Chapter 913 What should I do now?
Before Charles I could speak, Prince Rupert said, "The aftermath? What is the aftermath now? The war is not over yet, so what is the aftermath?
Moreover, our top priority should be to completely defeat the parliamentary army, arrest all those people in the parliament, and deal with the aftermath after all those people in the parliament are dealt with! "

Prince Rupert didn't pay attention to these routs at all. Now that Prince Rupert is only thinking about solving the parliamentary army, how can he care about these routs?
"However, the number of soldiers in our hands is running out. If we don't deal with the aftermath at this time, then we may not be able to recruit soldiers in the future!"

Thomas said to Prince Rupert with a worried expression.

"Ha ha!"

Charles I suddenly sneered. He looked at Thomas standing in front of him and said, "Hehe, it's not easy to conscript? It's just a group of untouchables. If they don't want to come, they force them to come. Can they still decide the matter? Let's talk , Now that I have those thousand soldiers in my hand, am I still afraid of these untouchables?
Our current affairs still focus on the parliamentary army, completely defeat the parliamentary army, and make plans after disbanding the parliament! "

Charles I was not a philanthropist. They only valued their own interests, and they didn't care about the lives of ordinary people at all.

After Charles I saw the powerful power of those thousand soldiers, he became less and less dependent on ordinary soldiers, and could even ignore those ordinary soldiers.

It was not the first day for Thomas to know Charles I, and what Charles I said did not exceed Thomas' expectations.

"In this case, let's defeat the parliamentary army first!" Thomas said.

It didn't take long for those confidantes of Charles I to come to Charles I's office.

The victory in today's battle was perfect, and this was the most elated one Charles I had seen in so many years.

The laughter in the office sounded one after another, especially the laughter of Charles I, which was even louder.

"Who can tell me? What's going on here? What's going on here?"

Unlike Charles I's office, the Earl of Essex's big tent was gloomy. Everyone buried their heads low. Except for the Earl of Essex who had questioned him, there was almost no one there. say.

After the defeat of the parliamentary army, the Earl of Essex led the parliamentary army to escape from the city of London non-stop, and fled towards the distance.

Along the way, the Earl of Essex didn't dare to stop at all, for fear of being overtaken by Prince Rupert.

While fleeing for his life, the Earl of Essex gradually stopped his soldiers when he saw that there were no more pursuers behind him.

Although today's battle was a miserable defeat, fortunately, some of the soldiers of the parliamentary army were not dispersed, and many remained.

The number of these soldiers left is really not many, but it is better than nothing.

Having arranged the army, the Earl of Essex assembled all the officers.

In the past, if all the officers in the general were gathered together, the big tent would be swollen by these officers, but now, the surviving officers have no way to fill the big tent.

In the big tent, almost all the officers in the army buried their heads low, and no one dared to speak.

The atmosphere in the big tent was extremely depressed, and almost everyone's faces were gloomy.

"Who can tell me what is going on? How did things become like this? Why is the situation we have different from the real situation of His Royal Highness? Who can tell me?"

The countenance of the Earl of Essex is very cold. In today's battle, the Earl of Essex lost an unknown number of people. These people who lost are the vital forces of the parliamentary army. Now that these people are lost, the parliamentary army is instantly disabled. .

Cromwell looked at the Earl of Essex and wanted to speak several times, but he stopped abruptly.

The Earl of Essex saw that Cromwell hesitated to speak, and he said to Cromwell, "If you have anything to say, just say it."

When the Earl of Essex looked at Cromwell, the coldness on his face did not disappear.

In fact, the Earl of Essex still had some resentment against Cromwell in his heart. After all, the Earl of Essex heard the news about the thousand soldiers in the hands of Charles I from Cromwell.

In the Earl of Essex's view, the failure of this war was inseparable from Cromwell.

Cromwell thought for a while, organized his language, and began to speak: "I personally think that the failure of this war is because we mistakenly underestimated the number of soldiers in the hands of His Royal Highness.

What's more, the plans we made before have serious loopholes.Perhaps, we should not directly attack the city of London. If we avoid the city of London and attack other places, maybe it will have a great effect! "

During this battle, Cromwell's soldiers also lost a lot. At this time, he has completely changed, and he is no longer as vigorous as before.

The Earl of Essex stared at Cromwell with a gloomy face, "Hehe, what's the use of saying these words now, what did you do long ago? If you hadn't miscalculated the number of soldiers in the hands of His Royal Highness, how could we Will it fall to this point?"

Cromwell's pupils shrank, and he opened his mouth several times to refute, but he didn't say it out. After all, this matter really has something to do with him.

"What should we do now? We hid today, what about tomorrow? If the soldiers under His Royal Highness chase us tomorrow, what should we do then?
We were no match for these soldiers when our strength was full, let alone now.If His Royal Highness's soldiers come after us, shall we raise our hands and surrender? "

The Earl of Essex kept slapping the table in front of him, yelling anxiously.

Before the Earl of Essex was a table with a map of London on it.

Cromwell and the others stood around the table, and the sound of the Earl of Essex slapping the table made these people shrink back in fright.

The big tent was still silent, no one spoke.

These people in the big tent don't know what to do at all. Where have they fought such a battle?

"Who can tell me, what should we do? Who can tell me, what should we do?"

The Earl of Essex walked back and forth in the big tent with his hands behind his back.

His face was covered with sweat, and because of his anxiety and panic, the Earl of Essex kept sweating coldly.

Cromwell frowned, he kept rubbing his brows, trying to come up with a countermeasure.

Suddenly, he remembered one thing.

When Cromwell was returning to his hometown before, he met the men sent by He Donglang on the way.

At that time, He Donglang extended an olive branch to Cromwell, but Cromwell did not accept it and rejected He Donglang.

"Maybe, maybe, maybe, they can change the current situation!"

Cromwell's eyes gradually lit up, and he said softly to the back of the Earl of Essex: "I have thought of a way, which may get rid of our current situation, and maybe we can counterattack back!"

Just as Cromwell said this, everyone in the tent looked at him. The Earl of Essex suddenly turned around and asked in amazement: "Do you really have a way? Do you really have a way?" A way to get out of our current situation? You can even counterattack back, don’t lie!”

The Earl of Essex actually didn't believe that Cromwell could come up with a good solution at this time.

Things have developed to this point, the parliamentary army has lost so many soldiers, even if soldiers are recruited at this time, the training cannot keep up.

Moreover, the parliamentary army has been completely frightened by Charles I. Even if so many soldiers are recruited, I am afraid that it will be a disastrous defeat when facing Charles I's army.

"My method may be dangerous, and I don't know the success rate of my method, but if it succeeds, we will be able to stand on the same level as His Royal Highness, and we will no longer be threatened by His Royal Highness!" Ke Renwell said with a serious face.

"When are you still talking like this? What is your solution? Say it quickly. As long as this method is useful, as long as there is a possibility of success, no matter how small the possibility is, we must try it, otherwise, We can only wait to die!"

The Earl of Essex yelled at Cromwell with a dissatisfied face, like the last straw in the hands of a drowning man, the Earl of Essex could no longer control his mentality .

"We can go to those Orientals on the port, maybe it will work wonders!"

As soon as Cromwell said this, the expectant eyes of those in the big tent instantly turned into frustration.

"Isn't this nonsense? Can this work?"

"Yeah, how could this be possible?

Everyone knows that the orientals on the port are with His Royal Highness, and now they go to the port, aren't they going to die? "

All of a sudden, these people in the big tent started talking a lot. These people were basically not optimistic about Cromwell's method, and they sneered at Cromwell.

The Earl of Essex wanted to yell at him, but after thinking about it again, Cromwell's character is not so frivolous, he can't do something he is not sure of, although this failure has a lot to do with Cromwell. Great relationship, but this does not mean that Cromwell is a boastful person.

The Earl of Essex held back the anger in his heart. He looked at Cromwell, "Why do you have this idea? Why do you think we can cooperate with those Easterners?"

"It's like this, if I'm not sure, I won't say this method!
Earlier, when I left the City of London..."

Cromwell told the story of He Donglang sending someone to find him.

The eyes of these people in the big tent gradually changed from dissatisfaction to surprise when they looked at Cromwell.

The Earl of Essex had the most significant change. He came to Cromwell inconceivably, "Is what you said true? You didn't deceive me? This matter is really important to our parliament. I want you to be honest with me."

"Of course, of course what I said is true. How could I joke about this kind of thing? If it wasn't for this reason, how could I say that our parliamentary army can change the current situation?" Cromwell's face gradually changed. I calmed down, not as worried and panicked as before.

"Well, I will leave this matter to you, and you will be fully responsible for this matter!" The Earl of Essex waved his hand and handed this matter over to Cromwell.

"Okay, don't stand here anymore, you should deal with this matter quickly, and you must deal with this matter seriously for me in the shortest possible time!"

The Earl of Essex couldn't wait any longer.

Cromwell didn't stop either, he turned and left the big tent.

After returning to his residence, Cromwell took a dozen musketeer guards with him, then drove a carriage and disappeared into the night.

In fact, Cromwell himself didn't know that this matter would definitely succeed, but this was already the last resort of the parliamentary army. In order for the parliament to survive, Cromwell had to make a trip himself.

Because he didn't know whether there were still soldiers in the hands of Charles I in the city of London, Cromwell didn't dare to leave the city of London. He could only circle the periphery of the city of London and quietly head towards the port.

In this way, Cromwell wasted a long time, and when he came to the port, it was already dawn.

Originally, there were parliamentary army soldiers monitoring He Donglang near the port. With the defeat of the parliamentary army, those soldiers monitoring He Donglang also escaped from the city of London long ago.

As soon as Cromwell's carriage appeared around the camp, it was discovered by He Donglang on the dark hill outside.

After discovering Cromwell, these dark posts hurriedly stopped Cromwell, and at the same time reported the matter hurriedly.

At this time, He Donglang had already woken up. He was sitting in his barracks, drinking a cup of hot tea leisurely.

He Donglang seemed to have expected that Cromwell would come to find him.

"My lord, someone from Parliament has come, and he said his name is Cromwell."

A dark hill appeared at the door of He Donglang's barracks and shouted at He Donglang.

"Sure enough, it's really here!" He Donglang stood up, walked out of the room, and said to the secret hillock, "Let him come in, only he can come in by himself, as for the others, I will stay here." Outside."

He Donglang didn't want to make things difficult for Cromwell by not letting him in. Besides, even if he made things difficult for Cromwell, it wasn't like this.

This is not the East, the people here are straight-hearted, and there are not so many twists and turns in their hearts.

If He Donglang shuts Cromwell out, then Cromwell may choose to leave because He Donglang will not help the parliament. If this is the case, then He Donglang's plan will come to naught .

Not long after, Cromwell came to He Donglang's barracks.

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang sat on the main and second seats of the barracks, and Cromwell stood in front of them.

"I think, you should know why I came here!" Cromwell didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point. "Presumably you already know the outcome of the war, so I won't talk nonsense, I hope to get your help!"

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang did not speak, but looked at Cromwell quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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