Chapter 909 Are you anxious now?

The two sides fought and lost each other between Northampton and London City.

But generally speaking, the parliamentary army still has an advantage.

After all, the number of soldiers in the hands of Charles I was not large, and Charles I couldn't bear to send these soldiers out every time.

In this way, the parliamentary army was able to fight against the soldiers sent by Charles I almost every time with a numerical advantage.

Although the fighters at the front were not ideal, Charles I seemed in no hurry.

After the actual battle of Prince Rupert, Charles I's confidence has greatly increased now.

In Windsor Castle, Charles I's office.

A huge shit-stirring map was placed on the table in front of Charles I, and Charles I looked at the map seriously.

Among them, Northampton and London were highlighted by Charles I.

"Parliament now has [-] soldiers in their hands, what strategy will they use to dispatch these [-] soldiers?

Are they dispatched part by part, or all at once? "

Charles I thought about this question seriously.

In Charles I's view, he let Prince Rupert suppress the prestige of the parliamentary army. Logically speaking, the parliamentary army should not dare to attack the city of London for the time being.

Before that, Charles I also thought so, but the result was beyond Charles I's imagination.

The parliamentary army didn't seem to be discouraged by Prince Rupert's attack, and even became more aggressive.

This made Charles I puzzled for a long time, and later Charles I simply didn't think about it, and went all out to deal with the war.

"The parliamentary army has a large number of horses, if they press up together, the effect that my thousand soldiers can exert will be greater.

If they press up one by one, then you can deal with it, just be afraid that they will scatter! "

Charles I couldn't help worrying.

The current Charles I does not understand the thinking of the parliamentary army. What the parliamentary army has done is really beyond the imagination of Charles I.

In the north of London, fifty miles away, a scout force sent by Charles I to scout the terrain is wandering here.

London straddles both sides of the Thames River and is dominated by plains with flat terrain.

Such terrain makes it easy for the dispatched scout troops to have no way to hide when they encounter accidents.

"Look there, is there a team there?"

Mike was riding a war horse. He pulled the reins of the horse in his hand and stopped. He squinted his eyes and pointed to the front of himself.

Mike was sent by the parliamentary army to investigate the enemy's situation. This time, he brought about 300 people with him.

The adjutant next to Mike took out the binoculars and looked ahead.

Sure enough, the adjutant saw the scout troop in the binoculars.

The scouts didn't seem to notice Mike and the others, and they continued to move forward cautiously.

"It seems to be the scout troops of the king's army!"

The adjutant said, and handed the telescope in his hand to Mike.

Mike held the binoculars and looked forward.

"They are most likely the scout troops sent by His Royal Highness!"

Speaking of this, Mike's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Spread out and hide our people. The number of this army seems to be only more than 50 people. With us people, we can definitely defeat them. Let's try to capture these people alive and see if we can get them out of their mouths." Come up with something useful!"

Mike gave the order excitedly.

Mike's men hurriedly dispersed around, and there were almost 50 musketeers among Mike's men.

These musketeers were gathered by Mike.

There is still a long distance from the city of London, and it belongs to the kind of place where there are no shops in the front and the village in the back.

In addition, it is now summer, and the weeds and bushes on the road grow densely, which can hide Mike's men.

In a bush, Mike led the gathered musketeers to squat in the bushes.

As for the horses in the team, they were taken away by Mike.

Mike led the musketeers at the forefront of the entire team. Mike planned to let these musketeers under him attack the front team at the first time.

The distance between the two sides was getting smaller and smaller, and Mike looked at the approaching soldiers with an increasingly intense smile on his face.

Finally, the soldiers in front were within range of the matchlock guns.

"Shoot, pay attention, hit their horses!"

Mike yelled and stood up suddenly.

The matchlock gunners standing behind Mike also stood up suddenly. They raised the matchlock guns they had prepared in their hands and aimed at the front.

The team in front of Mike found Mike and the others in an instant. They saw the soldiers holding matchlock guns in front of them, and Mike standing in front of the musketeers.

The leading soldier hurriedly yanked the reins in his hand, forcing the horse under his crotch to stop.

But under inertia, the leading soldier's horse could not stop for a long time.

At this time, the musketeers under Mike also pulled the trigger.

The distance between the two sides has already entered the effective range of the matchlock gun.

Gunshots rang out, and some of the soldiers in front of Mike fell off their horses.

These musketeers under Mike aimed at the horses under the soldiers' crotches, and with the sound of gunshots, blood sprayed on the horses constantly.

But the rate of fire of the matchlock gun is too slow, and at this distance, it can only shoot one round.

When the first round of shooting was over, those who survived among the soldiers hurriedly turned around and fled to the distance.

Looking at the soldiers fleeing to the distance, Mike didn't let his men chase after them.

Now, there are more than a dozen wailing soldiers on the ground. These soldiers are enough, and there is no need to chase those few broken soldiers.

"Tie them up, take them back and interrogate them, and see what's going on in London now!"

Mike pointed at the wailing soldiers and shouted.

Soon, these soldiers were captured by Mike.

After capturing these soldiers, Mike did not intend to continue the investigation, but chose to return with these prisoners.

It was gradually getting late, and Mike returned to the camp.

Mike's camp is located on the edge of the parliamentary army camp.

The current parliamentary army has basically left Northampton.

The current plan of the parliamentary army is to attack London in three routes. Among them, the Earl of Essex leads the central team to attack London directly from Northampton.

The number of soldiers led by the Earl of Essex is around 3, and now the Earl of Essex's camp is located in an unknown small village.

Although it is not well-known now, it is still very famous in later generations.

The place where the Earl of Essex is now is called Milton Keynes in later generations, and it was built in response to the increase in population in the vicinity of London and the need to evacuate London's industry and population.

In this day and age, this place is nothing more than a small village.

The Western Army was led by the Earl of Manchester and Cromwell, who led the cavalry they had recruited and the soldiers assigned to them by the Earl of Essex, a total of 1 men.

Their goal is Oxford. After they take Oxford, they will attack London eastward.

The East Road was led by Fairfax, who led the soldiers he recruited and those who could still be allocated to him by the Earl of Essex, a total of 1 soldiers.

The next target of the soldiers he led was Cambridge, northeast of London.

Among them, the speed of the East and West soldiers is not fast, and they have not yet reached the place they want to attack.

Today, in order to consolidate the defense of London, Charles I has arranged almost all the troops that can be mobilized around London near London. The defense forces of Oxford and Cambridge are extremely weak.

With the forces in Fairfax and Cromwell's hands, these two places can be captured.


"It's true, the defenses around the city of London are empty now?"

In a small room in the Earl of Essex's camp, the Earl of Essex looked at a soldier standing in front of him and asked solemnly.

"His Royal Highness, according to the interrogation results of the captives captured by Mike and the others, this is indeed the case around the city of London today. His Royal Highness has already transferred back all the defensive forces around the city of London a month ago and arranged them in the city of London. around!

According to what they said, His Royal Highness the King is now planning to defend the City of London to the death! "The soldier answered seriously.

The Earl of Essex stood up, with his hands behind his back, he kept walking back and forth in the room.

"Have you found out how many soldiers like that are in the hands of His Royal Highness? How many weapons of that kind are there? And those Orientals?"

The Earl of Essex looked at the soldier and asked.

The soldier shook his head, "No, according to the captives, these things are military secrets, and only His Royal Highness' confidantes know the true number of these soldiers."

"That's right, how could these little soldiers know about such a powerful soldier? I was thinking too much!"

The Earl of Essex sighed, then waved his hand at the soldier, "You go down first, I already know about this!"

The soldier turned and left.

In fact, the information the soldier said was of little use to the Earl of Essex.

The information obtained does not reflect the current strength of Charles I, and has no impact on the overall battle situation.

"It's time to speed up, the people from the east and west roads probably haven't reached their destination yet.

But Oxford and Cambridge, the defensive forces are probably extremely weak. With the strength in the hands of Cromwell and Fairfax, these two places can be attacked!
At that time, the City of London will become a dead city.If there are no accidents, this war should not last long.

I hope there will be no surprises! "

Seeing the figure of the soldier leaving, the Earl of Essex muttered to himself solemnly.

At the same time, Cromwell was riding on the war horse, and the whip in his hand kept swinging towards the war horse under his crotch.

Although Cromwell was a notorious dictator in history, it is undeniable that Cromwell's ability to lead troops to fight is still very powerful.

Although the nominal commander of this army is the Earl of Manchester, the real master of this army is Cromwell.

Cromwell leaned on the horse's back to reduce resistance.

Cromwell looked forward, the excitement on his face couldn't be concealed.

The Earl of Manchester was beside Cromwell, and his expression was very calm, without any excitement or excitement.

"Speed ​​up and reach the outskirts of Oxford before tomorrow night!"

Cromwell turned around and yelled, and then continued on his way.

At some point, the sky was covered by dark clouds, and the air gradually became humid. It didn't take long for Cromwell's face to be covered with dew.

The humidity in the air was getting heavier and heavier, and finally the rain fell.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, but it still couldn't stop Cromwell from moving forward.


"Trash, it's all rubbish!"

Charles I roared hysterically in his office.

Since the friction between the two sides began, almost none of the scout troops sent out by Charles I every day came back in full.

There are fewer people every day. From the beginning to the present, I am afraid that nearly 100 people have not returned.

Charles I also understood that heavy casualties of the scout troops were unavoidable, but what Charles I couldn't stand was that he had lost so many people and only captured a few soldiers of the Parliamentary Army, and these few The parliamentary army is still the kind that doesn't know anything, even if they are killed, they can't say anything.

Under the ebb and flow, it is inevitable that Charles I will be angry.

Those confidantes of Charles I stood in front of Charles I, and they all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly.

"Uncle, according to me, we don't need to bother at all. We just need to guard London and wait for them quietly. As long as they dare to come, we will send them to die!"

Prince Rupert said murderously.

"Are you really stupid or fake stupid?" Prince Rupert's words made Charlie roll his eyes angrily.

"Don't we only have London? We don't want other places? It's good to say, only keep London.

In case someone bypasses London instead of attacking London, but chooses to attack other places, what do you think we should do?Now we don't even know what's going on in the parliament, we don't even know the next move of the parliament, how can we fight this battle? "

Charles I was furious and roared loudly at Prince Rupert.

"I think you have been dazzled by those thousand soldiers, although these thousand soldiers are powerful, but they don't know how to clone.

If the parliament adopts other methods, disperses and attacks other places, how can this battle be fought?The number of people is superior, and we have failed in terms of numbers alone! "

Charles I was a little anxious.

"Now I know it's urgent. When the parliamentary army first arrived in Northampton, I said that we would directly press all the soldiers up. At that time, with the help of a thousand soldiers, we would definitely be able to beat the parliamentary army to pieces. It's better now, I will only lose my temper!"

Prince Rupert muttered softly after being scolded by Charles I.

But because Prince Rupert was too close to Charles I, Prince Rupert's mumbled words were all heard by Charles I.

(End of this chapter)

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