Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 931 The Ironclad Ship About to Be Completed

Chapter 931 The Ironclad Ship About to Be Completed
At the beginning, Zhu Changxun still couldn't let go of his face.

After all, Zhu Changxun was a prince before, even if he was captured, how could he do the work of a coolie?

However, after so many years, Zhu Changxun completely forgot all the shameless things.

"Hurry up and work, if you don't complete today's task, you people don't even think about eating." Zhu Changxun kept waving the whip in his hand, yelling loudly at these workers.

In the past, Zhu Changxun was very fat, revealing an unhealthy sense of morbidity all over his body.

However, the current Zhu Changxun has changed a lot.

Although it is still a bit lethargic, it is not the morbidly fat as before.

Before purchasing the land, Zhu Changxun worked for several years.

Where are the workers fat?

Later, after becoming a farmer, Zhu Changxun's life became easier.

Zhu Changxun's son Zhu Yousong was dressed similarly to Zhu Changxun, except that Zhu Yousong was not with Zhu Changxun, but in another field.

Zhu Changxun still has a lot of property, and he can't do it alone.

People like Zhu Changxun and Zhu Yousong are very common in America today.

With the stability of Zhao Wen's rule in the mainland, the lives of these clans exiled overseas are much easier.

It's just that they don't even think about going back now.

There are already a large number of inland people in the Americas.

In addition to the clans who were exiled, the number of people who came over also increased every year.

Zheng Yiguan and the others are now located in the southern part of North America, where they have built seven or eight cities.

There are power plants near almost every city, and these seven or eight cities are also connected by railways by Zheng Yiguan.

For so many years, all kinds of talents and industrial equipment have been continuously transported to America. Zheng Yiguan has a sufficient population, so he did these things.

These seven or eight cities may not be very big now, but in a few decades or hundreds of years, they will be the largest cities in this area.

Zhao Wen's son will be enfeoffed here to establish one vassal state after another.

Compared with the vassal princes of Ming Dynasty, Zhao Wen's son's rights will be much greater.

But with the continuous development of means of transportation and the continuous development of communication facilities, the rights in the hands of these vassals in America will definitely gradually shrink.

Perhaps, there will be a war of independence here in the future, and there will be troubles with the mainland.

It's just that all of this is still far away, not to mention, no matter how much trouble there is, the meat will rot in one pot.

At that time, Zhao Wen didn't care whether his descendants were in power in these places, he only cared whether the people in these places were Chinese people.

The canal between North and South America has not yet been dug, and the cost of digging the canal is too great. Although Zheng Yiguan has enough manpower now, other places in America need to develop.

Canals are not very useful to America today, and Zheng Yiguan is too lazy to waste time and people digging a canal that is not very useful.

All in all, America is now in a period of calm development.

In another three to forty years, when the population increases again, this place will usher in a blowout development.

Meanwhile, here in Oceania.

Although the development of Oceania was not as early as the development of the Americas, Oceania is closer to Java.

Being close to Java is an advantage, and the population on Java has become one of the driving forces for the development of Oceania.

In the coastal location of Oceania, ports are basically built in places suitable for building ports.

In addition to the port, there are residential areas.

Of course, the residential areas are still mainly concentrated in the coastal areas. As for the deeper areas, there is not so much population support.

In today's Oceania, a large number of mines have been built.

The workers in the mine are basically captured Hongyi soldiers, Franji soldiers and indigenous soldiers.

For the rest of their lives, these people can only live in dark mines.

It can be said that in the current world, except for the West, which has not been involved, Zhao Wen has basically been involved in other places.


Far to the west of Nuergandusi, bordering the grassland, a cavalry is cruising here.

This cavalry was a Cossack sent by Tsarist Russia, and they kept going east and south.

It is located in the Outer Xing'an Mountains area, with vast mountains and jungles.

There are many unknown small tribes in the mountains and forests.

When the Cossack cavalry went east to south, if they encountered such a tribe, they would basically slaughter them all.

However, the further east and south you went, the fewer tribes there were in the mountains.

"What's the sound? The sound of horseshoes?" The chief of the cavalry stopped and looked around vigilantly.

They were at the bottom of a valley, surrounded by a large number of woods and small streams.

The soldiers he led also stopped, quietly listening to the movement around them.

However, apart from a few birds chirping, there was no other sound around.

"Keep going!"

After a while, the leader led the soldiers to move forward.

Although he continued to move forward, the eyes of the leader of the team were kept on the surrounding mountains and forests.

With the continuous deepening, the mountain road became more and more difficult.

These difficulties cannot stop the Cossack cavalry, they have a tenacious fighting spirit, and they are one of the earliest professional soldiers in the world.

As it continued to deepen, the light in the forest began to dim.

The Cossack cavalry became more cautious.

However, their care was in vain.

Not far behind them, a cavalry followed.

This cavalry was sent by Mao Wenlong to patrol the border.

They discovered the Cossack cavalry as soon as they appeared. In order to wipe them out, this cavalry did not choose to act in advance.

As the Cossack cavalry continued to deepen, the time for action began to mature.

A young officer in his 20s was riding on a war horse. He held up the binoculars in his hand and looked ahead quietly.

Through the binoculars he could see the follow-up detachment of Cossack cavalry.

Because I entered the mountain forest, part of the field of vision was blocked, so I couldn't see it very clearly.

"Notice, let all the soldiers speed up, wait for the order, and prepare to attack!" The officer put down the binoculars in his hand, and whispered to the orderly who was following him.

The orderly hurriedly passed on the officer's order.

Immediately afterwards, the officer led the soldiers and began to advance.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the distance between the two sides was also constantly decreasing.

Finally, the officer led the soldiers to the back of the Cossack cavalry, less than a mile away from the Cossack cavalry.

At this distance, the Cossack cavalry also spotted them.

The Cossacks are worthy of being one of the powerful forces in the hands of Tsarist Russia. The moment they found this cavalry, the Cossack cavalry began to move, ready to fight.

At this time, both sides are in the mountains.

Because of the blocking of trees and plants, the horses could not increase their speed, so the two sides planned to dismount and fight.

The weapons of the Cossacks are mainly waist knives and matchlock guns, and the main weapons of the cavalry are 56 and a half waist knives.

The cavalry jumped off their horses, raised their 56 dashes, and rushed forward.

The Cossacks also raised their matchlock guns and approached the cavalry.

The Cossack's matchlock guns are not as powerful or ranged as the 56 and a half in the hands of the cavalry. The result of this battle is doomed.

When the two sides came within 100 meters, the cavalry opened fire first.

In an instant, the bullets shot out like a barrage.

The Cossack cavalry was caught off guard.

They did not expect that the weapons used by the cavalry had such a long range.

By the time they reacted, many soldiers had already died.

The cavalry would not pity them, and kept pulling the trigger of 56 and a half.

Under such intensive firepower, even the elite cavalry could not resist.

The Cossack cavalry began to collapse, they had never seen such firepower.

This level of blow has already blown their spirits to the point of collapse.

The screams of ghosts and wolves were endless, and they kept ringing in the woods.

The birds in the sky are also far away from here. For these Cossack cavalry, today's encounter is simply a nightmare.

The sun began to slant to the west, and the cavalry returned with a small number of cavalry. A considerable part of the Cossack cavalry was captured by these cavalry.

The captured Cossack cavalry was strung up with ropes by the cavalry, like candied haws, and escorted back.

These Cossack cavalry will never run away. The scene just now has frightened their list, how dare they run for their lives?

The invincible Cossack cavalry lowered their heads, and they looked down on the "yellow monkey" chapter and held them like a pig.

Wars like this continue to appear throughout Nuergandusi.

Mao Wenlong can receive such battles almost every day. For these wars, Mao Wenlong will arrange professional people to count them and send them back to Xuanzhen.

In the Duke's Mansion in Nuergancheng, Mao Wenlong was sitting in the study.

The electric lamp in front of the desk is bright, illuminating the space on the desk.

Mao Wenlong held a military newspaper in his hand and looked at it carefully.

"Recently, why are there more and more Cossacks?

Is it really as His Majesty said, that country called Tsarist Russia is really going to attack us? "Mao Wenlong looked at the military newspaper in his hand and fell into deep thought.

Mao Wenlong really couldn't figure it out, he had never heard of this Tsarist Russia, a country he had never heard of, did not know the heights of the sky and the earth, and wanted to provoke a war, it was wishful thinking.

"If it wasn't for His Majesty not letting me act rashly, I really want to lead troops into this Russian capital and see what your emperor thinks!" Mao Wenlong shook his head and put away the military newspaper in his hand. good.

The current Nuergan City is the largest city in the entire Nuergandus, and the population inside it has increased a lot compared to before.

This is a military-oriented city, and all the facilities in it are mainly for maintaining the military.

Outside the city, there are three power plants built, and these three power plants maintain the electrical operation of the entire city.

In Nuergan City, street lights flood the streets and alleys.

The commercial atmosphere here is also very strong, so there is also a night market at night.

On the port to the east of Nuergancheng, several huge treasure ships are docked at the port.

These treasure ships are fully loaded with the supplies that Nuer Gancheng needs most now.

Because the railway has not been successfully built, the cost of sea transportation is the lowest, so the materials of Nuergancheng are basically transported by sea.

With the gradual disappearance of offshore naval battles, the extra treasure ships in the army also withdrew from the battle order and became specialized in shipping.

The treasure ships transported a large amount of goods and had a strong carrying capacity, making them the most suitable transportation force on the sea.

The workers who had been waiting for a long time at the port looked at the treasure ship that was docking, their eyes were full of fire.

These workers make a living carrying goods, and most of these people are "savages" in the surrounding forests. With the expansion of Nuergancheng and Zhao Wen's policies, these "savages" were also taken out of the forests by Mao Wenlong.

These people's education level is very low, and they are not good at farming, so most of them work on the port.

The wages at the port can be quite a lot, and the more you do, the more you earn. If you get sick, there will be a special doctor to see the doctor.

This kind of life is much better than in the mountains. Although he is not comfortable in the mountains, he is more secure than in the mountains.

The treasure ship docked, and the anchor was lowered from the treasure ship.

When the cabins of the treasure ships were connected to the port, it was time for these workers to work.

The lights on the port illuminated the port like daytime, and these workers kept moving the goods from the treasure ships.

There are officials at the port who specialize in managing workers. They will arrange everything so that every worker can receive goods and make money.

A man left the cabin of the treasure ship carrying a huge sack, which weighed at least 150 catties.

But for this man, the weight of 150 catties is like a joke.

If it wasn't for the large size of this sack, the man felt that he could carry two sacks.

The sun began to rise from the east, and after a busy night, the goods were finally moved.

The man got his wages, and in one night, he earned a total of three cents of silver.

It is not surprising that they can earn so much in one night, after all, they are all heavy manual laborers.

The man took the money and left the port, had breakfast at the commercial street near the port, bought some meat buns, and took them home.

The man's house is not very far from the port, and he built it with money.

After arranging everything, the man came to the bedroom and entered the dream.

When the sun dipped below the horizon again, the man got up again and started to get busy again.


There is a place in the southernmost part of Nuer Gandusi. This place had no name at first. Zhao Wen directly pulled the name of later generations and named it Dalian.

Here, there is the only ironclad ship construction base in Zhao Wen's hands.

It is not so easy to build an ironclad ship. It has been several years since the construction began, but there is still no ironclad ship launched.

The shipyard has detailed drawings, and the construction speed should be very fast, but who told them that this is their first construction, even if they have detailed drawings, the speed will not be fast.

On the coast, there is a huge dock.

An ironclad ship whose theme structure has been completed lies across the dock.

Welding sparks and sounds kept ringing, this is a huge construction site.

The main body of the ironclad is complete and the interior is being fitted.

If the speed is fast, it will have a test voyage in half a year.

It is also because the shipyard is training more workers, so the speed of construction is much slower.

The workers who built the ironclad ship were not recruited casually. They were all trained workers who could write and calculate, and were proficient in electric welding skills.

The workers involved in the construction treated the ironclad ship as if they were their own children, with seriousness and patience.

 Thank you book friend 130529205827136 for the 12 monthly tickets, thank you for your support! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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