Chapter 908 It's Terrible
The Earl of Essex squatted down, and he looked at the bullet holes in the wood in front of him seriously.

An extremely distorted and exaggerated expression appeared on the face of the Earl of Essex.

"How could it be like this, how is it possible? It's really terrible!"

The Earl of Essex pointed to a bullet hole in the wood and said with disbelief.

This log is pierced by bullets, and if one end of the log is raised slightly, the ground can be seen through the light.

The Earl of Essex lifted the wood slightly, and he could easily see the ground.

"It seems that the weapon used by His Royal Highness is really powerful!"

It is too difficult to penetrate a piece of wood the size of an adult's fist.

The ammunition used in the matchlock guns of this era is basically lead bullets.

Buckshot is soft, and if you want to go through this wood, you can't shoot it at close range.

And even when shooting at close range, the bullet holes that penetrate are often irregular.

But the bullet holes on the piece of wood in front of him are very regular, and the regularity is a bit outrageous, as if the bullet holes were specially shot at this piece of wood.

The Earl of Essex knew that it was impossible for Prince Rupert and the others to shoot this wood specifically.

The Earl of Essex stood up and began to wander around the camp to check other conditions in the camp.

Although the corpses in the camp had been cleaned up by Chris and the others, the collapsed barracks, dried blood and other things in the camp did not have time to clean up.

The Earl of Essex walked slowly in the camp. Looking at the shocking scenes in front of him, his heart kept trembling.

If such a scene was caused by thousands of people, then the Earl of Essex would not feel any disturbance in his heart.

The key is that the scene in front of me was caused by only 100 people.

Cromwell and the others followed behind the Earl of Essex, and their faces were no better than the Earl of Essex.

Those things in the camp that have not had time to clean up show the fierceness of the previous battle.

The camp was full of earth pits blown out by grenades. There was pooled blood in those earth pits, but now it had seeped into the ground, turned dark black, and exuded a stench.

In these pits, sometimes you can see the minced meat that was blown up by the bomb.You can even see some stumps that haven't been cleaned up in time.

The further you walked into the camp, the stronger the smell of blood, stench, burnt wood, and gunpowder smoke became.

Cromwell's nostrils were filled with these smells. He looked at the scene in front of him, his body trembling uncontrollably.

He seemed to have seen the struggle of those soldiers before they died, and he seemed to have seen the fear and helplessness on the faces of these soldiers when they faced Prince Rupert.

"Hu, hu, hu!"

Cromwell breathed heavily, constantly adjusting his mentality.

"I, I, I, I didn't expect His Royal Highness's weapon to be so powerful!"

Cromwell was trembling, and his pace became slower and slower.

The Earl of Essex also stopped, he let out a long sigh, and said with an ugly face: "I never thought that His Royal Highness would have such a hole card!

No wonder, no wonder His Royal Highness was indifferent when he saw the residents of London fleeing. If I had such power in my hands, I would also be indifferent! "

"When we face His Royal Highness, the strategy we adopt will change.

If all the troops are pushed up in one go, who knows how many soldiers like this are still in the hands of His Royal Highness?

It doesn't take much, just need 5000 people in the hands of His Royal Highness, and these soldiers in the parliament can be beaten like today! "

The Earl of Manchester shook his head and said in a low tone.

The Earl of Essex and the others were extremely depressed. Few people were talking, and sighs were heard one after another in the crowd.

"Everyone, I don't think we can be like this. I'm afraid that His Royal Highness and the others have already started laughing, because this is what His Royal Highness wants to see the most!"

Fairfax, who had been silent for a long time, looked at the gloomy crowd and spoke in a high tone.

All eyes were on Fairfax.

"What do you mean by that?" The Earl of Essex frowned and asked.

"Everyone, I think we have entered a misunderstanding, everyone, please listen to me!"

Fairfax coughed twice and walked to the front of the crowd.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Fairfax, and their faces were full of doubts.

"Everyone, I have a question. You say, if His Royal Highness really has such a large number of soldiers in his hands, how will His Highness use them to have the greatest effect on him?
If I were His Royal Highness, I would not be able to easily expose the chassis so early. I will definitely choose to hide these soldiers around the city of London when the Parliament attacks London, and then wait for the Parliament to attack London. Attack on Parliament!

Because doing so will have the greatest effect on His Royal Highness, because doing so will catch the parliament by surprise, and it is very likely that all the vital forces of the parliament will be defeated at once. "

Fairfax paused, swallowed, and spoke again.

"Everyone, even if His Royal Highness doesn't know how to march and fight, isn't there anyone under His Royal Highness who knows how to march and fight?
Among other things, Prince Rupert is also a man who has led soldiers and fought in battles. Doesn't he understand the truth behind this?
Don't they know what to do in the best interest of His Majesty the King? "

Fairfax stopped here. There is no need to say something too clearly. There is no fool here.

Everyone was lost in thought.

Obviously, what Fairfax said was very reasonable.

"That's right, if I were His Royal Highness, I would not be able to expose such a powerful hole card at this time.

If it is exposed at this time, it will definitely make us vigilant. If we adopt other methods at that time, it will be a very big loss to His Royal Highness. His Royal Highness is not an idiot, there is no reason to do so ah. "

"That's right, I think so too. The reason why the hole card is called the hole card is that it must be used at the most critical time to show its strength!

If I were His Royal Highness, I would definitely throw it out during the decisive battle between the two sides, because in this way, the effect can be maximized! "

Fairfax's remarks woke up many people.

Their eyes lit up in an instant, and the Earl of Essex patted his thigh and shouted excitedly: "I understand, I understand why His Royal Highness did this, so that's it, That's how it is!"

"Based on my estimate, His Royal Highness doesn't have that many soldiers at all, and perhaps the total number of soldiers in his hands will not exceed 200!

The reason why His Royal Highness asked Prince Rupert to bring people to attack one of our camps is to frighten us, mess up our military morale, and make us mistakenly think that His Royal Highness has many such soldiers in his hands.

Let us not dare to attack His Royal Highness, let us have lingering fears no matter what we do.What a good trick, why didn't I find out before that His Royal Highness had such a plan. "

The Earl of Essex seemed to have figured something out, talking eloquently and eloquently.

The Earl of Manchester pinched the beard on his chin, and his expression was similar to that of the Earl of Essex. "The Earl of Essex is right, I think His Royal Highness may use this method to delay our attack!
Obviously, there is definitely no army in the hands of His Royal Highness that can compete with us.

If there is, it is impossible for His Royal Highness to use such a method! "

The other people also echoed, and it was obvious that Fairfax's statement had been accepted by these people.

However, among these people, only Cromwell frowned and remained silent.

Cromwell's reaction was noticed by the Earl of Essex. The Earl of Essex walked up to Cromwell and patted Cromwell on the shoulder, "What's the matter? Do you have other Opinion?"

Cromwell shook his head and said, "It can't be regarded as another opinion. I just think that this matter should not be so simple."

"Then what do you think? Tell me what you think!" said the Earl of Essex.

"I'm not sure, anyway, I don't think this matter can be so simple!"

Cromwell shook his head, just said such a sentence, and did not express his opinion.

In fact, Cromwell only discovered that there was something wrong with this matter. As for what was wrong, Cromwell didn't figure it out for a while.

"Okay, let's take another look in the camp, and discuss this matter in detail after we go back!"

The Earl of Essex changed the topic, and then led the people around the camp.

When the setting sun hit the earth from the western sky, the Earl of Essex and the others returned to Northampton with their people.

As soon as they returned to Northampton, the Earl of Essex and the others came to the city hall and started discussing things without even caring about food.

At the same time, near the port of London, He Donglang and the others returned to the camp after a day of training.

The current situation is becoming more and more tense every day, and He Donglang and the others will train almost every day.

In addition to training, there are basically soldiers staying on the warships docked at the port in case of accidents.

In He Donglang's barracks, He Donglang sat in front of a table, carefully looking at the shit-stirring stick map laid out on the table.

"According to the situation we have now, the parliamentary army is now located in Northampton, not far from the city of London. If you hurry up, you can arrive there in a day!" He Donglang looked at Northampton on the map.

"Yeah, if you hurry up, you can arrive in a day.

But so much time has passed, why did the two sides calm down instead, without any friction?
It's not the same as ours. If it were in our place, the distance between the two hostile forces is so close, people's brains will be beaten into dog's brains! "

Wang Dongliang stood beside He Donglang, shaking his head with a puzzled expression.

"My lord, I have information!"

Just then, a messenger appeared at the door of the barracks.

He Donglang raised his head and looked at the messenger, "Come in!"

He Donglang's face instantly became serious. He looked at the orderly standing in front of him, and hurriedly asked, "What's the matter?"

The messenger took out a bamboo tube as thick as a thumb from his body and handed it to He Donglang.

He Donglang glanced at the bamboo tube, and knew that it was the news brought back by the spies he sprinkled in the city of London.

As the situation continued to become tense, He Donglang also cast many spies in the city of London. These spies were basically He Donglang's subordinates, and the way they communicated was through this specially treated bamboo tube.

He Donglang did this not to fear Charles I, but to do it faster.

He Donglang took the bamboo tube from the messenger, quickly opened the bamboo tube, and took out the note inside.

He Donglang glanced at the ten lines, and quickly browsed the content on the note.

"Hahaha, let me just say, how can there be no friction between the two parties!"

After reading the contents of the note, He Donglang slapped the note on the table, laughing loudly.

Wang Dongliang hurriedly picked up the note from the table and looked at it carefully.

After reading it, Wang Dongliang's reaction was similar to that of He Donglang.

"No wonder, let me just say, the situation between the two of them is like fire and water, how could it be possible to be calm as if nothing happened!"

The content of the note was very simple, it was about Prince Rupert leading soldiers to attack the Earl of Essex's camp.

After Charles I learned of this matter, he did not intend to hide it, so this matter spread throughout the entire city of London within a short period of time.

"What should we do now? According to intelligence, the parliamentary army has suffered a great loss in the hands of Prince Rupert. They must have seen the power of the soldiers in the hands of His Royal Highness!

Shall we send people now and try to contact the council first? "Wang Dongliang asked hurriedly.

"No, there's no need to do this!"

He Donglang directly refused.

"It's not like we haven't contacted them before, but what about their attitude?
For such people, we must let them see their mistakes, otherwise, how could they obediently listen to us? "

He Donglang didn't plan to contact the parliament at this time, because if he contacted the parliament at this time, it would only be harmful to He Donglang and the others.

It will also make the parliament feel that He Donglang and the others are abnormal, anxious and abnormal, as if they are afraid that the parliament will suffer in the hands of Charles I.

In He Donglang's view, the parliament must suffer a great loss in the hands of Charles I. Only in this way can the parliament obediently seek He Donglang's help.

"Next, it will be a big show!"

He Donglang patted the map on the table with his right hand.


The weather is getting hotter every day, and the friction between the parliamentary army and Charles I is also escalating.

Obviously, the things that Prince Rupert did before did not alert Parliament.

Those people in the parliament agreed with Fairfax's view, feeling that Charles I was at the end of his rope, and tried to deter them in this way.

Under such a mentality, Parliament began to march towards London.

But it's not that all the troops are pressed up at once, but part by part, and the troops gathered in Northampton are slowly pressed up.

Not to be outdone, Charles I also sent his own army northward.

The two sides fought several times between Northampton and London, with each other fighting and losing each other.

 Happy Lantern Festival, Happy Lantern Festival! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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