Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 914 What kind of weapon is this, and why is it so powerful?

Chapter 914 What kind of weapon is this, and why is it so powerful?

He Donglang and Wang Dongliang sat there quietly, looking at Cromwell standing in front of them.

To be honest, this is the first time He Donglang has seen such an attitude when asking for help. If such an attitude were placed in the mainland, he would have been kicked out a long time ago.

"What are you talking about? What are you talking about? Why can't I understand what you said?" He Donglang said calmly.

"Don't understand? I think you should stop joking. You have been here for so long, and you can also speak our words. How could you not understand?
How can you speak our language if you don't understand it? "Cromwell said as if he didn't understand the situation, and he still went his own way.

Of course He Donglang could understand what Cromwell said, but He Donglang was somewhat dissatisfied with Cromwell's attitude.

Cromwell's attitude is really not the attitude of asking for help, this kind of attitude really makes He Donglang a little unbearable.

He Donglang suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and said: "I really don't understand what you are talking about. Do you want us to help you? But why should I help you? What can helping you bring to me? Benefits? Why should I help you?"

As soon as He Donglang said this, Cromwell stayed where he was, not knowing what to say.

"Didn't you send someone to look for me at the time? I rejected you at that time, but now I can accept your help!" Cromwell looked at He Donglang in disbelief like a naive child.

He Donglang laughed out loud as if he had heard some funny joke, "Haha, what kind of joke are you talking about? When will I send someone to help you? Why should I help you? What are you? , why should I help you?"

Of course Cromwell is not an idiot, of course he knows that these words cannot be said at this time and this place.

The main purpose of Cromwell doing this is to test He Donglang's attitude.

"Didn't you send someone to look for it at the time? Why don't you admit it now?" Cromwell's face darkened.

He Donglang said with a look of disdain: "Why didn't I know about this matter? Who can prove that I did this matter? You shouldn't be making up a lie because you want us to help you, right?"

Cromwell's chest was heaving with anger at He Donglang's words. Cromwell had never been teased like this in all these years.

Soon, Cromwell stabilized his mentality.

At the same time, he also tested He Donglang's attitude.

From Cromwell's point of view, his attitude just now was abnormally bad. If it were someone else, he might have been kicked out by now.

However, now I still stand here quietly.

Although He Donglang's attitude is not very good, but he can still stand here, which can explain many problems.

"It is estimated that these people have not given up the idea of ​​helping us!"

Cromwell said: "Since this is the case, let's not talk about it. I came here this time to ask you to help the parliament. As long as you can help the parliament, when we get through this difficulty, we will definitely Thank you all so much!"

He Donglang sat there quietly, smiling without saying a word.

Wang Dongliang's reaction was similar to that of He Donglang, who also smiled without saying a word.

"I don't know what you two are laughing at?" Cromwell asked with a gloomy face.

"What are we laughing at? Do you care what we are laughing at? What are we laughing at, and do we need to explain it to you?"

He Donglang put away his smile, spoke in a bad tone, and stared at Cromwell with a gloomy expression.

Cromwell fell silent immediately after what He Donglang said, and his eyes were full of anger when he looked at He Donglang.

Cromwell wanted to reprimand He Donglang very much, but reason told him that he could not do so.

If He Donglang is reprimanded, if He Donglang drives him out, then the council will die without a place to die.

However, if He Donglang is allowed to lead the way, then Cromwell will completely lose the right to speak with He Donglang, no matter what, he has no way to make decisions.

This is not what Cromwell wants to see, which is why Cromwell had such an attitude when he came in.

"The parliamentary army needs your help. I hope you can help the parliamentary army. As long as you can help the parliamentary army, we will do our best to help you in the future." Cromwell looked at He Donglang sincerely, hoping that He Donglang Donglang can help.

Of course He Donglang will help the parliamentary army, but it is impossible to help the parliament so simply.

If it is too easy to help, the council will be a little clueless.

"Are you kidding me? Parliament help me? Do you think we'll need your council's help? Do you think we're going to be bullied here? Huh!"

He Donglang laughed contemptuously, and Wang Dongliang also laughed.

"Haha, I've seen stupid ones, but I haven't seen you so stupid, why are you so stupid? Why should we help your parliament?

If Charles I completely defeats your parliament, it will probably give us a lot of things.I don't know, what can your council give us? "Wang Dongliang stood up, came to Cromwell's side, and looked at Cromwell with extremely contemptuous eyes.

Cromwell blushed and wanted to refute, but couldn't say anything.

"You can't do this. If you do this, it will be your turn after Charles I destroys the parliament. I think you definitely don't want to see such a scene!"

Cromwell tried his best to persuade, hoping that He Donglang could help the parliament.

He Donglang quietly looked at Cromwell who was trying his best to persuade him, without any expression on his face.

After a long time, Cromwell's voice still did not stop.

Finally, He Donglang spoke.

"It's not impossible for me to help your council, but what can I get?" He Donglang looked at Cromwell quietly.

Cromwell was taken aback for a moment, and then he was full of surprises.

"Is it true? Really willing to help the Parliament?"

Cromwell was afraid that He Donglang was lying, so he kept asking Cromwell for confirmation.

"Of course, what I said is true. Of course I will help your council, but I don't know what kind of help your council wants?" He Donglang said.

"No matter what kind of help, as long as you can beat Charles I!" Cromwell said hastily.

"Hehe, can you beat Charles I? Are you kidding me? If your parliament defeats Charles I, then what will I have left? Don't think so well, don't dream."

He Donglang directly interrupted Cromwell's voice.


Cromwell froze in place, looking at He Donglang in a state of bewilderment.

"Then I don't know how you plan to help our parliament?" Cromwell asked.

"I don't know how to help, but I can provide you with some weapons. I can guarantee that the weapons we provide are no worse than those sold to Charles I, but such weapons are very expensive. I don't know if you can buy them now. I can't support it." He Donglang said while looking at Cromwell, as if to say, do you have the financial resources?
When Cromwell heard what He Donglang said before, he was still very disturbed, for fear that He Donglang would ignore them.

However, when he heard what He Donglang said later, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The weapons of Charles I were bought from these Orientals, so it must be possible!"

"I don't know what kind of weapons you can provide us? What is the use of this weapon? What is the difference between this weapon and the weapon used by Charles I, what is the difference in power, how to use it, and it is difficult to learn It is not difficult, if it is too difficult, it will be difficult for us to get out of the current predicament in a short time!"

Cromwell asked questions again and again, asking out all the doubts in his heart.

"You can rest assured on this point. We can guarantee that the weapons sold to you are all very powerful weapons, and they are very fast to learn. You can learn this kind of weapon without wasting any time. If you study hard , can be learned in less than one night.”

He Donglang patted his chest, swearing in his promise.

Seeing He Donglang like this, Cromwell couldn't help but believe a lot.

The weapon that He Donglang planned to sell to Cromwell was none other than Four Zero Fire.

The Four Zero Fire is powerful, easy to operate, and easy to carry. It is most suitable for dealing with the thousand soldiers in the hands of Charles I.

"I don't know what weapon you plan to sell us? I don't know the price of this weapon?" Cromwell asked suspiciously.

"The weapon I sold to you is much better than the weapon I sold to Charles I. This weapon is powerful, easy to operate, and easy to carry. If you want to see it now, I can let you see it now .”

After He Donglang said that, he walked outside, and Cromwell hurriedly followed behind He Donglang.

After walking out of the barracks, He Donglang came to the training ground of the camp.

It is still very dark now. Although there are several braziers for lighting on the training ground, the light emitted by these braziers is negligible, and there is no way to illuminate the training ground.

"I brought you here just to let you see the weapon I sold to you!" He Donglang looked at Wang Dongliang who was following behind him, "Bring a [-] Fire over here, and I will demonstrate it to him personally. Demo!"

Wang Dongliang hurriedly turned around and ran towards the armory.

When He Donglang came, he carried not only the weapons he used, but also the weapons he sold outside, and the ammunition he carried was also a huge number.

Soon, Wang Dongliang ran over with a [-] fire.

Cromwell's eyes were fixed on the [-] in Wang Dongliang's hand, and the weird appearance made Cromwell's eyes full of confusion.

Although the Four Zero Fire is powerful, its appearance is not deterrent, which is how it looks in Cromwell's eyes.

"This seems to be a wooden stick. Are these Orientals playing tricks on me? What power can this wooden stick have?" Cromwell thought to himself.

He Donglang took over the forty jobs from Wang Dongliang.

He carried the Four Zero Fire on his right shoulder, and then looked at Cromwell standing next to him, "This weapon is called Four Zero Fire, and its power is much greater than those of Charles I's rifles. The effective range of a weapon..."

He Donglang kept explaining to Cromwell everything about Si Zero Fire.

However, Cromwell did not really believe in He Donglang's explanations.

Because what He Donglang said was beyond Cromwell's imagination.

The weapons used by the thousand soldiers in the hands of Charles I have been beyond the imagination of Cromwell, let alone the current Four Zero Fire.

He Donglang saw Cromwell's reaction in his eyes, and he didn't continue to explain, because he knew that some explanations were very weak without strong proof.

He Donglang did not hesitate, and began to prepare for the launch.

After finishing the preparations before the launch, He Donglang said to Cromwell: "Stand aside for a while, I will launch it soon, so as not to hurt you."

Cromwell tactfully hid aside.

The training ground is very large, and there are also targets for [-] fire on the training ground.

He Donglang asked his soldiers to set up several braziers next to the targets of the [-]th fire to illuminate the targets.

After doing all this, He Donglang carried the [-] fire and aimed at the target ahead.


With the sound of a piercing sound, the warhead of the [-] fire pierced the night sky with an orange tail flame.

Cromwell was startled by the sudden sound of breaking through the air, and then he watched a fiery snake passing through the air.

"What is this? Why is there such a big movement?"

Before Cromwell could continue to be surprised, a huge explosion sounded.


The warhead of the Four Zero Fire hit the target accurately, the flames rose, and the explosion sounded. The braziers next to the target were blown up and down, and the flames gradually extinguished.

Cromwell opened his mouth wide, and he stared blankly ahead, his face full of disbelief.

"What kind of weapon is this? Why is it so powerful?"

Cromwell stayed there, and he never imagined that the power of the Four Zero Fire would be so great.

After a dozen breaths, ecstasy appeared on Cromwell's face.

Cromwell immediately thought that if He Donglang sold this weapon to him and the parliament, then with this weapon in hand, he would definitely be able to defeat the soldiers in the hands of Charles I.

Cromwell rubbed his eyes, until now, he still has a feeling of dreaming.

"Yes, this is true, I am not dreaming!"

After repeatedly proving, Cromwell patted his thigh and shouted excitedly.

"I want a hundred of this weapon, no, 1!"

Cromwell ran up to He Donglang and shouted at He Donglang.

He Donglang handed the 1-fire launcher in his hand to Wang Dongliang who was standing next to him, "What are you thinking? I need [-] more, don't say I don't have one, even if I do, can you afford it? Really I don’t know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth!”

The smile froze on Cromwell's face, "What do you mean? Don't you have such weapons?"

"What do you mean? It doesn't mean anything. If we don't have this kind of weapon, how can I show it in front of you?
It's just that I don't have that many weapons now, I'll give you ten at most, there aren't that many anymore! "He Donglang was a little impatient.

Cromwell exclaimed: "What? Only ten? Why are there so few?"

Ten was too few for Cromwell.

Of course, there are more than ten in He Donglang's hands, but He Donglang can't sell all the four fires in his hands to Cromwell, because doing so will break the balance between the parliament and Charles I.

(End of this chapter)

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