Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 932 Building an Aircraft Carrier

Chapter 932 Building an Aircraft Carrier

The construction of ironclad ships is not as simple as manufacturing tanks and aircrafts. Without a certain technical reserve, it is really not easy to build.

At Dalian's shipyard, a large number of workers are busy around the unfinished ironclad ship.

In this era, ironclad warships are the sharp weapon of the country, and the sharp weapon of the country, so the progress will be reported almost every day.

The Dalian Shipyard is under the management of the Ministry of Industry, and the content reported by the shipyard every day will be sorted out by the Ministry of Industry.

These documents will be sent to Zhao Wen every five days, and Zhao Wen will review them.


Sitting in the imperial study, Zhao Wen looked at the documents sent by the Ministry of Industry with a relaxed expression on his face.

"It looks like it won't be long before the ironclad ship can be built.

The speed of the first ship is slow, and the speed of the subsequent ships will be much faster.

Ironclad ships are invincible in this era..."

Looking at the document in his hand, Zhao Wen suddenly remembered the plane that had successfully tested and flown.

A bold idea appeared in Zhao Wen's mind.

"If that's the case, why don't I build an aircraft carrier?"

Zhao Wen was also frightened by his own thoughts. Building an aircraft carrier in this era is really unimaginable.

It's not that Zhao Wen's idea is wishful thinking. With Zhao Wen's current industrial level, it's really uncertain.

Of course, the aircraft carrier that Zhao Wen wants to build is not the advanced aircraft carrier of later generations, but the type of aircraft carrier during World War II.

Although the aircraft carrier during World War II was also called an aircraft carrier, compared with the aircraft carrier of later generations, it is like a bungalow compared to a skyscraper.

Whether it is technology or construction difficulty, it is not on the same level.

In fact, the aircraft carrier during World War II was not very high-tech. The first aircraft carrier in the beautiful country was CV-1, and its predecessor was just an ordinary coal carrier "Jupiter".

Throughout World War II, aircraft carriers transformed from transport ships or other ships were not uncommon. Therefore, with Zhao Wen's current industrial level, it is really possible to manufacture aircraft carriers.

Zhao Wen put down the documents in his hand and started walking back and forth in the imperial study.

Zhao Wen kept thinking about this matter, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something could be done.

"Many of the aircraft carriers during World War II were rebuilt from other ships. Judging from the industrial level I have now, they can really be built.

But is it really necessary to build an aircraft carrier?The current power is invincible in the whole world. Wouldn't it be a waste of resources to build an aircraft carrier? "

Thinking of this, Zhao Wen suddenly hesitated.

Zhao Wen's current power is invincible in the entire world. For Zhao Wen, even without an aircraft carrier, he can easily conquer the entire world.

The construction of an aircraft carrier is very expensive, the dock needs to be remodeled, and the aircraft needs to be modified accordingly...

However, the allure of the aircraft carrier is too great.

"It doesn't matter, just build it directly. Anyway, the national treasury is abundant now, and it is suitable to build an aircraft carrier. It can also stimulate the economy, so why not do it?" Zhao Wen made up his mind.

Zhao Wen did what he said, and went to the research institute by car that day.

In the conference room of the research institute, Zhao Wen gathered all the leaders of the research institute to discuss this matter.

Zhao Wen sat on the main seat and looked at the officials sitting on both sides of him.

"Everyone, the construction of Dalian's ironclad warship is about to be completed. After the construction is completed, the strength of our navy will be greatly increased.

However, stopping here is what I don't want to see! " Zhao Wen said.

Zhao Wen's words made these officials puzzled.

"Your Majesty, boldly, does Your Majesty mean to build more ironclad ships?" Song Yingxing stood up and looked at Zhao Wen with a puzzled expression.

Zhao Wen shook his head and said, "No, I want to build a more powerful warship.

How do you feel about the plane? "

"Your Majesty, airplanes are military weapons.

Flying above the sky with bombs and bombing the enemy, the enemy will definitely have nothing to do.

Even if our army does not dispatch ground troops, it can still destroy the enemy army.

It costs much less to use planes to bomb the enemy than ground troops.

Moreover, it is more convenient and quick to transport materials.

From this point of view, airplanes are the most important weapon of the country, and there must be no mistakes! "

An official sitting behind Song Yingxing stood up and spoke eloquently.

This person is about 30 years old, his name is Li Zheng, and he is a student of Song Yingxing.

Zhao Wen looked at this person and kept nodding.

What this person said is completely correct, and it seems that he has done his work seriously.

"That's right, you're right. But have you ever thought about combining a warship with an airplane so that the airplane can take off from the warship?" Zhao Wen said.

"Combine with a warship?"

The faces of the people in the meeting room were full of doubts.

They have never thought of it this way, and there has never been such a precedent. It will be difficult for them who have fallen into a misunderstanding of their thinking for a while.

"But Your Majesty, what's the use of combining the two?" Song Yingxing still didn't understand why Zhao Wen did this.

"It's very useful.

How far do you think the plane can fly?Especially those overseas places, if you take off from the mainland, can the plane fly to those places?
If we build a ship that can carry an airplane, use the ship to transport the airplane to the coastline of the empire, and then let the airplane go out.

Ladies and gentlemen, think about it, at that time, who else can stop the imperial plane? "

Zhao Wen spoke excitedly and impassionedly.

Indeed, in this era, the aircraft carrier is completely a bug, and no one can stop it.

"Your Majesty means that if there is a war overseas in the future, we will directly send an aircraft carrier there?" Song Yingxing understood what Zhao Wen said.

"That's right, dispatch the aircraft carrier directly. At that time, who can stop it?"

Hearing this, Song Yingxing's eyes lit up.

"I agree with Your Majesty's idea, so that even if the imperial court rebelled in those places overseas, the heavenly soldiers could arrive in an instant and defeat the rebellion of the enemy country.

Coupled with the transmitter, we only need to deploy a small number of soldiers overseas. If the situation changes, we can directly contact through the transmitter, and then the aircraft carrier will be dispatched to smash the enemy! "

There was light in Song Yingxing's eyes. Although he was not a general who led troops to fight, he could see many things from inside.

"In the Han, Sui and Tang Dynasties, although they occupied a large number of places in the Western Regions, they gave up due to inconvenient transportation, inconvenient communication and various reasons. Even in the previous dynasty, the Xuanwei Division of Jiugang controlled it for only a few years.

If an aircraft carrier is manufactured, who would dare to rebel?Barbarians are also worthy of those fertile lands and rich lands? "

What Song Yingxing said was unusually generous, which infected other people in the conference room.

Many of these ancient literati and bureaucrats were nothing, but they all had the same thing in common, that is, their enthusiasm for fertile land.

Huaxia started to develop from a place the size of a palm, and in the end, it took down all the land that can grow crops in Kyushu, which is the eighteen provinces of Han in the traditional sense.

The territory of ancient dynasties was divided and combined, but the places suitable for growing crops were rarely lost.

That's right, those barren and bitterly cold places are worthless things to those literati. They worked so hard to occupy them, but they are of no use. They also consume a lot of financial and material resources every year, and they don't feel bad about losing them.

But if the eighteen provinces of Han were robbed, do you think these people are in a hurry?The eighteen provinces of Han were the most suitable places for farming in the world at that time, and no one else could get involved.

The wealth of the Southern Song Dynasty is second to none in history, but because of being too peaceful and unable to counterattack the Central Plains, what kind of scolding did it become?

In the eyes of ancient literati, it is useless to lay down more land, and it is a skill to take down the cultivated fields.

Farming has been integrated into the genes of these people and has become the cultural genes of this nation.

To some extent, farming is the most important thing in a person's life.

When people judge whether a place is valuable, they often look at whether it can be cultivated.

Those literati, when comparing their worth and wealth, often use the land under their names to compare.

Zhao Wen looked at these people in the conference room and smiled.

"I will send someone to deliver the blueprint of the aircraft carrier in a few days. In the next few days, you will have to mobilize professional staff to prepare to take over this matter.

Remember, this matter is the top priority of the research institute, so don't delay! "Zhao Wen said loudly.

After returning to the capital, Zhao Wen plunged into the imperial study and did not come out.

Now Zhao Wen's main focus is on the aircraft carrier.

To some extent, the aircraft carrier that Zhao Wen wants to build is as difficult as the ironclad ship that is being built.

There is no need to think about weapon systems, just decks, ammunition rooms, aircraft stores, etc.

To some extent, it is even simpler than the construction of ironclad ships.

The blueprint drawn by Zhao Wen was modified from the blueprint of the ironclad ship. The weapon system was canceled and the power system was placed at the rear.

For the power system, Zhao Wen still uses the steam engine.

Although oil fields have been discovered, the amount of oil extracted is not very large, and it may not be able to supply.

The current steam engine is very mature, and there is no problem in using a steam engine.

In three days, Zhao Wen drew the blueprint of the aircraft carrier.

After drawing it, Zhao Wen asked someone to take it to the research institute.

After receiving the blueprint sent by Zhao Wen, the staff dispatched from the research institute immediately started research on the blueprint.

Within a few days, the research institute split the drawings into smaller pieces.

When the research was almost finished, the research institute immediately dispatched manpower to Dalian to prepare for the construction work.


Today's grasslands are completely peaceful, and almost all herdsmen are living a good life.

As for the profuse khans of those tribes, they also put away those thoughts they shouldn't have.

On the grassland of the Horqin tribe, Wu Keshan drove a jeep forward on the grassland, and Manzhu Xili sat in the co-pilot.

"This jeep is really good. It doesn't need to eat grass, it doesn't know how hard it is, and it can keep running. It's really good!" Manzhu Xili looked at the scenery outside the window and smiled.

"It goes without saying that if this kind of thing was placed more than ten years ago, how could we believe it? If someone said at that time that there was such a thing in this world, I would not believe it at all!" Wu Keshan drove the steering wheel , while talking.


There was a whistling sound, and a plane flew over the jeep's head.

Wu Keshan looked at the plane flying overhead through the windshield, his eyes were full of envy.

"I heard that this thing is called an airplane, and it can take people to the sky. I really want to go to the sky to see if there are any gods in the sky!"

Xuan Town is not far from the Horqin Grassland, and the planes often fly over the Horqin Grassland during test flights.

At first, these herdsmen in the Horqin tribe had never seen it before. When they saw this "big bird" for the first time, they were terrified.

Even Buhe couldn't sit still, and wanted to move to Xuanzhen or the capital.

Later, when the people at the research institute heard about this, they told them about the plane.

After figuring out what happened, they were also relieved.

I am no longer afraid of the planes in the sky.

Wu Keshan stopped the car, got out of the car, and took out a box of cigarettes wrapped in hard paper from his arms.

Wu Keshan took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

In the Ming Dynasty, cigarettes had already been introduced, and the number of smokers began to increase. Chongzhen even issued a ban on smoking.

After Zhao Wen ascended the throne, he adopted the model of tobacco monopoly to control.

After all, this thing can bring a lot of tax revenue, if it is handed over to a private person, it would be unreasonable.

Gradually, tobacco also became popular.

The packaging of this era is similar to that of later generations, and Zhao Wen even directly copied the specifications of later generations.

Wu Keshan took out a box of matches and lit the cigarette.

Taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, Wu Keshan showed a satisfied expression.

Wu Keshan's movements are already very proficient, and he is an old smoker.

Because there are no flavors and other things added, the taste of the cigarette Wu Keshan smokes is very different from that of later generations.

Manzhu Xili does not smoke, he just glanced at Wu Keshan.

"We can't just stay like this. We've been staying like this for so many years, and our bones are about to fall apart!" Manzhu Xili said with a bored expression while holding the door of the car.

Wu Keshan blew out a smoke ring and said, "I know it won't work, but what can I do?"

"Why don't we ask His Majesty to see if we can go to fight overseas? His Majesty's army is fighting overseas now, so we can go too!" Manzhu Xili's eyes lit up, and he looked at Wu Keshan expectantly.

Wu Keshan threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground and stomped it out.

"Going overseas? I think so too, but do you think His Majesty can agree?
Besides, the soldiers and horses sent overseas by His Majesty are all the best of the best. The quality of our current manpower is too poor. Going overseas is just a joke. "Wu Keshan shook his head, not optimistic about Manzhu Xili.

"Then what should we do now? Just stay like this? I'm so bored, my bones are about to fall apart!" Manzhu Xili complained.

"I'm about the same level as you, and my bones are about to fall apart.

How about this, let's go to the capital in a few days, tell His Majesty about this matter, and see if we can go.

It's such a waste of time to stay like this! "Wu Keshan said.

"Well, it's decided!" Manzhu Xili said with a smile on his face.

Wu Keshan returned to the jeep, started the car, and headed towards Horqin City.

Along the way, Wu Keshan encountered a large number of sheep.

These flocks are now the most valuable thing in Horqin's department. After establishing a stable trade with Xuanzhen, Horqin put his main focus on grazing.

Not long after, Wu Keshan and the others returned to Horqin City.

After returning to the city, they went to Buhe and explained the matter.

Buhe is already old, and once a person is old, he doesn't want to move, and he doesn't want to take risks.

For Wu Keshan and Manzhu's idea of ​​practicing rituals, Buhe does not support it, but they can't hold back the two.

In desperation, Bu He could only agree to two people.

(End of this chapter)

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