Chapter 902 The Troubled King Charles I

After the message from the radio transmitter was relayed, it came to the office of the radio transmitter in the Military Academy.

After receiving the news from Zhao Daniu, the Military Academy hurriedly started discussing what to do next.

However, after discussing for a long time, the Military Academy failed to come up with a useful solution.

The question Zhao Daniu asked was really too tricky. In the land of Annan, there are high mountains and dense forests. Except for the local aborigines, there are very few people from the mainland.

The transportation is inconvenient, coupled with the lack of people, so the rule of Annan in the past dynasties is very weak.

There has been no good solution to this kind of problem for thousands of years, and the current Military Academy is the same, there will be no solution for a while.

These people in the Military Academy had no choice but to report this matter to Zhao Wen.

After Zhao Wen received the report from the Military Academy, he also looked helpless.

In fact, Zhao Wen thought about this problem a long time ago, that is, to immigrate there, then build a city according to the terrain, and then manage the city.

But there is a prerequisite for this matter, that is, there must be a large number of people there. If the number of people there is not enough, this method cannot be implemented.

Now, the number of common people over there is not enough at all. Although the population of common people in all parts of the country has increased a lot, and the growth has been considerable in recent years, other places also need a large number of people. On Annan's side, it is really I can't get the extra out.

"If that's the case, let's implement military control first. Following the Ming Dynasty's military town policy, build a military town in Annan, and deal with it when the population increases in the future!"

Zhao Wen sat in the imperial study, looking at the map of Annan on the table in front of him, and murmured.

"If Zhao Daniu's 3 troops attack Annan, it is completely enough. The soldiers in Zhao Daniu's hands are soldiers, and good steel should be used on the blade. Therefore, Zhao Daniu and these soldiers in his hands cannot stay in the local area."

Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai who was standing next to him, "Bring Qi Qingtian to me!"

Chen Donglai didn't dare to delay, and walked outside.

Not long after, Qi Qingtian stood in the imperial study.

Zhao Wen looked at Qi Qingtian who was standing in front of him, and said, "Now, how many reserve troops can be mobilized?"

Zhao Wen's plan is similar to the previous one, that is to let the reserve soldiers stay in the area.

"Return to Your Majesty, the world has just been in peace for a short time now, and there are not many soldiers left in the reserve!" Qi Qingtian replied respectfully.

"Well, after you go down today, you will continue to recruit troops. The number must be large. These soldiers will be temporarily filled into the reserve. In the future, these soldiers will be of great use!" Zhao Wen said.

Qi Qingtian looked at Zhao Wen with some doubts, he didn't know why Zhao Wen did this.

After all, the world is already peaceful now, and the current soldiers and horses are enough, so it is unnecessary to recruit reserves.

Zhao Wen saw the doubts on Qi Qingtian's face and explained. "I did this for Annan's affairs. If I want to completely get Annan in my hands, the best way is to let our people live in Annan. It will not be easy to achieve in a short period of time.

Therefore, I intend to establish a military town in Annan and temporarily adopt the form of military management for management.Wait for the population to increase in the future, and then make changes. "

Qi Qingtian listened to what Zhao Wen said seriously, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

I have to say that Zhao Wen's method is the most suitable method at the moment.

The reason why Annan has been wandering from ancient times to the present is precisely because there is no effective rule over Annan.

During the Yongle period, although Annan was taken down in a short period of time, due to the lack of guarding soldiers and various reasons, the imperial court lost control of Annan within a short period of time.

"Your Majesty, Annan is not a small place with high mountains and dense forests. If this is done, the annual consumption will not be a small number." Qi Qingtian said.

What Qi Qingtian said is not unreasonable. Annan is not a small place, with high mountains and dense forests, which is difficult to manage. If a military town is established, the annual cost will be a huge figure.

After the Yongle period, the imperial court spent a lot of money in Annan every year, but they didn't get much in return. For the imperial court, this was a loss-making business, so they gradually gave up Annan.

Qi Qingtian was afraid of a repeat of what happened during the Xuande period.

"I know what you said. In the beginning, the gold and silver spent by the imperial court on Annan every year was not a small amount.

But the money must be spent, besides, there are so many factories in Xuan Town, it can be fully supported. "Zhao Wen looked at Qi Qingtian.

"Since His Majesty has made up his mind, the minister has no choice but to take orders!"

Seeing that Zhao Wen had made up his mind, Qi Qingtian stopped talking nonsense.

Zhao Wen looked at Qi Qingtian, and said, "I'm looking for you today, the main thing is this!
Enough soldiers must be recruited in the shortest possible time. As for how many soldiers need to be recruited, after you go down, your military academy will calculate carefully! "

"The minister obeys the order!"

Qi Qingtian walked out of the imperial study as he spoke.

Zhao Wen began to review the memorials on the table again.

Although the courtiers had other opinions on Zhao Wen's treatment of the director of Xuanzhen Slaughtering Factory, they were suppressed by Zhao Wen one by one.

It didn't take long for Zhao Wen to review it, and Zhao Mingyu came outside the imperial study.

Zhao Mingyu stood outside the imperial study room, his small face was full of excitement.

Zhao Wen's brilliance was too dazzling, which made Zhao Mingyu feel a sense of anxiety in his heart.

He was eager to prove himself to Zhao Wen, so the position of director of the slaughterhouse this time was very suitable for Zhao Mingyu.

Although Zhao Mingyu is Zhao Wen's most beloved son, there are still some rules that must be followed.

Zhao Mingyu stood respectfully at the door of the imperial study room, and shouted to the small yellow door standing at the door of the imperial study room: "Please tell me, my son, please see me!"

The little yellow gate standing at the entrance of the imperial study recognized Zhao Mingyu from a long distance away. Just as Zhao Mingyu was halfway saying this, the little yellow gate at the gate ran into the imperial study.

Zhao Wen looked at the little yellow door standing in the imperial study and said, "Let him in."

Under the notification of Xiaohuangmen, Zhao Mingyu walked into the imperial study.

"My son-in-law pays respects to his father!"

Zhao Mingyu saluted Zhao Wen respectfully.

Zhao Wen bowed his hands with a smile, "What kind of courtesy do you and I have between father and son? Get up quickly, this is not the imperial court."

Zhao Mingyu stood up.

"Come talk to me!" Zhao Wen patted the table in front of him and looked at Zhao Mingyu.

Zhao Mingyu came to Zhao Wen's side, Zhao Wen turned sideways and looked at Zhao Mingyu, "I'm not studying hard in the East Palace today, why do you think of running to my place?"

"Father, I just want to ask when I can take up the post in the slaughterhouse?" Zhao Mingyu looked at Zhao Wen expectantly.

Zhao Mingyu had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Seeing Zhao Mingyu's eagerness, Zhao Wen couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, why are you in such a hurry? How long has it been? Can't wait?

I remember that your mother objected to your becoming the director of this slaughterhouse?He also said that the director of a slaughterhouse is a low-ranking person, and it is really inappropriate for you, a prince, to be the director of a slaughterhouse! "Zhao Wen joked with a smile.

"I don't think that the director of a slaughterhouse is a low-level person. As the saying goes, if you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?

If I can't manage a slaughterhouse well, what qualifications do I have to manage this country in the future? "Zhao Mingyu said solemnly.

In Zhao Wen's eyes, he made his son the director of the slaughterhouse just to train his son.

But in Zhao Mingyu's eyes, this is a rare opportunity, a chance to hone his skills, and a chance to prove himself to Zhao Wen

"Haha, good, good, ambitious, and a good boy!"

Seeing Zhao Mingyu like this, Zhao Wen couldn't help but praise him non-stop.

Zhao Wen didn't want to dampen his enthusiasm for his son.

"Seeing how anxious you are, why don't you take someone to the slaughterhouse today to get a feel for the situation and prepare for future management!"

Zhao Mingyu's eyes lit up, and his face was full of excitement. "Okay, the kid will go now!"

"You bring your teachers with you when you go, I will not send anyone to you, the slaughterhouse is currently closed, you have to find a way to make the slaughterhouse work again!
I don't know if you can complete this task?This task may not seem big, but it is also very difficult! "Zhao Wen looked at his son.

Zhao Mingyu patted his chest, and said vowedly: "I will definitely be able to complete this task, and I will definitely not let you down!"

"Okay, then go quickly! By the way, how is your body?"

It's only been a few days, and Zhao Wen is still a little worried about Zhao Mingyu's physical condition.

Wu Youxing's medical skills are unquestionable, and those who can be passed down through the ages are genuine and capable.

"It's almost fine, and there is no major problem now!" Zhao Mingyu said.

"That's good, but if there is any accident, come back in time, and put your health first!" Zhao Wen urged.

"The child has already engraved it in his heart, so the child will go first!"

As Zhao Mingyu said, he turned around and ran outside impatiently.

Seeing the back of Zhao Mingyu leaving, Zhao Wen called Chen Donglai to his side.

"Later, you arrange some people to protect Mingyu secretly. No matter what happens, no matter how big or small, you must notify me in the shortest possible time!" Zhao Wen said to Chen Dong.


As winter goes to spring, the world gradually warms up.The earth gradually became alive, and weeds covered the earth again.

"What a vibrant spring!"

Cromwell stood on a hillside. He looked at the green weeds on the hillside, feeling sincerely.

Behind him stood a tall and mighty man, wearing leather armor with a crossed sword hanging from his waist.

This man was one of Cromwell's subordinates. After returning to his hometown, Cromwell quickly formed a considerable number of cavalry by virtue of his prestige.

"What should we do now? Continue training, or attack His Royal Highness?" The man standing behind Cromwell looked at Cromwell with a puzzled expression.

Cromwell looked at the tender green grass below the hillside, and the smile on his face never disappeared.

"Spring is here, new vitality reappears on the earth, and the decadent rule will eventually be overthrown by us!

Five days later, I will lead the army towards London. I have written a letter to Fairfax before, and he will lead his troops to attack London at that time! ’ Cromwell swore, as if he were invincible.

Because of Zhao Wen's appearance and Zhao Wen's intervention, the current civil war of the shit-stirring stick has completely deviated from history and completely changed beyond recognition.

"We have already got the support of the navy, why don't we let the navy capture the port of London first?" said the man standing behind Cromwell.

In the early days of the civil war, the navy turned to the parliament. Although Zhao Wen disturbed this era, the navy still turned to the parliament.

Cromwell pursed his lips and shook his head, "No, that's not a good idea.

The warships docked at the port are much larger than the warships used by our navy. Although I don’t know how their firepower configuration is, but just relying on these warships that day, the port of London was blown to pieces. The firepower of these warships must be very powerful.

Although our navy is strong, we shouldn't confront them head-on. The navy's wealth has been accumulated for many years, but it must not be lost! "

As the saying goes, the century-old navy, whether it is ancient or later, the formation speed of the navy is much slower than that of the army.

Although the shit-stirring stick now has a considerable fleet, Cromwell does not think that these warships must be the opponents of Hedong Lang and the others.

"Let's go, let's go home first, and make a detailed plan for dispatching troops after we go back!" Cromwell said and walked towards his home.

Cromwell's family is a very famous and very large family in the local area.

His grandfather Henry Cromwell was a Knight of the Order of Gold, as was his namesake uncle.

When Cromwell first entered the House of Commons as MP for Huntingdon, there were nine other members of his family sitting in Parliament.

It can be seen that the Cromwell family is very powerful.

However, neither Cromwell's father nor Cromwell himself was the eldest son in the family, and did not inherit the title.

However, this does not affect Cromwell's ability.

Cromwell returned home, and as soon as he returned home, he gathered the officers among the soldiers he had recruited to discuss in detail the military arrangements.

Early the next morning, after not sleeping all night, they finally discussed a plan.

After the crowd dispersed, Cromwell sat in his study, looking at the map on the table, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Charles I, this time I will definitely burn you to pieces!"

In Cromwell's view, he has a great chance of winning, and he can even deal with Charles I in a crushing posture.

After Cromwell left London, he didn't stop for a moment. Not only did he form an army in his hometown, he even contacted other places to fight against Charles I together.

At the end of last year, under the organization of Cromwell, the five eastern counties of Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex and Hereford formed the "Eastern League".

At the beginning of the year, Lincolnshire and Huntingtonshire also joined the league.

Today, the army formed in these places has reached more than 1 people.

These people were commanded by the Earl of Manchester, Edward Montagu, [-]nd Earl of Manchester, with Cromwell as deputy commander and commander of the cavalry.

The Earl of Manchester has a very peaceful personality, and the actual controller of this army is Cromwell.

The number of 1 people does not seem to be much. If 1 people are placed in the east, it is equivalent to two villages and towns fighting, but they cannot be ignored if they are placed here. strength.

At this time, there was a commotion in the city of London, and the people in the city became more irritable every day, and they even shouted slogans to send Charles I to the gallows.

Charles I was very annoyed by this phenomenon in the city. Now he really wanted to use the thousand soldiers in his hands to kill all the residents in the city, but reason told him that he could not do so.

If Charles I did this, he would have completely pushed himself to the opposite of the people of the world. At that time, even if he had a thousand soldiers in his hands, he might not be able to win.

Therefore, the current Charles I tried his best to suppress the dissatisfaction in his heart.

At this time, those parliamentarians who stayed in London began to recruit troops aggressively.

During this period of time, the military strength in the hands of the parliament continued to expand, and with the previous parliamentary army, the number had reached 2.

These 2 people were commanded by the [-]rd Earl of Essex.

It was not all smooth sailing when the parliament was recruiting troops. They encountered Charles I's soldiers and horses strangling several times.

In order to be able to recruit troops smoothly, these members of the parliament were transferred outside the city.

When the riots started, the handicraft practitioners or workers in the city lost their jobs, and these people had to leave the city in order to make a living.

Coupled with the brainwashing of the parliament, it was said that what happened to them was the fault of Charles I, so many people joined the parliamentary army.

The [-] parliamentary troops are hiding in villages outside the city of London.

On the other hand, Charles I had only more than 3000 troops in his hands, and it seemed that he was not an opponent of the parliamentary army.

In fact, Charles I had far more soldiers than this, but he also had to maintain the rule and tax at the local level, so the number of soldiers left in London was not large.

Now Charles I has the thousand soldiers in his hands, so Charles I didn't bother to transfer back the soldiers who were deployed in the place.

In the office of Charles I at Windsor Castle, Charles I held a map of the City of London in his hand and looked at it intently.

Charles I's nephew, Prince Rupert stood in front of Charles I.

"Uncle, I don't know what you are waiting for. We have such powerful soldiers in our hands. Let's directly fight the Parliament and wipe them out!" Prince Rupert shouted excitedly at Charles I shouted.

Charles I raised his head and looked at Prince Rupert, "Fight with the Parliament? Do you know where they are now?
Now we don't even know where they are from the parliament, how can we fight them?

Besides, we only have so many troops in our hands, and only 1000 soldiers with deterrent power.

If these thousand soldiers are transferred out, who should be sent to defend the city of London?
It's not like you don't know the scene in London now. I guess we just transferred this soldier out, maybe someone will trick these untouchables into attacking the castle! "

Charles I's face was full of vigilance, and his character was full of contradictions. He was arrogant and timid.

Prince Rupert didn't know what to say after what Charles I said, so he closed his mouth and looked at Charles I quietly.

"If I were a parliamentary army, from which direction would I attack the City of London?
Now, according to reliable sources, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridge, Essex, Hereford, Lincolnshire and Huntingtonshire have all announced their membership in Parliament.

Should I recover these places first, and then think about dealing with the parliament? ! "

Charlie once fell into hesitation, and now he doesn't know what to do next.

Seeing his uncle's hesitation, Prince Rupert couldn't bear it anymore.

"Uncle, I think you are still too timid, don't we have those thousand soldiers in our hands?

We can divide these soldiers into several parts and send out these soldiers. It will definitely have a good effect then! "Prince Rupert said eagerly.

"No, this method is absolutely impossible! If you follow the method you mentioned, what should I do if the parliament tries its best to attack the city of London?
The orientals on the port are really unreliable, not to mention that now we have turned against those orientals, we still have to be wary of those orientals! "

Having said that, Charles I heaved a long sigh, feeling a little regretful in his heart.

He regretted that he used the method Prince Rupert said, held a banquet, and then waited for the opportunity to take down He Donglang.

When Charles I held a banquet at that time, He Donglang did not break the contract, and went to Windsor Castle with a few of his men.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Charles I finally showed his face.

When the banquet reached its climax, the soldiers arranged around the banquet poured into the hall where the banquet was held like a tide.

At that time, Charles I had the chance to win. He looked at He Donglang who was sitting in the middle of the hall in a daze, and asked his subordinates to arrest He Donglang.

After arresting He Donglang, Charles I was in trouble, and he didn't know how to deal with He Donglang.

Prince Rupert tried his best to persuade Charles I to execute He Donglang, but at this critical moment, Charles I became less courageous for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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