Chapter 903
At the critical moment, Charles I was much less courageous.

Although the manpower of Charles I had already controlled He Donglang, Charles I could not make up his mind.

When he just grabbed He Donglang, He Donglang's expression didn't change at all, as if such a thing happened in He Donglang's expectation.

He Donglang's reaction made Charles I a little at a loss for a moment. He Donglang was really too calm, and he was a little abnormal.

He Donglang was not frightened by what Charles I did, and even reprimanded Charles I righteously.

He Donglang has been in the shit stick for such a long time, and he can already speak some relatively simple English.

For safety reasons, Charles I separated He Donglang from his men.

This move of Charles I aroused He Donglang's suspicion at that time.

However, without definite evidence, He Donglang couldn't say anything at that time.

The subordinates led by He Donglang were all experienced soldiers, so they were prepared at that time.

In addition, Charles I was careless for a while, and He Donglang's subordinates heard the news of dispatching troops.

So He Donglang's entourage launched the signal flares they carried with them into the air.

In a foreign country, no matter what you do, you must be careful, careful, and careful.

Therefore, those entourages of He Donglang all carried signal flares for reporting. When the incident just happened, these subordinates of He Donglang launched the signal flares into the air.

Charles I looked at the signal flare that took off, and knew that the matter was irreparable. When the fireworks bloomed in the sky, Charles I's heart went cold to his heels.

In desperation, Charles I had no choice but to put He Donglang back.

As the saying goes, it is easier to invite God than to send God away.

It's easy to entertain He Donglang, but it's not so simple to let He Donglang go.

He Donglang also seized this opportunity and extorted a large sum of money from Charles I.

He even threatened to fund the parliament to blackmail Charles I.

Knowing that he was in the wrong, Charles I had no choice but to agree to He Donglang's requests.

"Uncle, what should we do then? Neither can this work nor that can't work, so what should we do?" Prince Rupert looked at Charles I anxiously.

Charles I frowned, thinking about this question quietly.

To be honest, the current Charles I doesn't know what to do.

Although Charles I had more than 1000 soldiers in his hands, these thousand soldiers are still not enough for Charles I now.

You must know that it is impossible for the soldiers and horses of the parliament to gather together, waiting for Charles I to attack, they will definitely disperse.

If this is the case, Charles I would have to disperse the soldiers in his hands.

These thousand soldiers can definitely defeat the soldiers and horses of the parliament. The key issue is that if the parliament spreads out to attack Charles I, transfer the thousand soldiers part by part, and transfer the thousand soldiers completely. what to do?
Charles I is not only at odds with the parliament, but also offended He Donglang.

If all these thousand soldiers were transferred away, Charles I would not be able to sleep at night.

"No, no, absolutely no, if all these thousand soldiers are transferred away, what kind of army should I use to resist if the parliament attacks? Is it possible that I will go to the battlefield in person? This is impossible! What's more And He Donglang and the others!"

Without even thinking about it, Charles I rejected Prince Rupert's approach.

"Then what should we do now?" Prince Rupert asked again.

"According to my point, we should wait and see what happens, I don't tell you the importance of London.

As long as we hold the city of London tightly, we will be invincible. With the thousand soldiers, as many people as the parliament come, as many people will die. "Charles I said with a cold face.

Prince Rupert listened to Charles I's voice with a look of reluctance.

In Prince Rupert's view, such a powerful soldier should take the initiative to attack.

Only in this way can the greatest value of these soldiers be brought into play. It is really a waste to put these soldiers in the city of London like this.

Prince Rupert's heart was not dead, and he persuaded Charles I a few more words.

However, no matter how Prince Rupert persuaded, Charles I did not change his mind.

Seeing that Charles I insisted on this, Prince Rupert couldn't say anything, so he could only retreat.

"I'll stick to the city of London, and we'll see how you take it down!" Charles I looked at the map of London city in front of him with a grim expression.


On the port of the city of London, He Donglang stood at the gate of the camp and looked towards the city of London.

"This Charles I has a lot of twists and turns in his heart.

Still wanting to arrest me, and wanting to annex my subordinates, it's just a dream! "

He Dong Lang recalled what happened that day, and he had no other thoughts except sighing.

"It is estimated that in the next few days, the two sides will go to war. We have not contacted the parliament and them. Judging from the current situation, the parliament is not the opponent of Charles I at all!"

Wang Dongliang stood behind He Donglang and said.

"If you haven't contacted the parliament, you haven't contacted the parliament. They will definitely come to us in the future. If they don't come to us, then they will only be wiped out by Charles I!"

He Donglang said it with confidence, as if he had a well-thought-out plan.

"I really didn't expect that Charles I would be so courageous. Although it was said to be a banquet for the lord, I didn't expect it to be a trick for the lord.

Fortunately, the subordinates led by the lord were all carrying signal flares, otherwise, the matter really didn't know how far it would go! "Wang Dongliang said with a look of fear.

He Donglang said indifferently: "Even if the personal guards didn't carry flares, Charles I would not dare to attack me easily!"

He Donglang was very confident. He believed that even if he did not carry those flares, Charles I would not dare to take him down easily.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Now, the situation in London is becoming more and more tense every day. We must make corresponding preparations so that we don't lose our sense of proportion."

He Donglang turned around and said to Wang Dongliang: "From today on, the warships docked at the port must be manned to deal with any accidents at any time."

The most powerful force in He Donglang's hands is not the soldiers in his hands, but the warships docked at the port.

The warships in the port are equipped with powerful artillery, and these artillery alone are enough to ensure the safety of He Donglang.

Wang Dongliang looked at He Donglang in surprise, he was a little puzzled, this was a conflict between the Parliament and King Charles I, and it had nothing to do with him, why should he be so nervous?

He Donglang looked at Wang Dongliang's expression, and instantly understood what Wang Dongliang was thinking.

"Speaking of which, this is a contradiction between the Parliament and Charles I, and it stands to reason that it has nothing to do with us.

In this foreign country, who knows what will happen, although the power in our hands is very strong, it is always right to be careful when sailing for thousands of years! "He Donglang was still as cautious as ever.

"That's fine!"


As time went by, the situation in London became more and more tense.

The third day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar is already early summer, and the weather is gradually getting hotter.

In the past, all the factories in the city of London would be working hard and working overtime.

But this year is different from previous years. The whole city of London has not become lively because of the arrival of summer, and it is even a little deserted, even colder than that time in winter.

Most of the residents in the city of London have fled the city of London. After they escaped from the city of London, they either returned to their hometowns or joined the parliament.

For this reason, the number of soldiers and horses in the parliament has also continued to skyrocket. The number of soldiers and horses in the parliament hidden around the city of London alone has reached 4.

At the same time, Fairfax and Cromwell also led their respective troops towards the city of London.

When Fairfax and Cromwell came around the city of London, they joined the parliamentary army.

At this time, all the soldiers and horses in the parliament added up, and the number once swelled to 5.

At this time, the parliament was not in a hurry to attack the city of London, but first took down Northampton, which is not far from the city of London.

After taking Northampton, the parliamentary army did not make any movement, and they have been stationed in Northampton.

At this time, the soldiers of the Parliamentary Army all obeyed the command of the Earl of Essex.

The Earl of Essex had previously served in Charles I's army, commanded Charles I's army, and had a certain friendship with Charles I, so Essex did not want to stand directly on the opposite side of Charles I.

Essex is more willing to use this method to force Charles I to "change his mind".

From Essex's point of view, his side had all the advantages, and with so many troops in hand, it was absolutely impossible for Charles I to be their opponent.

In Northampton City, there are continuous camps all over Northampton City.

In Northampton's Town Hall, the leading figures of Parliament, including the Earls of Essex, Cromwell, Fairfax, Pym, Hampton and Manchester, gathered.

Among these people, Essex has the greatest prestige and ability, so the people in the hall are vaguely headed by Essex.

There is an oval parliamentary table in the city hall, and these parliamentary leaders sit around the parliamentary seat.

The Earl of Essex sat at the head of the parliamentary seat. He looked at these people sitting around the parliamentary table with a relaxed face.

"Now, the number of soldiers in our hands has reached more than 5. With such a large force, His Royal Highness simply cannot reach it. We have already formed an overwhelming advantage over His Royal Highness!

If the soldiers and horses in the hands of His Royal Highness have not changed, it is estimated to be around 7000 people. How can the number of 7000 people compare with us? "

The Earl of Essex's eyes were full of disdain, and he looked down on Charles I's military strength a bit.

"That's right, with so many soldiers and horses in our hands, His Royal Highness, it is impossible to be our opponent!

I think we should not rush to attack the city of London now, we should send envoys to the city of London first, negotiate with His Royal Highness, see if we can deal with it peacefully, and take the city of London without a war without a war ! "

The Earl of Manchester, who was sitting beside the Earl of Essex, spoke.

"I think so too, but I just don't know if His Royal Highness can agree to our terms!" Pym continued.

Pym and Hampton originally stayed in the city of London, bewitching those residents in the city of London.

But as time passed, the situation in the city of London became increasingly tense, and Charles I also dispatched his soldiers and horses to patrol the city of London day and night.

In addition, Pym and Hampton bewitched a large number of residents into the parliamentary army, and there was no need for them to stay in London.

"But I have a question. Logically speaking, although the city of London is the place where His Royal Highness lives, His Royal Highness' power in London is not even as powerful as the Parliament, but why is His Royal Highness not the slightest bit afraid? Even always Staying in the city of London, will there be other secrets in it?
According to the information I have, His Royal Highness the King secretly formed an army. The weapons used by this army were purchased from the East. It is said that the power of this weapon is very powerful.

From this point of view, the combat effectiveness of the army formed by His Royal Highness may be very strong.

If these are true, then it is logical for His Royal Highness to stay in London! "Cromwell stood up and expressed his opinion.

After Cromwell's voice fell, all these people in the hall became deep in thought.

After a while, the Earl of Essex took the lead and said, "Is your news accurate? This is related to our follow-up actions."

Cromwell said: "Although I'm not sure that this matter must be true, but it's almost inseparable, there is a very high possibility!"

Earl Sussex then asked: "Then have you ever seen this weapon?"

"No, I have not seen such a weapon, I have never seen one.

And there is still a fleet of Orientals docked at the port of London. His Royal Highness was the first to contact these Orientals, and His Royal Highness bought these weapons from there.

The warships of these orientals are very powerful. I am afraid that if we go to war with His Royal Highness, these orientals will join the battle! "

Cromwell's face was full of concern.

"I think, we should think about this matter in a good direction, maybe the situation is not as bad as we thought!
Even if these Orientals will intervene, we must go to war with His Royal Highness. It is time to understand the grievances accumulated over the years! "

The Earl of Essex stood up, his face full of doubts.

In the following time, these people kept discussing what the next plan was.

After their discussion, they have now reached an agreement, that is, to send a few envoys to the city of London tomorrow to negotiate with Charles I first.

The next day, the sky was just dawning, and several carriages drove out of Northampton and headed for London.

Northampton is about two hundred miles away from London. Even if the carriage is fast, it will take at least two days.

When the Parliament entered Northampton, there was also a certain number of royal troops left in Northampton.

When these royal troops saw the parliamentary soldiers and horses, they turned into birds and beasts and fled towards London.

After they returned to the City of London, they also brought the news to Charles I.

In Windsor Castle, Charles I sat in his office, his face full of anxiety, and Prince Rupert, Thomas and Charles I's hardcore confidants stood in the office.

"What shall we do now? Come up with an idea!"

Charles I looked at these people standing in front of him and asked.

Prince Rupert stood up first. He looked at Charles I with a relaxed expression on his face, as if he didn't care about the members of the Parliament.

"Uncle, although there are so many soldiers in the council, and although they took Northampton, in my opinion, our strength is not inferior to theirs.

Now we have about 5000 soldiers in our hands, and we still have the thousand soldiers with live ammunition in our hands.

Although we do not have the advantage in numbers, we have the advantage in weapons, so our chances of winning are great! "

Prince Rupert was not in the least intimidated by so many soldiers in the parliament, on the contrary, he was very excited.

In the past time, the parliament has been constantly recruiting troops, and Charles I has also been constantly recruiting troops.

Charles I's reputation had reached the bottom, and Charles I could not gather many people at all.

However, behind Charles I, there are those old nobles and feudal landowners. They are the most solid backing of Charles I. Now most of these people have come to London.

These people also brought their men, and the soldiers they brought, together with those in the hands of Charles I, totaled nearly 5000.

Although Charles I had the thousand soldiers in his hands, the gap between the soldiers between the two sides was too great, which made Charles I feel at a loss for a while.

Listening to what Prince Rupert said, Charles I felt a little better.

"You're right. We have those thousand soldiers in our hands, but the gap between us and the parliament is too great, and they have already captured Northampton! I'm afraid their next step is the city of London!"

Charles I looked in the direction of Northampton, flustered for no reason.

For so many years, Charles I has been suppressed by the parliament, and now he can finally feel proud, but this has always left Charles I with an unreal feeling in his heart. At this time, Charles I became more and more flustered.

Thomas, standing behind Prince Rupert, saw Charles I's anxiety.

Thomas took two steps forward and said, "His Royal Highness, when I purchased these weapons, I inquired about the records of these weapons in detail.

According to what I have heard, if the thousand soldiers in our hands are used well, they can even be compared to [-] soldiers!

This is not me bragging, this is real! "

"Since this is the case, let's discuss it carefully, what should we do next!
How to defend the City of London!How to use these soldiers in our hands! "

In the following time, Charles I and his hardcore confidants began to discuss detailed countermeasures.


The sun has risen from the horizon, and a new day has dawned.

The envoys sent by the parliament also came to London.

Before they came to Windsor Castle, when they just appeared in front of Windsor Castle, the guards above Windsor Castle discovered them.

It didn't take long for them to be brought before Charles I.

Today's Charles I did not stay in his office, he stood on the wall of Windsor Castle, walking, not knowing what was going on in his mind.

Several waiters sent by the parliament stood in front of Charles I.

"Are you sent by the parliament?" Charles I looked at these people standing in front of him with a gloomy face.

When these people were brought in, they explained their origins.

The leading envoy stood in front of Charles I. Although he looked very respectful, his words were full of domineering.

"That's right, we were sent by the council!
Maybe His Royal Highness doesn't know our current strength?How about I tell His Highness the King? ! "

"Then just tell me, I want to see what kind of strength the current parliament has!" Charles I said coldly.

Charles I had already known the current situation in Parliament through the soldiers who had escaped from Northampton.

When Charles I saw the haughty look of the messenger sent by the parliament, he became bored for no reason.

"Now there are 5 soldiers from all walks of life in Parliament gathered in Northampton.

If these soldiers come to attack the city of London, I believe that with the current strength in the hands of His Highness the King, they will not be able to withstand such a huge army at all! "

The emissary stopped when he said this, and then looked at Charles I with a very sarcastic look.

This look seems to be saying, you Charles I don't have as many soldiers and horses as our parliament now, so you Charles I should hurry up and capture them without a fight.

"Ha ha!"

Charles I sneered, and finally raised his hand, and smacked it with a big mouth.


A crisp slap sounded, and the messenger covered his face and looked at Charles I in disbelief.

He really did not expect that Charles I would slap himself directly.

Doesn't he know that he represents the face of the Parliament?Doesn't he know how powerful the parliament is now?Don't they know how many soldiers and horses are in the hands of the parliament now?How dare he?
In a short period of time, the messenger thought of a lot.

Charles I stared at the envoy, and said in a very cold tone: "You are just a dog sent by the parliament. How dare you speak like this in front of me? I am still a king, a pariah!"

The eyes of Charles I seemed to want to eat the messenger.

"You, you, aren't you afraid that the parliamentary army will overwhelm the country? Even though you are still the king, after the war, when we win, your good days will come to an end!"

This messenger is still threatening Charles I.

(End of this chapter)

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