Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 899 The problem is with the beef

Chapter 899 The problem is with the beef

"Your Majesty, but according to my estimates, there is a high possibility of an outbreak of disease!" Wu Youxing stood in front of Zhao Wen with a solemn expression.

Wu Youxing knew that if an epidemic broke out in Xuanzhen, it would be a very difficult matter.

Zhao Wen's complexion also sank to the bottom, Zhao Mingyu's incident had already made Zhao Wen very uncomfortable, and now that this incident happened again, Zhao Wen really couldn't be happy.

"How sure are you? Have you sent someone to check first?" Zhao Wen looked at Wu Youxing.

Wu Youxing said: "Return to Your Majesty, because the matter is urgent, so I didn't send people to check it!"

When Wu Youxing learned the news from his subordinates, Wu Youxing did not send anyone to check the matter, but came directly to Zhao Wen.

At that time, Wu Youxing was very scared, so he wanted to report the news to Zhao Wen as soon as possible.

Zhao Wen said to Wu Youxing: "Then you should send people to check it first to see what's going on, what if it's not an epidemic?
Of course, you can't have a fluke mentality, and be prepared while checking, just in case of accidents! "

"The minister obeys the order!"

Wu Youxing cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and then walked out of the imperial study.

Seeing Wu Youxing leaving, Zhao Wen took a few deep breaths to calm himself down.

"I hope it's not an epidemic. If it is an epidemic, the entire Xuan Town will be half-paralyzed in a short period of time!"

This era is not the future. Although under Zhao Wen's governance, Xuanzhen has developed into a big city, but the current medical conditions are still very backward. Once an epidemic breaks out, it is not so easy to control it, even in later generations. , It is also difficult to control certain diseases, let alone now.

After Wu Youxing walked out, Zhao Wen was not in the mood to continue revising the memorial. The outbreak of the epidemic in Xuanzhen was so important that Zhao Wen's thoughts were all on it.

At the same time, Wang Qi led the staff of the Dianqian Division to the door of Wanxing Building.

The sun has risen from the horizon, all the street lights on both sides of the street have been extinguished, and the sky is gradually starting to brighten.

Wang Qi stood at the door of Wanxing Building, knocking on the door of Wanxing Building with his right hand.

"Who is it? It's not yet dawn, what are you doing here so early?"

A tired voice came from inside.

This is the shopkeeper who just woke up, and there is still about half an hour before the door opens.

The shopkeeper lived relatively close to the door, so it didn't take long for Wang Qi's knock on the door to be heard by the shopkeeper.

Those who buy food in Wanxing Building live in the back, so the shopkeeper can't hear them when they get up.

The shopkeeper yawned and opened the door. When he saw Wang Qi standing outside and the hands behind Wang Qi, he was instantly jolted and sobered up a lot.

People like Wang Qi are tall and fat, plus they are expressionless, and their evil spirit is very serious, which makes the shopkeeper's heart skip a beat.

"Who are you? Who are you looking for?" The shopkeeper asked tremblingly.

The people in front of him seemed not easy to mess with, and the shopkeeper's aura inevitably weakened a lot.

"Who are you? Are you the shopkeeper of Wanxinglou?" Wang Qi asked.

The shopkeeper nodded, "I am the shopkeeper of Wanxing Building. Who are you? What do you want to do? I don't know you."

Wang Qi didn't answer, and rushed over directly with his men.

Looking at Wang Qi and his subordinates who rushed in, the shopkeeper looked astonished, and hurriedly shouted: "What do you want to do? Hiding private houses, what are you doing?"

"What do you want to do? You should know very well what I want to do!" Wang Qi looked coldly at the shopkeeper who was chasing after him.

"Take him under control, and at the same time seal off the entire Wanxing Building, no one is allowed to enter or leave, seal up all the ingredients in Wanxing Building, and check them one by one. Without my order, no one can be let go, even if it is a dog. Flies can't fly out either!"

Wang Qi shouted loudly at those subordinates standing behind him.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he panicked instantly, "You can't do this, who are you? You have no right to do this, so get out of here quickly, otherwise, I will report to the authorities."

The shopkeeper kept retreating, but his retreating speed was not as fast as Wang Qi's subordinates?
Almost as soon as Wang Qi's voice fell, the shopkeeper was brought under control.

Wang Qi came in front of the shopkeeper, and said to the shopkeeper coldly: "At noon yesterday, did a young man bring a dozen people to dinner?"

Because Zhao Mingyu was too young, and Zhao Mingyu brought so many people, and so many people were faintly dominated by Zhao Mingyu, so the shopkeeper was very curious, so he paid attention, and was deeply impressed by Zhao Mingyu.

"There is such a person, what does this have to do with me? He just had a meal with me yesterday, and has nothing to do with me. If he commits any crime, then you go to him, it has nothing to do with me !"

The shopkeeper thought that Zhao Mingyu had committed something that attracted these people, so he hurriedly cleared up the non-existent relationship between himself and Zhao Mingyu.

"Ha ha!"

Wang Qi sneered, with a gloomy face, "You still want to have something to do with him, what a joke.

Let me tell you the truth, the boy who ate at your place at noon yesterday is not an ordinary person, but the current prince.

Do you know why I came to you?Why bring so many people here?Do you know who I am? "

As Wang Qi said, he took off the identity card hanging around his waist, and dangled it in front of the shopkeeper.

When the shopkeeper clearly saw the large characters of the hall chiefs on the token in Wang Qi's hand, his whole body softened to the ground like mud. If it weren't for the hands of the hall chiefs who controlled him, the current shopkeeper would have collapsed On the ground, unable to move.

In Xuanzhen, no one dared to forge the things of Dianqiansi. Even if they forged, there might not be the technology to forge Dianqiansi's identity card.

Therefore, when the shopkeeper saw the identity card in Wang Qi's hand, he immediately believed what Wang Qi said.

"Cocoa, but what does this have to do with me? If he is really His Royal Highness, then he is His Royal Highness, and I have never offended him. What are you doing here?"

The shopkeeper looked flustered, shaking like a sieve, and stammered to Wang Qi.

The shopkeeper didn't understand, even if the young man was His Royal Highness, and he hadn't offended him, and the service attitude in his shop was relatively good at that time, he couldn't find any faults, so there was no reason to go to war like this.

"Hehe, what you said is really funny. If there is no deeper reason, why did I come to your small shop because I have nothing to do?"

Wang Qi sneered, and then briefly described the ins and outs of the matter.

"Let me tell you, you'd better cooperate with me as much as possible. Fortunately, nothing happened to His Royal Highness this time. If something happens to His Royal Highness, you won't have to live." Wang Qi said coldly.

Hearing Wang Qi's voice, the shopkeeper's face was ashamed, and now he is like a New Year's pig in the twelfth lunar month.

The shopkeeper's body kept shaking, the trembling amplitude and frequency were much greater than before, and a pool of water stains appeared on the shopkeeper's crotch.

"I don't know what's going on here. It has nothing to do with me. I definitely didn't poison you, I definitely didn't poison you!"

The shopkeeper stammered and denied.

The shopkeeper is also a sensible person. He knows that if this matter has anything to do with him, then he will definitely not end well.

"It doesn't matter whether you poison or not, you'd better cooperate with me during the time I'm working, otherwise, I won't have the final say on what happens."

Wang Qi threatened a few words, and then asked solemnly: "I'm going to ask you a few things now, tell me what you know, don't hide anything, if you dare to hide the consequences, you can decide for yourself!"

"Yes, yes, the villain will say what he knows, and he will never hide it, he will never hide it!" The shopkeeper replied repeatedly.

"Okay, then let me ask you, what ingredients were used in the meals for His Royal Highness at that time.

Who is cooking for His Royal Highness?What is the history of this person?How long has he been in your shop?

After the meal is ready, who serves it?During this period of time, has anyone else come into contact with His Royal Highness's food? "

Wang Qi looked at the shopkeeper and asked.

"I still remember the meal that His Highness the Crown Prince ate at that time.

All I eat are some home-cooked dishes, scrambled eggs, tofu mixed with shallots, and the signature dish in our store, braised beef, is the most eaten.

At that time, His Royal Highness ate a lot of braised beef. Besides these, the staple food was rice! "The shopkeeper hurriedly replied, for fear that he would be slow in answering.

"The person who cooks these meals is the cook in my shop. The cook in my shop has been in my shop for seven or eight years. I know the origin. I live in Xuan Town. The food should be from my shop. Xiao Er sent it up.

During the period from the time the food was prepared until it was delivered, no one should have touched it! "

Wang Qi looked at the shopkeeper, "What is supposed? What I want is a correct answer, don't use words like "should" or "maybe"!

What kind of beef is stewed beef?Where is the beef bought from?And where do those home-cooked ingredients come from?Are there any ingredients left?Let me check check! "

"Returning to my lord, those raw materials are now stored in the back kitchen of our store. As for the stewed beef, the stewed beef that His Royal Highness ate was stewed yesterday, and there is still some left, not a lot. Today's is not stewed yet. If this adult checks, you can go to the back kitchen to have a look, basically they are stored there!"

The shopkeeper pointed to the direction of the kitchen and said to Wang Qi.

"Come on, go to the back kitchen and get me all the things the shopkeeper said. I want to check it carefully!"

Under Wang Qi's order, seven or eight of his subordinates walked towards the back kitchen.

Not long after, all the things left in the back kitchen were brought into the hall.

Among them was a small pot with braised beef.

These things were placed on the floor of the hall, and Wang Qi squatted on the ground, flipping through these things with a serious face.

But for these things, Wang Qi himself can't see why.

"These things seem to be quite fresh, and there is no big problem.

Moreover, His Majesty also said that His Royal Highness was not caused by poisoning, but by eating unclean food. These things look quite clean! "

Wang Qi looked at the ingredients on the ground, frowned tightly, and said to himself.

"Forget it, I don't understand these things either, so take them back and let Mr. Wu check them out!"

Wang Qi stood up and shouted to his subordinates: "Take me away all the people in this store, and take away all the ingredients in the back kitchen, and take away all the things that can be taken away." Take them all with me."

Hearing what Wang Qi said, the shopkeeper didn't dare to be dissatisfied. Now he can only hope that things are not so bad.

When the sun completely rose from the horizon, Wang Qi took all the staff and ingredients of Wanxing Building and walked towards the Si Yamen in front of the hall.

After returning to the Si Yamen in front of the palace, Wang Qi took it to the imperial palace and issued an order to Zhao Wen.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi standing in front of him, and asked, "How is the matter going? Did you find out anything?"

"Return to Your Majesty, nothing has been found so far, the minister brought back all the people and all the ingredients in Wanxing Building.

The minister interrogated the shopkeeper of Wanxing Building and the staff and cooks in Wanxing Building. According to the testimonies of these people, they did not know the identity of His Royal Highness at that time, but treated His Highness as an ordinary diner.

During the cooking period, there was no other behavior, and no suspicious personnel had touched the meal during the time it was delivered! "Wang Qiyi reported to Zhao Wen the situation he had found out now.

Zhao Wen asked: "The meaning of what you said is that now those people in Wanxing Building have been able to rule out their suspicions. Maybe things are really like what Wu Youxing said. There is something wrong with the ingredients they use. Do you have any questions?" What’s wrong with those ingredients if they haven’t been inspected?”

Wang Qi said: "Your Majesty, we haven't checked out what's wrong with these ingredients. We originally wanted to invite Mr. Wu over to let him check it carefully, but now Mr. Wu is not in the office of the Ministry of Health.

The minister intends to go to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to ask for a few death-row prisoners, and let them eat some of the ingredients that the minister brought back one by one, and then see the effect! "

Zhao Wen said: "That's fine too. Now Wu Youxing is busy with other things. You go to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice to ask for some death-row prisoners. Say that you have obeyed my order!"

Now that the technology is not developed, it is not so easy to detect the pathogenic factors in food.

Even in the professional laboratories of later generations, it would take several days to isolate the pathogenic factors in food, let alone now.

Therefore, the method Wang Qi is talking about is also the fastest method.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Wang Qi saluted Zhao Wenxing, and then walked out of the imperial study.

After walking out of the palace, Wang Qi took his hands down to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

Several death row prisoners were arrested in the prison of the Ministry of punishment, and then returned to the Si Yamen in front of the temple.

Wang Qi placed the condemned prisoners in the backyard of the Si Yamen in front of the hall, and forced them to eat all the food he had brought back.

Fearing that the dose might not be enough, each condemned prisoner only ate one kind of food and ate it all.

After these condemned prisoners finished eating the food, the next thing was simple, and all that was left was to wait.

Wang Qi was afraid of other interference factors, so he specially vacated several houses in the front of the hall to accommodate these death row prisoners. Outside the houses, Wang Qi sent a large number of people to monitor them. Inside the rooms, Wang Qi also sent people.

When Wang Qi was busy, Wu Youxing took his subordinates to the largest hospital in Xuanzhen, and other subordinates sent by Wu Youxing also went to other hospitals in Xuanzhen.

Wu Youxing was sitting in the office of the dean of the largest hospital in Xuanzhen, and the dean stood in front of Wu Youxing.

"Have you checked? What did these patients come into contact with before they were sent to the hospital? What did they eat and where did they go?" Wu Youxing asked solemnly.

"My lord, this matter is very important. At that time, my subordinates were afraid that it was really an epidemic, so they didn't check these things!" The dean didn't dare to hide it, and told the whole story.

"Now hurry up and check it carefully. You must ask in detail, and the family members of these patients must also ask. The family members of these patients are not allowed to go back for the time being, just in case!" Wu Youxing looked at the dean.

The dean hurried out of the dean's office and walked towards the wards of the patients brought up with a few of his men.

Time passed by, Wu Youxing walked back and forth in the dean's office, his face was anxious.

Because of the large number of people, it is impossible for the dean to count all these things in a short period of time.

When the time came to noon, the dean came to Wu Youxing with a booklet he had sorted out.

"My lord, this is the content compiled by my subordinates, please read it over."

The dean handed over the booklet in his hand to Wu Youxing.

Wu Youxing took the booklet from the dean and flipped through it seriously.

"According to the contents stated in the brochure, most of these patients have been to Wanxing Building before they became ill?
Moreover, in the ten days before the onset of the disease, these patients were in good health without any signs of illness.

From this point of view, these patients probably did not have the disease! "

Looking at the contents of the brochure, Wu Youxing breathed a sigh of relief.

If it was really an epidemic, then such a coincidence would not be possible, and these patients would more or less definitely have some signs in the first ten days, but according to the current situation, these patients were diagnosed before they got sick. The body is very good, without any signs of illness.

Another one is that the conditions of these patients were very similar to those of Zhao Mingyu when they became ill, and they all had one thing in common, that is, they had all been to Wanxing Building.

Wu Youxing closed the booklet in his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief, the tension in his heart was relieved a lot.

"My lord, do you see what's coming?" The dean looked at Wu Youxing and asked tentatively.

"Things may not be that bad, these people don't necessarily have the disease.

How about this, your hospital is doing its best to treat these patients now, I will go to other hospitals to have a look first! "

Wu Youxing walked out of the director's office with the booklet the director gave him just now, and then headed for the next hospital with his entourage.

In the afternoon, Wu Youxing had been transferred to four or five hospitals. According to the situation in his hands, he can basically rule out the epidemic now.

At this time, among Wang Qi's palace officials, the condemned prisoner who ate braised beef suddenly had a stomachache.

Moreover, the death row prisoner who ate the stewed beef was basically the same as Zhao Mingyu when he got sick.

When the result came out, Wang Qi brought the result to the imperial study.

"You mean to say that there is a big problem with the stewed beef made by Wanxinglou?"

Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi standing in front of him, and asked.

Wang Qi nodded heavily, and said: "Returning to Your Majesty, according to the situation I have now, it is indeed the problem of braised beef in Wanxing Building."

At this time, Wu Youxing also came outside the palace.

After the notification, Wu Youxing also came to the imperial study.

"Return to Your Majesty, the matter has some clues, and it is very likely that it is not an epidemic!" After saluting, Wu Youxing expressed his opinion.

"What's going on? How did you get the results of your investigation?" Zhao Wen asked.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the symptoms of the patients sent up from the city are basically similar to those of His Royal Highness.

They all have one thing in common, that is, quite a few of these patients have been to Wanxing Building and have eaten in Wanxing Building.

According to what they said, they have all eaten the stewed beef in Wanxinglou. beef to go.

The problem is very likely to be in the stewed beef in Wanxinglou. Chen estimates that it is very likely that there is a problem with the beef in Wanxinglou's stewed beef. "Wu Youxing investigated it himself, and the result was detailed.

Zhao Wang looked at Wu Youxing, still a little worried, "What about the other patients, those patients who have not been to Wanxing Building, how are they doing?"

Wu Youxing replied: "Returning to Your Majesty, I can't say anything about those patients who have never been to Wanxing Building, but according to the results of my current investigation, these patients who have not been to Wanxing Building also have one thing in common." point, that is, they also ate beef!"

"They also ate beef? It seems that the incident happened to the beef? Since the incident happened to the beef, it's much easier!"

Zhao Wen also breathed a sigh of relief. From this point of view, the epidemic is no longer possible.

(End of this chapter)

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