Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 912 The Shocked Earl of Essex

Chapter 912 The Shocked Earl of Essex
"Shoot, shoot, shoot me quickly!"

Prince Rupert, standing in the middle of the line of defense, shouted frantically.

The soldiers standing beside him hurriedly aimed their Dreiser rifles at the crowd in front of them.

Although there were many of our own people in the crowd in front, the battle had already progressed to such an extent that these soldiers couldn't care less.

Prince Rupert was the first to pull the trigger, and the bullet flew forward with the sound of piercing through the air.

Immediately afterwards, the soldiers on the defensive line pulled the triggers of the Dreiser rifles in their hands.

Gunshots rang out one after another, and the bullets flew forward like a curtain with a whistling sound.

Many of the broken soldiers and the parliamentary army crowded in front fell to the ground in an instant, and these people had bullet holes in their bodies.

Blood flowed from the wounds on their bodies, staining the ground beneath them red.

The smell of gunpowder smoke became stronger in an instant, as did the smell of blood.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunshots kept ringing, and the number of parliamentary troops and routed soldiers who were killed increased.

"Help, help, what is this? Why is it so powerful?"

A soldier of the parliamentary army was hit in the calf by a bullet and fell to the ground in an instant.

The piercing pain kept rushing towards his brain, and the scorching pain kept disturbing him.

He lay on the ground in despair, clutching his legs, and howling incessantly.

The soldiers around him were also shot a lot. If they were lucky, they were killed directly on the ground without any pain.

However, those soldiers who were shot but not hit at the vital point, like this soldier, lay on the ground and wailed in despair.

The surviving soldiers around would not rescue these soldiers just because they were injured. When the other soldiers saw the miserable scene in front of them, they tried their best to escape to the back.

The fleeing soldiers didn't care about the wounded soldiers at their feet, they just cared about running for their lives.

Most of the soldiers who were not seriously injured died at the feet of their own people or the defeated soldiers.

Charles I stood on the city wall, looking at the scene in front of him, his face was full of shock.

Charles I had seen the power of the Dreiser rifle, but had never seen actual combat.

Charles I opened his mouth wide, gasping for breath.

Because of tension, Charles I's body kept shaking.

He held up the binoculars in his hand and broke out in a cold sweat.

"This, this, how is this possible? This weapon has such a powerful force? This is really impossible, it is beyond my imagination, I can't believe that this weapon has such power! No Dare to imagine, dare not imagine."

Charles I's exclamations kept ringing out, and now he kept praising the power of Dreiser's rifle.

"Fire, don't stop, keep firing!"

Prince Rupert put down the Dreiser rifle in his hand, took a copper water jug ​​from the entourage behind him, raised his neck, and poured the water inside into his mouth.

After drinking the water, Prince Rupert wiped his mouth, and shouted loudly at the soldiers beside him: "Continue to attack and shoot, don't stop there, we have plenty of bullets, Don't spare the bullets, and strive to defeat the parliamentary army!"

The battle was still going on, and the defeated soldiers and the parliamentary army on the frontal battlefield fled desperately under the threat of death.

However, under the panic and the large number of people, almost all of these people crowded together and became the ghosts of Prince Rupert and his subordinates.

The smell of blood in the air was even stronger, and there were not many people left on the frontal battlefield.

The Earl of Essex, who was riding on a war horse, held up a binoculars, his body trembling constantly.

His body kept shaking on the horse, and he was about to fall off the horse.

Gunshots rang out non-stop, the Earl of Essex let go of his hand, and the telescope in his hand fell out of his hand and landed on the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Earl of Essex also fell off his horse.

"What's going on? What's going on? What's going on? What's going on?"

After the Earl of Essex fell to the ground, he didn't stand up, but sat on the ground blankly, wailing in despair.

The scene in front of me was too tragic. Those parliamentary soldiers who drove the rout were either killed, or they were unable to escape from the shock of those routs who were eager to escape, and they were crowded together with the rout in a daze, and then they were beaten to death.

The Earl of Essex really couldn't believe why there was such a fierce weapon in this world that killed so many people in a short period of time.

"His Royal Highness!!!"

The Earl of Essex's entourage hurriedly jumped off the horse and helped the Earl of Essex who was slumped on the ground to his feet.

"How could it be like this? How could it be like this? Where did this weapon come from? Why is it so powerful?"

The Earl of Essex looked at the battlefield in front of him in despair, screaming loudly.

Although the Earl of Essex had seen the scene of the end of the war with Chris before, but that kind of scene was after the war, so there is no shock from seeing it with his own eyes now.

"With such a weapon in the hands of His Royal Highness, the parliamentary army wants to overthrow the rule of His Royal Highness, it is simply a dream."

The Earl of Essex looked ashamed, and now he no longer had the confidence he had before.Now he still regrets very much, regretting why he attacked Charles I without knowing the real strength.

"Let them withdraw, if they don't withdraw, I'm afraid all of our people will die here." The Earl of Essex said weakly, pointing at the battlefield ahead, his face pale.

In fact, even if the Earl of Essex did not issue this order, the soldiers of the Parliamentary Army would withdraw.

It's really impossible not to evacuate. The density of firepower is simply not something they can bear.

"Hahaha, vulnerable, vulnerable, really vulnerable!"

Standing on the wall of Windsor Castle, Charles I handed the binoculars to the guard standing behind him, and laughed excitedly.

If it weren't for maintaining his majesty, Charles I would even want to dance.

"Catch up with me, if you want to leave, it's not that easy!"

Prince Rupert wiped the sweat off his face, and rushed forward with the Dreiser rifle in his hand. The entourage and soldiers beside Prince Rupert followed Prince Rupert and moved forward chase after.

While chasing after them, these soldiers screamed non-stop.

The shouts of killing frightened the fleeing soldiers and the parliamentary army even more.

The battlefield was completely chaotic, with fleeing soldiers and parliamentary troops everywhere.

The thousand soldiers in the hands of Charles I were trained by He Donglang and the others. Whether it is cooperation or other aspects, they are far ahead of the shit-stirring stick. Now under the leadership of Prince Rupert, these people are like Like a shark smelling blood, it rushed forward desperately.

Greater chaos ensued among the crowd, and a stampede inevitably occurred.

In a short period of time, many soldiers of the parliamentary army were trampled to death by their own people or broken soldiers.

These people don't care if there are people on the ground, as long as they can escape, even if there are people on the ground, so what?

The sun began to set to the west, and the battlefield outside Windsor Castle gradually returned to calm. There were not many soldiers chasing or fleeing on the battlefield. A breeze blew, and the bloody smell in the air dissipated a lot.

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang stood at the gate of the camp, looking in the direction of the city of London with relaxed expressions.

"It should stop now. The gunshots just now lasted a long time. It is estimated that the parliamentary army and the others were killed a lot!" He Donglang said.

Wang Dongliang, who was standing beside He Donglang, also said with a relaxed expression: "It is estimated that the current parliamentary army has become a frightened bird, maybe they are hiding somewhere to lick their wounds now!"

"Does it need to be said? This is for sure. I dare not say anything else. I am still very confident about the Dreiser rifle.

The best weapon used by the parliamentary army was the arquebus, but in front of the Dreiser rifle, the arquebus was just a fire stick! "

He Donglang turned sideways and said contemptuously.

"I guess it won't be long before the parliamentary army will come to us, so be prepared!" He Donglang let out a long breath, and his mood improved a lot in an instant.

The sun began to sink into the horizon, and darkness enveloped the world.

The parliamentary army fled the city of London at once like frightened birds.

Although Prince Rupert only had a thousand soldiers in his hands, these thousand soldiers, like a hundred thousand soldiers, chased after the parliamentary army and couldn't hold their heads up.

On the way to flee for their lives, the soldiers of the parliamentary army were like a mob, and nearly half of them didn't know where they went.

The number of soldiers in the parliamentary army is shrinking sharply. The Earl of Essex does not want to see such a scene, but there is nothing he can do. After all, there are many soldiers in the parliamentary army. They used to be just ordinary and honest migrant workers. .

After the sky completely darkened, Prince Rupert also stopped pursuing.

It's not that Prince Rupert doesn't want to pursue the victory, it's just that Charles I issued an order not to allow Prince Rupert to pursue.

Although Prince Rupert was dissatisfied with the order issued by Charles I, there was nothing he could do.

Finally, Prince Rupert led the thousand soldiers back around Windsor Castle.

When Prince Rupert returned to Windsor Castle, Charles I had already stood in front of Windsor Castle, waiting quietly.

Charles I stood on the periphery of the moat. He looked ahead with an anxious expression on his face, and kept walking back and forth in place.

At this time, around Windsor Castle, there were less than fifty soldiers using Dreiser rifles, which was why Charles I was so anxious for Prince Rupert to return.

The sound of footsteps reached Charles I's ears, and Charles I hurriedly raised his head and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

He saw the high-willed army trotting towards this side.

The distance between the two sides was constantly shortening, and Charles I saw Prince Rupert walking at the forefront of the procession.

Seeing this, Charles I finally breathed a sigh of relief, letting go of all the worries in his heart.

Charles I walked quickly towards Prince Rupert, and now Charles I couldn't wait any longer.

"Uncle, Dasheng, Dasheng, Dasheng I've never seen before!"

Prince Rupert also ran quickly towards Charles I, shouting loudly while running.

Prince Rupert has fought wars for so many years, but he has never fought such a hearty war.

This is not a war, this is simply a one-sided massacre.

This kind of unilateral massacre completely aroused the passions in Prince Rupert's heart.

"Hahaha, good, haha, good. Good, good, really good!"

Charles I held Prince Rupert's hands, looked up and laughed.

Obviously, Charles I could no longer suppress his inner excitement.

"Go in quickly, go in and tell me in detail what is going on in today's battle, and tell me the details of the battle!" Charles I took Prince Rupert's hands and ran towards the inside.

Not long after, Charles I brought Prince Rupert to the office.

Charles I sat on the main seat in the office, looked at Prince Rupert standing in front of him, and hurriedly said again: "Hurry up and tell me the details of the battle."

Prince Rupert didn't hesitate either, he cleared his throat and started talking.

Prince Rupert told Charles I the details of the battle. Charles I listened to Prince Rupert's voice, plus the scene he saw standing on the city wall today, as if he personally directed the battle. Like a war.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

Charles I slapped his thighs loudly, not afraid of pain at all.

"Hehe, those damn things in the parliament are still trying to fight against me. They really don't know what to do." Charles I sneered twice.

At this time, Thomas, who was cleaning the battlefield, also returned to the office.

Standing in front of Charles I, Thomas couldn't suppress his inner excitement, and said to Charles I: "His Royal Highness, the total number of parliamentary troops killed today is about 8000, and among the parliamentary soldiers killed, there are A considerable part of them are the elite of the parliamentary army. We have won this battle.

This is a victory we have never had before. This time, the prestige of the parliament has finally been completely stepped into the dust. Let's see if they dare to die or not! "

The excitement on Thomas' face never faded from beginning to end.

However, as he spoke, his expression suddenly became serious.

Charles I looked at Thomas, and asked with a puzzled look: "The war has already been won, why do you still have a sad face?"

"His Royal Highness, the thing is like this. When I was cleaning the battlefield, I found many corpses of our army soldiers. During the battle today, these soldiers were driven by the parliamentary army to attack the defense line..."

Thomas stopped here, didn't speak any more, but looked at Charles I quietly.

Charles I instantly understood what Thomas meant by these words.

"Tell me directly, how many soldiers did we die?" Charles I looked at Thomas.

"Back to His Royal Highness, there were almost 3000 people, and the bodies that were cleaned up were about 3000.

This is only around Windsor Castle. If other places are included, the number of dead soldiers will probably be even greater!

Your Royal Highness, shouldn't it be time to consider the aftermath? ’ Thomas looked at Charles I.

Prince Rupert looked at Thomas with an expression of indifference, "Aftermath? What aftermath? The war is not over yet, why are you in such a hurry? Let's talk about it after the war is completely over!"

(End of this chapter)

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