Chapter 900 Guo Dazhuang

"The problem is the beef. That is to say, the patients in Xuanzhen City this time are basically related to beef!" Zhao Wen said, looking at Wu Youxing standing in front of him.

Wu Youxing nodded, and answered seriously: "Your Majesty, although I don't have any definite evidence in my hands to prove that the problem is that the problem is on the beef, but according to the situation in my hands now, the problem has appeared. Very likely on beef."

"In that case, let's continue to follow this clue, and at the same time closely screen the beef on the market, not only beef, but also other meats in detail, to find out in the shortest possible time The source of this beef!" Zhao Wen looked at Wang Qi who was standing in front of him.

Food safety is a very important issue, especially now that in Xuanzhen, so many patients have appeared at one time, and even his own son has been recruited. Obviously, there must be a lot of beef with problems this time.

Wang Qi cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong, and walked out of the imperial study with Zhao Wen's order.

"Aiqing, go down too. After you go down, you must tell the hospitals below and try your best to treat these patients!" Zhao Wen said to Wu Youxing.

After Wang Qi and Wu Youxing left, Zhao Wen went to the East Palace.

Zhao Mingyu's body is recovering well. Although he hasn't recovered quickly, Zhao Mingyu's complexion is much better now than before.

The news that Zhao Mingyu got sick because of eating unclean food has spread throughout the court.

As soon as these courtiers knew about it, they went to the memorial and asked about the authenticity of this matter.

Sooner or later, I knew that I couldn't hide this matter, so I told these courtiers casually.

When the courtier knew that Zhao Mingyu was safe, his hanging heart finally relaxed.

The entire court seemed to have returned to its former peace, but there was a bigger disturbance brewing in the dark.


Cao Dongsheng stood in the yard of the factory management department. He looked at the sun in the sky with a sad expression on his face.

Earlier, he discovered that there was a problem with the books of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory, so he told Song Yingxing, the Minister of Industry, about it. Go to the slaughterhouse for a thorough investigation!

After Cao Dongsheng returned to the Factory Management Department, he followed Song Yingxing's instructions and sent his people to the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory.

But the people Cao Dongsheng dispatched were basically useless.

The people in the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory were almost twisted together and were very xenophobic. The people Cao Dongsheng sent out had almost no way to carry out their work in the Xuanzhan Slaughtering Factory.

Cao Dongsheng even went there in person, but the main responsible personnel in Xuanzhen Slaughterhouse didn't take Cao Dongsheng's face at all.

Xuanzhen slaughterhouse is the only government-run slaughterhouse with a large scale and a large number of people in Xuanzhen.

Moreover, the current director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory is still a veteran who worked with Zhao Wen before.

For these reasons, the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory doesn't lose face to Cao Dongsheng at all.

"If this continues, when will I be able to complete the task my lord entrusted to me? It's really uncomfortable!"

Cao Dongsheng had a sad face.

After wandering around in the yard for a while, Cao Dongsheng's heart sank, and he walked outside.

"It seems that I have to go to the adults and see what the adults can do!"

At this time, Cao Dongsheng had no other choice, so he wanted to find Song Yingxing to see if Song Yingxing had a better way.

Just as Cao Dongsheng walked out of the gate of the factory management department, a young man wearing ordinary clothes and squatting near the factory management department saw him.

Cao Dongsheng walked towards the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry, and the young man followed behind Cao Dongsheng.

Cao Dongsheng's luck was also relatively good today, and Song Yingxing happened to have something to do, so he dealt with it at the Yamen of the Ministry of Industry.

In Song Yingxing's classroom, Cao Dongsheng stood in front of Song Yingxing, and said with a troubled face: "My lord, my subordinates have already sent people to Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory to thoroughly investigate the account book.

But the people I sent out couldn't do their work at all. The staff in the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant made things difficult for them, and they didn't give their subordinates any face at all.

If this continues, the subordinates will have no choice but to find out about the account book!I'm afraid there is indeed a lot of tricks in the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant! "

Song Yingxing sat on the chair, he raised his head to look at Cao Dongsheng.

Just when he was about to ask, he suddenly remembered something, his body shook suddenly, and his eyes brightened instantly.

"Last night, His Highness the Crown Prince had a sudden abdominal pain and the pain was unbearable. His Majesty Xuan Wu went to the palace for diagnosis and treatment. Lord Wu said that His Highness the Crown Prince had eaten unclean food.

According to what I know now, His Highness the Crown Prince went out of the palace to practice before, and had lunch at Wanxing Building, and the food His Highness ate the most was Wanxing Building's signature dish, stewed beef.

I don't know where the beef purchased by Wanxinglou comes from, but there is a high probability that it comes from Xuanzhen slaughterhouse. After all, Xuanzhen slaughterhouse is the only large-scale slaughterhouse in Xuanzhen.

If Wanxinglou's beef was really purchased from Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory, then the beef sold to Wanxinglou by Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory is likely to be problematic beef! "

Song Yingxing narrowed his eyes and said solemnly.

Cao Dongsheng, who was standing in front of Song Yingxing, turned ugly when he heard what Song Yingxing said.

Cao Dongsheng looked at Song Yingxing, "Your Excellency, you mean that Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory not only has a problem with its account books, but also with the beef they sell?"

"It's not just that, think about it, although I don't know the rules and regulations in the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant, but according to common sense, the beef with problems must be destroyed, and it must not be sold outside.

The destroyed beef or other meat is included in the cost of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant.However, the current Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory is very likely to sell the meat to be destroyed as second-best.

The beef sold is extra. I am afraid that the beef will not be recorded. Since it will not be recorded, the money earned from the sale will definitely not go to the public account. Since it will not go to the public account, then this Where did the money go? "

Song Yingxing figured out a lot in a short period of time.

Cao Dongsheng's face changed drastically. Cao Dongsheng had worked in the factory management department for so long, and his mind was very flexible. When Song Yingxing only spoke half of what he said, Cao Dongsheng reacted.

"Damn it, really damn it, if Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory really did this, then how much Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory swallowed is unknown.

The money should have been handed over to the tax department, but now there is no penny of the money. I don't know who put it in the pocket! "

Cao Dongsheng gritted his teeth, his face was full of anger.

Cao Dongsheng is not from the tax department, but he is the chief official of the factory management department.Although the Factory Management Department cannot control all aspects of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory, the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory is nominally under the jurisdiction of the Factory Management Department.

Cao Dongsheng now feels as if he has been tricked by someone, how can this make Cao Dongsheng not angry?
"Then what should I do now?" Cao Dongsheng looked at Song Yingxing and asked for his opinion.

Song Yingxing shook his head, "Don't do anything, you don't need to do anything now, just wait and see what happens.

As far as I know, the current head of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory is a veteran who used to follow His Majesty.Don't say it's you, even if it's me, people don't necessarily dump my face.

Even if you take your factory management staff to the slaughterhouse in Xuanzhen, I don't think there is any problem. "

"No way, my lord, you are the Duke of the state. The Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory is just a small factory, how dare you disrespect the Duke of your country?"

Cao Dongsheng didn't believe it at all. After all, Song Yingxing had already been made a prince by Zhao Wen, and the director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory was not even an official, so how dare he not give Song Yingxing face.

"Hehe, there are a lot of things here, even if I tell you now, you may not understand it.

You go back first, and withdraw all the people you sent to the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory. I am afraid that it will not be long before His Majesty will start a thorough investigation of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory.

I guess what happened before His Royal Highness has a lot to do with Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory! "

Song Yingxing waved his hand at Cao Dongsheng and said.

Song Yingxing is a person with a high IQ, he can figure out many things, but there are some things he doesn't want to think about.

Song Yingxing understood that although the director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory might not even be considered an official, he was not alone.

Standing behind him is the most powerful group of generals in the dynasty.

Although the civil and military groups in the court seem to be in harmony with no disputes, Song Yingxing understands that it is not that there are no disputes, but that the disputes have not yet begun. The current situation is only suppressed by Zhao Wen.

Cao Dongsheng walked out of Song Yingxing's classroom. Song Yingxing looked at Cao Dongsheng's back and kept sighing.

"Maybe His Majesty has seen the disputes, that's why Zhao Daniu and the others were asked to pacify the Southwest. These generals can't stop. Once they stop, I'm afraid it will cause a lot of disputes." Song Yingxing kept sighing, with a worried expression on his face.

What Song Yingxing was most afraid of was the emergence of civil and military conflicts. Once it happened, who would know what the outcome would be?
During the Hongwu period, when the world was peaceful and the horses were released to the mountains, the role of military commanders gradually decreased, while the role of civil servants gradually increased.

Military generals also have to face an embarrassing problem, that is, their status is gradually marginalized.

Although they bear the titles of Duke, Marquis or Earl, their voice in the court is getting lower and lower, and sometimes they are even inferior to a small fourth-rank or fifth-rank official.

No one in this world will easily give up their interests, and so will those generals.

But there are only so many interests in the world. If the military generals in the DPRK and China increase their voice, the civil servants' voice will inevitably decrease.

Civil officials don't want military generals to have more voice, and since the Song Dynasty, the status of military generals has gradually declined, and civil officials don't want to see military generals stand up.

The civil and military struggle began, but the civil officials and generals in the Hongwu period encountered the most troublesome emperor.

Zhu Yuanzhang is not easy to get along with, he doesn't care whether you are a civil servant or a general, as long as you dare to touch his interests, you can kill him.No matter how big your credit is or how high your credit is, kill as soon as you say, without any hesitation.

Therefore, the civil and military struggle during the Hongwu period was not very obvious. Although it was not obvious, it never disappeared. It even lasted until around the Tumubao Incident, that is, after the Tumubao Incident, the status of generals completely declined.

The reason why Song Yingxing asked Cao Dongsheng to withdraw all the people he sent out was because he was afraid of being involved in this matter.

Song Yingxing is a sensible person, he knows his position very well.

In his eyes, he is a literati rather than a civil servant, so he tried his best not to get involved in this matter.

In the office of the director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory, Guo Dazhuang, the current director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory, is holding a stack of bank notes in his hand, counting them non-stop.

"Hey, those sick cows should have been disposed of, but after they were slaughtered and mixed with the good beef, no one found out!
Those sick cows have filled in the destruction records before slaughtering, which means that those sick cows have been destroyed now, but who would have thought that I could do this trick, and now the money for these sick cows is mine! "

Guo Dazhuang's face was full of smiles, and he counted the money in his hands over and over again, never tired of it.

Guo Dazhuang followed Zhao Wen neither early nor late, and was wounded on the battlefield. He was shot on the right shoulder by the enemy. Because of the injury, his right arm could not hold heavy objects, and Guo Dazhuang had to because of this Reason for early retirement.

After retiring, Guo Dazhuang was transferred to the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant at that time. Guo Dazhuang had just entered the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant, and he did some relatively easy work.

Because of his ability to write and count and his status as a veteran, Guo Dazhuang was promoted very quickly, and it didn't take long for him to be the factory director.

At the beginning, Guo Dazhuang was also a person with a strong sense of responsibility, but with the passage of time, people's hearts will always change.

After leaving the army, Guo Dazhuang saw the colorful world and understood the importance of money.

Since then, Guo Dazhuang's behavior has undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is not the first time that Guo Dazhuang has done such a thing.

When he first started doing this kind of thing, Guo Dazhuang was still a little frightened, for fear that such things would come to light.

But as the number of times he did it increased, Guo Dazhuang became more and more courageous. Now he has no cover-up, even tore off the fig leaf, and did it openly.

Guo Dazhuang's face was full of greed, his eyes were shining green, and his hands were tightly holding the bank notes in his hands, for fear of flying away.

"Now I finally understand, what's so good about being a soldier, although you can make such a great contribution, but no matter how great the contribution is, it is not as real as the silver notes in your hand!

Those people I know, although they have great official positions, and some have even been awarded titles, how can their yearly salary compare to mine, and the money I earn this month is already comparable to their yearly salary. Earned money! "

Guo Dazhuang put the counted banknotes into his arms, talking to himself with disdain.

He sat on the chair, picked up the teacup on the table, and drank the tea in it.

The tea that Guo Dazhuang drinks is the best Longjing tea, this kind of tea is not cheap, but Guo Dazhuang drinks this kind of tea like a dragon sucking water, he can't wait to fill the whole cup with tea leaves.

For Guo Dazhuang, it's a public account anyway, not in vain or in vain.

"Bang bang bang!"

Just then there was a knock on the door.

Guo Dazhuang put down the teacup in his hand, looked towards the door, "Come in!"

The voice fell, and a ghostly person pushed open the door and walked in.

Standing in front of Guo Dazhuang with a flattering face, the man smiled and said, "Master, today another batch of cattle and sheep were brought in from the grassland. Among these cattle and sheep, more than 50 cattle are sick. Do you know how the factory director should deal with it?"

"Is it true that more than 50 cows are sick cows?" Guo Dazhuang put his right hand on the armrest of the chair and kept beating.

This person seemed to understand something, he shook his head hastily, "Master, the little one made a mistake, it wasn't fifty but one hundred!"

"Fifty, a hundred, what's the difference?"

Guo Dazhuang stood up, and he came to this person.

Guo Dazhuang stretched out his right hand, and kept patting the man's shoulder.

"Xiao Liu, you have been with me for a long time, why are you still so timid in doing things now?

Let me ask you, how many cattle and sheep are there in total in the batch sent today? "Guo Dazhuang looked at the person in front of him.

"My lord, there are more than 5000 heads in total!"

"Since there are more than 5000 cows, the number of sick cows should be more than 700 anyway."

"My lord, isn't there too much?"

This person's face is full of embarrassment, the key is that the amount Guo Dazhuang said is too much.

There were more than 5000 cows in total, and more than 700 of them became sick at once. Anyone who is not a fool can see the problem.

"I am the factory director, and you are the factory director? Is 700 more than 700 more? 700 is not much at all. If I say 700 or more, [-] is more.

After you go down, destroy all the more than 700 cows for me. The destruction records must be neat and clear! "Guo Dazhuang moved closer to this man's ear and said.


"By the way, I forgot to tell you one thing. From now on, when I collect these animals on the grassland, as long as they are animals, whether they are alive, dead, healthy or sick, I will take them back. , All these problematic animals are treated as sick and destroyed! Do you understand what I mean?" Guo Dazhuang looked at the man standing in front of him with a smile.

"I understand, Mr. Factory Manager, I understand!" The man kept nodding his head flatteringly.

"Okay, you go out, I still have things to do!" Guo Dazhuang returned to his position.

The man didn't dare to stay, and ran out of Guo Dazhuang's office like flying.

When running out, he did not forget to close the door of Guo Dazhuang's room.

Guo Dazhuang pulled back the chair, put his feet on the table in front of him, and crossed his legs.

On the table in front of Guo Dazhuang, there is a cigarette pot made of silver.

A bag made of silk is hung under the pipe pot, and the shredded tobacco is contained in the bag.

Guo Dazhuang put the shredded tobacco into the pipe pot, then took out a box of matches from his body, and lit the shredded tobacco in the pipe pot.

Tobacco has been introduced a long time ago, so it is normal for Guo Dazhuang to be able to smoke.

The matches on Guo Dazhuang's body were made by Zhao Wen a long time ago.

In fact, the technical content of matches is not very high. When Zhao Wen made matches, because of their convenience and quickness, they became popular all over the country in a short period of time.

For the convenience of the people, Zhao Wen also disclosed the formula for making matches.

Match factories have sprung up one after another like bamboo shoots after rain. Because of the large number of match factories, the price of matches is very low, and the cost of matches itself is not high.

Guo Dazhuang smoked the pipe pot in his hand, puffed out the clouds, and enjoyed it, so uncomfortable!

"Bang bang bang!"

The knocking sounded again.

Guo Dazhuang took the cigarette pot from his mouth, he thought he was still the same person before, he was a little dissatisfied, and shouted loudly at the door: "Don't go to work, what have you been doing here?"

With a creak, the door was pushed open from the outside.

Wang Qi walked in with someone.

Guo Dazhuang was a soldier before, he knew Wang Qi, and he also knew what Wang Qi was doing now.

Guo Dazhuang suddenly stood up from the chair, he hurriedly put the pipe and pot in his hand on the table in front of him, and came to Wang Qi in two steps in three steps.

"Oh, isn't this Mr. Wang Qiwang? What wind brought Mr. Wang to me?"

Guo Dazhuang looked at Wang Qi standing in front of him with a smile, his attitude was similar to that of the person standing in front of Wang Qi just now.

Wang Qi looked at Guo Dazhuang standing in front of him, and asked with an expression: "You are the director of the slaughterhouse, right?"

Wang Qi didn't know Guo Dazhuang, after all, the identities of the two people were too different.

Guo Dazhuang's head kept clicking like a chicken pecking rice, "Back to the adults, the young one is the director of the slaughterhouse, but compared with the adults, the young one is not even a fart."

"I came here today because I need your assistance.

Take out all the production records and other things in your factory for the past month, and I want to check them one by one! "

(End of this chapter)

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