Chapter 911 The Great War Begins

He Donglang began to sneer, "I hope you get beaten to the bum by Charles I, only in this way can you run to me unconditionally and beg me for help!"

The soldiers waiting at the checkpoint kept staring at He Donglang, their eyes never leaving He Donglang's body.

"Hehe, you people really don't know what it means. Only when you know what is terrible, you will lower your heads, hehe, a bunch of barbarians!"

He Donglang kept sneering, his face full of disdain.

For these people in the parliament, He Donglang looked down upon them from the bottom of his heart.

In the past, He Donglang sent his subordinates to get in touch with the council, but at that time, the council was extremely arrogant and did not take He Donglang and the others seriously.

"Let's go, go back, before long, the war will start!"

He Donglang said as he turned around and walked towards the camp.


A few days later, the cloud of war completely enveloped the city of London, and all the soldiers of the parliamentary army surrounded the city of London tightly, preparing to launch a general attack.

Charles I also sent out all the soldiers in his hands. Among them, the soldiers at the outermost edge were those recruited by the old nobles and landowners.

Charles I intended to use these people as cannon fodder and put them at the forefront.

As for the thousand soldiers in the hands of Charles I, they were arranged around Windsor Castle by Charles I to serve as the castle's defense force.

The first ray of sunlight rose from the horizon, and the darkness between the sky and the earth was also dispelled by this light.

The whole world is shrouded in light, and all darkness will be driven away today.

The Earl of Essex rode a group of horses, and beside him were his personal guards and some officers in the army.

In front of the Earl of Essex were soldiers who had already prepared.

These soldiers are the elite soldiers in the hands of the Earl of Essex. As for the cannon fodder soldiers, they have all been sent out by the Earl of Essex.

Now to officially attack the city of London, those cannon fodder soldiers are useless at all, the key depends on these elite soldiers in the hands of the Earl of Essex.

"Gentlemen, Charles I was a tyrant, and during his many years of rule, he often taxed the poor and oppressed the poor.

The crimes of Charles I cannot be described in words. We must overthrow Charles I, we must return the world to peace, Charles I must be destroyed, and the city of London must be taken! "

The Earl of Essex's voice grew louder and more impassioned.

After he finished speaking these words, he pulled out the waist knife from his waist.

"Scramble into the city of London and capture Charles I alive!"

"Scramble into the city of London and capture Charles I alive!"

These soldiers also followed the earl of Essex and shouted loudly, and the voices were higher than the waves, just like the waves on the seashore.

The Earl of Essex turned his head and glanced at the sun born in the east.

"Attack! Into the City of London!"

The Earl of Essex raised his arms, and then gave the order to attack.

The officers under the Earl of Essex led the elite soldiers under the Earl of Essex to kill towards the city of London ahead.

Cromwell and Fairfax also led their men to kill towards the city of London.

Because of the large number of people, and the fact that Charles I arranged for some cannon fodder soldiers on the outskirts of the city of London, they had limited training and limited equipment.

Therefore, the outermost defenders were about to collapse at the first touch, and the parliamentary army killed these soldiers in an instant.

These soldiers cried for their father and mother, threw away the weapons in their hands, and fled desperately into the city.

Before the morning passed, the parliamentary army had already entered the city of London.

The news also reached the Earl of Essex within a short period of time. After the Earl of Essex heard the news, he kept clapping his hands excitedly.

He was still riding on a war horse, and he looked at the city of London with black smoke rising in front of him, the excitement on his face never disappeared for a moment.

"Hahahaha, the city of London is nothing more than that, it has already been killed so quickly!" The Earl of Essex raised his binoculars and looked towards the city of London.

All that could be seen were the soldiers of the Earl of Essex.

These soldiers were all over the streets of London, and they were led by officers at all levels to kill towards Windsor Castle.

Thunderous footsteps appeared in the city of London, and the soldiers of the parliamentary army approached Windsor Castle with excitement.

The fortifications that Charles I set up in the city were basically fake, and they couldn't resist the attack of the parliamentary army at all.

This time, in order to smash the city of London in one fell swoop, the Earl of Essex brought all the firearms he could use.

In addition to these firearms, there are also some cannons.

The cannons used by the parliamentary army are all very common cannons in this era. The power seems to be pretty good in this era, but if compared with Zhao Wen, it is just a large firecracker.

The number of cannons in the hands of the parliamentary army is not very large, only about thirty or forty.

And most of these cannons are cannons similar to Francois machines.

Although such artillery has a very fast rate of fire, its power is very limited.

But despite this, with the support of these artillery pieces, the parliamentary army quickly defeated the soldiers on the outermost perimeter of the city of London.

The news of the failure of the soldiers outside the city of London reached the ears of Charles I.

In the office of Charles I in Windsor Castle, Charles I sat quietly in his seat, with no panic on his face.

"Is the news certain? The parliamentary army really defeated the soldiers on the outermost perimeter of London?" Charles I looked at Prince Rupert standing in front of him and asked.

"Uncle, that's true, the parliamentary army is already heading towards Windsor Castle.

Uncle, hurry up and let me lead those thousand soldiers to rush there, otherwise time will really run out! "

Prince Rupert's face was full of excitement, and now Prince Rupert couldn't wait any longer.

"No need to do that, let's wait for them at Windsor Castle. They are definitely coming to attack Windsor Castle. Set up an ambush outside Windsor Castle, and start attacking when the soldiers and horses of the Parliamentary Army come over!"

Charles I said solemnly.

In fact, Charles I did not want Prince Rupert to take the thousand soldiers out.

The main reason is that Charles I was afraid that if Prince Rupert took these thousand soldiers out, if the soldiers and horses of the parliamentary army came here at this time, the castle would be in jeopardy by then.

Another one is that instead of taking the initiative to attack, it is better to use defense instead of attack, wait for the parliamentary army to come over, set up an ambush, and then launch a sudden attack, which will surely catch the parliamentary army by surprise.

If you do, it might work wonders.

"Let me tell you, if the soldiers are taken out this day, what should we do if the parliamentary army rushes over at this time?
Besides, instead of taking the initiative to attack, it is better to use defense instead of merit..."

Charles I took the trouble to explain to Prince Rupert.

Prince Rupert is also a good leader in battle. Charles I only said half of what Prince Rupert wanted to understand.

However, after all, Prince Rupert is young, a young and energetic person, what he likes to do most is to lead troops and horses to chase and kill the enemy, instead of waiting slowly like this.

Charles I has said so, and Prince Rupert has no other choice.

"Okay, you go down first, pay close attention to the battle situation in the city, and report to me in time if you have anything!"

Charles I waved at Prince Rupert, indicating that Prince Rupert could leave.

After Prince Rupert left, Charles I fell into deep thought.

He was thinking, would his decision just now work?Is there any problem?
Although what Charles I said just now was very affirmative, but Charlie still had some doubts in his heart.

Charles I stood up and walked out of the office.

He came to the wall of Windsor Castle and looked towards the city with his binoculars.

There were gunshots from time to time, and Charles I knew that the gunshots were caused by the arquebus gunners in the parliamentary army.

At this time, the regular army and the parliamentary army in the hands of Charles I exchanged fire.

It's just that the number of regular troops in Charles I's hands is too small. In the summer of the same size, the parliamentary army is definitely not an opponent of the regular army in Charles I's hands. However, who makes the number of parliamentary troops much larger than the regular army in Charles I's hands.

The number of the parliamentary army is very superior, so the streets in the city of London are gradually falling.

The artillery of the parliamentary army was also pushed into the streets of London by the soldiers of the parliamentary army.

The sound of artillery was constantly resounding in the city of London, and these sounds of artillery were naturally heard by Charles I.

"There are still cannons. See if the parliamentary army is prepared. This time, they plan to kill me directly."

Thinking of this, Charles I set his sights on the thousand soldiers around Windsor Castle.

Around Windsor Castle, very strong fortifications have been built.

These thousand soldiers were scattered over the fortifications.

Although the number of soldiers on this day is small, if you rely on these fortifications, you can exert a very strong force.

In the city, the soldiers sent by Charles I began to rout, and Charles I's power in London continued to shrink.

Even at night, the fighting still did not stop.

At dawn the next day, only Windsor Castle and its surroundings remained under Charles I's actual control.

The rout soldiers who fled back were arranged by Charles I in front of the thousand soldiers. To a certain extent, Charles I had already given up all the soldiers who had fled back, and Charles I had already bet all his treasures on the thousand soldiers. soldiers.

The sun gradually rises to the positive sky, and the temperature gradually rises, and the hottest time of the day arrives.

Charles I also put on his armor, stood on the wall of Windsor Castle, held his binoculars intently, and looked around Windsor Castle not far away.

At this time, the parliamentary army had already pushed towards Windsor Castle, and came to the front of the line of defense of the defeated army.

Now, the line of defense of the defeated army has fought against the parliamentary army.

It's just that these defeated troops are the courage of the defeated army after all. Although they are regrouping now, they are not the opponents of the parliamentary army at all.

Soon, the defeated army's line of defense was defeated again by the parliamentary army.

"Drove the defeated army to attack the defense line. Since the beginning of the war, I have never seen the mysterious force in the hands of His Royal Highness. I am afraid that things are really as I said before. The number of soldiers in the hands of His Royal Highness is not many.

But it is also very possible that His Royal Highness placed these soldiers on the last line of defense of Windsor Castle.For the sake of safety, we can only drive away the defeated army and attack the last line of defense! "

The Earl of Essex stood on a relatively high ground behind the parliamentary army, and he looked seriously at the last line of defense ahead.

The orderlies standing beside the Earl of Essex quickly conveyed the order of the Earl of Essex.

"Damn it, traitor, what a traitor, damned traitor."

Charles I, who was standing on the top of the city holding a telescope, saw the Earl of Essex. He looked at the Earl of Essex in the telescope and kept cursing loudly.

After the order from the Earl of Essex was conveyed, the soldiers of the parliamentary army began to drive the routs towards the last line of defense.

Standing on the top of the city, Charles I quickly discovered the intentions of the parliamentary army through a telescope.

Cold sweat broke out from Charles I's body instantly, and Charles I began to struggle.

If the parliamentary army is allowed to drive the rout to attack the last line of defense and ignore it, then the last line of defense will not be able to resist the offensive of the parliamentary army at all, and the defeat will be inevitable.

But if the soldiers on the last line of defense were to shoot directly, the ones who died would be his former subordinates.

Regardless of whether these subordinates attacked the line of defense intentionally or unintentionally, once the firing order was given, it would be a huge blow to the soldiers on the last line of defense in terms of morale.

In a short period of time, Charles I thought of a lot.

Seeing the rout of soldiers getting closer and closer to the last line of defense, Charles I's expression became more ferocious.

"Damn it, really damn it!"

Charles I patted his thigh and gave the order to fire.

Compared with these routs, the most important thing was the life of Charles I. Charles I knew that once the last line of defense collapsed, he would not live long.

Prince Rupert spread the order of Charles I throughout the entire defense line, and finally Prince Rupert came to the forefront of the castle, in the middle of the defense line.

Holding a loaded Dreiser rifle in his hand, he aimed at a rout soldier running in the forefront.


Prince Rupert yelled and pulled the trigger in his hand.

With the sound of the gunshot, the bullet flew out of the gun and hit the broken soldier in the chest.

The soldier fell to the ground, struggled twice, and lost his life.

After Prince Rupert's gunshot, dense gunfire rang out.

The rout soldiers who were fleeing back seemed to have encountered an invisible wall, and the rout soldiers rushing to the front suddenly stopped, and then rushed to the ground.

There were screams one after another, and blood began to flow on the ground.

Seeing the tragic scene in front of him, the rout soldiers who fled to the rear were frightened out of their wits.

At this moment, they would rather face the butcher knife of the parliamentary army than face this terrifying scene again.

Soon, the rout and the parliamentary army rushed together, because the parliamentary army was at the rear of the rout, and they didn't know what happened for a while.

Coupled with the broken soldiers and the hysterical deserters, the two sides were mixed together, unable to advance or retreat, just crowded in place like that.

This is a good time for those soldiers armed with Dreiser rifles.

(End of this chapter)

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