Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 929 The Earl of Essex's Worry

Chapter 929 The Earl of Essex's Worry

"Roads are made by people, if you don't walk, how do you know there is no road?
Sometimes, you might as well be bold and don't stick to your own ideas. As long as this idea is beneficial to deal with things, then do it boldly.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes, you are still young and there is nothing wrong with making mistakes.

Just because you don't make mistakes now doesn't mean you won't make mistakes in the future.

It’s better to be wrong now than later.”

Zhao Wen kept talking to Zhao Mingyu who was standing in front of him, and Zhao Mingyu didn't dare to be distracted by his earnest teaching.

"Okay, that's all I've said today. I'm leaving first. Although it's important to deal with things, your body is also important. Go to bed early!"

Zhao Wen left a few words, and then exited the study.

After Zhao Wen left, Zhao Mingyu didn't go to bed, but worked out a solution according to what Zhao Wen said just now.

Zhao Mingyu's ability may not be as powerful as Zhao Wen's, but he is also a persistent person. In Zhao Mingyu's view, he will never sleep until this matter is resolved.

The night was getting dark, but Zhao Mingyu hadn't slept yet, and was still busy in the study.

Except for Zhao Mingyu who didn't sleep, a large number of monarchs in the far west couldn't sleep either.

The Ottoman Empire is located at the junction of east and west, and its geographical location is extremely important.

To the west of the Ottoman Empire is the Kingdom of Hungary, which already borders the West.

Although Zhao Daniu did not make any move to continue westward after taking down the Ottoman Empire, the movement of Zhao Daniu in the Ottoman Empire really shocked the entire Western world.

Although the relationship between Ottoman and the West is not very good, the Ottoman royal family had to flee to the West when facing the disaster of destroying the country.

Not only the royal family of the Ottoman Empire, but even the defeated soldiers of the Ottoman Empire continued to flee to the west.

After these people entered the West, they brought an atmosphere of panic with them.

In the West now, people's hearts have begun to be turbulent, especially the Kingdom of Hungary, which borders the Ottoman Empire, is even more trembling.

Zhao Daniu didn't have many troops, but the weapons and tanks he possessed made the Kingdom of Hungary uneasy.

The Kingdom of Hungary has never fought against Zhao Daniu, but those routs have clearly described Zhao Daniu's strength.

During the recent period, almost none of the monarchs in Western countries can sleep soundly.

As the news continued to spread, Charles I also knew the news.

Charles I was sitting in his office at Windsor Castle, holding a military newspaper in his hand, with a gloomy face dripping water.

Now, the country of the shit-stirring stick has completely fallen into a stalemate, and neither Charles I nor the parliament can go any further.

The weapons and equipment between Charles I and the parliament are almost the same now. If there is a direct confrontation, both sides will only lose.

At the beginning, the two sides fought fiercely, but as time went by, both sides also reacted.

Everything that happened now was caused by He Donglang.It is to let them fall into endless infighting and take the opportunity to sell weapons.

Such a situation was not what Charles I wanted to see.

He really wanted to change the current situation, but he was helpless.

He Donglang's strength is so strong that even if Charles I and the Parliament join hands, they are not He Donglang's opponent.

"The Ottoman Empire was captured by the Orientals. The Ottoman Empire was captured by the Orientals. The next step for the Orientals must be us."

Charles I looked at the military newspaper in his hand with a solemn expression.

Having said that, Charles I patted his thigh and stood up abruptly.

"I want to understand, I want to understand all of this!"

Charles I suddenly realized.

"If I'm not mistaken, I'm afraid the Easterners have already targeted us.

I'm afraid that "Heavenly Creation" is also a conspiracy of the Orientals. The Orientals use this "Heavenly Creation" as a bait to lure us to the East.

Then take the opportunity to intervene in our affairs, causing us to fall into endless internal strife, and there is no way to get together.

Once we can't get together, these orientals will beat us one by one!

No wonder, no wonder."

Cold sweat began to flow from Charles I's forehead, and now he felt more and more that all this was caused by the East.

Charles I can't be wrong in thinking this way, but he can't be right either.

Charles I said that Zhao Wen did this to prevent the West from uniting.

Of course, this cannot be the case.Charles I still thought highly of them. With Zhao Wen's current strength, it would be relatively easy for him to win the West.

However, at that time, Zhao Wen had just pacified the world, and the world was waiting for prosperity, and everything was focused on resuming production.

Now, the country has almost recovered, and Zhao Wen's eyes are also set on the west from the country.

"I just said that these Orientals have no good intentions. Looking at it now, it is indeed the case. These Orientals really have no good intentions. They really deserve to die!"

Charles I kept walking back and forth in the office, his forehead was covered with cold sweat.

At this moment, Charles I's hardcore confidant appeared outside the office.

Thomas stood outside the office door, knocking on the door.

Under normal circumstances, no one is allowed to enter Windsor Castle at night.

However, the situation is urgent recently, so Charles I's confidants like Thomas can enter Windsor Castle.

"Come in!"

Charles I shouted at the door.

As soon as Charles I's voice fell, Thomas pushed the door open.

"His Royal Highness, the parliament wants to ask for peace, and this is their letter of peace!"

Thomas stood in front of Charles I and took out a wax-sealed envelope from his arms.

"Parliament? Want to ask for peace? Did I hear you right? Parliament wants to ask for peace."

Charles I looked surprised, he really did not expect that the parliament would sue for peace at this time.

Now that the two sides are evenly matched, the parliament has no reason to seek peace.

"Bring it to me to see!"

As he spoke, Charles I took the letter from Thomas's hand, opened it, and read it seriously.

"Hehe, I really asked for a peace, but I asked them to ask for a peace, so why put forward conditions?
It was a dream to let me meet their conditions.If they don't agree with their conditions, they don't agree to seek peace. What's wrong with the people in the parliament?How could you say such a thing? "

Charles I looked at the letter in his hand and kept sneering.

Generally speaking, the forces that propose peace are in a weak position.

A weak force should also meet the conditions of the party being sued.

But when it comes to the parliament, it's completely the opposite.

The parliament is seeking peace. Logically speaking, he should meet the conditions of Charles I, but what the parliament wrote in the letter was to let Charles I meet his conditions.

In the eyes of Charles I, this incident was simply unimaginable, a bit like playing tricks.

"What a joke, what a joke. You want to ask for peace, but you even put conditions on me. What do you think I am? It's really arrogant. You want to ask for peace like this? It's just a dream!"

Charles I's face turned cold, and he tore the letter in his hand to pieces.

"Tell them that it is impossible to ask for peace. Even if I die, it is impossible to agree to make peace.

There is only one survivor between me and them, and I want to ask for peace, it's just wishful thinking! "

Charles I was extremely angry and shouted at Thomas.

This peace appeal letter from the parliament really made Charles I very angry.

In the eyes of Charles I, this letter was not to seek peace, but to insult people deliberately.


Thomas looked at Charles I like this, and instantly understood that the matter of seeking peace was probably completely lost.

Thomas stepped out of Windsor Castle and looked up at the night sky before getting into the carriage.

The stars in the sky are still shining, and they have been shining like this for thousands of years.

"I don't know whether this time is good or bad, the Ottoman Empire was captured by the Orientals.

Presumably, the goal of those Easterners is the entire West.He Donglang and the others must have something to do with this incident. The West is a mess now, and I don't know if it can survive this time! "

Thomas had a sad look on his face. Although Thomas was the best in flattering, he still had a bit of discernment.

"Forget it, what am I worried about? His Royal Highness is not worried. What am I worried about? Worrying nonsense!"

Thomas shook his head, got into the carriage, and headed towards his home.

At the same time, in Northampton, not far from the city of London, the soldiers and horses of the parliament are stationed here.

The Parliament failed to attack the city of London before, and was chased by Charles I's soldiers in a panic.

Later, after getting He Donglang's weapon, he brought people to attack again.

Now the parliament has stationed all its soldiers and horses around Northampton, and has used Northampton as the headquarters of the parliament to operate.

It was already dark at night, but the city hall in Northampton was still brightly lit.

The main officers of the parliamentary army are all in the city hall, discussing matters.

There is a huge map hanging in the center of the city hall. This map is not a map of a shit-stirring stick, but a map of the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Hungary.

The Earl of Essex stood in front of the map, looking at the map quietly, with a more solemn face.

"Tell me, can our peace request be successful?" The Earl of Essex turned around and looked at the people standing behind him.

"I don't think it's possible!" Fairfax shook his head.

"Why do you think so?" The Earl of Essex looked at Fairfax.

"Generally, the side that seeks peace is often in a weak situation.

And the strength between us and His Royal Highness is about the same, there is no need to seek peace.

Another one, when we asked for peace, we put forward so many conditions to His Royal Highness.

With the character of His Royal Highness, I am afraid that he will not agree to the peace. "

Fairfax analyzed it seriously.

"You're right, if we want to demand and succeed, we shouldn't put forward so many conditions.

But, I want you to know.The reason why I do this is because I have no intention of seeking a successful sum at all.

The main purpose of my doing this is to use this matter to test His Royal Highness. "

Having said that, the Earl of Essex turned his attention to the map again.

"At the beginning, I was very puzzled, what on earth are people like He Donglang planning to do here after traveling thousands of miles away?
With the weapons in their hands, they can easily get a colony overseas. There is no need to come to us to sell weapons.

However, what happened a while ago woke me up.

It's not that He Donglang and the others don't want to colonize overseas, it's just that their goal is us, and they want to colonize the entire West! "

The more the Earl of Essex said, the more solemn his face became. Obviously, the Earl of Essex had anticipated the worst of the situation.

The fact that the Earl of Essex can lead the entire parliamentary army proves that he is not a fool.

"Colonize the entire West? Isn't this unrealistic?" Cromwell was a little puzzled.

Cromwell didn't quite believe what the Earl of Essex said. In Cromwell's view, what the Earl of Essex said was too alarmist.

"It is too difficult for so many countries in the West to colonize the entire West. I don't believe those Easterners will work hard and do some thankless things." Cromwell said.

"There are many Western countries? Hehe, what's the use of having more? There are too many but small areas, no matter how many there are, it's useless!" The Earl of Essex looked disdainful. Although the Earl of Essex is also a Westerner, the fact lies here.

How much area and population does the entire West add up?How to compete with the East?

Although the Earl of Essex had never been to the East, he was often mentioned.

In particular, the news he heard from He Donglang convinced the Earl of Essex that the entire West was inferior to the East in terms of military and population.

With such a huge gap, how can the Earl of Essex calm down?
The reason why the Earl of Essex made a peace letter was not only to test Charles I, but also to tell Charles I through this incident that the Easterners were coming, so take it easy.

The atmosphere in the hall gradually became dignified, and everyone fell silent.

None of these people in the hall had been to the East, but since the Ottoman Empire was taken down, various rumors continued to appear.

These people have reservations about these rumors that have appeared, but when others say a lot, they gradually begin to believe them.

It's just that they weren't very worried because things didn't happen to them.

"The Yellow Peril can no longer be repeated, and the ancient land of the East seems to be rising again.

I hope they are not as serious as the Yellow Peril last time, otherwise, the whole West will sink again! "

The Earl of Essex suddenly raised his head, his face full of worry.

Compared with these people in the hall, the Earl of Essex thought more.


The next afternoon, people sent by Thomas came to the parliament and told about Charles I's refusal to seek peace.

After getting this result, the Earl of Essex was not very angry, and even his expression did not change.

After seeing off the people sent by Thomas, the Earl of Essex wandered around the city of Northampton.

As the frequency of wars decreased, the city of Northampton gradually returned to calm. In addition, this is where the parliament is stationed, and the situation is much better than other places.

In the streets and alleys of Northampton, there are endless streams of handicraftsmen, workers, businessmen and so on.

These people in the city have more or less heard of the occupation of the Ottoman Empire, but they are not interested in these things.

(End of this chapter)

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