Chapter 916 Louis XIII's Worries

Under the dumbfounded eyes of the Earl of Essex, the rocket flew towards the big tree in front with a whistling sound.

The moment the rocket hit the tree, the rocket exploded instantly.

The big tree was blown off in the middle, wooden wedges flew across, and the flames rose.

"This, this, this, why is it like this? What kind of weapon is this, and how can it be so powerful?" The Earl of Essex looked at the scene after the explosion with disbelief.

The Earl of Essex had never seen anything like it, never had he seen such a powerful weapon.

He kept rubbing his eyes, "I'm not dreaming, am I? How could it be like this?"

The Earl of Essex couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He pointed to the flames that had not been extinguished and asked, "What kind of weapon is this? Why is it so powerful? Where did this weapon come from? How many of these do you have in your hand?" arms."

Cromwell's expression was not as excited as that of the Earl of Essex.

"As I said just now, this weapon is called Four Zero Fire, and I got it from those Easterners. This weapon is very powerful. I only have ten in my hand now, and there are no more!" Cromway Er said slowly, with a look of dullness on his face.

The Earl of Essex keenly noticed the dullness on Cromwell's face. He said to Cromwell: "Only ten? Although the number is not many, it is better than nothing. Why do you have such an expression? "

"Your Excellency, this weapon is powerful, but it comes at a price. Each of these weapons costs [-] gold coins, and these ten add up to almost [-] gold coins in total. This is not counting ammunition, if Adding ammunition is a very scary number.

Our parliament is now like this, how can there be so much money! "

"What? What did you say? You said how much gold coins are for this weapon? Did I hear you right? Or are you lying to me?"

The Earl of Essex jumped up directly. He looked at Cromwell with an exaggerated expression, and asked in shock.

"This weapon is so expensive, there is nothing I can do about it!"

Cromwell spread his hands and said helplessly, "The parliament can't afford so much money now, so these weapons are in debt now, and they have to pay interest of [-] gold coins every year!"


The Earl of Essex slapped his thigh and jumped up again.

"What? There is an interest of five hundred gold coins every year? Are you kidding me? How can this be so expensive? Even if the council is sold now, it won't be able to make so much money.

What's more, I have to support so many troops. If I give them all the money, how can I support so many troops? "

The Earl of Essex knew that a powerful weapon must not be cheap, but he did not expect it to be so expensive, it was too expensive, too expensive to bear.

The Earl of Essex stared blankly at Cromwell, and wanted to yell and curse several times, but the Earl of Essex opened his mouth several times and was really speechless.

Things have developed to this point, even if Cromwell is killed, it will not help, let alone scold him.

Besides, with these weapons in hand now, maybe they can survive.

It's just that the price is really high.

"This is selling our parliament to them, profiteers, damn profiteers, these Orientals are all profiteers, profiteers one by one!!!"

The Earl of Essex gritted his teeth and kept cursing.

"What shall we do now?" asked Cromwell.

"What else can I do? Of course I have to swallow this bad breath!" The Earl of Essex walked up to Cromwell and took the [-] from Cromwell's hand.

He imitated Cromwell's method just now and carried it on his shoulders.

"Teach me how to use this weapon!" The Earl of Essex said coldly.

"This weapon is very simple, and it won't take long to learn it!" Cromwell began to teach the Earl of Essex.

It didn't take long for the Earl of Essex to master all the skills of using the Four Zero Fire.

The Earl of Essex shouldered the fired [-] fire family, and he said to Cromwell standing next to him: "Give me a shot, I want to try!"

However, Cromwell did not move. He stood there blankly, looking at the Earl of Essex quietly.

"Hurry up, what are you still doing here?"

Seeing that Cromwell did not move, the Earl of Essex hurriedly urged.

"Your Excellency, [-] fires per shell, [-] gold coins!" Cromwell stretched out five fingers and waved them in front of the Earl of Essex.

"What? Why is it so expensive?"

The Earl of Essex cried out again.

"What are these cannonballs made of? They cost fifty gold coins each, which is too expensive!"

The Earl of Essex really did not expect that such a cannonball would cost fifty gold coins.

"Since this shell is so expensive, why did you waste it just now?"

The Earl of Essex looked at Cromwell.

"If I hadn't demonstrated it just now, would His Excellency have believed what I said?" Cromwell said calmly.


The Earl of Essex carried a [-]-fire launcher on his shoulder, and his face was extremely ugly.

After a while, he returned the [-]-fire launcher in his hand to Cromwell.

"Get me all these four zero fires, and prepare to counterattack!"


That afternoon, the Earl of Essex stopped his escape. He drew ten loyal and experienced veterans from the army, and handed over all ten [-]-fire launchers to these ten veterans.

The firing method of the Four Zero Fire is relatively simple. In a short period of time, these ten veterans learned to use the Four Zero Fire.

At this time, the Earl of Essex led the army and headed towards London again.

At noon the next day, the army led by the earl of Essex and the army led by Prince Rupert met fifty miles away from the city of London.

When the enemies met, they were extremely jealous, and the two armies started fighting as soon as they met.

At the beginning, the army led by Prince Rupert pressed against the army of the Earl of Essex.

The army led by Prince Rupert has only more than 200 people, but these 200 people are all soldiers using Dreiser rifles.

Under the attack of more than 200 Dresser rifles, the parliamentary army almost collapsed again. If it weren't for the ten forty firemen who stood up, the parliamentary army would have collapsed completely.

When the parliamentary army began to rout, the Earl of Essex sent out the ten soldiers with [-] fire on their shoulders.

Prince Rupert didn't know that there was such a weapon in the parliamentary army, and he was terrified by the rocket bombs fired by the [-] fire.

The situation was reversed in an instant, and Prince Rupert was caught in a dilemma, neither advancing nor retreating.

If it wasn't for saving shells, the Earl of Essex really wanted to eat all these troops in Prince Rupert's hands at once.

After being deflated and the army panicking, Prince Rupert had no choice but to give an order to retreat.

The Earl of Essex was really relieved when Prince Rupert retreated.

In the following time, more than a dozen battles, large and small, broke out between the parliamentary army and Charles I.

Charles I had the thousand soldiers in his hands, and the Earl of Essex had the ten soldiers with the forty fire on his shoulders.

The two sides reached a certain kind of tacit agreement, and they agreed to leave all the elite in their hands in the camp, and only sent out the traditional soldiers in their own hands.

The reason for this is to save ammunition and power.

But in this way, the two sides fell into endless anxiety.

Neither of the two sides can do anything to the other, and they just keep doing it like this.

Although both sides are doing their best to preserve the elite in their hands, the consumption of those ammunition is inevitable.

The ammunition of the two sides kept decreasing during the war, and when their ammunition ran out, they had to go to He Donglang.

At this time, they finally realized that in this war, He Donglang was the biggest winner.

Although they have seen it clearly, they have nothing to do, they simply cannot stop, both sides have become sworn enemies, even though they know that He Donglang is the biggest beneficiary of the war, they have no way to stop Down.

As time went on, the details of the shit-stirring civil war gradually spread throughout the Western world.

Far away in the Palace of Versailles in Paris, France, Louis XIII was walking slowly in the back garden of the palace.

He put his hands behind his back and frowned slightly, as if he was thinking about something, his steps were very slow, Richelieu followed closely behind him without making any sound.

Before the outbreak of the shit-stirring civil war, Louis XIII had sent a large number of spies to the shit-stirring country.

These spies have brought back all the details of the shit-stirring civil war.

Louis XIII also had a lot of information, but the more he knew, the worse his mood became, the less courageous he was and the more panicked he became.

"If the news reported is true, if there is another war between us and them in the future, I am afraid we will not be their opponents!"

Louis XIII stopped, he looked worried, and looked in the direction of the shit stirrer.

"His Royal Highness, I think their civil war is very ingenious. According to reliable sources, a certain balance has been reached between Charles I and the parliamentary army, and there is no way to break this balance in a short period of time.

There are shadows of orientals behind them, and the weapons they use are all provided by orientals. It is hard to imagine that the current situation of them is not deliberately done by orientals! "

Richelieu, who followed Louis XIII, looked worried. He was very afraid that France would also follow in the footsteps of the crap stick.

Louis XIII turned around, took a deep breath, and said, "I'm very afraid that the Orientals will set their sights on us. If that's the case, my whole life will be ruined."

In Louis XIII's view, if He Donglang and the others hadn't intervened, even if there was no winner in China, it shouldn't be as it is now, and the two sides have been stalemate.

Moreover, once one of the two sides gains an advantage, these advantages will soon be overtaken by the other side, and the two sides will always be in balance, and there is no way to break it.

This is the most terrible, hopeless war, and sooner or later the country will collapse.

Before that, Louis XIII still looked down on the East very much.

In his view, the East is nothing but a backward and ignorant place.

But with the progress of the Civil War, the weapons they used and their various situations were learned by Louis XIII.

When he knew the weapons used by Charles I and the parliamentary army, he was completely stunned. What is even more surprising is that they bought these weapons from the Easterners.

"These Orientals hold great power in their hands, as can be seen from the weapons in their hands.

A weapon that can be sold is never the best weapon.There must be better ones in the hands of these orientals. With the current power in our hands, we are no match for these orientals at all! "

Louis XIII's face was full of sorrow.

In history, Louis XIII was once regarded as the representative of the faint king.

His father was the famous Henry IV, one of only three "great emperors" in French history.

His son was the more famous Sun King Louis XIV - who ruled the French Empire at its height.

Between the extremely glorious father and son, Louis XIII looked so dim.

Louis XIII was a very complicated man, he liked to hunt, but his character was a little weak.

But he was a cold and ruthless person. When someone opposed the cardinal, he waved the butcher knife in his hand.

He disenfranchised his mother when she intended to depose him.

After that, the mother became a lifelong enemy of Louis XIII, and she was still cursing the unfilial son until the last moment of her life.

He has a younger brother who has been rebelling against his elder brother all his life, and he always hopes that his elder brother will return to the West sooner and take over the throne.

He cared about his three younger sisters, but he couldn't get along with the three younger brothers-in-law, and they fought violently.

And one of his brother-in-law is none other than Charles I, the shit-stirring king.All in all, he was a man full of contradictions, but it was such a man that France gradually became a dictatorship in his hands.

Internationally, Louis XIII was regarded as the most powerful monarch in the Western world at that time, but domestic people said that he was the weakest king in French history.

"What should we do now? I'm really afraid that these Orientals will set their next target on us. If this is the case, do we have the ability to resist?"

Louis XIII kept moaning and sighing, obviously, his heart was in a mess.

Richelieu was better than Louis XIII, but not much better.

Richelieu looked at Louis XIII, "Your Majesty, I think we should enlist troops now to prevent accidents. Who knows what these Easterners are thinking?"

"Now, I can only do this!" Louis XIII looked at Richelieu, "I will leave this matter to you, the conscription and all other matters are all handled by you, I believe in your ability! "

Richelieu nodded heavily, and then walked outside.

Richelieu was the most favored courtier of Louis XIII, and Louis XIII would teach Richelieu to do almost everything.

In this way, Richelieu's strength continued to expand in France.

Now French subjects have almost forgotten about Louis XIII.

In addition to France, the entire Western world also knows about the civil war of the shit stirrer.

As time went on, the effects of the shit-stirring civil war continued to mount.

However, the east at this time is very peaceful!

(End of this chapter)

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