Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 910 The battle is about to start

Chapter 910 The battle is about to start

Charles I's eyes froze, and he looked at Prince Rupert standing in front of him with a gloomy face.

"What did you say? Say it again?" Charles I said with a gloomy face.

Prince Rupert was taken aback by Charles I's expression, and hurriedly changed his words, "I didn't mean that, I didn't mean that!"

In any case, Charles I is a king, not to mention Prince Rupert's uncle.


Charles I snorted coldly, and set his sights on the people behind Prince Rupert.

"Who will tell me, what should we do now? How should we deal with the Parliament now? In case the Parliament bypasses the city of London and attacks other places, how should we deal with it now?

In order to protect the city of London, I have basically transferred the soldiers from those places around the city of London to the city of London. In this case, how can those places around the city resist the parliament?

What's more, if the parliamentary army captures other places and blocks the city of London and does not provide any supplies to the city of London, then the city of London will become an empty city. Everyone, what should we do at that time? "

Charles I's face is full of anxiety, and now he doesn't dare to think deeply about this matter. If the parliament really does what Charles I thinks, then there is really nothing good for Charles I for a while Method.

"Your Highness, I don't think we should worry so much now.

If the parliamentary army did this, it would be equivalent to dividing troops.Once they divide their forces, the numerical advantage they are proud of becomes empty talk.

At that time, we only need to send the same number of ordinary soldiers, as for the thousand elites in His Majesty's hands, there is no need to dispatch them at all.

I think there are no idiots in the parliamentary army, it is impossible to do such a thing! "

Thomas stood up and said calmly.

What Thomas said was also very reasonable, and Charles I listened very seriously.

"You make a lot of sense, but my previous worries are not impossible. We still need to be fully prepared, and He Donglang and the others must also be prepared!" Charles I said earnestly.

"From today onwards, the soldiers in the city of London must be on guard, and the scout troops sent out should run as far as possible, and try to figure out the next move of the parliamentary army as much as possible!
Let the elite of the thousand soldiers be arranged around Windsor Castle now!

By the way, arrange those soldiers from the countryside at the outermost edge of the city of London! "

Charles I gave orders in an orderly manner. Although he was a little nervous, he did not lose his sense of proportion.

The soldiers who came from the countryside were basically brought by the old nobles and landowners who were loyal to Charles I.

For these soldiers, Charles I looked down on them from the bottom of his heart, and these people were not his confidants, so Charles I didn't pay much attention to these soldiers.

Therefore, Charles I wanted to arrange these soldiers at the outermost periphery of the city of London to act as cannon fodder.

These people standing in Charles I's office are all close friends of Charles I, so there is no doubt about this order of Charles I.

The reason why Oxford is famous is because it is a school with a long history and has cultivated countless outstanding talents.

The environment of Oxford is very beautiful, at the junction of the Thames and Chawell Rivers.

At that time, the river was not deep, and bullock carts often waded through here. Over time, this name came into being.

Because there are many students here, it is very lively here, but now Oxford has lost the peace of the past.

Cromwell jumped off the horse, and he looked forward, the excitement on his face did not disappear for a long time.

Cromwell has now come to Oxford, and most of the city's residents have fled here long ago.

Those who stayed were basically students with active thinking and residents who supported the parliament.

Those people in the city already knew of Cromwell's arrival, and they had come to the outskirts of Oxford to welcome Cromwell.

It's just that Cromwell didn't see the resident students who came to greet him now.

However, the scouts sent out by Cromwell had already reported the news to Cromwell.

Cromwell led the horse and kept walking forward.

Cromwell's army stopped a long time ago, and now, those who follow Cromwell are basically officers in the army.

As for Cromwell's immediate boss, the Earl of Manchester, he walked beside Cromwell with an indifferent face.

The Earl of Manchester has a relatively easy-going temper. He knows that he has little control over the current team.

"I heard that there are only some students and residents who support the parliament left in Oxford, and these people seem to be welcoming us not far away!"

Cromwell turned sideways and said to the Earl of Manchester who was following him.

"That's good, it seems that the violent rule of His Royal Highness has been clearly seen by these residents!" said the Earl of Manchester.

Cromwell nodded and walked forward.

After walking for ten minutes, Cromwell saw a crowd standing beside the road.

Cromwell walked in front of these people. Although these people didn't hold anything in their hands, they could feel the enthusiasm from these people.

Cromwell walked past these people like a proud rooster.

Cromwell came to the city of Oxford, and after arranging himself, Cromwell issued an order to bring in the army.

Cromwell stayed in Oxford for about three days before setting off for London with the team.

At the same time, Fairfax also took Cambridge and began to set off for London.

The Earl of Essex also advanced to St. Albans, not much distance left from the city of London.

The haze of war completely enveloped the sky over the city of London, and the friction between the parliamentary army and Charles I was out of control.

Almost five days later, the parliamentary army surrounded the city of London. Around the city of London, the camp of the parliamentary army had surrounded the city of London.

Charles I also became more and more anxious, but his nephew, Prince Rupert, became more and more excited.

After the parliamentary army surrounded the city of London, the prices in the city of London skyrocketed, getting higher and higher day by day.

Those who drive up prices are basically the old nobles and landowners loyal to Charles I. Their enthusiasm for money has reached an incredible level.

Under such circumstances, the residents of the city fled the city of London one by one.

For these residents who fled, Charles I had no feeling.

For Charles I, these residents are useless, they all go out, and they can save some food.

Charles I stood on the wall of Windsor Castle, and he could even see the continuous camp outside the city.

"Finally, the attack came!"

Charles I took a deep breath and said nervously.

As the decisive battle drew closer, Charles I's heart became more and more excited.

"Uncle, the parliamentary army made the wrong choice this time. They all gathered together, and we just happened to be able to defeat them all!"

Prince Rupert stood beside Charles I and shouted excitedly.

Charles I said: "You must not underestimate the parliamentary army. In the past few days, the parliamentary army must be closely monitored and reported to me if there is any movement.

No one is allowed to go out of the city without my order. As for the untouchables in the city, let them go out if they want to go out. "



About ten miles north of London, the Earl of Essex's camp was set up here.

In the camp of the Earl of Essex, the main generals of the parliamentary army are all inside.

"Gentlemen, we are now outside the city of London.

We have a large number of soldiers and are superior in numbers. This is an advantage.

However, our supply line is too long. If someone cuts it off, our soldiers won't last long! "

The Earl of Essex stood in the middle of the camp, looking at the generals standing in front of him.

"So, I mean, let's do it fast and get the City of London as soon as possible.

In the current city of London, His Royal Highness's army is not large, and we are fully capable of taking it!

We have now basically figured out the defense situation around the city of London, and also roughly figured out the guarding forces in the city.

So, the time has come..."

After the Earl of Essex finished speaking, his eyes kept scanning the people in front of him.

"I very much agree with what the count said. We have been delayed for so long, and we cannot delay any longer!"

"Yes, that's right, it's time for us to take the City of London!"


All of a sudden, the generals in the big tent shouted loudly.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's have a good discussion and see how to attack London..." said the Earl of Essex.

In the following time, these people in the big account began to discuss in detail.

When the time came to midnight, a plan was finally discussed.

The time for the general attack was five days later, and the Earl of Essex led 3 troops for the general attack, starting from the city of London.

Cromwell and Fairfax attacked the west and east of London respectively.

Their main goal is Windsor Castle. As long as they conquer London Castle, everything will be settled.


As time passed day by day, the smell of gunpowder over the city of London was extremely strong.

In the past few days, there have been constant bloodshed between the parliamentary army and Charles I.

As time went by, bloody incidents became more and more frequent.

The soldiers of the parliamentary army are extremely aggressive, and they are often the first to attack. Relying on their superiority in numbers, they continue to attack the soldiers under Charles I.

This abnormal phenomenon was detected by Charles I, which instantly aroused Charles I's vigilance.

When the matter developed to this point, Charles I was not a fool, so of course he could see everything clearly.

In Charles I's office, Charles I looked at his confidants in the office solemnly.

"Everyone, I'm afraid it won't be long before the parliamentary army will launch a general attack!"

Charles I got up from the chair and came to these people.

"Hehe, come as soon as you come, and leave their heads here when the time comes!"

There were fierce lights in Prince Rupert's eyes.

"In the past few days, more fortifications will be built in the city, and soldiers must be patrolling important streets.

The soldiers in the city shrank as much as possible and distributed around Windsor Castle.

As for the nobles, let them also build temporary residences around Windsor Castle.

If they don't want to, just let them stay in the city. I won't send soldiers to protect them. "

Charles I issued order after order.

"Uncle, why don't you let me lead those thousand soldiers to directly attack the parliamentary army?" Prince Rupert looked at Charles I excitedly.

Charles I thought for a while and shook his head, "Not for now, we have too few soldiers, and the parliamentary army is scattered around the city of London. What should we do if these soldiers go out and other parliamentary soldiers take the opportunity to attack? "

For his own safety, it was impossible for Charles I to send out these soldiers in his hands.

At this time, Charles I became more timid.

Prince Rupert tried to persuade him for a while, but it didn't work. In the end, he could only retreat resentfully.

For the safety of the spies he sent out, He Donglang took back all the spies in the city.

At this time, the situation is already obvious, and the role of spies is much smaller.

He Donglang stood at the gate of the camp, with his hands behind his back, and he looked ahead deeply.

In front of He Donglang, there is a checkpoint established by the parliamentary army, with about 30 people.

These 30 people were used by the parliamentary army to monitor He Donglang and the others, and they were all musketeers.

When the parliamentary army just arrived around the city of London, the Earl of Essex sent people to attack He Donglang and them tentatively.

The imagination is beautiful, but the reality is cruel. He Donglang didn't even let his soldiers take action. He just let the warships docked at the port fire, and beat the shit out of the soldiers sent by the Earl of Essex.

One round of artillery, those men of the Earl of Essex, suffered heavy casualties.

Because the Earl of Essex did not know the main purpose of He Donglang and the others, so after the failure of the tentative attack, the Earl of Essex had no intention of attacking again. To avoid stabbing in the back.

"The war is getting closer and closer, which is great!"

There was a faint smile on He Donglang's face.

"My lord, the parliamentary army doesn't know what is good or bad, and they came to attack us. They really don't know what to do!"

Standing behind He Donglang, Wang Dongliang looked at the checkpoint ahead with a look of disdain.

"Some things, you have to try it yourself before you know it.

Otherwise, they will never know why the tiger's butt can't be touched, why it can't break ground on Tai Sui's head! "

What He Donglang said was calm and breezy, without any sense of oppression, but those warships on the port were full of oppression.

The soldiers on the checkpoint stared at He Donglang and the others standing outside the camp. Because it was not too far away, the soldiers on the checkpoint could basically see He Donglang.

These people were watching He Donglang and the others all the time, and their vigilance had reached the level of turning pale.

"It's really a bunch of bastards without eggs.

This kind of thing is still worthy of being called a soldier?They are not even considered bandits. I really don't know where these people got the confidence to come to me to act wildly. "

He Donglang began to sneer, "I hope you get beaten to the bum by Charles I, only in this way can you run to me unconditionally and beg me for help!"

(End of this chapter)

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