Chapter 906 Gunshots


A gunshot rang out, and the gunshot startled the birds in the woods, flapping their wings and flying towards the sky.

A flash of light flashed from the muzzle of the Dreiser rifle in Prince Rupert's hand.

The drowsy soldier leaning against the big tree fell down in response.

Prince Rupert also learned how to use the Dreiser rifle in detail.

Moreover, Prince Rupert's marksmanship is not bad, and his hit rate is very high.

"What happened?"

"What is this sound? Where is it coming from?"

"Dead, dead!"

In an instant, the other soldiers standing guard were also alarmed by the sound of gunfire.

They found the soldier killed by Prince Rupert.

The soldier fell on the root of the tree, the bullet passed through his chest, leaving a hole the size of a thumb, blood kept oozing out from it, and the ground under his body was stained red with blood.

"Arquebus, arquebus, this is an arquebus! There are enemies!"

A soldier looked at the soldier who fell on the ground, and suddenly screamed loudly.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack, His Royal Highness's army is coming, His Royal Highness's army is coming!"

A soldier shouted loudly, and the surrounding soldiers also scattered and ran towards the camp.

"Rush up, go straight in!"

Prince Rupert raised the Dreiser rifle in his hand high and rushed forward.

The 100 people who followed Prince Rupert also hurriedly followed Prince Rupert's pace and rushed over.

The gunfire was also heard by the people in the camp. The officer who questioned Prince Rupert yesterday walked out of his barracks and looked in the direction of the camp gate with a puzzled expression.

"What's that sound? The sound of an arquebus gun? It seems to come from outside the camp gate. What's going on?" The officer looked puzzled, and an ominous premonition rose in his heart.

He walked quickly towards the camp gate, and just a few steps away, the soldiers standing guard outside rushed into the camp gate.

These soldiers looked at the officer who was coming, and without saying a word, they yelled loudly at the officer, "The big thing is not good, the big thing is not good, His Royal Highness is calling, His Royal Highness is calling. His Royal Highness's army is here now." Outside, what shall we do? What shall we do?"

A soldier came to the officer and yelled at the officer in a panic.

This soldier was just an ordinary farmer a few months ago, and he seldom received systematic training after joining the parliamentary army, so his combat effectiveness was really worrying.

The officer collected himself, and to be honest, he didn't believe what the soldier said.

Inexplicably, His Royal Highness's army suddenly appeared outside the camp. How is this possible?

"You all quiet down, all of you quiet down!"

The officer with a sullen expression yelled loudly at the soldiers in front of him.

"Get me all the officers in the general!" The officer shouted at the soldiers.

However, before these soldiers left, Prince Rupert rushed out of the camp gate with his own hands.

Although this officer has a certain sense of crisis, because of his background and lack of systematic study, his camp is full of flaws.

When Prince Rupert led the people to the gate of the camp, there was not even a decent team organized in the camp.

The people in the camp did not expect anyone to attack them at all, so both defense and vigilance were very unsatisfactory. There were not even soldiers on guard on the walls of the camp, and there were only soldiers standing guard outside the camp, and these Soldiers are also bastards.

The gate of the camp was tightly closed. Prince Rupert looked at the gate of the camp in front of him and sneered twice.

"Hehe, how about using you to test the weapons we bought today?"

Prince Rupert turned around and shouted at his subordinates behind him, "Take out the grenade and blow me up the gate of the camp ahead!"

When Thomas bought firearms, he also bought a considerable part of the grenades, and as the first purchase, Zhao Wen also gave some grenades to Thomas as a gift. When Prince Rupert came out this time, he brought some grenades.

As soon as Prince Rupert's voice fell, a dozen of his men rushed over with grenades.

Seven or eight minutes later, these ten men put the grenades in their hands under the camp gate.

Seeing this, Prince Rupert led the people behind him back fifty or sixty steps.

As the last of his men left the camp gate, he pulled the strings off some of the grenades.


A huge explosion exploded at the gate of the camp, and even the ground under Prince Rupert's feet began to tremble slightly.

At the moment of the explosion, the wooden camp gate was blown apart, and the wood fragments flew in all directions.

The high temperature generated by the explosion ignited the wood, and the camp gate burned.

The moment the huge explosion sounded, the officer stood in the middle of the camp, looking in the direction of the camp gate in disbelief.

"What's going on here? Is there thunder in the sky? Why is there such a big commotion? What happened to that explosion? The gate of the camp was blown up!"

The officer suddenly panicked for no reason. He had never seen such a huge explosion in his age. He didn't even know what a grenade was. The explosion in front of him really overturned his cognition.

The officer's legs were trembling constantly. If it wasn't for the soldiers beside him supporting him, he might have already collapsed to the ground.

At this time, the low-level officers in the army had not yet arrived. When these low-level officers walked halfway, they saw the explosion in the direction of the camp gate.

The response of these grassroots officers was no better than that officer, and some were even worse than that officer, and even peed their pants.

There are even some officers who really can't move their legs, they are stiff on the ground, unable to move forward.

The soldiers in the camp also heard the movement, and they all ran out of the barracks and looked towards the camp gate.

They did not know what caused the explosion or why it appeared outside the camp.

People always panic when faced with mystery, and these soldiers in the camp are no exception.

Panic began to pervade the camp.

These soldiers were not upright and tight soldiers in the first place, and they didn't know what to do about what happened now.

Their superiors were terrified, let alone them.

"Rush in and kill them all!"

Prince Rupert's eyes were scarlet, and he rushed towards the broken camp gate.

Prince Rupert took the lead and rushed into the camp gate first.

The sound of shouting and killing sounded and spread towards the camp.

The officer finally believed what the soldier who reported the letter had said.

"It's really His Royal Highness calling here? How did they call here?

How did those calls come from just now?Why didn't I get any news before?Are they ghosts? "

The officer looked towards the camp gate in disbelief.

As Prince Rupert rushed into the camp gate, the officer finally saw Prince Rupert's face clearly.

The officer's pupils kept shrinking, and his face was full of astonishment.

"How is it possible? Isn't he an old acquaintance of the Earl of Essex? Isn't he an old friend of the Earl of Essex? How could he rush in with his hands?"

"Oops, he is not an old friend of the Earl of Essex at all, he is a member of His Royal Highness the King!"

In an instant, the officer wanted to understand all this, and cold sweat began to break out from the officer's forehead.

The current officer is very regretful, he regrets that he did not recognize the identity of Prince Rupert yesterday.

What he regretted even more was that he had personally told Prince Rupert about his residence.

"Hurry up and organize resistance, they are the enemy, they are the enemy!"

The officer shouted loudly, and then ran towards the depths of the camp.

The soldiers following him also hurriedly ran around the camp.

But soldiers like them, who are good and bad, can't organize a decent resistance at all.

Prince Rupert led a hundred soldiers, like wolves into a flock of sheep, and rushed towards the camp in all directions with strange sounds.

Although the soldiers in the camp were all amateurs, they couldn't stand the large number of them. There were a total of more than 100 soldiers in the camp. Although the time was short, hundreds of soldiers could be organized in a short period of time.

But most of the soldiers were running around in the camp like headless chickens, and rumors spread among these soldiers.

Someone shouted that Charles I sent an army of more than 1000 people to attack them, some said that he sent an army of tens of thousands to attack them, and some even said that he sent an army of 10,000+.

Under these rumors, the camp became more and more panicked.

The front of the camp has become a field of chaos. After the soldiers here rushed out of the barracks, they met Prince Rupert and the others.

They didn't dare to resist at all, they threw away their weapons and fled in all directions.

Prince Rupert raised the Dreiser rifle in his hand and aimed at a panicked soldier in front of him. Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger.


With a single shot, the soldier was shot in the chest by Prince Rupert.

The soldier's body jerked, he took a few steps back, and then fell on his back.

Blood flowed from the soldier's body.

Stimulated by the blood, Prince Rupert became even more brutal.

He took out a grenade from his body, pulled the string, and threw it towards the densely populated place in front of the soldiers.

The fragments produced after the grenade exploded quickly harvested the lives of the soldiers around the explosion point.

These soldiers were basically soldiers who ran out of the barracks in a panic after hearing the explosion.

There were quite a few panicked soldiers, and when Prince Rupert began to slaughter these soldiers, even greater panic spread among these soldiers.

Those soldiers who survived looked at their comrades who died tragically around them, screamed loudly, and ran back as if they were crazy.

They scrambled to be the first, wishing they had eight legs. They threw away everything they could, and what's more, they deliberately tripped their companions running next to them in an attempt to buy time for themselves.


Looking at the scene in front of him, Prince Rupert looked up to the sky and laughed.

Prince Rupert has never fought such a battle. This is nothing but a one-sided massacre.

The killing stirred a ferocity in Prince Rupert's chest, and he raised the loaded Dreiser rifle again and aimed it at a soldier in front of him.

At this time, the officer and the organized soldiers arrived late.

But when the officer arrived here, he was shocked by the tragedy in front of him.

Soldiers who died tragically were everywhere on the ground, and soldiers who panicked and ran for their lives were everywhere.

The screams echoed in the air, and the officer trembled inside.

"Counterattack, counterattack, counterattack quickly!"

The officer led the organized soldiers, passed through the chaotic soldiers, and came directly in front of Prince Rupert.

He held a long knife in his hand, pointed at Prince Rupert in front of him, and shouted hysterically.

Most of the soldiers he organized were spearmen.

Although there are some musketeers in it, but not many.

Historically, at the beginning of the Civil War, the number of Musketeers and Spearmen was basically one to one. It was not until the later period of the war that the number changed from one to one to two to one.

In other words, an army of 1000 men had 500 musketeers and 500 pikemen in the early days of the civil war.

But this configuration is the configuration of the regular army, not the configuration of these wandering soldiers.

Among the 1000 men led by the officer, the number of musketeers was pitifully small, not even 100.

Most of them are spearmen. After all, spearmen are relatively simple to train and have no requirements for personnel.

The officer originally wanted to gather all the musketeers in the general, but the camp was too chaotic, and he only gathered more than 30 musketeers.

Although the military literacy of the officers is not high, after a few days of study, they roughly know how to arrange troops.

The officer placed the musketeers in the middle of the line, and then the pikemen on the sides.

Prince Rupert, looking at the officers who were arranging troops in front of them, stopped with great interest and did not start attacking.

The current Prince Rupert is only about 200 meters away from the officer. At this distance, the Drasay rifle used by Prince Rupert is completely within reach.

However, Prince Rupert did not let his men attack the soldiers who were forming the formation at this time.

Prince Rupert thought very well, and he planned to attack after the formation of these soldiers was over.

In Prince Rupert's view, only in this way can the morale of these soldiers be better hit.

Prince Rupert resumed reloading the Dreiser rifle.

When loading the Dreiser rifle with ammunition, the speed is far less than that of the five-six-and-a-half or five-six punches, but it is many times faster than the arquebus.

Prince Rupert had already loaded the Dreiser rifle in his hand, but the musketeers led by the officer only started to load the ammo for the matchlock guns.

Prince Rupert stood quietly, looking forward with a playful expression.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, damn it, you use this reason to lie to me, damn it!" The officer looked at Prince Rupert in front of him and kept yelling.

The officer turned his head and looked at the musketeer who was loading ammunition, "Have you finished loading? Speed ​​up, if it is slower, I can't guarantee that you will survive!"

The officer's face was full of anxiety, and his eyes kept scanning back and forth on Prince Rupert and the soldiers he led.

Finally, the musketeers in his hands finished loading the ammunition.

The officer often breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart relaxed a lot.

"Aim forward, and once they come within range, follow my orders and prepare to fire!"

The officer shouted loudly.

Now, Prince Rupert and the others were not within the range of the matchlock guns, so they couldn't shoot, but quietly waited for Prince Rupert to come here.

The officer could have chosen to let the musketeers under him go forward, but the officer did not want to do this because there were so many of them.

Prince Rupert looked at the soldiers waiting in front of him, smiled contemptuously, then turned his head, and shouted at the soldiers behind him: "Let them see how powerful we are, shoot, except for that officer , All the rest will be killed by me!"

Prince Rupert's order spread to every soldier's ears. They raised their Dreiser rifles and aimed at the soldiers in front.

"Boom, bang, bang!"

The gunshots kept ringing, the flames kept flashing, and the bullets flew forward with a whistling sound.

The soldiers under the officer's chest had bloody flowers one after another, and they fell to the ground one after another.

The officer's face was distorted to the extreme, he was hysterical and yelled crazily, "This is impossible, this is impossible, what is going on, this is simply impossible!

What is the matchlock in their hands?Why can it hit so far?This is impossible! "

The range of the Dreiser rifle used by Prince Rupert has exceeded the officer's imagination.

In this era when the effective killing range of the matchlock gun was only 60 meters, the range of the Dreiser rifle was like a plug-in.

The officer looked at the soldiers who fell one after another beside him, and fear began to spread in his heart.

He even forgot to run away, his legs were like lead, even if he wanted to run, he had no strength.


Prince Rupert laughed wildly, and then directed his soldiers to rush forward.

When passing by the officer, Prince Rupert didn't stop or make a move, but just smiled contemptuously at the officer, and then walked past the officer.

"Tell them in Essex that it was Prince Rupert who killed you today."

Passing by the officer, Prince Rupert dropped such a sentence.

When Prince Rupert walked away from the officer, the officer fell limply to the ground as if his bones had been pulled out.

A cold sweat broke out, and his body trembled violently like sifting chaff.

The upper teeth and the lower teeth kept tapping, making a thumping sound.

From beginning to end, Prince Rupert had no intention of killing the officer.

Someone must inform the Earl of Essex and other members of the council of his arrival.

This is the main reason why Prince Rupert did not kill the officer.

The massacre continued in the camp, and wherever Prince Rupert passed, there would be a mess of corpses and horrific screams.

The massacre continued until noon, and when Prince Rupert exhausted the ammunition he was carrying, Prince Rupert took his people away.

From beginning to end, Prince Rupert and others killed at least 300 people.

Because the camp is in the middle of the woods, and the camp is not very strong, many soldiers in the camp can easily climb over the wall of the camp and escape to the depths of the camp.

There were only a thousand people in this camp, and almost one-third of them were killed at once. It can be said that this team of officers was completely abolished.

Those who survived may not have the courage to go to the battlefield in this life.

The sun was above the sky, and the officer slumped on the ground in a daze.

The smell of gunpowder smoke has not completely dissipated, and some barracks in the camp are still burning.

The black smoke generated during the burning was constantly floating over the camp.

The officer panted heavily, he couldn't believe what he saw, it was like a dream.

Among the soldiers who survived, a considerable part of them shuttled aimlessly through the camp. These soldiers had dull eyes, like fools.

Today's blow was unbearable and unimaginable for the officers.

Suddenly, there were dense footsteps coming in from the gate of the camp. The officer struggled to stand up from the ground, and looked towards the gate of the camp with horror on his face.

He thought that Prince Rupert had made a comeback.

It didn't take long for people from outside the camp to rush in, but these people who rushed in were not Prince Rupert and the others at all, these people were soldiers stationed not far from the officer's camp.

When the soldiers in the officer's camp escaped, they also brought out the news that the camp was attacked.

After learning the news, the soldiers stationed not far from the officers' camp gathered together and rushed over here.

However, they rushed too fast, but they were one step too late.

"What happened? What happened to Chris? What happened? Who attacked you? Is it really His Royal Highness?"

An officer who was about the same age as this officer stood in front of him, asking hurriedly.

The officer who asked the question was named Mike, who knew Chris.

From the moment Mike entered the camp, he discovered that there were dead bodies everywhere in the camp.

Moreover, most of the barracks in the camp have been destroyed.

Judging from these circumstances, there was fierce fighting in the camp.

In Mike's opinion, to be able to cause such a large amount of damage, there are probably no fewer than 5000 offenders.

After all, Chris has more than 1000 people, and if he wants to make these 1000 people look like this, he must have more than 5000 people.

"How many people are there? How can you beat you like this? How did you survive?"

Mike kept asking anxiously.

Chris stared blankly at Mike standing in front of him, his body shaking non-stop.

After a while, Chris crouched down suddenly, covering his eyes with his hands, crying loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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