Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 933 Liu Wenzhong is seriously ill

Chapter 933 Liu Wenzhong is seriously ill

In desperation, Bu He could only agree to their request.

After obtaining Buhe's consent, the two did not stay in Horqin City for too long, and drove a jeep towards the capital that afternoon.

In the past, the two of them would definitely ride horses, but now, they rarely ride horses.

For them, riding a horse is not only bumpy but also a waste of time. Where is the comfort of driving?
Horqin City is not very far from the capital, and after driving for almost two days, the two finally arrived in the capital.

Because some roads are not very good, Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili didn't drive too fast.

After arriving in the capital, the two went straight to the palace.

As two people, although they can't move around in the palace, they can still visit Zhao Wen at any time.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen looked at the two people sitting in front of him, and said in disbelief, "Are you right? Or did I hear wrong? Are you going overseas?"

Wu Keshan said firmly: "Your Majesty, we are not wrong, we have stayed on the grassland for such a long time, it is really boring.

If we stay like this, the bones are probably weak.Anyway, there is nothing to do in the tribe now, it is better to stay in the tribe and go out to fight! ! ! "

"Yes, yes, we are so boring in the tribe. We don't know what to do all day long. It's really uncomfortable to have nothing to do all day!"

Manzhu Xili also spoke.

The current Horqin has long since lost its former ferocity. Under Zhao Wen's various policies, the Horqin tribe is almost being raised and abolished.

If it is other herdsmen, they will be very excited about the current scene.

After all, in today's life, you don't have to worry about not being able to eat enough or sleep well.

But when it comes to people like Wu Keshan, it's a bit boring.

Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili are the sons of Buhe, and they have a lot of herdsmen in their hands.

Even if the two dare not do anything, they don't have to worry about starving to death.

At the beginning, this kind of life really made the two of them enjoy it for a long time.

However, after a long time, it becomes a bit boring.

"You guys are really extraordinary. Who among the normal people would like to fight? I'm bored at home, so I just need to wander around. Why do you have to go overseas to fight?

It is not a good thing to go overseas to fight a war, and you will definitely not be able to come back in a year or so! "

Zhao Wen tried to persuade them with good words, and told the two of the disadvantages of going overseas.

"Your Majesty, we all know what you said.

However, the two of us are still young, and we don't want to retire so early, Your Majesty, please arrange for us to go! "

Manzhu Xili begged.

"Since you are determined to go, then I will not stop you.

Recently, I'm going to send some soldiers and some supplies to the shit-stirring stick. If you want to go there, go this time. Seeing that the two insisted on going, Zhao Wen didn't stop them.

When the two saw that Zhao Wen had agreed to their request, they immediately beamed with joy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili thanked Zhao Wen again and again.

"No thanks in advance, I will tell you what this place is and what you are going to do there."

In the following time, Zhao Wen told the two about the basic situation of the shit stirrer.

Ordinary people would feel worried when they heard that they were going to such a far place, but there was no sign of worry on these two people.

Even the two of them still looked excited, and even looked forward to their early departure.

"You two go to the Military Academy and ask Qi Qingtian to make detailed arrangements for you. When you arrive, tell him that I asked him to arrange for you." Zhao Wen said to the two.

The two saluted Zhao Wen and hurried outside.

Looking at the backs of the two, Zhao Wen couldn't help laughing.

It's not that Zhao Wen doesn't want to see the two of them like this, it's that their reactions and words are a bit funny.

Zhao Wen is not worried about what will happen to the grassland at all now, no matter how much the two of them toss, it is impossible to toss anything.

Therefore, if these two people want to go overseas to fight, Zhao Wen will let them go as long as it comes from the heart.

A few days later, a huge fleet set off from Dengzhou to go to the shit-stirring stick.

A considerable part of this fleet is transport ships, mainly to replenish supplies for Zhao Daniu, Song Hu, and He Donglang.

Wu Keshan and Manzhu Xili stood on the deck of a transport ship. The two of them looked at the boundless sea with excitement on their faces.

This was their first time in a boat, and also their first time at sea.

The two of them kept looking around like curious babies.

Dalian's aircraft carrier shipyard has also begun to build an aircraft carrier, and the first ironclad ship is gradually being completed.

Not far from the shipyard, there is a huge military camp.

This barracks was specially set up by Zhao Wen for the training of ironclad sailors.

Ironclad ships are a high-tech product of this era, and it is simply impossible for ordinary sailors to learn them in a short period of time.

In order for the ironclad ship to be able to start after it was completed, Zhao Wen had already started training soldiers a long time ago.

Not far from this barracks, a barracks larger than this barracks is being built. The barracks under construction are prepared by Zhao Wen for the aircraft carrier.

Time passed day by day, and in the blink of an eye, it came to the tenth year of Qiyuan.

In the past few years, the number of troops in Zhao Wen's hands has increased a lot, and the number of regular troops has reached 25.

Although there are only 25 people, relying on powerful weapons, these 25 people can completely push the entire world.

In addition to the regular army, almost every county has reserve soldiers guarding the place. The number of these reserve soldiers is very large, nearly one million.

Of the 25 regular troops, more than 5 are overseas, while in the interior there are only 20.

These 20 people are distributed around the capital, defending the capital.

The number of iron-clad ships in Zhao Wen's hands has reached twenty, and besides the twenty iron-clad ships, there are also four aircraft carriers.

Each of these three aircraft carriers can carry fifty aircraft.

Some carriers during World War II could even carry more than 90 aircraft, so it is not surprising that these four carriers can carry [-] aircraft.

The composition of the current army has undergone great changes. In addition to the traditional army, the air force and navy have been developed.

The air force now has a total of nearly 300 aircraft, and these [-] aircraft were set up by Zhao Wen into three armies.

Among these aircraft, bombers are the most numerous, followed by transport aircraft. As for fighter jets, there are not many of them.

After all, in this era, except for Zhao Wen, almost no one else has a plane.

As for the navy, it was rebuilt from the previous navy.

The current navy has a total of four main fleets, each of which has an aircraft carrier as its flagship.

In addition to the aircraft carrier, each fleet also has five ironclad ships.

Although the strength of the army has not increased much, the structure is much more complicated, and the previous settings are somewhat out of date.

Zhao Wen set up the commander-in-chief of the three armies, and Zhao Wen personally served as the commander-in-chief of the three armies.

Under Zhao Wen, there are six deputy commanders, each of whom is in charge of a branch of the military.

Except for the army, the population of the whole world has increased several times compared to the early days of the founding of the country.

The larger the population, the faster the development of industrialization.

With the development of industrialization, factories have taken root and sprouted all over the country. With factories, people's lives are getting better and better.

Railways are basically all over the country, even in occupied North Korea.

The railway to Nuergandusi has been fully repaired, and the oil produced by Nuergandusi can be transported to all parts of the country in the shortest time.

Fuel-fueled cars have also begun to run on the road, and fuel-fired locomotives have also appeared on trains.

In terms of education, the college entrance examination system has been thoroughly popularized, and the imperial examination system will never revive again.

In the past few years, Huaxia University's enrollment has continued to expand.

In order to adapt to the situation, Zhao Wen had to split it up.

Zhao Wen split Huaxia University of Science and Technology, Huaxia Medical University, Huaxia Engineering University and Huaxia University of Science and Technology from Huaxia University.

In addition to the split universities, Zhao Wen also established Huaxia Army University, Huaxia Air Force University and Huaxia Naval University.

These universities are located in the capital and are the most desirable universities for students across the country.

Being able to study in these schools basically does not cost a penny, and the imperial court will provide a large amount of subsidies every year.

In addition to higher education, Zhao Wen also consolidated basic education.

He even launched a vigorous literacy campaign, and Zhao Wen even used the literacy rate as the assessment standard for grassroots officials.

Thanks to the efforts of Zhao Wen and grassroots officials, the literacy rate has increased significantly, surpassing any dynasty in history.

Science and education are also developing rapidly, with new knowledge and technologies appearing almost every day.

Although Zhao Wen already knew many of them, being able to figure them out by himself already proved that Zhao Wen's efforts were not in vain.

In terms of people's livelihood, Zhao Wen improved the medical system and welfare system.

Zhao Wen even proposed a policy of free medical care for all. Although it has not been fully implemented now, Zhao Wen believes that it will be realized in a short time.

With the continuous expansion of overseas territory, the imperial court is getting richer and richer, and it will not be long before universal medical care can be realized.

In the process of industrialization, a large number of employment rates can be brought in. As the employment rate rises, the pockets of the people will become more and more sufficient.

A considerable part of the industrial products produced by industrialization are sold overseas.

Although Zhao Wen has not really attacked the West yet, the industrial products produced have already occupied all the markets in the West.

Under the impact of high-quality and cheap industrial products, a large number of simple factories and handicraft practitioners in the West went bankrupt.

This makes the situation in the West more turbulent, and those rulers in the West don't want such a situation, but they have nothing to do.

The days are getting better day by day, and the people are never hungry again.

Zhao Wen's prestige has reached its peak, and everything is developing in a good direction.

Zhao Wen stood on the city wall of the capital, looking at the tall buildings outside the city, with a smile on his face.

Zhao Wen's plan for the capital is to keep the inner city as it is, prohibit high-rise buildings, and build high-rise buildings on the outer layer, but a series of approvals and inspections must be carried out.

"Decades of struggle have finally yielded initial results. Not bad, not bad!" Zhao Wen smiled.

Standing beside Zhao Wen, Zhao Mingyu also said with a smile on his face: "All of this is due to the efforts of my father. Without my father, there would be nothing like this."

While the two were talking, a guard came to Zhao Mingyu with a solemn expression.

Zhao Mingyu looked at the guard and asked why he came.

After asking about the purpose of coming, Zhao Mingyu also came to Zhao Wen with a serious face.

"Father, grandpa is suddenly seriously ill, and I'm afraid he will die!" Zhao Mingyu's voice was low and trembling.

Zhao Wen suddenly looked at Zhao Mingyu, his eyes were full of disbelief.

After a few breaths, Zhao Wen's eyes dimmed.

"Take me to see him!"

Zhao Wen walked down the city wall.

Zhao Mingyu's grandfather is Liu Wenzhong. Earlier, Li Xiaoying recognized Liu Wenzhong as her godfather.

Zhao Wen's face was ugly. Liu Wenzhong has followed Zhao Wen for such a long time, and he has made countless contributions.

Liu Wenzhong is at least half of the credit for the imperial court to be able to look like this.

But time is not forgiving, and Liu Wenzhong is also getting old day by day.

Liu Wenzhong is now in his 70s.

Because he worked too hard in the early years, even with the improvement of the current medical level, there is no way to prolong Liu Wenzhong's life.

Zhao Wen got into the car and went to Liu Wenzhong's home.

A month ago, Liu Wenzhong fell at home without warning and fell unconscious.

After being rushed to the hospital by his family, the doctor conducted a detailed examination of Liu Wenzhong's body.

The results of the inspection were unsatisfactory. Liu Wenzhong was already in a state of exhaustion, and there was no way to cure it.

When he was recuperating in the hospital, Zhao Wen went to visit him.

Zhao Wen had already made preparations for this day to come, but Zhao Wen never thought that this day would come in such a hurry.

Perhaps because of the flashback, Liu Wenzhong's mental state suddenly improved a few days ago.

However, Liu Wenzhong also knew what was going on with him. He was already mentally prepared, and at the same time he left the hospital and returned home.

"Hurry up!"

Zhao Wen sat in the back of the car and kept urging the driver.

Under the condition of ensuring Zhao Wen's safety, the driver accelerated the speed.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of Liu Wenzhong's house.

Zhao Wen got off the car and walked quickly inside.

Liu Wenzhong's son was standing at the gate, and when he saw Zhao Wen coming in, he hurriedly saluted, "Greetings, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Wen waved his hand and said, "How is your father doing now?"

"My father's situation is not optimistic!" Liu Wenzhong's eldest son said with a sad face.

"Don't say anything, take me to see him!"

Liu Wenzhong's eldest son hurriedly led Zhao Wen inside.

After ten or so breaths, Zhao Wen came outside Liu Wenzhong's bedroom.

The outside of the bedroom was full of people kneeling, and they were all descendants of Liu Wenzhong.

Zhao Wen walked past these people and walked into the room.

"Your Majesty is down?"

As soon as Zhao Wen walked in, Liu Wenzhong's old voice sounded.

"I'll come and see you!"

Zhao Wen adjusted his tone to make it look less sad.

"How is it?" Zhao Wen came to the bed and looked at Liu Wenzhong lying on the bed with age spots all over his face.

Liu Wenzhong's eyes brightened a lot, he propped up the bed with both hands, trying to sit up.

Seeing this, Zhao Wen hurriedly stretched out his hand to help Liu Wenzhong up.

"Your Majesty, the ministers failed to welcome His Majesty, and please make amends!" Liu Wenzhong said in a weak voice.

"You and I have been doing it for so many years, what atonement is not atonement!" Zhao Wen sat by the bed and comforted him.

(End of this chapter)

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