Chapter 915 I Buy
"No, you can't do this. If you do this, it will have a great impact on us. We are not the opponent of Charles I at all now. If we are only given such a few weapons, how can we be the opponent of Charles I?"

Cromwell said with a dissatisfied face.

It is impossible for Cromwell not to be greedy for such a powerful weapon.

"Impossible, only ten. I only have so many in my hands. Whether you like it or not, forget it!" He Donglang pointed to the Four Zero Fire in Wang Dongliang's hand, and said to Cromwell with a dissatisfied expression.

Cromwell looked at the [-] fire in Wang Dongliang's hand with a look of embarrassment.

"This kind of weapon is really powerful. If there are many of them, it will definitely defeat His Highness the King in the shortest time. However, if only ten are given, it is too small. At that time, it will definitely not be His Highness the King. opponent.

However, something is better than nothing.It's just that the quantity is too small. What if they also sell such weapons to His Royal Highness?Such things cannot but be guarded against! "

Cromwell's brain was running fast, constantly thinking about the stakes of the matter.

"What's the matter? Have you thought it over? Do you still want it? If you don't want it, forget it!" He Donglang said impatiently.

"Yes, why don't I?" Cromwell nodded hastily, "I'm just not sure if you will sell this weapon to His Royal Highness, I hope you will not sell this weapon to His Royal Highness! "

"Okay, I'll listen to you, I will never sell this weapon to your Highness the King!" He Donglang said.

"Okay, then let's buy ten. How much is this weapon?" Cromwell finally made up his mind.

"Not expensive, one weapon, five hundred gold coins, ten weapons, five thousand gold coins in total!" He Donglang stretched out five fingers, and placed them quietly in front of Cromwell.

After hearing this number, Cromwell's eyes widened, almost scaring him to death, "What? So expensive? Why is it so expensive? It's really too expensive!"

This figure is too exaggerated, and Cromwell was overwhelmed with fright.

Although the West has already started colonial activities, the real rise in national power of the shit-stirring stick will have to wait until the Victorian period. At this time, the colonial activities are only in the early stages, and only the sea coachmen and Francois can make a lot of money on the sea. Machine them.

As for the parliament, a lot of money has already been spent in order to recruit a large number of soldiers and horses. Now asking them to spend so much money is equivalent to drawing salary from the bottom of the pot.

"Hehe, think it's expensive? If you think it's too expensive, don't buy it. If you don't buy it, it's fine!"

He Donglang sneered twice, with contempt on his face.

"Buy, buy, buy, when will I say no?"

Seeing He Donglang like this, Cromwell hastily opened his mouth, fearing that He Donglang would sell them.

"However, we won't be able to spend so much money for a while, can you let us take the weapons back first, and pay the money after a while?"

Cromwell looked at He Donglang anxiously, now Cromwell knew very well what was going on in the parliament.

When fleeing for his life, many things were abandoned by the council, and there were too few things left. He had no idea how much money was in the council.

A meaningful smile rose on He Donglang's face, "You mean you are in debt? You are so courageous that you owe money to me.

Let me tell you, it's okay to owe debts, but you need interest, and I'll give you a cheaper rate, five thousand gold coins, and the annual interest is five hundred gold coins.what do you think? "

"A profiteer, this is a profiteer at all!"

Seeing He Donglang's indifferent expression, Cromwell scolded He Donglang in his heart countless times.

"The interest is really too high. Our parliament may not be able to pay it!" Cromwell looked at He Donglang with an ugly face, hoping that He Donglang could lower the interest. The parliament cannot afford this interest. .

"Can't afford it? Can't afford it, what does that have to do with me?
Let me ask you a question, do you want to buy it?Don't buy it, forget it, if you want to buy it, sign the contract quickly! "

He Donglang said indifferently to Cromwell.

He Donglang knew that the council was now at the point of life and death, as long as this condition was not too unacceptable, the council would accept it.

"The interest of five hundred gold coins a year is really too high, it's even more usury than usury!"

Cromwell couldn't make up his mind for a long time. He was afraid that if he got this weapon, he would not be the opponent of Charles I. Wouldn't the five thousand gold coins be in vain?
Cromwell looked hesitant, and He Donglang saw Cromwell's hesitation in his eyes.

"It seems that you have no intention of buying this weapon from me. It seems that your parliament is not at the point of life and death. It seems that you have other choices. If so, then I will leave. I will not sell this weapon to anyone. you!"

He Donglang walked towards the barracks with Wang Dongliang as he spoke.

Cromwell became anxious instantly, and he rushed up.

"Don't, don't, wait for me, I didn't say no, I didn't say no!" Cromwell yelled at He Donglang's back.

He Donglang stopped, turned sideways, and looked at Cromwell, "Then you mean to buy? To accept our terms?"

"Well, there's nothing I can do if I don't accept it. When things have developed to this point, do I have any other options?"

Cromwell looked helpless, although the price offered by He Donglang was outrageous, but Cromwell had to accept it.

"It's fine to decide not to do it earlier. Why do I waste so much spit! Come on, go sign the treaty with me. The treaty must be signed well, or if you renege on your debts, who can I turn to?"

He Donglang patted Cromwell on the shoulder, and led Cromwell towards the barracks.

In about a quarter of an hour, the treaty was signed.

In He Donglang's barracks, Cromwell walked up and down in a room, fidgeting.

His eyes looked out of the door from time to time, "Why haven't you come yet? Why haven't the weapons been delivered yet? Are you lying to me?"

He Donglang sat quietly on the seat, holding a cup of hot tea, and said leisurely: "What are you anxious about? It's useless to be anxious now. I'll be here soon. Do you think I will miss your things? Don't worry, I won't miss it!"

While speaking, several wooden flatbed carts appeared at the gate of the barracks.

There were three flatbed trucks, one of which contained ten [-] fires, and the remaining two had boxes containing rockets on them.

He Donglang gave Cromwell a very expensive price, but equipped each [-] with five rockets.

Only these five rockets are free, and the rest of the rockets need to be purchased, and the price of each rocket is fifty gold coins.

Cromwell looked at the flatbed truck that appeared outside the barracks, and ran out like flying.

In Cromwell's eyes, this is not a four zero fire, it is clearly the gold coins of three carts.

Looking at the three big cars, Cromwell felt very distressed, but he had no choice but to suffer silently.

He Donglang was standing beside Cromwell, and he could see Cromwell's expression.

"This kind of weapon is absolutely worth the money. You are satisfied with the safekeeping. You can try it after you go back. I just gave you the way and method of firing the weapon. It's very simple. It can be done in just one night. Learn how to use it." He Donglang patted Cromwell on the shoulder and said earnestly.

Cromwell's face was livid, he hated this kind of attitude of being good-looking while taking advantage of it.

"I know that, I won't stay, I'll go back first!"

Cromwell didn't want to stay here for a quarter of an hour, so he walked outside after speaking.

Because only Cromwell entered the barracks, the three carts were pulled out by soldiers sent by He Donglang.

These three carts are pulled by three horses, which were given to He Donglang by Charles I to transport supplies when He Donglang built the camp here.

Charles I gave He Donglang more than 20 horses, not bad for these three.

After the three carriages were pulled out of the camp, Cromwell asked his followers to take over the three carriages and disappeared into the night.

On the way back, Cromwell's heart was bleeding, he didn't know how he should face the Earl of Essex.

Said that there was no way to find it, and brought back a powerful weapon, saying that it had found a way, and spent so much money.

Cromwell wouldn't mind if the money spent was small, but it was too much money, which was a full five thousand gold coins, without interest and shell money.

Although Cromwell does not know how many gold coins are in the parliament now, Cromwell knows that the parliament simply cannot come up with so many gold coins.

"I really don't know whether to cry or laugh!"

Cromwell sat in the carriage with a gloomy face, looking out the window with dull eyes.


The next day, not long after dawn, Cromwell returned to the camp with the three carts.

After returning to the camp, Cromwell discovered that there was only one team waiting for him left in the camp, and the rest had already set off.

Now the camp was nothing but a mess, and Cromwell jumped out of the carriage.

The leader of the remaining team hurried to Cromwell with his men.

"My lord said that when you come back, I will take you to chase him. For safety's sake, my lord has already set off in the early morning!" The leader of the remaining team said to Cromwell.

Cromwell had no objection to the Earl of Essex's decision. He said to the leader of the remaining team: "If that's the case, then hurry up and take us away."

Under Cromwell's urging, the leader of the remaining team set off with Cromwell.

When the time came to noon, Cromwell finally caught up with the Earl of Essex.

At this moment, the Earl of Essex was riding a war horse with a sad expression on his face.

He didn't know whether Cromwell was successful or not. If not, the parliament would have no chance, and he had to be careful about being wiped out by Charles I.

Thinking of the previous battle, the Earl of Essex's legs trembled. He couldn't figure out why there were such terrifying weapons in this world.

"Hey, I don't know when it will be completely safe! Can the parliament really only be dissolved?"

The Earl of Essex looked at the road ahead and sighed in confusion.

"Master Earl, they are back, and they are behind you now!"

A cavalryman appeared next to the Earl of Essex and shouted excitedly at the Earl of Essex.

The Earl of Essex suddenly turned his head, his eyes widened, "What you said is true, they are really back? Have they found a way out of the current predicament?"

The Earl of Essex naturally knew who the soldier was talking about.

"They really came back. As for whether they have found a way to get out of the current predicament, I don't know. They should have found it. I think they are still driving a few big cars!"

The soldier said uncertainly.

When the Earl of Essex heard this, hope surged in his heart.

"Hurry up and let them come to see me!" The Earl of Essex kept urging.

The soldier didn't stop, turned around and rode away.

The Earl of Essex halted his advance, his bodyguard stopped in the clearing, and those soldiers under his command continued to advance.

Before long, Cromwell appeared in front of the Earl of Essex.

Cromwell came over, carrying a [-] on his shoulders.

Looking at Cromwell like this, the Earl of Essex was full of doubts.

"What is this thing you have? How do you carry a stick on your shoulder?
I heard that you brought back several large carts. I wonder if these carts you brought back have anything to do with us, and can they help us get out of our current predicament? ’ said the Earl of Essex in great urgency.

"Of course the things I brought back can help us get out of our current predicament, and the thing I'm holding in my hand is exactly what I brought back!"

Cromwell put the [-] fire in his hand on the ground.

The Earl of Essex, who had already jumped off his horse, squatted down and carefully looked at the Four Zero Fire on the ground.

The Earl of Essex had never seen such a thing before. He squinted his eyes and looked over and over again, but he really couldn't figure out what it was. In his opinion, it was just a thicker and smoother stick.

The Earl of Essex looked in disbelief. He pointed to the [-] fire in front of him, looked at Cromwell, and asked in surprise: "This is what you brought back? Can this help us get out of our current predicament? You Could it be that you are lying to me?"

The Earl of Essex did not believe at all that this little stick in front of him could get rid of their predicament.

Cromwell knew that it would be difficult for the Earl of Essex to believe it if he did not let the Earl of Essex see the power of the fire, so he picked up the [-] fire again.

There is a forest next to the Earl of Essex, the forest is not big, about 300 meters away from the Earl of Essex.

In the periphery of the forest, because of the sufficient light, the trees grow thicker.

Cromwell aimed at the largest tree on the outskirts.

"Your Excellency, this weapon is called Four Zero Fire. I don't know why it has such a strange name, but this weapon is powerful, countless times stronger than the weapon in the king's hands. Now I will show you a demonstration! "

Cromwell didn't talk nonsense, and aimed at the big tree according to what Hedong Lang taught him.

After taking aim, Cromwell pulled the trigger.

In the dumbfounded expression of the Earl of Essex, the rocket flew forward with an orange tail flame.

(End of this chapter)

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