Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 897 Something Happened to Zhao Mingyu

Chapter 897 Something Happened to Zhao Mingyu
The bald man who shouted was the team leader of the slaughter workshop.

"Team leader, the cows to be slaughtered tonight have been brought over!" The man who was questioned by the bald man hurriedly replied.

After getting a definite answer, the bald man felt relieved.

"Leader, is there really no problem for us to do this? These cows seem to be sick cows, and they won't live for a few days. If there is any problem with the beef after it flows into the market, what should we do then?" The man looked worried. looking at the bald head.

The bald head turned sideways and looked at the man coldly.

"What do you know? Why are these cows sick and can't live for a few days? Don't say such things in front of me in the future.

Although our factory is so big, it is not so easy to feed so many people in our factory. Some things are not as simple as you think.

These cows were collected by us, and they cost a lot of money when they were collected. When they were stored in the cattle pen of our slaughterhouse, something went wrong. If these cattle are disposed of because they are sick, then we buy cattle The money is lost.

Besides, I still don't believe that any problems can be caused by eating. These cows are not cows that have suffered from some plague. What are you afraid of? "The bald man patiently explained to this man.

While the two were talking, seven or eight fat men drove about 50 cows into the workshop.

After the more than 50 cows entered the workshop, they were caught up to the operating table by the staff in the workshop.

The slaughtering workshop was busy again. Before dawn, the more than 50 cows had been turned into beef, and the processed beef had been concentrated.

The sun has not yet risen from the horizon, and the whole world is still gray. Various vegetable markets in Xuan Town or the purchasing departments of major hotels parked outside the gate of the slaughterhouse with carriages, tricycles and other vehicles.

The men didn't have long to wait outside the gates of the slaughterhouse as the beef from last night's slaughter was loaded onto their vehicles.

As usual, the vehicles that came to buy the meat went back again.

These meat buyers don't know what kind of meat they have on their carts, and they don't know what the state of the meat they bought was when they were alive.

After the sun rose from the horizon, Xuanzhen began to get busy again, and the procured meat was delivered to the table for diners to enjoy.

Today's Xuan Town has a large population, and the meat purchased by these people can only be supplied for one day.

At noon, Cao Dongsheng was sitting in the yamen of the factory management department. He was sitting in his classroom. On the table in front of him were several thick stacks of ledgers.

These books are exactly the books sent by Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse.

Cao Dongsheng looked at the ledger in front of him with a sad face.

"The account book has been checked three times now. Although the third time is not over, it can be confirmed that there is indeed a problem with the account book of the slaughterhouse."

Cao Dongsheng talked to himself for a while, then took out some rice paper and started writing on it.

Not long after, Cao Dongsheng put down the brush in his hand, folded the rice paper on the table neatly, and walked outside.

When Cao Dongsheng just walked out of the gate of the factory management office, a young man who looked no different from ordinary people appeared behind Cao Dongsheng.

The factory management department is not inside the office of the Ministry of Industry, but outside the office of the Ministry of Industry, and it is not far from the imperial palace, so there are more pedestrians outside the factory management department.

Cao Dongsheng took what he wrote and walked towards the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry.

There was a problem with the ledger of Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse, and this Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse was related to the meat supply of the whole Xuanzhen. Cao Dongsheng had to be cautious when there was such a problem.

At the same time, in a restaurant called Wanxing Building in Xuan Town, Zhao Mingyu, accompanied by his teacher and guards, sat in the lobby of Wanxing Building and ate.

As Zhao Mingyu grew older, Zhao Wen would often let Zhao Mingyu out of the palace.

Zhao Mingyu has a special status, so it is absolutely impossible to build a car behind closed doors, and he must often contact the outside world.

In order not to arouse others' suspicion, Zhao Mingyu wore very ordinary clothes when he went out.

Zhao Mingyu sat in a corner of the hall, and in front of him was a relatively small round table with three or four dishes on it.

Deeply influenced by Zhao Wen, Zhao Mingyu is also relatively simple when eating.

"This dish is really good, especially the sauced beef is really good, it tastes so good!" Zhao Mingyu picked up a piece of sauced beef, put it in his mouth and enjoyed it.

Zhao Mingyu's teacher sat next to Zhao Mingyu. Although Zhao Mingyu's teacher also had a bowl of rice in front of him, Zhao Mingyu's teacher never took a bite with chopsticks.

"Teacher, try it quickly, the sauced beef here is really good!" Zhao Mingyu picked up a piece of sauced beef and put it into his teacher's bowl.

Zhao Mingyu's teacher didn't have any pretensions. When facing the future emperor, he was flattered and quickly thanked him.

After eating the sauced beef that Zhao Mingyu gave him, Zhao Mingyu's teacher also showed an expression of enjoyment, "It's really good, it tastes so good."

The guards brought out by Zhao Mingyu sat on the surrounding tables. Although these guards were also eating, their eyes were always watching the surroundings, for fear of any disturbance.

Four or ten minutes later, Zhao Mingyu walked out of Wanxing Building stroking his stomach.

Zhao Mingyu's face was full of satisfaction. Today he ate three plates of beef in sauce.

"Let's go, let's go back!" Zhao Mingyu pointed in the direction of the palace, and walked forward.

"Your Highness, why don't you go back by car!" Zhao Mingyu's teacher said.

Zhao Mingyu shook his head and said with a smile: "I ate too much just now, let's go back and digest the food."

Seeing that Zhao Mingyu insisted on this, Zhao Mingyu's teacher followed Zhao Mingyu's opinion.

Zhao Mingyu walked on the streets of Xuanzhen, his eyes kept looking around.

"This is my father's credit. Xuan Town was just a poor and dilapidated place back then. Today's scene is all thanks to my father!"

Zhao Mingyu had a look of emotion on his face.

The person Zhao Mingyu admired most was his father. In his heart, Zhao Wen was omnipotent.

"Yes, Your Majesty is an eternal sage. Today, the world is peaceful, and the present prosperity is all thanks to Your Majesty!" Zhao Mingyu's teacher also expressed emotion.

Wanxing Building is three miles away from the Imperial Palace, and it didn't take Zhao Mingyu long to walk from Wanxing Building to the Imperial Palace.

Zhao Mingyu is not one of those aristocratic sons who have to sit in a sedan chair when they go out. Zhao Wen compared Mingyu's training, but it is all-round. Although Zhao Mingyu is not old now, Zhao Mingyu knows a lot of things.

And his physical strength is also very good. Among Zhao Wen's many sons, Zhao Mingyu's physical strength is also the best.

After returning to the palace, Zhao Mingyu sat in the study of the East Palace, summarizing what he saw and heard when he went out today.

At this time, Cao Dongsheng also came to the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry. The Yamen of the Ministry of Industry is far away from the research institute, and Song Yingxing is the chief officer of the two departments, so he often runs back and forth between the two places.

Cao Dongsheng was lucky today, Song Yingxing happened to be in the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry.

In Song Yingxing's classroom, Cao Dongsheng stood opposite Song Yingxing.

"My lord, the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant has some problems..."

Cao Dongsheng took out what he had written, and at the same time briefly explained the current problems of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant to Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing sat behind the desk, holding the content written by Cao Dongsheng in his hand, frowning tightly.

"The Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory has a problem with its ledger. It's not a trivial matter. It's not a serious problem with other places' ledgers, but this Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory is different.

Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory supplies the whole city's meat supply, if there is any small problem in it, it will have a very bad effect. "

Song Yingxing said and put down the things in his hands. He looked at Cao Dongsheng and asked, "Is there really a problem with the ledger of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory?"

"My lord, I can assure you that there is something wrong with the books of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory. The subordinates have checked the books of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory three times. According to the results of the three inspections, there are serious problems with the books of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory. The problem.

Tomorrow, the subordinates will bring the ledger of Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse to the adults, and let the adults have a look at it then! "Cao Dongsheng said seriously.

Song Yingxing tapped the table in front of him lightly, and said, "I don't worry about your work. Since you said that the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory's account book has serious problems, then there is a problem with the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory's account book. How about it? The staff is going to go to Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory to investigate carefully."

Cao Dongsheng bowed his hands to Song Yingxing and accepted Song Yingxing's arrangement.

Cao Dongsheng walked out of the office of the Ministry of Industry and walked towards the office of the Factory Management Department. The man who had been following Cao Dongsheng since Cao Dongsheng just walked out of the gate of the Factory Management Department followed Cao Dongsheng again.

Cao Dongsheng didn't know about the person behind him. He never knew that there would be a person following behind him.

Time passed slowly, the sky darkened again, and Xuanzhen was in darkness again.

Zhao Wen finished his day's work, took a hot bath, and lay down on the bed in the bedroom.

He was just lying on the bed when a burst of hurried footsteps appeared outside the door.

Zhao Wen looked surprised. He was a little curious. There must be something wrong with such hurried footsteps at this time?

Zhao Wen sat up with such thoughts.

Just sitting up, an anxious, flustered and trembling voice came in.

"Something happened to His Majesty, something happened to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

As soon as Zhao Wen heard this, he jumped up from the bed, didn't even bother to put on his shoes, and rushed out the door.

Tian Cong, the eunuch in charge of the East Palace, stood at the door of the room. He looked at Zhao Wen who was only in his pajamas, and hurriedly said, "Something happened to your Majesty, something happened to His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Tian Cong's forehead was covered with sweat, and his voice was full of panic.

Zhao Wen grabbed Tian Cong's arm and asked in a cold voice, "What happened, please tell me clearly."

"Your Majesty, the thing is like this. During dinner this afternoon, His Highness the Crown Prince said that his stomach felt a little uncomfortable, and he only took a bite or two of dinner. At that time, I wanted to invite the imperial doctor, but His Highness the Crown Prince said that he should be I ate too much at noon, so I was not asked to invite the imperial physician..."

"Come here, get your clothes!"

When Tian Cong spoke, Zhao Wen shouted loudly.

The eunuchs who were standing outside the bedroom to take care of Zhao Wen's daily life hurried into the bedroom and took out Zhao Wen's clothes.

Zhao Wensan put on the clothes in three steps, and then walked towards the East Palace.

Tian Cong walked behind Zhao Wen, and said as he walked, "But at night, His Highness the Crown Prince felt that his stomach was very distended.

At that time, His Royal Highness thought that he had eaten too much at noon, so he didn't care, so he took a walk in the yard.

At this time, His Royal Highness did not feel much uncomfortable in his body.

But after dark, when His Royal Highness finished washing and was lying on the bed to sleep, his stomach started to hurt.

His Royal Highness said that his stomach hurts very much, as if someone cut it with a knife.

In addition to the stomachache, His Royal Highness is also vomiting non-stop..."

Tian Cong talked about Zhao Mingyu's current situation.

Listening to what Tian Cong said, Zhao Wen was flustered and his heart felt like a knife was twisted.

The speed under Zhao Wen's feet could not help but increase a bit, and it didn't take long for Zhao Wen to arrive at the East Palace.

Walking into the gate of the East Palace, Zhao Wen went straight to the room where Zhao Mingyu slept.

As soon as he arrived at the door of the room, Zhao Wen heard Zhao Mingyu's shout.

Upon hearing this voice, Zhao Wen pushed open the door.

Walking into the door, Zhao Wen saw Zhao Mingyu lying on the bed and rolling around.

A row of eunuchs serving Zhao Mingyu stood beside the bed.

There was a spittoon on the ground next to the bed, and the spittoon was full of vomit. Zhao Wen looked at the vomit in the spittoon, and then at Zhao Mingyu, who was rolling on the bed, his expression darkened to the bottom.

After Zhao Wen walked in, the eunuchs serving Zhao Mingyu hurriedly knelt on the ground, trembling.

Zhao Wen sat by Zhao Mingyu's bed, took Zhao Mingyu's hands, and asked in a hurried voice: "Tell Dad, is your stomach hurting? What happened, what's wrong? What's wrong?"

Zhao Mingyu looked at Zhao Wen, because his stomach hurt so much that he even burst into tears.

"Daddy, my stomach hurts, my stomach hurts, it hurts like someone cut it with a knife!" Zhao Mingyu said with a trembling voice and a painful expression on his face.

Zhao Wen turned his head, looked at Tian Cong who was standing next to him, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and invite the imperial physician, what are you still doing, invite Wu Youxing to me."

"Your Majesty, I have already invited you!" Tian Cong replied hastily.

Seeing his son like this, Zhao Wen had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Zhao Wen really didn't dare to think about that, but Zhao Mingyu's current state forced Zhao Wen to think about that.

From Zhao Wen's point of view, Zhao Mingyu's current appearance was probably poisoned.

Thinking of the possibility of his son being poisoned, Zhao Wen felt as angry as a volcano erupting.

Counting this time, it was the second time someone had plotted against his son.

Zhao Mingyu kept shouting because of the pain, and the shouting kept ringing beside Zhao Wen's ears.

Seeing his son in pain, Zhao Wen tried to see if he could bring his son to the warehouse he carried with him.

After all, that warehouse still has the effect of healing. Zhao Wen was assassinated before, and after being poisoned, it was only after entering the warehouse that the poison on his body was cured.

So Zhao Wen wanted to see if he could bring his son into the warehouse. Although the warehouse is Zhao Wen's biggest secret now, things have come to this point, and he can't control that much.

"You go out first, you are not allowed to come in without my order!" Zhao Wen looked at the eunuchs in the room.

The eunuchs in the room retreated under Zhao Wen's order.

"Son, don't be afraid, dad has a way to save you, don't worry!" Zhao Wen comforted his son, while holding Zhao Mingyu in his arms, ready to enter the warehouse as usual.

But things did not go as Zhao Wen thought, after a flash of white light, Zhao Wen appeared in the warehouse.

But Zhao Wen was the only one in the warehouse. As for Zhao Mingyu, he didn't come to the warehouse with Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen walked around the warehouse a few times, and when he found that Zhao Mingyu hadn't come in, he hurried out of the warehouse again.

Zhao Mingyu, who was involved in this matter, was still lying on the bed, clutching his stomach, and howling non-stop.

Zhao Mingyu noticed Zhao Wen's movement when he entered the warehouse just now.

Zhao Mingyu saw with his own eyes that after a flash of white light, his father disappeared in place. Just when he was puzzled, another white light flashed, and Zhao Wen appeared beside the bed again.

Zhao Mingyu knew long ago that his father was not an ordinary person, but Zhao Wen had never shown himself extraordinary in front of Zhao Mingyu's eyes. Zhao Mingyu also knew that Zhao Wen had many secrets, some of which he would not tell even to himself.

But today, Zhao Mingyu saw that his father exposed his biggest secret in order to save him, and he didn't know what his father's secret was, but at this moment, Zhao Mingyu seemed to be shrouded in the sunshine of March in spring .

Although the physical pain is very uncomfortable, the spiritual pain is not so painful anymore.

"Damn it, damn it, why is it useless?" Zhao Wen's face was full of anxiety, and his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

Now Zhao Wen is more anxious than ants on a hot pot.

"Your Majesty, the minister is here!"

At this time, Wu Youxing's voice appeared outside the door.

Zhao Wen recognized Wu Youxing's voice immediately.

Now Wu Youxing has almost become the last life-saving straw in Zhao Wen's hands. He walked to the back of the door in three steps at a time, and pulled the door open.

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't waste any more time!"

Without saying a word, Zhao Wen took Wu Youxing's arm and came to Zhao Mingyu's bed.

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up and take a good look at what's wrong with my son, is he poisoned!"

(End of this chapter)

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