Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 898 There may be an epidemic outbreak

Chapter 898 There may be an epidemic outbreak
Zhao Wen took Wu Youxing's arm and came to Zhao Mingyu's bed.

Zhao Wen lay straight on the bed, and Zhao Mingyu, who was covered in cold sweat, yelled loudly at Wu Youxing: "Hurry up, take a look, hurry up and see what's wrong with my son."

Seeing Zhao Mingyu like this, Wu Youxing didn't dare to neglect him. He put the medicine box he had brought with him in front of Zhao Mingyu's bed, and then he stood in front of the bed and began to diagnose and treat.

Wu Youxing first looked at Zhao Mingyu's face, eyes, and tongue coating, and then checked Zhao Mingyu's vomit. After reading these things, Wu Youxing began to feel Zhao Mingyu's pulse.

During the whole process, Zhao Wen stood by the bed, staring at Wu You and Zhao Mingyu.

"According to the current situation, it seems that His Royal Highness was not caused by poisoning!" Wu Youxing let go of Zhao Mingyu's wrist and looked at Zhao Wen.

The thing Zhao Wen was most afraid of was someone being poisoned. Now that Wu Youxing said that Zhao Mingyu's current situation was not poisoned, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"If it wasn't someone poisoning, then what happened?" Zhao Wenyin's face was gloomy, and his mood didn't change because of Wu Youxing's words.

"On the way here, I asked His Royal Highness about his daily life and diet in the past few days. In addition to the results of his diagnosis and treatment just now, His Royal Highness probably caused the disease by eating unclean food. .

His Royal Highness has a sudden onset, abdominal pain, urgency to vomit, foul breath, yellow and greasy tongue coating, slippery or moist pulse...

These symptoms are caused by eating unclean food! "

Wu Youxing is worthy of being a famous doctor who can be famous in history. In a short period of time, he has already figured out what happened to Zhao Mingyu.

"How sure are you?" Zhao Wen was a little unsure.

In Zhao Wen's view, the food in the palace is purchased by a special person, and there are people staring at it when cooking. It is impossible for such a situation to happen. Even if the food is unclean, Zhao Mingyu is not alone. situation.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I'm [-]% sure that His Highness the Crown Prince must have caused it by eating unclean food!" Wu Youxing said loudly, with absolute certainty.

Zhao Mingyu, who was lying on the bed at this time, was still the same as before, covering his stomach with his hands, his head was covered in cold sweat because of the pain, and his body was curled up.

"Since that's the case, why bother? Prescribe the medicine quickly!" Zhao Wen said hastily.

"Food Poisoning!"

These four words suddenly flashed in Zhao Wen's head. If what Wu Youxing said is correct, then Zhao Mingyu is suffering from food poisoning now.

Even in later generations, patients with food poisoning have not been rescued, let alone now that science and medical technology are underdeveloped.

So when Zhao Wen got an accurate answer from Wu Youxing, Zhao Wen was still a little worried, but this worry was a little less worrying than someone deliberately poisoning.

Wu Youxing did not dare to dawdle, he took out a set of silver needles specially used for acupuncture from the medicine box.

Sitting in front of the bed, Zhao Wen held Zhao Mingyu's arm with both hands. Zhao Wen could clearly feel Zhao Mingyu's body shaking constantly.

"What the hell is going on? How could this happen?

There are rules and regulations for eating and drinking in the palace, what did you eat today, and how did you become like this? "

Zhao Wen looked at Tian Cong who was standing next to him, and asked in a cold voice.

Zhao Wen's tone was very cold, Tian Cong couldn't help shaking when he heard Zhao Wen's voice.

"Return to Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince did not eat in the palace at noon today, His Highness the Crown Prince ate outside!" Tian Cong did not hide anything and told what happened at noon today.

At noon today, Zhao Mingyu took Tian Cong with him when he went out, so Tian Cong also knew what Zhao Mingyu ate at noon today.

Hearing Tian Cong's voice, Zhao Wen frowned tightly.

"Your Majesty, I will relieve the pain of His Highness the Crown Prince first, and ease the pain of His Highness the Crown Prince first!" Wu Youxing said to Zhao Wen while holding the silver needle in his hand.

Zhao Wen looked at Wu Youxing and nodded, "Listen to you!"

Zhao Wen still believed in Wu Youxing's medical skills.

After Wu Youxing got Zhao Wen's affirmative answer, he took out the silver needles one by one.

Zhao Mingyu was also very cooperative. Enduring the pain, he lay his body as flat as possible, and the eunuchs by the bed took off Zhao Mingyu's clothes.

Wu Youxing began to give Zhao Mingyu acupuncture. Wu Youxing's medical skills were very good. When all the silver needles in Wu Youxing's hands were pierced into Zhao Mingyu's acupuncture points, Zhao Mingyu's physical pain eased a lot.

"I'm going to boil medicine for His Highness the Crown Prince first!"

After finishing these things, Wu Youxing picked up the medicine box and walked outside.

Zhao Wen looked at Tian Cong who was standing by the bed, and said to him, "Follow Wu Youxing quickly, bring me the medicine as soon as it's ready."

Tian Cong hurriedly chased after Wu Youxing.

At this time, hurried footsteps sounded outside the door again.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xiaoying's figure appeared at the door of the room.

Li Xiaoying walked into the room with a worried face, and she saw Zhao Mingyu lying on the bed at a glance.

"What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Li Xiaoying stood by the bed and looked at Zhao Mingyu who was lying on the bed. Her eyes turned red instantly, and tears welled up in her eyes. She took Zhao Mingyu's arm and shouted anxiously at Zhao Wen.

"Mom, I'm fine. Mr. Wu said just now that I just broke my stomach!"

In order not to worry Li Xiaoying, Zhao Mingyu squeezed out a smile, pretending to be relaxed and said to Li Xiaoying.

"What broke the stomach? Could it be the current situation if the stomach is broken?"

Li Xiaoying didn't believe Zhao Mingyu's words at all.

"What's going on? What's going on?" Li Xiaoying asked again.

"Just now Wu Youxing said that Ming Yu just ate something unclean, the problem is not very serious!" Zhao Wen stood up from the bed and explained to Li Xiaoying calmly.

When Zhao Mingyu's stomach started to hurt, Tian Cong ran to inform Zhao Wen.

Besides Tian Cong, some eunuchs in the East Palace also informed Li Xiaoying. After all, Li Xiaoying was Zhao Mingyu's mother.

It's just that Li Xiaoying knew about it later than Zhao Wenneng because of the sequence.

"How is it possible? If you just ate unclean things, how could you eat like this? What's going on?

On the way here just now, the eunuch who informed me said that Mingyu is lying on the bed now, his stomach hurts so much that he can't stand up.

How could it be like this if it was just a bad stomach? "

Li Xiaoying asked in a panic, Li Xiaoying didn't believe that Zhao Mingyu's current situation was caused by eating unclean things.

"I know you're also worried, but the fact is that Mingyu's stomach was caused by eating badly, so don't worry!" Zhao Wen persuaded.

Under Zhao Wen's persuasion twice, Li Xiaoying's flustered heart gradually calmed down a lot.

Sitting by the bed, Li Xiaoying looked at Zhao Mingyu who was lying on the bed, tears streaming down her face uncontrollably.

Not long after, Tian Cong walked in with Wu Youxing, who was carrying medicine.

Zhao Wen looked at Wu Youxing, all he knew was that Zhao Mingyu, who was lying on the bed, said to Wu Youxing, "Quickly ask him to drink the medicine."

On the way here, the medicine was almost cold. When Wu Youxing put the bowl containing the medicine beside Zhao Mingyu, Zhao Mingyu picked up the bowl and drank all the medicine in it in one go.

Wu Youxing took the bowl after drinking the medicine from Zhao Mingyu's hand and did not leave, but stood by the bed and continued to observe.

Besides Wu Youxing, Zhao Wen and Li Xiaoying were also staring at Zhao Mingyu, for fear that something else might happen.

Time passed by, and after almost half an hour, Zhao Mingyu's stomach suddenly gurgled.

Seeing this, Zhao Wen panicked, thinking that something else had happened, and Li Xiaoying also became nervous.

"What's going on?" Zhao Wen pointed to Zhao Mingyu and asked nervously.

Wu Youxing's face was very calm, and he said calmly, "Return to Your Majesty, this is normal."

Hearing what Wu Youxing said, Zhao Wencai gradually felt relieved.

"Is it better? Does your stomach still hurt?" Li Xiaoying asked impatiently.

It has not been two hours since I finished drinking the medicine, and the medicine's properties have not been fully exerted, and it is impossible to take effect so quickly, but Li Xiaoying is already a little impatient.

"Empress, the medicine I prescribed to His Highness the Crown Prince did not take effect so quickly, and this is only one medicine, the effect is not particularly obvious.

Although the effect is not obvious, His Royal Highness' stomach should not hurt as much as before!

In order to completely cure His Highness the Crown Prince's illness, the minister estimated that he would have to take at least five or six doses of medicine. "

Before Zhao Mingyu could speak, Wu Youxing spoke up.

"Mom, although my stomach still hurts, it's not as painful as before!" Zhao Mingyu said to Li Xiaoying, clutching his stomach.

"Before, I couldn't bear the pain in my stomach, but now, although my stomach still hurts, I can bear it. Mr. Wu, the medicines prescribed have already taken effect." Zhao Mingyu's face is good Quite a lot, and his face is not as pale as before.

"That's good, that's good, as long as there's nothing wrong!" Li Xiaoying said with a look of fear.

When Zhao Wen saw this, he also knew that Zhao Mingyu would have nothing to do.

He said to Li Xiaoying who was sitting by the bed and Zhao Mingyu who was lying on the bed: "You two talk first, I'll go out for a while.

Come out with me! "

Zhao Wen looked at the other people in the room.

Zhao Wen walked out of Zhao Mingyu's room and went to the yard outside.

Tian Cong and others stood beside Zhao Wen with their heads buried very low.

"What is the history of Wanxinglou? What did Mingyu eat when he ate?
During the period from entering Wanxing Building to leaving, what did Ming Yu eat in Wanxing Building?Tell me everything you have done and said in detail! Zhao Wenyin said to Tian Cong with a sullen face.

Tian Cong didn't dare to hide anything, he thought for a while, and said everything he knew.

Zhao Wen stood in the yard, quietly listening to what Tian Cong said.

Tian Cong alone said that Zhao Wen did not dare to believe it 100%, not that Zhao Wen did not believe what Tian Cong said, but that Zhao Wen did not believe Tian Cong's memory.

Zhao Wen kept thinking about what Tian Cong said in his heart, and after a while, Zhao Wen looked at Tian Cong, "Call me all those who accompanied Mingyu!"

Tian Cong didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly ran outside.

In about two quarters of an hour, all those people who accompanied Mingyu to Wanxing Tower came before Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen looked at these people standing in front of him. He knew that he didn't have so much time to listen to these people, one by one.

Zhao Wen said to these people standing in front of him: "Write me everything that Mingyu said, did, did, and ate during the period from when you left the palace to when you returned to the palace today. on paper!

Remember, especially the part about Wanxing Building, you must rewrite it for me! "

After Zhao Wen's order was issued, Tian Cong led people to distribute rice paper and pens to these people one by one.

Zhao Wen's guards were in charge of guarding the palace, and the soldiers in the guards were basically soldiers who could write and count and had a certain amount of knowledge. It was very easy for them to write these things.

These soldiers squatted in place, and began to write down on paper what happened during the time when they accompanied Zhao Mingyu from leaving the palace to before returning to the palace.

Tian Cong moved a chair and put it behind Zhao Wen. Zhao Wen sat on the chair and watched these people quietly.

After about half an hour, these people finally finished writing all the content that Zhao Wen requested.

What they wrote was collected by Tian Cong and handed over to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took these rice papers full of characters and looked at them seriously.

The content on these rice papers is basically the same. On the rice paper, what Zhao Mingyu said and what he did is basically the same, that is, the narrative angle and method are somewhat different.

It didn't take long for Zhao Wen to read all the content in his hand.

Zhao Wen also got the answer he wanted in his heart.

"It seems that the matter of Mingyu is indeed inseparable from this Wanxing Building. What is the origin of this Wanxing Building?" Zhao Wen narrowed his eyes, full of murderous intent.

Although Wu Youxing said that Zhao Mingyu was caused by eating unclean food, Zhao Wen was not sure if there was a deeper reason.

In other words, this unclean food was deliberately created by Wanxing Building.

It's not that Zhao Wen is suspicious, but when this happens to the present prince and future emperor, it's impossible not to be suspicious.

"Let Wang Qi come over!"

Zhao Wen said to Tian Cong who was standing next to him.

Tian Cong hurriedly took a few young eunuchs and ran outside.

Not long after, Wang Qi stood in front of Zhao Wen.

Wang Qi was about to salute Zhao Wen when he was interrupted by Zhao Wen.

"Okay, it's urgent, so don't salute me!

I came here because I have to entrust you with one thing. This matter is very important. You must figure out everything in it in the shortest possible time. I will give you three days! "

Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi standing in front of him, and described what happened today in detail.

Listening to Zhao Wen's voice, Wang Qi's face gradually became cold.

"I will definitely live up to your majesty's entrustment and find out this matter within the shortest possible time!" Wang Qi cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong and left quickly.

Wang Qi is very loyal to Zhao Wen, and Wang Qi is also very loyal to Zhao Mingyu.

Looking at the back of Wang Qi leaving, Zhao Wen took a deep breath and walked into Zhao Mingyu's room again.

It was almost dawn soon, and the sky in the east also appeared pale.

At this time, many people in Xuanzhen City had the same symptoms as Zhao Mingyu.

Among the people who had the same symptoms as Zhao Mingyu, a large part of them had eaten at Wanxing Building.

When these people had the same symptoms as Zhao Mingyu, their family members immediately sent these patients to the hospital in Xuanzhen.

In today's Xuan Town, there are many hospitals. With the increase of population, the number of hospitals has to increase.

Zhao Wen reformed the medical care of this era a long time ago. The hospitals in Xuanzhen are basically the same as those of later generations, but to ensure the quality, these hospitals in Xuanzhen are basically government-run hospitals.

Tonight was destined to be a restless night. The large and small hospitals in Xuan Town were full of people who had the same symptoms as Zhao Mingyu.

These hospitals are also the first time to see such a scene in Xuanzhen, because suddenly there are so many patients with the same symptoms, so the doctors in these hospitals thought that there was an epidemic in Xuanzhen, so they went to the hospital at the first Time reported this matter.

Wu Youxing is the minister of the Ministry of Health, and the reported content was sent to Wu Youxing immediately.

It was still dark at this time, and Wu Youxing had just finished working in the palace and came to the Yamen of the Ministry of Health.

Because it was about to dawn, Wu Youxing had to go to work the next day. In order to save time, Wu Youxing did not go home, but came to the Yamen of the Ministry of Health.

Wu Youxing was sitting in his classroom, and not long after, one of his subordinates rushed over in a hurry.

This subordinate is the official on duty at the Ministry of Health tonight.

"My lord, something is wrong, there may be an epidemic in Xuan Town!"

This subordinate didn't bother to knock on the door, and rushed into Wu Youxing's classroom, yelling loudly at Wu Youxing who was sitting in the classroom to deal with things.

Wu Youxing looked at this subordinate, was slightly taken aback, and then hurriedly asked: "There is an epidemic, what's going on?"

What Wu Youxing was most afraid of was the outbreak of an epidemic in Xuan Town. The epidemic that occurred in Qingyang Mansion back then is still vivid in his mind.

At that time, the population of Qingyang Mansion was small, and the disease was not easy to control, but now the population of Xuan Town has grown to such an extent that once the disease breaks out, there is no way to control it in a short time.

"My lord, look at this.

This is the documents reported by various hospitals in Xuan Town after dark. According to the documents reported by these hospitals, from after dark to now, all hospitals in Xuan Town have received patients with the same disease, and the onset of symptoms is very rapid. !

This situation looks very much like an outbreak of epidemics! "

This subordinate took a sorted booklet and placed it on the table in front of Wu Youxing.

This booklet records the documents reported from various hospitals in Xuan Town after dark.

Wu Youxing opened the booklet and looked at the contents with concentration.

After he finished reading the contents of this booklet, he slammed the table with his right hand, and his face darkened instantly to the bottom of the valley.

With a "pop", Wu Youxing's right hand felt a little dull pain.

"It's definitely not that simple. What's going on?"

Wu You stood up abruptly, and kept walking back and forth on the same spot.

The contents reported by various hospitals in Xuanzhen Town, and the patient's condition recorded above were exactly the same as Zhao Mingyu's condition.

This matter is definitely not that simple, there must be some kind of relationship between the two, and this relationship is definitely not small.

Wu Youxing didn't dare to delay, so he picked up the booklet on the table and rushed outside.

"Notify the hospitals below that they must do their best to diagnose and treat those patients!"

Wu Youxing threw down a sentence and strode towards the palace.

Not long after, Wu Youxing came to the gate of the palace.

At this time, Zhao Wen had already arrived in the imperial study, ready to deal with political affairs.

Zhao Wen didn't sleep all night last night. After finishing Zhao Mingyu's affairs, it was almost dawn, and Zhao Wen didn't have the mind to sleep, so he planned to deal with political affairs.

Not long after Zhao Wen sat in the imperial study, someone came to report that Wu Youxing asked to see him.

When Zhao Wen heard that Wu Youxing asked for an interview, he thought Wu Youxing was doing it for Zhao Mingyu's affairs, so he hurriedly asked Wu Youxing to be brought in.

After Wu Youxing came to the imperial study room, Zhao Wen didn't care about him saluting, so he hurriedly asked: "What happened, why is Aiqing here again? But it has something to do with Mingyu?"

Wu Youxing shook his head solemnly, "Your Majesty, this matter has something to do with His Royal Highness, but it has nothing to do with it."

Wu Youxing's words confused Zhao Wenrou, "What does it mean to be related and not related. If there is a relationship, it is related, and if it is not related, it is not related."

"Your Majesty, the matter is like this..."

Wu Youxing briefly told Zhao Wen what happened after he returned to the Ministry of Health.

Zhao Wen's face gradually turned serious. He didn't expect that this matter would be so troublesome and involved so many things.

"This is the document that was reported by various hospitals in Xuan Town after dark last night!"

Wu Youxing held a booklet in his hand and held it high above his head.

Standing at the small yellow gate next to the imperial study room, he took the booklet from Wu Youxing and brought it in front of Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took the booklet and flipped through it, the more he looked at it, the more gloomy his face became.

"What is going on with this matter? Could it be that there is an outbreak of disease?"

Zhao Wen really didn't want to think about it, but all the clues pointed in this direction.

"Returning to Your Majesty, I'm not sure yet, but according to my estimate, I'm afraid there is a certain possibility!" Wu Youxing said with a serious face.

(End of this chapter)

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