Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 901 For Your Majesty's Face

Chapter 901 For Your Majesty's Face
Hearing Wang Qi's voice, Guo Dazhuang's body shook slightly.

He looked at Wang Qi with a nervous expression on his face, "My lord, what's the matter? Why do you have to check so many things all of a sudden? For so many years, the little one has been respectful and serious about running the slaughterhouse, but I have never done anything unkind, adults must trust the little ones!"

"Whether you have done something wrong, it doesn't matter if you say it, and I don't matter if I say it. You can only find out after a thorough investigation of the factory!" Wang Qi said coldly.

When Wang Qi came here, he wanted to understand the ins and outs of the matter.

Today, more than [-]% of the various meats in Xuanzhen are supplied by the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant. If there is a problem with some meat in Xuanzhen, there is a high probability that it will be caused by the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant superior.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince vomited and diarrhea because of eating unclean food, this matter is not a trivial matter.

Wang Qi's face turned gloomy and cold, he stared coldly at Guo Dazhuang standing in front of him, "Don't tell me these things, now do as I said, get all these things to me in the shortest time, if If you can't get these things after dark today, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

Guo Dazhuang immediately became anxious. Although Guo Dazhuang asked his subordinates to modify these things, the modified things could not withstand scrutiny. No matter how good the modification was, there would still be mistakes.

What's more, those people under Guo Dazhuang's level are limited, and the modified things cannot be perfect.

Even if Guo Dazhuang didn't understand what kind of person Wang Qi was, he should understand what kind of yamen the Dianqiansi was.

"My lord, the young one is hardworking and conscientiously manages the slaughterhouse.

Over the years, nothing has ever happened and taxes have been paid on time.

Besides, the younger one was a veteran who had followed His Majesty before, Lord Wang didn't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, but for His Majesty's sake, let's avoid this matter! "

Guo Dazhuang kept his status extremely low and begged bitterly.

But Wang Qi heard other meanings from Guo Dazhuang's tone. What Guo Dazhuang said was nothing more than putting himself and Wang Qi on the same position, in the same group.

"Don't talk about it with me. If you don't do it yourself, then my subordinates will do it!"

Wang Qi directly ignored what Guo Dazhuang said, and said coldly.

Seeing that Wang Qi refused to enter, Guo Dazhuang had no other choice, so he had to tell a lie, "Master Wang, all the things in the slaughterhouse have been sent to the factory management department a few days ago, and they are not in the factory now. If adults want to see it, go to the factory management department!"

"It seems that you don't plan to take these things out for me, that's good, then I will do it myself!"

Wang Qi didn't believe Guo Dazhuang's nonsense at all. From Wang Qi's point of view, there was absolutely something wrong with Guo Dazhuang.

All that Guo Dazhuang is doing now is nothing more than delaying time. If Guo Dazhuang really has a clear conscience, then he should very quickly take out the things he asked for, not what he is doing now.

"Brothers, seal off the entire slaughterhouse, and no one is allowed to enter or leave the slaughterhouse without my order.

Let all the slaughtering workshops stop working, and gather all the personnel to me. This time, I will not only check the production records one by one, but also check each workshop, and even check every cow and sheep. "

Wang Qi walked out of Guo Dazhuang's office, and shouted loudly at his subordinates standing outside.

The Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory has a very large area, and the people led by Wang Qi are not enough at all, and Wang Qi also knows that he is short of manpower.

Wang Qi looked at one of his subordinates standing next to him, "Bring me all the remaining people in front of the palace!"

As he spoke, Wang Qi took out his identity certificate from his body and handed it to this subordinate.

"As ordered!"

This subordinate is one of Wang Qi's confidantes, he cupped his hands towards Wang Qigong, and ran outside quickly.

Guo Dazhuang also walked out of his office. Looking at the scene in front of him, he felt more painful than eating fly droppings.

His face was very ugly, and his body was still trembling. He knew what his slaughterhouse looked like, and he couldn't stand the investigation. If Wang Qi was allowed to conduct such a thorough investigation, he would not survive for a few days.

"Master Wang Wangwang, the younger one used to work under Master Zhao, for the sake of Master Zhao, please spare the younger one!"

Guo Dazhuang stood behind Wang Qi, bowed his knees, and moved Zhao Daniu out.

"Which Mr. Zhao? Do I know him?" Wang Qi asked back, turning his body sideways.

Guo Dazhuang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said cautiously: "Master Zhao Daniu, although the young one is only the director of the slaughterhouse, but for so many years, the young one has been going to visit Master Zhao every year, and please Master Wang for the sake of Master Zhao." Come on, spare the little one!"

"Hehe, you made a wrong calculation. Regardless of the fact that you have done things under his command, even if he is standing here, if he did something he should not have done, I will still check it out!"

Wang Qi completely blocked Guo Dazhuang's last way of life.

Guo Dazhuang's body kept shaking. Guo Dazhuang didn't know that Zhao Mingyu got sick because of eating unclean beef. If he knew, Guo Dazhuang would have kowtowed in fright.

Even if Guo Dazhuang doesn't know, but Guo Dazhuang knows that if Wang Qi finds out what he did, he won't be able to walk around.

"Looking at you like this, there must be something wrong with the slaughterhouse. Come here, let him show me, no one is allowed to approach!" Wang Qi pointed at Guo Dazhuang, and shouted at his subordinates.

After the voice fell, three or four subordinates walked up to Guo Dazhuang, escorted Guo Dazhuang, and walked into the factory director's office.

Wang Qi left a few people behind to guard the door of the factory manager's office, and then led his hands to other parts of the slaughterhouse.

It didn't take long for all the people left behind by Dianqiansi to arrive at the slaughterhouse.

After replenishing the manpower, Wang Qi sprinkled all the manpower and began to check carefully in the slaughterhouse.

There are many problems in the current slaughterhouse, and it didn't take long for Wang Qi to find out a lot.

At noon the next day, Wang Qi was in control of all the matters that should be investigated and should not be investigated.

Wang Qi sat at the door of the factory director's office. At the door of the factory director's office, the production records and production materials of the Xuanzhen slaughterhouse, the confessions of the staff in the slaughterhouse, and so on were all placed there.

Wang Qi sat in front of these things with a gloomy expression.

"I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that the propaganda slaughterhouse would be so corrupt.

What surprised me the most was that Guo Dazhuang actually sold sick cows as good ones.
The reason why His Royal Highness is sick is inseparable from Guo Dazhuang! "

"Put all these things away and escort them back to the yamen, as well as Guo Dazhuang and Guo Dazhuang's capable subordinates, all of them will be detained for me." Wang Qi pointed at these things and said loudly.

In the afternoon of that day, all these things were taken to the yamen of the Dianqian Division.

Wang Qi organized this matter into a memorial and sent it to Zhao Wen.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at the memorial sent by Wang Qi with a very gloomy expression.

"Since ancient times, people have depended on food. I didn't expect Guo Dazhuang to be so arrogant that he dared to sell sick cows as good ones.

Fortunately, the sick cow did not get any plague. If it was a plague, if one of them was not controlled well, the whole Xuan Town would be plagued by an outbreak. By that time, the losses would not be small! "

Zhao Wen put down the memorial in his hand and looked at Wang Qi, "Transfer Guo Dazhuang and all the personnel related to this case to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for handling. After the processing is completed, send them to Dalutang to handle according to the law!"

Zhao Wen's words can be said to have sentenced Guo Dazhuang to death. According to the laws stipulated by Zhao Wen, if he tampers with food safety, the sentence is very serious.

Things like Guo Dazhuang this time can basically declare Guo Dazhuang's death sentence.


After Wang Qi returned to the Si Yamen in front of the palace, according to Zhao Wen's request, he handed over Guo Dazhuang and all the personnel related to the case to the Ministry of Punishment.

The officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice also quickly determined the case as an iron case, and then the Dalutang pronounced the sentence.

The whole case took no more than five days, and within five days, Guo Dazhuang was sentenced to death.

This incident seemed to subside just like that, but the real disturbance had just started.

Guo Dazhuang is the factory director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory. This time, he and Guo Dazhuang almost wiped out the entire middle and upper management of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory.

The slaughterhouse in Xuanzhen was paralyzed. Without management personnel, the slaughterhouse could not continue to work. The meat that Xuanzhen needs every day is a huge number, and there is a steady stream of cattle and sheep transported from the grassland to the slaughterhouse every day. factory.

The slaughterhouse can't start work for a day, the people in Xuan Town can't eat meat for a day, and the cattle and sheep in the hands of the herdsmen on the grassland can't be sold.

Therefore, it is imminent to re-appoint a new factory director.

The director of the slaughterhouse is not even considered an official. Under normal circumstances, it is not Zhao Wen's turn to worry about such matters.

However, this time it was a surprise.

For the position of director of a small slaughterhouse, these officials in Xuanzhen sent memorials to Zhao Wen one after another, explaining their views.

Among these memorials, some memorials recommended someone to be the director of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory, while others said that the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory should be directly under the jurisdiction of the imperial court.

Among these memorials, the number of recommending someone to be the director of the slaughterhouse is the largest.

Such memorials can be roughly divided into two categories, one is memorials sent by civil officials, and the other is memorials sent by generals.

The memorial sent by the civil servants is to let the literati be the factory director of the slaughterhouse in Xuanzhen, and the memorial sent by the generals is to let the person from the military background be the factory director of the slaughterhouse.

The positions of these two memorials are very clear. Judging from this, the position of director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant has become a position of civil and military competition.

It's just that they didn't dare to go too far, so what they said was relatively cryptic, and the smell of gunpowder didn't seem so strong.

Zhao Wen could see something was wrong at a glance.

Zhao Wen was walking in the imperial garden, and Chen Donglai followed behind Zhao Wen.

"Since ancient times, civil and military competition has been taboo in the imperial court. Although this position is only the position of the director of a small slaughterhouse, it has become a good way for them to test me."

Zhao Wen whispered as he walked, Zhao Wen could see the things here more clearly than anyone else.

Chen Donglai followed behind Zhao Wen, burying his head very low.

Chen Donglai could only pretend not to hear what Zhao Wen said.

Zhao Wen knew that with the peace of the world, the situation of civil and military competition is inevitable.

So Zhao Wen is trying his best to suppress such a thing and prevent it from happening.

Zhao Wen also knew that when university graduates filled the entire court, the situation of civil and military competition would be greatly reduced.

However, there is still no way to completely avoid the emergence of civil and military competition.

"Since the two of you are fighting non-stop, then this position in the slaughterhouse cannot be given to either of you!"

Zhao Wen already had a plan in mind, and he planned to hand over the position of slaughterhouse to Zhao Mingyu.

Zhao Wen did this for two main reasons.

One is that if the director of the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Plant is to be reappointed, he must be selected from literati or military generals. This is inevitable, but if they are selected from both sides, it will encourage their arrogance. It was something Zhao Wen didn't want to see, so the position of director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory could not be given to either of them.

The second is that Zhao Mingyu will be the emperor of the empire in the future, and his governing methods are related to the direction of the empire.

Although Zhao Mingyu is still young, there are some things that have to be contacted in advance.

Letting Zhao Mingyu manage the Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory can be an experience for Zhao Mingyu. This position is neither big nor small, and the management matters are neither too much nor too little, which is very suitable for Zhao Mingyu now.

A few days later, Zhao Wen's order was issued, and when the officials in the court learned about Zhao Wen's plan, they immediately started talking about it.

In the eyes of these officials, Zhao Wen's method is really not a wise one.

Quite a few of these officials are very traditional scholars. In their view, the prince should sit in a tall and bright hall, not in such a place full of stench and blood.

Even for Zhao Mingyu's sake, to let Zhao Mingyu practice, he shouldn't choose such a place.

All of a sudden, Zhao Wen's desk was almost flooded by officials' memorials.

Zhao Wen didn't reply to these memorials, and didn't even read them.

Seeing that Zhao Wen didn't respond, these officials in the court gradually fell silent.

It seems that the civil and military struggle has not come ahead of time, but all the omens have already begun.

At the same time, Zhao Daniu's army also entered the territory of Mo Dynasty.

Mo Chao is not even Li Chao's opponent, let alone facing Zhao Daniu's army.

Mo Chao's army couldn't even beat Zhao Daniu's scouts. Zhao Daniu hardly met any decent resistance all the way.

If it wasn't because of the high mountains, dangerous roads and difficult terrain, Zhao Daniu might have already captured all of Mo Chao by now.

In the midst of a forest, Zhao Daniu's camp was placed in an open space among the forests.

This open space in the woods was developed by Zhao Daniu's subordinates. There are high mountains and dense forests here, so it is very difficult to find an open space in the woods.

In Zhao Daniu's big tent, Mo Chao's map is placed on Zhao Daniu's table, Zhao Daniu sits behind the table, his eyes are not on the map on the table.

There is a bamboo tube and a wooden stopper on top of the map.

Zhao Daniu held a piece of rice paper and looked at it seriously.

When he read the content on the rice paper, he was so angry that his nose almost crooked.

Zhao Daniu rolled the rice paper into a ball and kept kneading it.

"Well, you Wang Qi, you used to eat out of the same pot, but now you don't recognize me, what are you talking about, even if I stand in front of you, you dare to arrest me!"

Zhao Daniu kept cursing with anger on his face.

The rice paper in Zhao Daniu's hand was sent by Zhao Daniu's family.

The content on the rice paper is exactly what Wang Qi said when he arrested Guo Dazhuang that day.

It's just that the content on the rice paper is not real, it's a lot exaggerated.

Guo Dazhuang used to work under Zhao Daniu. After Guo Dazhuang left the army, he would visit Zhao Daniu every Chinese New Year or other festivals.

Therefore, Zhao Daniu is quite familiar with Guo Dazhuang.

What Zhao Daniu was angry about was not that Wang Qi arrested Guo Dazhuang. After all, Guo Dazhuang made a mistake and should be arrested.

What Zhao Daniu was angry about was what Wang Qi said. Judging from what Wang Qi said, Wang Qi didn't take Zhao Daniu seriously from the beginning to the end.

Zhao Daniu is a person who attaches great importance to friendship. Many years ago, they all ate food from the same pot.

Even after being with Zhao Wen, the relationship is still relatively good.

But after the founding of the People's Republic of China, the relationship between the two went further and further.

Although the two of them could not speak a few words throughout the year, Zhao Daniu regarded Wang Qi as a brother.

What Wang Qi said when arresting Guo Dazhuang really hurt Zhao Daniu's heart.

As the saying goes, clay figurines still have three points of anger, let alone Zhao Daniu, who is now the Duke of the state.

"I didn't expect that I always regarded you as a brother, but you only thought I was a dead boy.

If it wasn't for the leader of the army, I would have to go to your house and ask you carefully! " Zhao Daniu said with a gloomy face.

Not long after, Zhao Daniu let the matter go.

After all, the most urgent task at present is to take down all Mo Chao.

Zhao Daniu's gaze returned to the map on the table.

"With the current strength in my hands, it will be easy to take down the entire Annan.

But how to deal with it after taking it down?How should it be strengthened?

Here the mountains are high and the forests are dense. It is impossible for me to keep all these soldiers in my hands there. If I keep these soldiers in my hands there, how can I attack other places?
Forget it, report this matter and see how the Military Academy handles it! "

Zhao Daniu stood up and walked outside.

Next to Zhao Daniu's big tent is a barracks with a radio transmitter.

Today's wireless transmitters are very expensive, Zhao Daniu keeps these wireless transmitters that Zhao Wen gave him by his side, no matter what time, he will never leave his surroundings.

Zhao Daniu walked into the barracks, and the staff sitting in front of the radio transmitter stood up and looked at Zhao Daniu.

Zhao Daniu told these people why he came.

A few minutes later, Zhao Daniu walked out of the barracks.

What Zhao Daniu said was sent out by the staff through the radio transmitter.

 Thank you for the nine monthly tickets waiting in place, and thank you book friend 20181004103440919 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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