Chapter 919 Meet Zhao Wen
Although these people in Liang Bin's dormitory are not rich and powerful, their family conditions are many times better than Liang Bin's.

After these people heard about Liang Bin for the first time, they only had admiration for Liang Bin.

A few days before entering the school, Liang Bin's most important thing was to get familiar with the school.

The area of ​​Huaxia University is beyond Liang Bin's imagination, and it is many times larger than his village.

After Liang Bin saw this, he made up his mind that he must study hard in the future.

Today, the president of Huaxia University has been replaced by Zhao Wen.

The previous president of the university was Tang Ruowang. With the continuous expansion of Huaxia University and the emergence of various new technologies, it was not suitable for Tang Ruowang to be the president of Huaxia University, so Zhao Wen changed to a new president.

The new headmaster is a student who studied with Song Yingxing a long time ago. He is very capable and still young.

The headmaster is called Li Cheng, in his thirties, a native of Xuanzhen, Zhao Wen also knows the basics.

Li Cheng's ability is very strong. Since he took over, Huaxia University often has new technologies.

The current Huaxia University's administrative status is very high, it is under the direct management of the Yizhengyuan, and it is on the same level as other departments.

Li Cheng's status is equivalent to that of various ministers. Although the power is not as great as those ministers, there is no difference in status.

After a few days, Liang Bin was almost familiar with Huaxia University.

Although he has never been to many places in the school, Liang Bin has almost touched his college.

The College of Political Science is the most popular college of Huaxia University, but it is the smallest college in terms of area.

Other colleges, in addition to teaching buildings and dormitories, even have facilities such as laboratory buildings.

But the School of Political Science does not have these things.

Zhao Wen attaches great importance to Huaxia University. In Zhao Wen's eyes, Huaxia University is the greatest guarantee of industrialization and an important means for the country to take off.

Therefore, every year after school starts, Zhao Wen will go to Huaxia University in person to speak to the freshmen.

This is already the practice of Huaxia University.

Before the sun rose from the horizon, Liang Bin was already up.

These roommates in his dormitory basically got up as well.

Last night, they slept very late, but now they don't feel any sleepiness, and they are even mentally abnormal.

The reason why they are so energetic is because Zhao Wen is going to speak at the university today.

These students' admiration for Zhao Wen has reached the point of fanaticism, especially for people with relatively low background like Liang Bin.

Without Zhao Wen, how could people like Liang Bin have such a good life now.

Liang Bin and the others quickly finished washing and walked out of the dormitory.

As soon as they walked out of the dormitory, members of the student union arranged for them to go to the playground.

There are more and more students in universities. If teachers are to manage them all, the number of students needed will be a very large number.

In this way, those talents are somewhat wasted.Therefore, Zhao Wen took out the student union system of later generations with mixed reviews.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and it is the same in Huaxia University now.

In Huaxia University, apart from those teachers, the members of these student unions are the most powerful.

Of course, Zhao Wen wouldn't let these students mess around, as long as it was within Zhao Wen's permission, Zhao Wen wouldn't say anything.

Under the arrangement of the student union, Liang Bin and others came to the playground.

The playground of Huaxia University is very large, but even so, it can't accommodate too many people. Therefore, most of the people who come today are freshmen.

At the very front of the playground, there is a huge platform, Zhao Wen's guard of honor has come around the platform.

Zhao Wen's guard of honor was not complicated, except for Zhao Wen's personal guards, there was almost nothing.

Zhao Wen didn't like the feeling of shouting and embracing. That feeling would distance Zhao Wen from the common people, which was really bad for governing.

Liang Bin was lucky. He and his roommate were arranged in front of the crowd, and they could see those people standing on the platform.

It's just that Zhao Wen didn't come now, after all, the venue hasn't been fully arranged yet.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the sun gradually rose into the sky, and the venue was almost arranged.

At this time, surrounded by the school leaders, Zhao Wen came to the high platform.

There is a chair and a table on the high platform, which are Zhao Wen's table and chair.

On the table, there is a microphone, and there is another microphone standing in front of the table.

The principle of something like a speaker is very simple, so it has been popularized a long time ago.

"His Majesty is here!"

As soon as Zhao Wen appeared on the high platform, Zhao Wen's guards shouted in unison.

Liang Bin saw Zhao Wen on the high platform, and his breath was short of excitement.

After hearing the voice of "Your Majesty is here", Liang Bin involuntarily knelt down on the ground.

Liang Bin didn't know these etiquettes very well, but when he was a child, he heard from the old people in the village that when he saw the emperor, he had to kneel down.

Before kneeling down, a member of the student union maintaining order came to Liang Bin.

He whispered to Liang Bin: "Get up, don't kneel. Your Majesty doesn't like kneeling. If you kneel down, His Majesty will probably scold you if you see him!"
Did no one tell you these things when you came here? "

Liang Bin didn't know what to do, so he could only obey the student union's idea and stood up from the ground.

"No one told us these things!" Liang Bin looked innocent, and the roommates around Liang Bin also looked innocent.

"Forget it, let's not talk about these things. Remember, I will kneel to Buxing, and I will not kneel in the future." The student council left a word and walked away.

Liang Bin's gaze was on the high platform again. He looked at Zhao Wen and completely forgot what happened just now.

"The true dragon emperor, this is the true dragon emperor!" Liang Bin sighed repeatedly.

"Hello students!"

Zhao Wen stood in front of the vertical microphone and waved at the students on the playground with a smile on his face.

Zhao Wen's voice was received by the microphone and transmitted through the speakers on both sides of the high platform.

A loud voice rang out, and the students on the playground also yelled at Zhao Wen loudly.

"Hello Your Majesty, Long Live Your Majesty!"

Zhao Wen nodded with a smile on his face, and then sat down.

Li Cheng, the principal of the university, came to the stand-up microphone. He took the speech and read it aloud.

"Since the founding of Huaxia University, there has been a continuous stream of talents, and there are students from our school from all over the court."

Li Cheng's voice was constantly resounding in the playground. The general content of the speech was to talk about Huaxia University's influence on the country and Huaxia University's achievements.

Eloquently, Li Cheng read for almost 30 minutes.

Three or ten minutes later, it was Zhao Wen who spoke.

When it was Zhao Wen's turn to speak, the students became more enthusiastic.

They looked excitedly at Zhao Wen and at their spiritual leader.

Zhao Wen did not prepare a speech, and all the speeches were played randomly.

"Everyone, I'm very happy to see you here. Being here proves that you are all the proud sons of heaven.
The country is ours or yours, but it is still yours after all.You are the hope of the country, what happens to you, what happens to the country
Classmates, don't forget the glory of our ancestors. Our journey has never stopped, and we will keep moving forward with the glory of our ancestors! ! ! "

As soon as Zhao Wen's voice fell, the students applauded enthusiastically.

Applause has been around for a long time, and it is recorded in "Han Feizi Gongming", but few people use it.

Now, because of Zhao Wen, this custom has gradually spread.

The applause lasted for a long time, lasting almost three minutes.

Zhao Wen stretched out his hands and pressed forward, the applause gradually died down.

After speaking, Zhao Wen left and went to the principal's office.

It's not easy for Zhao Wen to come here once. Of course, it's impossible to just talk.Under normal circumstances, Zhao Wen would also inspect the recent teaching situation of the university.

Although Huaxia University submits the teaching situation every year, the data written on paper is not as true as it is from personal experience.

Not long after, Zhao Wen came to the principal's office.

With the application of electricity, Zhao Wen built a ten-story building in the middle of the university.

This building is currently the tallest building in the university, and elevators have been installed inside.

Elevators are not difficult to manufacture for the current Xuanzhen, and they are gradually becoming popular now.

This building is the library of the university as well as the offices of these school leaders.

The principal's office is located on the fourth floor of the building, which is not very high. Zhao Wen took the elevator to the fourth floor.

The day before, Li Chenggong had someone inspect the elevator in detail in order to prevent accidents.

The principal's office is not very big, there is only a desk and a few bookshelves containing various documents.

Zhao Wen was sitting in the office, and Li Cheng stood in front of Zhao Wen respectfully.

"I remember you told me that there is a student named Liang Bin among the freshmen this year?" Zhao Wen suddenly remembered what Li Cheng said before.

Li Cheng nodded and said: "Yes, there is indeed a student named Liang Bin in the school this year. This student is the number one student in Shanxi's college entrance examination. His academic performance is very good, and his background is very low."

Li Cheng told Zhao Wen about Liang Bin's family situation in detail.

"Does Your Majesty want to meet this Liang Bin? If Your Majesty wants to see him, I can bring this Liang Bin here now!"

Li Cheng said to Zhao Wen.

Just as Zhao Wen spoke, Li Chengcheng had already guessed what Zhao Wen was thinking.

"I have also seen the results of the college entrance examination this time. In so many places across the country, only Liang Bin, the No. [-] scholar, came from a poor background. I really want to meet this Liang Bin!"

Zhao Wenrao said with interest.

Although Zhao Wen attaches great importance to basic education and ordinary people in terms of educational resources, even so, few ordinary people are admitted to Huaxia University.

The fact that it is difficult for a poor family to have a noble son is not just a privilege for later generations. Throughout history, it is too common for a poor family to have a noble son.

How can ordinary people's cognition and family situation surpass those of those with good families?
Those who can win a provincial champion in a difficult environment are either those who work extremely hard, or those with extremely flexible minds.

No matter what kind of person they are, to Zhao Wen, they are all talents.

Zhao Wen will definitely focus on cultivating such talents.

"I obey my orders!"

Li Cheng cupped his hands at Zhao Wengong and walked out of the office.

Not long after, Li Cheng came to Liang Bin's bedroom.

At this time, Liang Bin was packing up his things and preparing for class.

"You are Liang Bin, right?"

Li Cheng walked into Liang Bin's bedroom, looked at Liang Bin who was packing up, and said.

Liang Bin recognized Li Cheng at a glance, after all, Li Cheng had spoken just now.

"Master Principal?"

Liang Bin hastily put down the things in his hands, and stood there respectfully.

Liang Bin's roommate also hurriedly saluted.

"Your Majesty wants to see you, come with me!" Li Cheng said to Liang Bin with a smile on his face.

Liang Bin was flattered, he really didn't expect Zhao Wenhui to see him.

Liang Bin's heart began to beat violently. This was caused by being too excited. Liang Bin had never faced such a thing.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up!"

Li Cheng looked at Liang Bin who was still in a daze, and urged him.

Liang Bin took a few deep breaths and said in disbelief, "Is this true? Your Majesty really wants to see me? Isn't it inappropriate for me to go like this?"

In an instant, a feeling of inferiority welled up in Liang Bin's heart.

Humble from the heart, everything can not help others.

Liang Bin was born in a humble family. Since he was a child, his parents taught him not to cause trouble, and for those big people, stay as far away as possible.

Liang Bin is so old, he has hardly seen any big shots.

Now being summoned by Zhao Wen out of the blue, Liang Bin was really worried.

"What is appropriate or not, His Majesty doesn't care about it.

His Majesty is going to see you now, so hurry over there. "

Of course Li Cheng could see Liang Bin's uneasiness, so he tried to persuade him again.

Liang Bin had no choice but to follow behind Li Cheng and walked towards the principal's office.

Along the way, Liang Bin's heart was beating non-stop, and Liang Bin kept breathing heavily to calm himself down.

As the principal's office got closer and closer, Liang Bin's mood became more disturbed, and his face became flushed.

Not long after, Liang Bin was taken outside the principal's office by Li Cheng.

After knocking, the door was opened from the inside.

After Zhao Wen's guards checked Liang Bin, Liang Bin followed Li Cheng into the principal's office.

Liang Bin buried his head very low. From the moment he entered the door, Liang Bin did not dare to look directly at Zhao Wen.

Liang Bin stood quietly behind Li Cheng.

"Your Majesty, this is Liang Bin, a student from Pingyang Prefecture, Shanxi!"

Li Cheng stood in front of Zhao Wen, pointed to Liang Bin standing behind him, and said to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen looked at Liang Bin quietly.

Liang Bin is very tall, and because of years of hard work, his body is very strong.His complexion is very dark, and he looks like the kind who often basks in the sun.

"You are Liang Bin?" Zhao Wen asked softly.

Liang Bin nodded, his tone trembling, and he didn't dare to speak loudly, "Everyone is Liang Bin!"

While Liang Bin was speaking, he was about to kneel on the ground. If Li Cheng, who was standing next to him, hadn't caught him quickly, he might have already knelt down.

"What villain, you are a student of my Huaxia University, just call yourself a student!
Also, I am not happy to kneel down, unless it is a national event such as offering sacrifices, under normal circumstances, there is no need to kneel down! " Zhao Wen said.

Although Liang Bin stood up straight, his legs were still trembling.

He took a deep breath and said respectfully: "Students respect His Majesty's decree, students must keep His Majesty's orders firmly in their hearts!"

(End of this chapter)

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