Chapter 930
Although the shit-stirring stick of this era has completed the Renaissance, its common people are still similar to before.

Most of the people who stir up shit are numb and insensitive to certain things.

What they care most about is whether they can eat tomorrow and whether their lives will get better. As for other things, they don't care about things that have no direct contact with them.

The Earl of Essex is well aware of all this, and of course he knows what these people think.

The people in Northampton have basically heard about the occupation of the Ottoman Empire, but these people in Northampton have basically never been out of the country. They don't know where the Ottoman Empire is, and of course they don't think about it. In this matter, I don't care much about the impact of the occupation of the Ottoman Empire on them.

As the frequency of battles decreased, the situation in the city was also stabilizing day by day.

The people in the city have also returned to their old lives. They seem to have forgotten the previous battles, and they are only busy with their own affairs.

The Earl of Essex looked at these people on the street, and felt sad for no reason.

"Oh, I really don't know where the future path is.

Fighting with His Royal Highness like this will only consume the country. If this stalemate continues, I am afraid that even if the Easterners do not attack by then, the country itself will collapse from within! "

The Earl of Essex walked aimlessly in the city of Northampton with a bitter expression on his face.

To the west of the Ottoman Empire, the Kingdom of Hungary was adjacent to the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bohemia and the Grand Duchy of Austria were adjacent to the Hungarian Empire.

In the present era, these three countries are ruled by the Habs dynasty.

The current king of the Kingdom of Hungary is Ferdinand III, who is also the emperor of the Habsburg dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire, the king of the Kingdom of Bohemia, and the Grand Duke of Austria.

This person did not leave much of a reputation in history. His deeds can be written on half a sheet of paper, but he is just an ordinary person.

These countries make up the Habsburg Monarchy, whose capital is Vienna.

The current Vienna is a strong fortress with a high city and a deep pool. Outside the city of Vienna, there is a fortress with a wide moat around the city wall.

Such fortifications can withstand the attacks of many Western countries.

But it was such fortifications that still made Ferdinand III feel uneasy.

Ferdinand III stood on the city wall of Vienna, with seven or eight guards following behind him.

Although protected by guards, Ferdinand III still felt that someone was watching him, and still felt that there was an invisible knife hanging around his neck.

"The mighty empire of Ottoman has been breached in such a short period of time, who knows if these easterners will come to the west?

What shall I do if these Easterners call west?What should I do against them?Soldiers who escaped from the Ottoman Empire said that these Easterners had a kind of steel chariot, which was very powerful."

Ferdinand III recalled the news he had obtained, and his body couldn't help shaking.

Although Ferdinand has many titles, he knows his own business.

The strength of the Habsburg Monarchy is the same in the entire Western world, even second-rate. How could it be the opponents of those Easterners who easily defeated the Ottoman Empire?

The more Ferdinand III thought about it, the more he got a headache, the more he thought about it, the more headache he got.

"What should we do? Is the Yellow Peril chaos going to rise again? Sigh"

Looking to the east, Ferdinand III sighed faintly, his face full of sorrow.

At the same time, on the west side of the Ottoman Empire, adjacent to the Hungarian Empire, Zhao Daniu's soldiers and horses began to draw detailed topographic maps here.

This is one of Zhao Daniu's tasks. Before Zhao Daniu set off, Zhao Wen gave him an order to draw a map of the Ottoman Empire and the west of the Ottoman Empire, as detailed as possible.

The reason for this is to prepare for sending troops to the West in the future.

After Zhao Daniu took the Ottoman Empire, he also sent professional soldiers all the way west.

Most of the soldiers Zhao Daniu sent out were cavalry who had mastered the drawing ability. Besides the cavalry, there were also several tanks.

The reason why the tanks were sent was not only to protect the safety of these cavalry, but also to show off their martial arts and tell those who were lucky enough not to have any other thoughts, or they would die.

The effect of sending out the tanks was obvious. Along the way, as long as anyone who saw the tanks, no matter whether these people were soldiers or ordinary people, they all fled to the west all the way, for fear of being left behind.

For these people, the soldiers sent by Zhao Daniu lazy to talk to them, anyway, it's not considered military merit, and it's a waste of time to talk to them.

The border between the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary is long and rugged. It is very difficult to map the terrain here in a short period of time.

Therefore, since Zhao Daniu took the Ottoman Empire, he has been focusing on drawing topographic maps.

When Zhao Daniu captured the Ottoman Empire, a lot of rumors were spread among the people.

These rumors described Zhao Daniu's army as the most brutal army in the world, even reaching the point where killing people was impossible.

Under such rumors, a large number of people fled westward.

The people who can flee are basically wealthy people, and the wealthy people are often people who are not easy to manage, and they are also factors of instability.

After these unstable factors disappeared, it was much easier for Zhao Daniu to manage the Ottoman Empire.

In this world, no matter when, no matter where, there will be people who betray their own country, especially in this era.

After Zhao Daniu captured the Ottoman Empire, a large number of locals joined Zhao Daniu's command.

For these people, Zhao Daniu is still more important.

Zhao Daniu used these people to manage the local people.

However, due to language difficulties, it is not very convenient to communicate.

In Istanbul, the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Zhao Daniu sat in the study of a minister's home.

The imperial palace in the capital of the Ottoman Empire was basically intact, but Zhao Daniu was a very cautious person. Even though it was thousands of miles away from the mainland, Zhao Daniu still did not have any act of arrogance.

Zhao Daniu sat in the study, looking at a list of supplies.

This list of supplies is the supplies delivered yesterday. In this foreign country, supplies are the most important thing, so Zhao Daniu cannot help but be cautious.

It didn't take long for Zhao Daniu to read the list of supplies.

"There's no problem. These businessmen don't dare to do ridiculous things, otherwise, their lives will be lost!" Zhao Daniu organized the list in his hand, and then walked out of the study.

It has been a long time since I came here, and Zhao Daniu is still not quite used to it.

Especially the bad weather made Zhao Daniu extremely uncomfortable.

There are mountains and water here, but the climate is quite different from that of the mainland, which makes Zhao Daniu feel very uncomfortable.

After Zhao Daniu walked out of the study, he looked back and complained, "The house here is really not as comfortable as in my hometown. I hope His Majesty can transfer me back soon!"

The older a person is, the more homesick he is, even Zhao Daniu, who has experienced many battles, is no exaggeration.

Zhao Daniu walked out of the house and wandered around the city with a few guards.

When Zhao Daniu took Istanbul, he spent almost no effort. After the nobles in Istanbul heard that Zhao Daniu's soldiers and horses were approaching, they ran away without resistance. Therefore, the city of Istanbul that Zhao Daniu took was basically not affected. How much damage.

Zhao Daniu took his guards and wore skirts in the city. These people from the Ottoman Empire were very careful when running the city of Istanbul. The main roads in the city were basically paved with rocks.

The mosques are the most numerous in the city. Sometimes, Zhao Daniu can still see the crowds gathered outside the mosques.

For these groups of people, Zhao Daniu's implementation method is to let them go, as long as they don't do evil or do anything wrong, Zhao Daniu will not take care of them.

Many people say that a military man governing a country can only kill, but in Zhao Daniu's case, this is not the case at all.

Although Zhao Daniu came from a humble background, so many years of hard work have made Zhao Daniu stable enough.

What's more, Zhao Daniu himself is not a bloodthirsty person.

"I don't know how far it is from our place, and I don't know how long it will take to build the railway from our place to here!" Zhao Daniu said to himself while walking.

"Adults, hello, hello!"

A bearded man wearing a turban was directing several people in similar attire to work on the side of the road. When he saw Zhao Daniu approaching, he rushed over and greeted with a smile in his unproficient Chinese.

Of course, he has no way to get close to Zhao Daniu at all, before he gets close, Zhao Daniu's guards will deal with this person.

There are many people like this on both sides of the street.

The current city is also a huge construction site.

This will be Zhao Wen's oil field in the future, and it is a place to be well managed, so Zhao Daniu has to build a new building here.

The sky gradually darkened, and the city of Istanbul fell into darkness.

The people in the city all returned to their places of residence. Because a large number of wealthy households in the city fled, many poor people in the city also got houses for this reason.

However, housing is not free, they also have to work.


The sun rose from the horizon, and on the wall of a not-so-small city, an old figure looked west, eyes full of sadness.

This person is none other than Qian Qianyi who was exiled to America by Zhao Wen.

When Zhao Wen and Chongzhen were fighting, Qian Qianyi felt that Chongzhen could not be Zhao Wen's opponent, so he secretly escaped from the capital and came to join Zhao Wen.

However, how can Zhao Wen like him? The "famous" water in history is too cold. No matter how great his skills are, how can Zhao Wen use them?
But if he was killed directly, it would be too cheap for him.

Therefore, Zhao Wen exiled Qian Qianyi to America.

If there were no unexpected accidents in this life, it would be impossible for Qian Qianyi to go back.

People are very homesick when they get older. I can't say that this kind of thing is universal, but it is very obvious in Qian Qianyi's body.

Qian Qianyi looked at the rising sun and kept sighing.

Now he is very depressed, he really doesn't know why Zhao Wen exiled him to this place where even birds don't shit.

That's right, the appearance of Zhao Wen changed history, and the current Qian Qianyi certainly didn't do those shameless things.

A middle-aged man in ordinary clothes also boarded the city wall, and he came to Qian Qianyi's side.

This person is none other than Zheng Yiguan who has been staying here.

Zheng Yiguan was much more relaxed than Qian Qianyi, and he could go home with the business fleet from time to time, but Qian Qianyi was not so relaxed.

"You seem to be like this all the time these few days?" Zheng Yiguan came to Qian Qianyi's side, laying his hands on the city wall, looking at the rising sun in front of him, and asked calmly.

"I'm homesick, otherwise, what else can I do?" Qian Qianyi didn't hide his inner thoughts.

"I'm curious, why do you think His Majesty exiled you here?" Zheng Yiguan asked with a puzzled expression.

To be honest, Zheng Yiguan was also very curious why Zhao Wen exiled Qian Qianyi here.

Qian Qianyi spread his hands out, with a helpless expression on his face.

"How do I know? If I knew, could I come here?" Qian Qianyi looked distressed.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. The next time I go back, I will apply to His Majesty to see if I can let you go back.

Although the environment here is better than before, it is still not as good as the mainland.You're getting older, and it's time to cultivate yourself! " Zheng Yiguan said.

When Qian Qianyi heard this, he instantly became excited.

Zheng Yiguan is Zhao Wen's go-getter, if he speaks, it must be nine out of ten.

Qian Qianyi hurriedly stood up straight and bowed to Zheng Yiguan.

"Okay, it doesn't have to be like this. You have been here for so many years, and you have made a lot of contributions. You should ask for help!" Zheng Yiguan replied.

The sun began to rise into the sky, and everyone in the city woke up, and the day's work began.

Outside the city, there are several large former plantations in which a large number of cash crops such as cotton, tobacco, and rubber are grown.

Because of these things, merchant ships from the mainland come here every year.

With the development of commerce and the increase of the population in the interior, the demand for these things in the interior is also increasing, and the plantations are also growing.

In a tobacco plantation, a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and a little fat was waving a whip in his hand, shouting and cursing non-stop.

In front of the eyes of the middle-aged people are some criminals exiled from the inland, local undisciplined aborigines and some conquered colonists.

The middle-aged man carried a Dreiser rifle on his back and two grenades on his waist.

His fierce look frightened the workers quite a bit.

The middle-aged man showed a smile after seeing these laborers hurrying to work.

This middle-aged man is none other than Fu Wang Zhu Changxun.

Now he no longer has the airs of a prince, and has become a low-level small planter.

Zhu Changxun's fate was great. After coming to America, he endured the complicated labor. Coupled with the gradual relaxation of policies, Zhu Changxun also purchased a large piece of land and some laborers to farm for himself.

The identity of the prince has long been forgotten by Zhu Changxun. Now he only wants to earn more money, buy land properly, and pass on the family line.

(End of this chapter)

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