Chapter 928

Zhao Wen looked at the plane flying over his head, and the smile on his face never disappeared from the beginning to the end.

"Is this an airplane? It turns out that people can really fly in the sky!"

After regaining his senses, Chen Donglai looked at the plane circling low in the sky with shock written all over his face.

Long ago, Chen Donglai was shocked by trains and cars.

Originally, he thought that he would not be shocked by something again, but now he realized that he was wrong.

"It turns out that serious people can fly in the sky, but how did such a big guy fly up?" Chen Donglai murmured dully.

Song Yingxing looked at Chen Donglai's appearance and said with a smile: "This is all thanks to His Majesty, without His Majesty, we would have been impossible to manufacture this kind of thing.

This is all thanks to His Majesty. As for how the plane flew into the sky, there are countless reasons behind it, and there is no way to explain it clearly for a while! "

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Go and have a look!"

Zhao Wen pointed to the plane parked in front and walked over.

Song Yingxing and Chen Donglai hurriedly followed Zhao Wen and walked forward.

The person who was recording the data beside the plane saw Zhao Wen approaching, and hurriedly greeted him.

These people in the research institute are very familiar with Zhao Wen, because Zhao Wen often goes back to the research institute.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

These researchers stood in a row and saluted Zhao Wen respectfully.

Zhao Wen waved his hand and said, "No need, no need!"

Zhao Wen came to the plane with a smile on his face. This plane was exactly the shit-stirring bomber that Zhao Wen had drawn before.

In the eyes of Zhao Wen, who has seen the large aircraft of later generations, such an aircraft does not cause much impact.

But it is really good to be able to create such an aircraft in this era.

Zhao Wen walked slowly around the plane, his eyes kept looking at the plane.

Song Yingxing walked beside Zhao Wen, explaining the various situations of the plane to Zhao Wen in detail.

Zhao Wen knew more about the various situations of this plane than Song Yingxing.

"How was the plane running during the test flight? Is there anything else?" Zhao Wen stopped at the nose of the plane, patted the nose of the plane, and looked at Song Yingxing.

"Returning to Your Majesty, the plane operated perfectly and nothing happened.

This is a very perfect aircraft, the performance of this aircraft is very perfect.

Moreover, in addition to being a bomber, this aircraft can also be used as a transport aircraft.

Research Institute has launched research in this area! "Song Yingxing said.

Zhao Wen was a little surprised by Song Yingxing's words. In Zhao Wen's opinion, the research institute has done a good job in manufacturing the aircraft, but he did not expect to conduct in-depth research on the aircraft.

"It seems that your research institute has almost finished the research on aircraft manufacturing technology, and your progress is very fast now.

This is a good thing, but you can't ignore security issues for the sake of speed. " Zhao Wenyu said earnestly.

For this result, Zhao Wen is very happy to see it.

However, security issues cannot be ignored.

If it's just for speed, it's somewhat unnecessary.

Zhao Wen is still very willing to see that the speed of research can be accelerated while ensuring safety.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about this! We will definitely complete the task seriously under the premise of ensuring safety!" Song Yingxing patted his chest, repeatedly reassuring.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Can this plane take off now? If it can take off, let's fly first!" Zhao Wen pointed to the plane in front of Ye and said to Song Yingxing.

Song Yingxing said: "Your Majesty, it should be possible to take off. I will arrange it now!"

Song Yingxing came to the staff and arranged for Zhao Wen's order just now.

"Your Majesty, you can take off!" Song Yingxing returned to Zhao Wen and said, "Your Majesty, please watch from a distance!"

Zhao Wen followed Song Yingxing to the side of the runway.

The staff at the airport also brought chairs to Zhao Wen. Zhao Wen sat down and looked at the runway quietly.

The plane stopped on the runway, and the pilot, with the assistance of the ground crew, boarded the cabin of the plane.

The staff around the plane hurriedly left to make way for the plane.

The propellers started turning, faster and faster.

The dust on the ground is blown everywhere by the wind generated by the turning of the propeller.

Fortunately, there is not much dust on the runway, otherwise it would definitely be overwhelming.

Under Zhao Wen's gaze, the plane began to run on the runway, and the speed became faster and faster.

The nose wheels of the plane lifted off the ground, and immediately after, the plane left the ground.

"It's flying, it's really flying!"

Standing behind Zhao Wen, Chen Donglai looked at the plane in disbelief and yelled.

Although Chen Donglai had already seen the plane flying just now, how could the plane flying in the sky be as shocking as it is now?
Zhao Wen sat on the chair, not as excited as Chen Donglai.

It was in Zhao Wen's expectation that the plane could fly. Even if he was excited, he would not be too excited.

Under the control of the pilot, the plane flew higher and higher, and the speed became faster and faster.

Song Yingxing fetched a telescope and handed it to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took the telescope from Song Yingxing and looked at the plane in the sky.

The plane gradually moved away, and finally disappeared from Zhao Wen's vision.

"It seems that the pilot's driving level has been very successful. It seems that your research institute is not small, and you can train pilots in such a short period of time." Zhao Wen put down the binoculars in his hand, looked at Song Yingxing, Constantly praised.

"I dare not take the credit, these pilots are all college students who have just graduated.

These college students are quick learners and adventurous. "Song Yingxing explained.

Zhao Wendao: "That's what I said, but the contribution of your research institute is still great.

Sort out your methods of training pilots and compile them into a manual to prepare for future pilot training! "

"As ordered!"

In the following time, accompanied by Song Yingxing, Zhao Wen walked around the entire airport.

The construction of the airport is still very good. Although it was not designed by Zhao Wen, the various plans are very reasonable.

Starting from small things, it can be seen that the current research institute is already very good, and its various levels have been continuously increasing.

After inspecting the airport, Zhao Wen got into the car and returned to the capital.

After returning to the capital, Zhao Wen did not deal with political affairs, but came to the East Palace.

Now, Zhao Wen's top priority is his son.

Earlier, in order to cultivate Zhao Mingyu's ability to handle things, Zhao Wen handed over the slaughterhouse in Xuanzhen to Zhao Mingyu.

After such a long time, Zhao Wen has never asked about it.

Accompanied by Chen Donglai, Zhao Wen came to the East Palace.

Now Zhao Mingyu is sitting in the study, looking at a few heavy booklets on the table with a sad look on his face.

He kept scratching his head, looking uncomfortable.

"Oh, oh, why is it so difficult, why is it so difficult!"

Zhao Wen came to the window of the study and looked at Zhao Mingyu quietly.

Seeing Zhao Mingyu scratching his ears and cheeks, Zhao Wen wanted to laugh.

"Your Majesty, the crown prince has worked extremely hard, which is rare in ancient and modern times!" Chen Donglai flattered him.

"His identity is here, is it okay to study not harshly?
For children from ordinary families, it doesn't matter if they don't study hard.But he can't, if he is lazy, the harm caused is not comparable to that of ordinary people. "Zhao Wen looked at Zhao Mingyu who was sitting at the desk, and said calmly.

"Go in and have a look!"

Zhao Wen walked into the room. As soon as the door opened, Zhao Mingyu saw Zhao Wen walking in from the door.

"Father?! Why did you come in?" Zhao Mingyu was surprised. He really didn't expect that Zhao Wen would come at this time.

Zhao Wen smiled and said, "I'll come to see you today and see what you're doing now!"

Zhao Mingyu hurriedly stood up from his chair. He came to Zhao Wen and said, "Father, I was dealing with some things, but for a while, I didn't have any clues, and I don't know what to do!"

When Zhao Mingyu said this, embarrassment appeared on his face.

"When I was outside just now, I saw you sitting at the desk scratching your head and scratching your head, at a loss.

Presumably you also encountered a problem, but what problem did you encounter, why is it like this? "Zhao Wen came to the desk while talking.

"Father, were you outside the window just now?" The embarrassment on Zhao Mingyu's face became more intense.

Although Zhao Mingyu is young, children still have self-esteem.

Of course Zhao Mingyu didn't want Zhao Wen to see his appearance just now.

"Yeah, I've been here a long time ago. I wanted to come in and take a look, but before I came in, I saw you sitting at the desk with a sad face!
What kind of problem are you encountering? Tell me and listen! "

Zhao Wen stood in front of the desk and looked at the things on the desk.

"Father, it's like this!"

Zhao Mingyu saw that Zhao Wen had said this, so he was embarrassed to hide it and told the problems he encountered.

"Father, it's like this. Didn't we move the capital to the capital? After moving the capital to the capital, the population of Xuan Town has decreased.

In this way, Xuanzhen's meat consumption will be reduced.

However, the slaughtering plan of the slaughterhouse has not changed, so the price of meat will inevitably drop.

If the price of meat falls, it can be controlled by reducing the amount of slaughter, but the purchase of livestock such as cattle and sheep will inevitably decrease.

In this case, those who sell cattle and sheep will not be happy.Especially those cattle and sheep dealers who have been running around on the grassland all year round are even less willing to do this...

Another one is that the demand for slaughterhouses decreases, so the herdsmen on the grassland have no way to sell their cattle and sheep.

In this way, they will lose money.Now, the price of cattle and sheep has been lost. It will not work if this continues!

For those herdsmen, the amount of cattle and sheep purchased in the slaughterhouse is still the same as before, but the number of slaughtered cattle and sheep can only be kept in the slaughterhouse. The daily consumption of forage is a huge figure! "

Zhao Mingyu picked up a booklet on the table, and continued: "This booklet contains the cattle and sheep purchased by the slaughterhouse and the beef and mutton sold in the recent period. Obviously, the slaughterhouse has already started to lose money."

Zhao Mingyu's face showed embarrassment. Now he doesn't know how to deal with this matter.

Zhao Wen took the booklet from Zhao Mingyu and flipped through it casually.

"Before I assigned so many helpers to you, you didn't find those helpers?" Zhao Wen asked casually.

"Father, no. I want to solve this matter alone, and I don't want to rely on others!" Zhao Mingyu said firmly.

Zhao Wen put the booklet in his hand on the table again, and said earnestly: "I am very pleased that you have such an idea.

Just have you ever thought about it, you made several serious mistakes. "

When Zhao Mingyu heard Zhao Wen say that he had made a few serious mistakes, he instantly became ill.

"Father, did I make a mistake?" Zhao Mingyu looked anxious.

"Yes, you made several fatal mistakes."

With his hands behind his back, Zhao Wen walked slowly in the study.

"The first mistake you make is not playing well with the helpers you've been given.

If you want to solve this matter alone, your spirit is commendable, but you have to remember that things have priorities. If you want to solve things that are not serious or urgent, it is good that you want to solve them alone.

But this matter is different. This matter applauds the livelihood of many herdsmen and concerns the interests of the slaughterhouse, and it cannot be delayed for a quarter of an hour.

Therefore, no matter what method is used, it should be resolved in the shortest possible time.

However, you did not do this.This is your first mistake. "

"The second mistake is that you don't know how to employ people.

The manpower I allocated to you is for you to use, not for them.

A qualified emperor does not handle everything personally.

If everything is handled by the emperor, even if the emperor is a god, he can't support it.

Sometimes, learn to delegate things. "

"The third one is too strong.

Maybe you are curious why I say this, maybe you think you are not strong.

But I want to tell you that sometimes, whether you are strong or not is not what you decide, but what others decide.

If the ruler is not upright, the subjects will go abroad; if the father is not upright, the son will go to another country.A qualified king must not only hold power, but also learn to delegate power.

Of course, this is still a bit difficult for you now, and you can't grasp the speed, so I won't talk about it. "

"All in all, you made three mistakes in this incident!" Zhao Wenyu said earnestly.

Zhao Mingyu stood in front of Zhao Wen, with his head down, listening to Zhao Wen's teachings quietly.

Although Zhao Wen pointed out these mistakes, Zhao Mingyu did not show any frustration.

"Father, if it were you, how would you handle this matter?" Zhao Mingyu raised his head and looked at Zhao Wen.

"This matter is not difficult, I remember that I told you about the relationship between supply and demand a long time ago.

The reason why such a thing happened in the slaughterhouse this time is nothing more than the imbalance between supply and demand, which caused the oversupply.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem, we need to develop sales.Once the market is opened up, the problem will naturally be solved. "Zhao Wen explained patiently.

"But dad, with the capital moving, a large number of people in Xuan Town follow the capital moving, how to develop this market?
Although the population here in the capital is gradually increasing, I am really worried whether the meat from the slaughterhouse can be sold here, and I am afraid that my father will say me! "Having said this, Zhao Mingyu lowered his head and his voice became weak.

"Afraid I'll tell you about you? Hahaha, having such an idea proves that you are not so sophisticated in handling things!

No matter when, you have to remember a sentence, the road is made by people, if you don't walk, how will you know that there is no road! "

(End of this chapter)

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