Chapter 917

In today's country, the situation is very stable, almost no unexpected things happen, and everything is moving in a good direction.

Under the attack of Zhao Daniu and the others, the southwest land gradually fell into Zhao Wen's hands.

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has now all fallen into the hands of Zhao Wen, because it is still a sparsely populated situation, so Zhao Wen had to temporarily bring these places under military control and establish military towns.

Man Gui also gradually took down the Northwest, and the situation gradually stabilized, and the Northwest was also managed by a military town.

In China today, railways have basically been built to important cities in every province. Although there are still many cities without railways, cement roads have been built.

Except for Qinghai-Tibet, Yunnan-Guizhou and other places with very harsh natural environments, railways have basically been built in the remaining provinces.

During the great development of the country, Zhao Wen disclosed the entire process of cement manufacturing and relied on private forces to produce and manufacture cement. The imperial court only played a regulating role.

Although in this way, the annual income of the imperial court will decrease, but it can increase the production of cement.

In such a short period of time, it is impossible to complete the industrialization of the whole country in such a short period of time, but one thing cannot be ignored, that is, the common people in the country have seen the benefits of industrialization. If someone wants to abolish industrialization now, it will be very big. The resistance of the people will come to the opposite side of the people.

In North Korea, Japan, Luzon, and Java, which were conquered earlier, the younger generation of aborigines have already had a great effect on their Sinicization.

Most of the officials captured by Zhao Wen during the siege were sent here by Zhao Wenfa.

These officials may run a mess, but if you let them demagoguery, they are still very capable.

Zhao Wen stipulated that in these overseas places, no matter who they are, as long as they can speak Chinese well, they will be rewarded.

The rewards are very rich. In addition to food, there will also be rewards of property, and they will even be brought to Zhao Wen to accept Zhao Wen's rewards.

For those people, these are the supreme glory, and the enthusiasm of the people in these places to learn Chinese has increased a lot.

It is indeed not easy for them to learn to write Chinese characters, but it is almost enough to be able to speak Chinese.

In Zhao Wen's territory today, the business atmosphere is already very strong, and the business environment is very good. It can be said that in this era, there is hardly any country that can compare.

Zhao Wen expanded the car factory, and the number of cars produced every day is a very large number.

Although a large number of cars are produced every day, the supply is still in short supply.

The cars produced are basically diesel-burning cars. Although there are already fuel cars, the number is relatively small, and the output of oil is very low, so they are not very popular.

Very early on, some people in the research institute began to refine oil. Now, although the oil refining technology is not as advanced as later generations, it is still very good. At least it can be industrialized.

Due to the limitation of materials and the production of oil, there are not many gasoline-burning cars in Xuan Town.

As for the tanks produced by Zhao Wen, most of them are firewood tanks. After all, there is no need to worry about fuel, and the technology of firewood tanks is already very mature.

As for the fuel tanks, there are not many of them.

Today, there are many arsenals around Xuan Town, and these arsenals can already manufacture 56-punch and 56-and-a-half firearms. Even if Zhao Wen has no warehouses now, the impact will not be great.

The number of people in Xuanzhen City is increasing, making Xuanzhen City extremely crowded.

After all, Xuan Town is a small place. Although it was designed by Zhao Wen himself, its own environment has affected its development.

In order to better play the function of the capital, Zhao Wen had to choose to move the capital to the capital.

This is also the plan that Zhao Wen finalized a long time ago, setting the capital as the capital and Xuanzhen as the accompanying capital.

Jingcheng mainly plays a political function, while Xuanzhen mainly plays an industrial function.

In Zhao Wen's plan, in the future, there will be as few factories in the capital as possible. Except for some essential factories, there will be no other factories if there are no.

Anyway, Xuan Town is not very far from the capital, so there is nothing inappropriate for the factory to be located in Xuan Town.

Now, the only problem is that the population is still somewhat insufficient. Zhao Wen from later generations knows that in the early stages of industrialization, population is the most important resource, especially the population with relatively high technical quality.

However, the labor force in Zhao Wen's hands is slightly insufficient, let alone a skilled and high-quality population.

Under such circumstances, Zhao Wen had to solve this problem by opening more schools.

Zhao Wen opened schools specializing in training skilled workers and schools specializing in training scientific research personnel in the capital cities of various provinces across the country.

Because the current traffic environment is many times better than that of Daming, the enrollment scope of these schools is placed in the whole country.

The teachers in these schools are all transferred from the universities. Over the years, the universities have also cultivated a lot of talents, which can completely satisfy these schools.

The enrollment method of these schools is the same as that of universities, which are carried out through examinations.

At the beginning, the enrollment of these schools was done by the schools themselves. Later, Zhao Wen unified the exams in order to standardize them, and put them on June [-]th and [-]th, which is the same time as the college entrance examinations of later generations, except that one is in the lunar calendar. One is the Gregorian calendar.

The imperial examination has been almost completely abolished, but the method of selecting talents through the imperial examination has not been abolished, but has been inherited in the form of the college entrance examination.

Although these schools in various provinces of the country can also cultivate talents, in the hearts of the people, Huaxia University located in Xuanzhen is the best.

Because this school has the only political science academy in the country, only by being admitted to this school can one enter the officialdom in a serious manner.

The concept of official status has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and there will be no way to get rid of it for a while. This has also led to the fact that Huaxia University's admission score is the highest when filling out the volunteer application every year.

Zhao Wen stood on the wall of the Xuanzhen Imperial Palace, watching the sunset in the sky quietly.

He stretched out his hand, touched the wrinkles in the corners of his eyes, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Before I knew it, I was old!" Zhao Wen's face was full of emotion.

"Your Majesty is at the peak of his age, and he will surely live longer than Nanshan!" Standing behind Zhao Wen, Chen Donglai didn't know what Zhao Wen meant, but he offered a flattery in time.

Zhao Wen chuckled and said, "Maybe you can live a long life and work hard, but if you live a long life than Nanshan, it's really too difficult, and it's beyond the reach of human beings."

Under the setting sun, the street lamps on the streets of Xuanzhen gradually turned on, and people who got off work flooded the streets.

"How is the reconstruction of the capital now?" Zhao Wen said.

After Zhao Wen took the capital, he began to repair the capital. When Zhao Wen decided to move the capital to the capital, Zhao Wen intensified the repairs to the capital.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the palace part of the capital is relatively easy to repair, but after all, the capital is the capital of the former Ming Dynasty, with a large population, and it has been in disrepair for a long time. There is no way to completely repair it in a short time.

The inner city of the capital has been largely repaired, but there are still some deficiencies. As for the outer city, the repairs are really not very good.The construction team of the Ministry of Industry is already short of manpower, they not only need to repair the capital, but even build factories.”

Standing behind Zhao Wen, Chen Donglai quietly talked about the current difficulties.

Zhao Wen listened quietly without speaking.

Zhao Wen knew that what he was facing now was very difficult to solve. After all, it was a problem of population shortage, and it would be difficult to solve it in a short time.

Although Zhao Wen had already issued a policy to encourage childbearing a long time ago, it would take at least ten years for this policy to have a significant effect.

Now is not a future generation, and the population is not more than a billion. It is still very difficult to accomplish a large number of things with a small population.

Zhao Wen didn't stay on the city wall for a long time, and walked down to the Imperial Study Room.

Now Zhao Wen goes to bed late almost every night.

It is now June, and there are not a few days left before the college entrance examination.

No matter what time it is, Chinese people attach the most importance to education.

In the entire Xuan Town, almost all the people avoided making arrangements for the past few days. Even if some force majeure happened, the people would try not to make or make as little noise as possible.

As the college entrance examination approached day by day, a tense atmosphere kept floating in the sky above Xuanzhen.

The inns in Xuan Town are basically full. The reason for this is because Xuan Town has a test center for the college entrance examination.

Because the number of students today is still very small compared to future generations, the students around Xuanzhen are basically concentrated in Xuanzhen.

The college entrance examination took two days, so these students had to find an inn in Xuan Town.

The people around Xuan Town have a relatively high standard of living, so basically they all have the money to stay in the inn.

But if it is placed in the place, the situation is a little different. Even if Zhao Wen took Shanxi earlier, some people still live in poverty. Although their life is much better than before, there is no way Compared with the people in Xuanzhen.

In a small mountain village in Pingyang Prefecture, Shanxi Province, a boy in his early 16s was standing in front of his house with a cloth bag full of patches on his back.

His parents stood in front of him, urging him non-stop.

The teenager is not very old, but the years of hard work make his parents look very old.

"This time going to Taiyuan Mansion to take the exam will cost a lot of money. This is what dad has saved over the years for you to marry a wife. Dad will take it out first today. As for the money for marrying a wife in the future, dad will earn it later!" the young man said. Father took out an old cloth bag from his arms, carefully opened the cloth bag layer by layer, and took out the silver dollars inside.

There are not many silver dollars, only about five, but this is their half-life effort.

"Either His Majesty is sympathetic to us ordinary people, exempted a lot of taxes, and the annual food tax is also very low. There is still a lot left throughout the year, otherwise, I can't save so much money.

In the past few years when you were in high school in Pingyang Prefecture, you spent almost no money from your family. The imperial court will subsidize your tuition fees. As for your food expenses, it will not cost you much money
This is all the court's grace, you must keep it firmly in your heart, and you must repay the court and His Majesty in the future.

Be very careful when you go out.”

Parents' nagging is always so long, the boy stood quietly in front of his father and listened quietly.

"Poor family rich road, when you arrive in Taiyuan Mansion, find a good place to live, don't wrong yourself!"

The father handed over the money to the boy, and the boy took the money and put it in his innermost pocket.

"Today your third uncle is going to visit Pingyang Mansion, and I have already said hello to you in his tricycle."

While talking, a tricycle stopped in front of the house.

The boy recognized at a glance that this was his third uncle.

It's not very far from Binh Duong Mansion, and it doesn't take long to take a tricycle.There is a train from Pingyang to Taiyuan. It is fast and convenient to go to Taiyuan by train.

Today's tricycles are very popular, but most of the common people who make a living from farming still have a hard time buying a tricycle.

After the boy left, his parents picked up the hoe and prepared to go to the field. When they came to the field, the neighbor sat on the ridge of his house and asked with a smile: "My son, your child will definitely pass the exam this year. Definitely a champion!"

The man let out a simple and honest smile, "With your good words, if you pass the exam, I will throw a banquet."

"Well, then I'll have a few drinks. Your child is the pride of our village. From elementary school to high school, his academic performance has been very good." The neighbors sincerely wished.

The boy came to Taiyuan Mansion, this is the first time the boy has traveled so far.

Pingyang Mansion has surprised the young man, but he did not expect Taiyuan Mansion to be even more surprising.

The prosperity of Taiyuan Mansion did not confuse the young man, so he stayed in an inn not far from the examination room.

The prices these days are ridiculously expensive. In order to save money, the boy lived in the woodshed of the inn.

Time passed in the blink of an eye, and the boy returned to his hometown.

Unlike those teenagers who released the pressure, after returning home, the teenagers went to the field to prepare for autumn plowing.

The young man didn't spend much money in Taiyuan Mansion, he brought back the rest of the money and bought some nice clothes for his parents.

His parents didn't complain about his wasting money, they just kept saying that the clothes looked good.

It took about half a month to mark the examination papers. During this time, the young man had been working in the fields.

On June 25th, when the sun had just risen and the weather was still relatively cool, the boy went to the field with his parents on his shoulders.

Although the boy has read such a long book, the boy's movements are still very proficient.

It will be autumn plowing soon, and the land will have to be plowed deeply.

Although they already had professional tools, the family wanted to save some money, so they dug the land themselves.

The sun has risen to the sky, and the hottest time of the day has come.

The boy's family was also preparing to go home. Of course, when they just walked out of the field, the sound of firecrackers came from a distance.

"Tian Er Gouzi's son seems to be getting married these few days. Could it be his family set off the firecrackers?" The boy's father said uncertainly while carrying a hoe.

At this time, someone ran towards the boy.

When someone stopped in front of the boy, the boy saw clearly that this was the eldest son of his neighbor.

"No. [-], No. [-], Shanxi No. [-]!"

(End of this chapter)

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