management department, and then calculate the profits and tax books together.

The tax was originally managed by the tax department, but for the convenience of management, the factory tax must first be handed over to the factory management department, and then the factory management department will hand it over to the tax department.

The same is true for local factories, but with the increase in the number of local factories, the factory management department has more and more things to do. At first, the factories managed by the factory management department were only Xuanzhen and the factories around Xuanzhen. .

Zhao Wen has also noticed this problem now, so maybe after a while, Zhao Wen will reform the factory management department.

The Xuanzhen slaughterhouse that Cao Dongsheng mentioned was the largest and only slaughterhouse in Xuanzhen.

This slaughterhouse slaughters a very large number of cattle, sheep, pigs, ducks, etc. every day.

Moreover, the cattle and sheep sold by the tribes on the grassland were basically sent to the slaughterhouse in Xuan Town.

In addition to Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, there are also some small slaughterhouses, but because Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse is a government-run slaughterhouse, the people trust Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse more.

After the Chinese New Year this year, Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, as usual, sent its profit tax and account book to the Factory Management Department for accounting.

After the Factory Management Department received these items from the Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, it did the accounting as soon as possible. question.

Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse slaughters animals every day, and the ledgers are recorded every day, so that there will be a lot of ledgers sent up.

More ledgers were sent up, so it was more difficult to check. After Cao Dongsheng knew that there was a problem with the ledgers and other things in Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, he asked his staff to check again, but there were still problems after the verification.

The slaughterhouse in Xuan Town is related to the meat situation of all the people in Xuan Town, so this factory is very important. Just in case, Cao Dongsheng watched it himself and asked his subordinates to check it.

As a result, Cao Dongsheng was very tired. He kept rubbing his waist on the way home.

"I hope that those under his command are too negligent and haven't settled the accounts clearly. If there is really a problem with the Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, then the matter will be serious." Cao Dongsheng also doesn't want any accidents at the Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, after all, this place is It is closely related to the people in the city.

Not long after, Cao Dongsheng returned to his home. The person who followed Cao Dongsheng did not leave him, and chose to live in an inn not far from Cao Dongsheng's home.

The sky became completely dark, and it didn't take long for the pedestrians on the streets of Xuanzhen to disappear.

Now that the cold air has not disappeared, the nightlife in Xuanzhen seems to have stopped.

There is a brightly lit factory in the east of Xuanzhen Town, and the walls of this factory are very large.

From time to time, pigs, sheep, and cows can be heard in this factory.

This factory is the Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse.

"Old Wang, have those cows been brought over? Have the cows that are going to be slaughtered tonight come out of the pen?"

In the slaughter workshop, a big bald man in blood-stained overalls yelled at a man not far away from him.

When slaughtering cattle and sheep in Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, it is carried out in the slaughtering workshop, and when slaughtering, it is also an assembly line operation.

When slaughtering livestock such as cattle and sheep, the tools used are different from ordinary slaughterhouses.

In order to save time, the Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse adopted the electric shock method when slaughtering animals.

But after the slaughter, the animals must be bled, so the workshop will become a little bloody.

 Two chapters in one!

(End of this chapter)

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