Chapter 904 I Want to Revenge
"The war is won, when we defeat you, your good days will come to an end!"

Although the messenger was slapped by Charles I, he did not become afraid because of Charles I's slap in the face.

"Hmph, let me tell you, there are so many soldiers in the parliament now, it's simply not something you can fight against!"

The messenger is still threatening.

Charles I looked at the emissary coldly, "I can't resist the current parliament? What a joke!

I tell you, I am the king, I am the king on high.I'm a king one day, and I'll be a king all my life.

You damn untouchables, even though you have so many soldiers and horses now, you are also destined to be wiped out by me!

If you have the guts to attack me now, as long as you dare to come over, I dare to send you to the grave! "

Charles I's face was full of fierce light, and he stared at the messenger.

The cold gaze of the emissary Charles I shrank his neck in fright.

He didn't know why Charles I had such confidence.

Seeing Charles I's resolute appearance, the emissary couldn't help muttering in his heart, "Why is he so confident? Isn't he afraid of the army of the parliament?
Doesn't he know what it's like for him to have so many soldiers in the parliament? How dare he? "

The messenger couldn't figure it out, even if he thought about it, he still couldn't figure out why Charles I had such confidence.

Seeing the surprised look on the messenger's face, Charles I didn't bother to talk nonsense with him.

"Throw out all these messengers, where do they come from? Go back there!"

Charles I pointed to the messengers in front of him and shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, the guards standing by came over, and they escorted the envoys to the outside of the castle.

"Do you still think that you are His Royal Highness the King? Let me tell you, it won't be long before you will be trampled down by the Parliament.

The parliament now has a large army in its hands, and you will soon be wiped out. You should think about what you should do in the future. If you blow me out today, you will be thrown out. Tomorrow, the parliament will not let you off easily! "

The emissary had a hideous face, and although he was escorted by two tall and fat guards, he kept yelling loudly.

Charles I acted as if he hadn't heard what the messenger said.

"Even if there are so many soldiers, the thousand soldiers in my hands are not vegetarians.

Do you really think that I don't know what you sent these envoys to do, and you just want me to surrender?

It's just a dream, no matter how unbearable I am, I will never surrender to you, a group of thieves who steal the country! "Charles I's eyes were full of cold light.

Charles I walked on the city wall for a while, and then walked down the city wall.

After walking down the city wall, he walked out of Windsor Castle with a few guards and headed towards the camp of a thousand soldiers.

The thousand soldiers were stationed around Windsor Castle. Standing on the walls of Windsor Castle, you could see the soldiers in training.

In the past few days, Charles I had to go to the camp almost every day.

For Charles I, these thousand soldiers were like a reassurance, and Charles I would not feel at ease if he did not see them.

Before entering the camp, Charles I heard the shouts of the soldiers.

The trumpet sounded endlessly, one after another, like the waves of the sea.

The chants chanted by the thousand soldiers were full of spirit and strength. Charles I felt a lot more relaxed when he heard the chants ringing in his ears.

Just after entering the camp, Charles I saw Prince Rupert wearing armor and leading a group of soldiers shuttling through the camp.

Not only Charles I valued the thousand soldiers, but Prince Rupert also valued the thousand soldiers.

In the past few days, Prince Rupert has personally monitored the training of these soldiers almost every day.

The armor worn by Prince Rupert is not a very symbolic plate armor.

The armor he was wearing was a very light leather armor, inlaid with gorgeous gemstones and gold and silver patterns.

The armor he was wearing was borrowed from the armor worn by He Donglang and He Donglang's subordinates.

The armor worn by He Donglang and He Donglang's subordinates was designed by Zhao Wen himself.

Because the weapons used by these soldiers are long-range firearms, the protection of the armor does not need to be so high.

In addition, it was an asymmetrical battle, so the material of the armor was chosen by Zhao Wen to be leather.

The armor worn by He Donglang and He Donglang's subordinates can only protect some swords.

If you slash with all your strength at close range, the armor will not be able to completely protect it.

That's right, anyway, the firearm in his hand has become that powerful, and there is no need to wear armor with such good protection.

When He Donglang was an instructor, he once told Charles I about this, so Charles I made the armor worn by these thousand soldiers according to what He Donglang said.

The cost of leather armor is lower than that of plate armor, and Charles I was also happy to see this phenomenon.

As soon as Charles I entered the camp, Prince Rupert spotted Charles I walking in.

Prince Rupert approached Charles I.

"How is it? How's your training going?"

Charles I looked at Prince Rupert who was approaching, and asked.

Prince Rupert stood in front of Charles I and said, "Uncle has kept up with his recent training, but because of the ammunition problem, I have reduced the number of training sessions!
Judging from the training results of these thousand soldiers, it is completely enough, and there is no need to spend a lot of time on target training!

I dare not say that these soldiers are completely comparable to He Donglang and He Donglang's subordinates, but they are definitely not comparable to the parliament! "

When Prince Rupert said the last sentence, he was full of confidence. He patted his chest, and even his voice was much louder.

Listening to what Prince Rupert said, a smile gradually appeared on Charles I's face.

"That's good, that's good, our main enemy is the parliament, not He Tung-lang.

It's been such a long time, He Donglang and the others haven't moved, presumably they won't attack us, so we don't need to worry too much about He Donglang now! "

"Take me around the camp!"

As Charles I spoke, he walked forward.

Prince Rupert walked beside Charles I, and led him around the camp.

Because there are only a thousand soldiers, the training ground is not very big.

This day is used on the training ground, training formations, physical fitness and other items.

These training items were also brought by He Donglang.

Although the current shit-stirring sticks have completed the Renaissance, and capitalism has even risen, their army and army training methods are still very traditional and old, and there is nothing like what He Donglang brought.

"A moment ago, the envoy sent by the parliament came!" Charles I stopped, his face a little ugly.

"An envoy? Sent by the parliament?" Prince Rupert was a little surprised. He didn't expect that the parliament would send an envoy.

"Yes, it was sent by the council.

Do you know what the envoys sent by the parliament are here for?

The parliament wants me to surrender, they think they have several times more troops than us, and they think we are not the opponents of the parliament at all!
It's just that the parliament is daydreaming. Even if I am not his opponent, I can't surrender, and they are trying to use force to force me to surrender. It's just a dream! "

Charles I's face was very cold, obviously, he was in a very bad mood now.

"The council humiliated me severely this time, and I will return it to them!"

Charles I pointed to the soldiers on the training ground, "You selected about a hundred of these soldiers, isn't the Parliament now stationed in Northampton?
I can't believe it, they can place all the soldiers in Northampton, and they will definitely place some soldiers around Northampton! "

Prince Rupert understood what Charles I said, and he looked at Charles I, "Uncle, what do you mean, let's destroy some parliamentary soldiers?"

When Prince Rupert said this, his tone began to tremble because of excitement.

After all, Prince Rupert is a young man, and he is very happy, which is fully displayed in Prince Rupert.

If Charles I hadn't been suppressing Prince Rupert, it is estimated that Prince Rupert would have taken these thousand soldiers to attack the parliament.

"That's what I mean. Let's kill the prestige of the council first. It's delusional to want me to surrender!"

Charles I said affirmatively.

"Since that's the case, then I will lead the soldiers this time!
I'll have to see if these weapons are what the orientals say they are! "Prince Rupert looked fiery.

"Are you going? Are you sure you can complete the task I said!" Charles I kept looking at Prince Rupert.

Looking at the fiery expression on Prince Rupert's face, Charles I could certainly see the excitement in Prince Rupert's heart.

"Promise to complete the task that my uncle entrusted to me. If I can't complete it, I will apologize with death!" Prince Rupert patted his chest and vowed.

Charles I hesitated for a while, but seeing that Prince Rupert was so fiery, he agreed to Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert was overwhelmed with excitement when he saw his uncle agreeing with him.

Prince Rupert wanted to scream up to the sky, but seeing his uncle here, he couldn't do such outrageous things.

He suppressed the excitement in his heart, and shouted at Charles I again: "Promise to complete the task that my uncle entrusted to me!"

"Okay, I came to you today mainly for this matter. I'll go back first, and I will leave this matter to you. I don't care what you do, I just want the result!" Charles I said, then turned and left.

After Charles I left, Prince Rupert gathered all the officers among the thousand soldiers.

On the large playground in the middle of the training ground, ten officers stood in front of Prince Rupert.

The thousand soldiers were divided into ten sections of 100 men each.

Prince Rupert kept walking back and forth in front of these ten people, the smile on his face never disappeared from beginning to end.

Seeing Prince Rupert like this, the ten officers were also puzzled.They didn't know why Prince Rupert was so happy.

"Tell you one thing!"

Prince Rupert finally stopped. Standing in front of the ten people, he shouted loudly towards the ten people:

"I know what you want to do most now. What you want to do most now is to fight wars and make meritorious service. Let me tell you, this matter is not far away!
Today, the parliament sent envoys to meet His Royal Highness the King.But the bastards of the parliament, when they meet His Royal Highness, there is nothing good at all.

They actually wanted to use the superior force in their hands to force His Royal Highness to surrender!
His Royal Highness is a king, how could he submit to these pariahs?You say, can His Royal Highness submit to these pariahs?Can we bear this matter? "

Prince Rupert's words were very provocative, and immediately incited the ten officers.

"Can't, can't, can't!"

The ten officers roared loudly.

To be selected as officers of these thousand soldiers is a testament to the loyalty of these officers to Charles I.

"Okay, what I want is your words!

His Royal Highness intends to take revenge on them severely..."

Prince Rupert repeated what Charles I had said to himself before.

Just as Prince Rupert's voice fell, ten officers fought fiercely.

These ten officers are not fools, and they all saw an opportunity to make meritorious service from this incident.

Before Charles I and the parliament had yet to go to war, there were very few opportunities to make meritorious deeds. If they were not seized this time, they might disappear in the future.

After a fierce competition, Prince Rupert finally selected one hundred people.

The next day, at dawn, Prince Rupert set out for Northampton with the hundred soldiers.

These one hundred soldiers are all on horses, and if they march at full strength, they can reach Northampton in a day.

Prince Rupert drove for a day and finally came to the south of Northampton.

Prince Rupert did not choose to enter the city now, and he left all the soldiers he led in the suburbs outside Northampton.

And Prince Rupert walked into the city of Northampton with a few personal guards to inquire about news.

When Prince Rupert walked into the city of Northampton, the envoys sent by the parliament also returned to Northampton.

In the city hall of Northampton, these guards stood in the hall with aggrieved faces, crying to the people in the hall.

"His Royal Highness is arrogant and domineering, he doesn't pay attention to the parliament at all, he has no intention of surrendering at all, and even wants to fight the parliament to the end!
Not only did he not listen to what I said, he even beat me, His Royal Highness is really too arrogant..."

In front of the guards, the Earl of Essex, the Earl of Manchester, Cromwell and the others silently watched the crying messenger.

Among them, the Earl of Essex had the most ugly face, because he was the one who came up with this idea.

The Earl of Essex originally wanted to force Charles I to surrender through the power of the parliament, but he did not expect that things would develop like this.

"It's too much, it's too much, I don't think we need to do this at all!

The parliamentary army has more than 5 people, just attack London directly, how can it cost so much? ! "

Cromwell stood up and said to the Earl of Essex with a dissatisfied expression.

"Now it seems that this is the only way!"

The Earl of Essex waved his hands at the messengers in front of him, telling them to go down.

After these envoys went down, the Earl of Essex gathered the main generals of the parliamentary army and began to discuss the plan to attack London.

The Earl of Essex has now changed his mind. He does not want to use the power of the parliament to force Charles I to surrender.

While they were discussing countermeasures, Rupert walked into the city of Northampton with his guards.

Prince Rupert dresses very much like a businessman, and there is nothing wrong with that attire.

When entering the city, Prince Rupert was closely interrogated and interrogated, and Prince Rupert almost said the wrong thing several times.

If Prince Rupert hadn't given these soldiers some benefits, I'm afraid Prince Rupert would not have been able to enter Northampton at all.

Regardless of whether it is the East or the West, this method will never become outdated.

When he came to Northampton, Prince Rupert found that the city was full of patrolling soldiers.

Among the patrolling soldiers, quite a few did not have military uniforms.

Due to time constraints, there was no time to produce so many uniforms.

The city of Northampton seems to be under martial law, and all the shops, factories, stores, etc. in the city have ceased operations.

The closer you go to the center of the city, the denser the patrolling soldiers become.

"It is estimated that those waiters are right, there are indeed more than 5 soldiers and horses in the city of Northampton!
A considerable number of soldiers did not wear military uniforms, and these soldiers who did not wear military uniforms probably had just joined the army. "

Prince Rupert muttered for a while, then walked towards the city center.

The guards following Prince Rupert looked around vigilantly, for fear that they would be recognized by others.

Prince Rupert was not afraid of this matter. In his opinion, except for the Earl of Essex and Cromwell, none of these soldiers would recognize them.

After walking for a short time, Prince Rupert finally saw a restaurant that was not closed.

Although the restaurant is not closed, there are few customers inside, only a few sporadic ones.

Moreover, these guests who ate were basically wearing military uniforms, and they seemed to be officers in the parliamentary army.

Prince Rupert took a deep breath, collected himself, and then walked towards the restaurant.

The guards following Prince Rupert were worried and stared intently at the officers in the restaurant.

As soon as Prince Rupert sat down, the officers who were eating in the restaurant turned their attention to Prince Rupert.

(End of this chapter)

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