Chapter 907 I Can't Believe
Chris suddenly covered his eyes, squatted on the ground, and cried loudly.

Mike bent down, wanting to help Chris who was squatting on the ground, but after thinking about it, he suddenly let out a long sigh, and dismissed the idea again.

These subordinates of Chris have basically all been scrapped, and no matter who happens to do this kind of thing, it will not feel good.

Mike looked around, looking at the miserable corpses on the ground, his heart was full of grief.

Mike has also been a soldier for a short time, and his psychological quality is not as high as those of the veterans.

"How many people have they come? What are they doing now? What is their next plan?"

Mike squatted in front of Chris and asked.

Beating the 1000 people like Chris to such a miserable state means that there are definitely a lot of enemies coming.

What Mike was afraid of was that the enemies who attacked Chris would go to other places and attack other camps.

If these enemies attack Northampton City, the situation will be even worse.

"You may not believe it if you tell me, the enemies who attacked me were only more than 100 people!"

Chris put down his hands covering his eyes and looked at Mike blankly.

"What? There are only more than 100 people? Are you talking nonsense? Or are you saying that deliberately because you are afraid of being blamed by the higher-ups? But it doesn't make sense!"

Mike didn't believe what Chris said at all. A hundred or so people could beat these more than 1000 soldiers like this, which is simply a dream.

Such a thing is beyond Mike's imagination, and beyond common sense.

Chris stood up from the ground, pointed to the surrounding environment, and said to Mike with a gloomy face: "Will I deceive you with such a thing? The fact is that the weapons used by the 100 people who came to commit the crime Very powerful, they can accurately hit my soldiers from nearly two hundred paces away.

And the soldiers under me could only stand there blankly like dolls, being beaten to death one by one by the enemy.

Our matchlocks are like fire sticks, useless.Such a gap is like an adult holding a longbow facing a child holding a stone.

Not to mention resistance, we couldn't even escape, and they used a very powerful weapon.

I don't know what this weapon is, it is like a wooden stick, it will explode when thrown out, it is very powerful, when this kind of wooden stick is thrown in the crowd, it can easily kill three or four soldiers.

You can't even imagine what kind of scene I encountered before. I don't want to be thinner in my life. It's too miserable, too miserable. Most of the soldiers who wanted to escape died at the hands of the enemy.


Chris spoke quickly, with a ferocious face, and spoke loudly at Mike. At the end, Chris roared loudly, and the roar was full of grievances, fear and fear.

Seeing Chris like this, Mike wanted to comfort him, but he didn't know how to comfort him.

"Then do you know who the enemies who attacked you were?" Mike asked.

In fact, Mike still doesn't believe what Chris said. It's really hard to believe such a thing beyond common sense.

"He said his name was Prince Rupert, but earlier he said he was a friend of the Earl of Essex.

I don't know which of his words are true, he just lied to me that he is a friend of the Earl of Essex! "

Chris' mood gradually stabilized, but there was still a hint of fear in his tone.

"Prince Rupert? He is not the nephew of the king's object, is it really him?" Mike muttered.

"Well, this matter is too important. I will leave you a few hundred people to clean up your side. I will take people to chase them out first to see if I can find anything new. Report it exactly!"

As Mike spoke, he turned around and selected a few hundred people from the men behind him to stay here.

After doing this, Mike led the rest of his men and ran out of the camp.

After running out of the camp, Mike sent out a dozen soldiers to the city of Northampton to report the news.

Prince Rupert did not hide his tracks at all during the retreat, so the traces they left behind were quickly discovered by Mike.

Mike followed the traces left by Prince Rupert all the way. When the time came in the afternoon, Mike also chased to the place where Prince Rupert was stationed before.

But.The current Prince Rupert has already returned to London with his men, leaving only a few empty wooden houses.

Mike found traces of people living in these wooden houses.

A long time ago, Mike had led people to patrol here, so he had a better understanding of the situation here.

Because the war is approaching, the residents here have left a long time ago.

Now there are many traces of life in these wooden houses, there are fires that have been fired, there are tableware that has been eaten, and there are even fresh excrement in the toilets.

This is a small village, and there are only thirty or forty houses in it.

In a short period of time, Mike searched the village inside and out.

The sun was gradually setting to the west, and Mike stood at the entrance of the village. He looked at the village in front of him, and his brows were tightly wrinkled together, forming a "Chuan".

"If there is no accident, if it is true according to what Chris said, the enemies who attacked Chris are really only more than 100 people.

Otherwise, such a small village simply cannot accommodate so many soldiers.Many houses in these villages in front of me have not been used, and the rooms are full of dust. "

Mike's heart is very heavy, he knows, if what Chris said is true, then what kind of enemy they will face!
When Mike returned, the news reported by Mike was also sent to the Earl of Essex.

In addition to Mike sending messages, Chris also sent messages.

In the city hall, the Earl of Essex walked back and forth in the hall anxiously.

Cromwell, the Earl of Manchester, and Fairfax sat at the conference table in the hall, their faces no less anxious than the Earl of Essex.

"How could it be, how could it be, how could it be like this, this is 1000 people, even if the fighting power of these 1000 people is very low, it is impossible for them to be beaten like this in such a short period of time!"

The Earl of Essex stopped, his hands folded behind his back, his face scowl.

The Earl of Essex really didn't want to believe the news that Mike and Chris sent.

"Mr. Earl, if the reported information is accurate, then His Royal Highness indeed has a very powerful team!" Cromwell stood up and said to the Earl of Essex.

The Earl of Essex looked at Cromwell, "I remember you said before that His Royal Highness bought a batch of weapons from the Orientals. If what you said is correct, then the enemy who came this time is very Possibly the ones in the hands of His Royal Highness."

"Yeah, I didn't really believe it before. In my opinion, the East is just a backward and ignorant place. I don't believe that the East can produce any advanced weapons, but this time it really made me Unexpected." The Earl of Essex sighed, and his disdain for the East eased a lot.

"Things have developed to this point, and it also proves that His Royal Highness does have a powerful army in his hands. This is not good news for us. What should we do?" Pym stood up, frowning.

After Pim's words came out, everyone in the hall fell silent.

Everyone in the hall knew what Pim's words meant.

"Gentlemen, we now have a very important question before us.

The parliamentary army now has more than 5 people, which seems to be a large number and powerful, but we need to know how many of these 5 people were workers, farmers, and manual practitioners not long ago.

Such people, although I have not conducted detailed statistics, account for the vast majority of the parliamentary army.

What fighting power does such a person have?On the battlefield, the combat effectiveness is really worrying. If His Royal Highness does not have those powerful weapons in his hands, we may rely on these people and we can still compete with His Royal Highness.But now..."

Fairfax stood up, and he spoke with a heavy tone. At the end, he closed his mouth before he finished speaking.

Fairfax didn't want to talk about that frustrating result.

Although Fairfax spoke out the frustrating results, none of the people sitting in the city hall were idiots, and they could all guess what Fairfax wanted to say.

"Then what should we do now? We don't know how many soldiers like this are in the hands of His Royal Highness. 100 people beat 1000 people. Although there are some flukes in this, but if the situation is opened, these 100 people can defeat them without saying anything." There are more than 500 soldiers, if His Royal Highness has [-] soldiers like this, then we don't need to fight!"

The Earl of Manchester frowned.

Sighs rang out in the crowd, and almost every one of these people sitting in the city hall was sighing non-stop.

"You told me about this before, do you know how many soldiers like this are in the hands of His Royal Highness?
What kind of weapons did they use?Why can His Royal Highness buy such weapons from those Orientals?

Logically speaking, such weapons are very powerful weapons. Why don't the Orientals use them themselves and sell them to His Royal Highness? It doesn't make sense! "

The Earl of Essex came to Cromwell and asked with a gloomy expression.

The Earl of Essex really couldn't figure out what was going on here. He couldn't figure out why these orientals didn't use such a powerful weapon for themselves, so they had to travel thousands of miles to sell it to His Royal Highness.

With such weapons in hand, you can easily capture the next piece of land overseas. At that time, wouldn't it be good to use these weapons to drive out the local aborigines and build farms and mines for them?Isn't it quick to make money like this?How much money can you earn by selling these weapons to His Royal Highness?Where can you get money faster by mining and farming outside?
The Earl of Essex racked his brains and couldn't figure out why these orientals did this. People who can make such weapons are definitely not stupid, but why are they doing more stupid things than idiots?
"Not sure, I don't know exactly how many soldiers like this are in the hands of His Royal Highness, according to the information I have before, there are no less than 1000 such soldiers in the hands of His Royal Highness!

As for why these orientals want to sell such a powerful weapon to His Royal Highness, I can't figure it out. Those orientals are now in the port outside London! "

Cromwell did not hide anything, and he told the Earl of Essex everything he knew.

"It seems that if we can't settle this matter for a while, the war with His Royal Highness cannot be easily started..."

In the following time, the Earl of Essex and these people in the city hall had a detailed discussion on this matter. They discussed until midnight, but nothing came out of the discussion.

Some of them didn't believe that the 1000 people in Chris were beaten like that by a hundred people, so they planned to go to Chris's camp the next day.


At this time, Prince Rupert also returned to the city of London. As soon as he returned to the city of London, he hurried to see his uncle.

In the office of Charles I at Windsor Castle, the armor on Prince Rupert's body was not removed.

The smile on Prince Rupert's face has not disappeared for a moment since he entered Windsor Castle until now.

Seeing the smile on Prince Rupert's face, Charles I also smiled.

"Seeing you smiling so happily, it must have been done successfully?"

Charles I sat behind his desk and asked with a smile on his face.

Prince Rupert nodded heavily, he stretched out his right hand, and kept patting his chest.

"That's for sure. With me here, how could it not be successful? After I arrived in Northampton, I sneaked into the city of Northampton..."

Prince Rupert was beaming with joy, spitting wildly, and told Charles I his heroic deeds vividly.

Charles I listened intently, with an unusually rich expression on his face.

When Prince Rupert said the last word, Charles I slapped the table in front of him and stood up abruptly.

"Okay, well done, uncle didn't hurt you for nothing!"

After Charles I finished speaking, he pulled his neck and laughed twice.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, this weapon is really powerful, a hundred people can wipe out more than 1000 people!
It seems that He Donglang and the others are right. If these 1000 people are used well, they can completely defeat the soldiers in the parliament. "

At this time, Charles I's confidence increased greatly, and he had never been so relaxed as today.

"Uncle, although we only have a thousand people in our hands, these thousand people can definitely defeat all the soldiers in the parliament!"

Prince Rupert was in high spirits.

"Yeah, you're right, with 1000 people in hand, what are we afraid of? Parliament, hehe, what's the use of having more people?" Charles I looked downcastly, as if the parliament was just a chicken and a dog.

"Okay, it's getting late today, you've been running outside for so long, go back and have a good rest!" Charles I said to Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert didn't hold back, thanked him, and walked out of the office.

After Prince Rupert left, Charles I excitedly walked back and forth in the office.

It was not until dawn that Charles I calmed down.

Charles I, who had been excited all night, returned to his sleeping room, ready to rest for a while.

At this time, the Earl of Essex also led the main generals of the parliamentary army towards Chris' camp.

After Chris and the others cleaned up all night, the corpses in the camp were gathered together, but the charred wood and the blown wood fragments in the camp hadn't had time to take care of them.

The sun was still hanging in the eastern half of the sky, and had not yet reached the headspace. The Earl of Essex jumped off his horse. He looked at the shattered camp gate in front of him, which had long since lost its original appearance, with a solemn expression on his face.

He walked to the broken part of the gate of the camp, squinted his eyes and looked carefully!

After a long time, he let out a sigh of emotion.

"Looking at the remaining signs of the gate of the camp, it seems that it has been blown up by a large number of explosives!"

The Earl of Essex saw the condition of the gate at a glance.

At this time, Chris also came out with the remaining soldier in the camp.

The Earl of Essex found Chris who had come out, he waved at Chris, and called Chris to himself.

"I heard people say that the enemy who attacked you was Prince Rupert. Is that true?" The Earl of Essex frowned tightly.

Chris said: "I don't know if it's Prince Rupert. I don't know Prince Rupert. He said he was Prince Rupert."

"Since he is sent by His Royal Highness, there is no need to lie.

From this point of view, that person is likely to be Prince Rupert! "

The Earl of Essex walked in as he spoke.

Although the corpses in the camp had been gathered, potholes of all sizes could be seen everywhere in the camp.

The blood on the ground has dried up, and the air is filled with a stench that makes people sick.

"Is there really only a hundred or so people who attacked you?"

The Earl of Essex stopped and looked at Chris.

"It's true that there are only 100 people, I dare not deceive His Highness the Earl!" Chris said solemnly.

Listening to Chris' voice, the Earl of Essex didn't say anything, and he continued to walk forward.

He came to a collapsed barracks and watched intently.

The area of ​​this barracks is not very large, and it can only accommodate seven or eight soldiers to sleep.

The barracks were built with wood, and because of the hasty construction, there was still bark on the wood used.

Now, the logs are riddled with large and small bullet holes, or cracks blown open by hand grenades.

The Earl of Essex set his sights on a bullet-ridden log lying flat on the ground.

The Earl of Essex squatted down, and he carefully looked at the bullet holes in the wood.

(End of this chapter)

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