Chapter 927
Chongzhen stood in the crowd, looked at the car Zhao Wen was riding in, and said helplessly, "I'm not as good as him!"

Once upon a time, Chongzhen was still unwilling to believe that he was no match for Zhao Wen.

In his opinion, he and Zhao Wen are no different, it's just that the officials under him are incompetent.

But after such a long time, Chongzhen had to admit that he was not as good as Zhao Wen.

Not only is it inferior, but there is even a big gap.

The car Zhao Wen was riding in gradually moved away amidst the cheers of the people, and when he walked out of the city wall of Xuan Town, the speed of the car picked up.

Zhao Wen's distance from Xuanzhen is also getting farther and farther.

The road from Xuanzhen to the capital is full of vehicles transporting goods of all kinds. Most of these vehicles are used by the government offices of various ministries in Xuanzhen to transport goods.

In Xuanzhen for so many years, various government offices have also accumulated a lot of documents and materials.

These documents are all to be transported to the capital.

The car Zhao Wen was riding in was surrounded by a dozen trucks, all of which were soldiers guarding Zhao Wen.

Now that the whole world has been calmed down, even if there are no guards, there is no problem.

But for safety reasons, these guards had to be brought along.

Zhao Wen is getting farther and farther away from Xuanzhen, and closer and closer to the capital.

In less than two hours, Zhao Wen arrived outside the capital.

The road between Xuanzhen and the capital has already been built. It used to take a lot of time to turn Xuanzhen into the capital, but now it has been shortened to less than two hours.

The car walked into the city wall of the capital, and the people in the capital stood on both sides of the road, watching Zhao Wen's convoy quietly.

Most of the people had happy expressions on their faces, and they looked at Zhao Wen's car excitedly.

People are forgetful, and these people in the capital have forgotten the previous emperor.

The number of people in the capital is already very small, and the former Xuan Town is like a water pump, continuously pumping the population around Xuan Town towards Xuan Town.

In the current capital city, the population is already very small, and these populations in the capital city have been attracted by Xuan Town a long time ago.

Now that Zhao Wen is back, it is estimated that it will not be long before the population will follow Zhao Wen to the capital.

The car was parked outside the palace, and the current palace was remodeled according to the previous palace.

There is no difference between the main structure and the previous palace. Electric wires have been laid and electric lights have been installed in the palace.

Zhao Wen stood outside the gate of the palace, quietly looking at the palace in front of him.

Looking at the imperial palace in front of him, Zhao Wen was filled with emotions for a moment.

The last time Zhao Wen came to the palace was when he attacked the capital last time.

Going forward, Zhao Wen didn't come a few times.

Behind Zhao Wen's car are the cars of Li Xiaoying and Prince Zhao Mingyu.

The two of them also walked down and came behind Zhao Wen.

"Let's go, let's go in!"

Zhao Wen said, walking towards the palace.

To some extent, Zhao Wen was actually not very willing to live in the palace.

For Zhao Wen, the imperial palace was like a cage, trapping Zhao Wen inside.

Although no one dared to trap Zhao Wen in the palace, the palace gave Zhao Wen a very bad feeling.

Walking into the palace, Zhao Wen came to the Jinluan Hall.

The current Jinluan Hall is called Huangji Hall, which was renamed in Jiajing 41.

Zhao Wen stood at the entrance of the main hall of Huangji Hall, watching quietly.

The current Huangji Hall has been renovated and is brand new and tidy.

The stone steps outside the main hall are made of high-quality stone, smooth and clean.

Although the palace lanterns hanging outside the main hall are still in the style of this era, Zhao Wen understands that the candles inside have already been replaced by electric lights.

Walking into the Huangji Hall, you came to the vast and majestic hall.

The dragon chair carved with dragon patterns is placed directly above the main hall, facing south and looking majestic.

After staying in the Emperor's Hall for a while, Zhao Wen took Li Xiaoying and Zhao Mingyu out of the Emperor's Hall and walked towards the harem.

The Huangji Hall is a place where grand ceremonies are held, and it is not usually used much.

The harem has already been arranged, and all kinds of living facilities are complete.

Zhao Wen came to the harem, settled his son and wife, and went to the imperial study.

The memorials and other documents that Zhao Wen needs to deal with have also been sent here with Zhao Wen. Zhao Wen sat in the imperial study and quietly processed these things.

Originally, there was going to be a ceremony, but Zhao Wen thought it was troublesome, and the recent facts were too many, so Zhao Wen refused.


Time passed day by day, and summer came as scheduled.

The news of Song Hu and Zhao Daniu also came back.

Although Zhao Daniu and Song Hu carried a transmitter when they went out, the transmitter was not so easy to use because of the distance.

Therefore, the delivery of messages mainly depends on personnel.

It's just that the people sent by Zhao Daniu and the others can use the local transmitter in Dengzhou to send their various conditions to the Military Academy when they land in Dengzhou.

After receiving the news, the Military Academy sorted it out and handed it over to Zhao Wen.

In the imperial study room, Zhao Wen held the military newspaper sent by the Military Academy in his hand, and watched it quietly.

According to the military newspaper, Song Hu and Zhao Daniu have already taken down the Ottoman Empire and the Safavid Empire...

Zhao Wen had no doubts about the contents of the military newspaper.

With the current strength of Zhao Daniu and Song Hu, it would be doubtful if they could not win these two places.

Zhao Wen put down the military newspaper in his hand and looked at Qi Qingtian who was standing in front of him.

"It's very normal to win these two places, and it's not normal if you can't win them.

The soldiers led by Zhao Daniu and Song Hu are all elite soldiers of the imperial court, and they won these two places with ease. "

With a smile on his face, Zhao Wen continued, "How is the Southwest Land?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the reserve forces have fully taken over the areas that have been captured, and are now advancing steadily.

I don't think it will take long for the Southwest Land to be completely taken down. "

Qi Qingtian replied seriously.

After Zhao Wen transferred Zhao Daniu and Song Hu, he asked the Military Academy to add the reserve force there.

The combat effectiveness of the reserve service is not as strong as that of the regular army, but it is stronger than those natives in the southwest.

With these reserves, it is only a matter of time before these places are taken.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing!"

Qi Qingtian took out another military newspaper from his bosom.

Chen Donglai walked down from Zhao Wen's side, came to Qi Qingtian, and took Qi Qingtian's military report to Zhao Wen.

Zhao Wen took the military newspaper and read it carefully.

After a while, Zhao Wen put down the military newspaper in his hand, his face gloomy.

"Hehe, finally couldn't help it? I didn't notice you before, but now I can't help but jump up!"

Zhao Wen looked to the north and kept sneering.

The military report was sent back by Mao Wenlong, who guards Nuer Gandusi.

According to the military newspaper, with the arrival of summer, there are often cavalry activities of unknown origin on the northern and western borders of Nuergandusi.

These cavalry are skilled in riding and will flee quickly once they are spotted.

The soldiers sent by Mao Wenlong have met these people, and according to the feedback, these people are extremely brave, just like natural fighters.

Moreover, these people still have excellent matchlock guns in their hands.

Mao Wenlong didn't know the origins of these people, but Zhao Wen knew it all.

The empire in the north can no longer sit still and has already begun territorial expansion.

"Presumably Mikhail is gone now, and Alexey is taking over.

Although the present Alexei is only in his teens, his ability is still very strong.

It is normal to have the current situation, but you have chosen the wrong opponent! "

Zhao Wen shook his head, his eyes darkened.

"Reply to Mao Wenlong and ask him to focus on these people now.

Keep a close eye on these people, and report immediately if something happens.

If you meet, defeat if you can, remember, don't take prisoners.Don't show mercy to these people! "

When he said this, Zhao Wen was so murderous that even the temperature in the imperial study dropped a little.

To be honest, Zhao Wen didn't have much interest in that empire in the north.

What Zhao Wen is interested in is Nuergandusi and the vast and boundless Siberia.

"I obey the order!" Qi Qingtian saluted Zhao Wen and retreated.

Just as Qi Qingtian went out, Song Yingxing ran in with a smile on his face.

"Haha, Your Majesty, happy event, happy event!"

Before Zhao Wen could ask, Song Yingxing said with a smile.

Seeing Song Yingxing like this, Zhao Wen became interested.

"Oh? What's the matter, let's hear it!" Zhao Wen leaned forward, looking interested.

"Your Majesty, the aircraft has been manufactured successfully, and the test flight is also very successful!"

Song Yingxing took a deep breath and said excitedly.


Zhao Wen slapped the table in front of him and stood up abruptly.

Although Zhao Wen knew that it was a certainty that the research institute would produce an airplane, after hearing about it now, Zhao Wen was still excited and excited.

"The plane test flight was successful? Which one was the successful test flight?" Zhao Wen hurriedly asked.

"Your Majesty, all the tests were successful, all the tests were successful!" Song Yingxing said again.

"Haha, I didn't expect, I didn't expect, I didn't expect that all the test flights were successful!" Zhao Wen happily stood up from his chair, and walked back and forth in the hall of the Imperial Study Room.

After Zhao Wen drew the blueprint, he handed it over to the research institute.

After the drawings were sent to the research institute, Song Yingxing assembled a large number of manpower to develop the aircraft in order to produce it in time.

The blueprints given by Zhao Wen are very exquisite, and they are all mature plans. Song Yingxing and the others don't need to change them at all, they just need to manufacture according to the content on the blueprints.

In this way, the speed is of course much faster.

Airplanes are much easier to manufacture than ironclad ships, and the two things are not at the same level at all.

The ironclad ship that Zhao Wen wants to build has not been successful yet, but the current aircraft has been successful.

"Haha, good, good!"

Zhao Wen kept saying hello excitedly.

The successful manufacture of aircraft is very important to Zhao Wen. With the aircraft, whether it is transporting troops or bombing enemy countries, the efficiency will be much higher.

"Go back and make arrangements first, I'm going to take a look!" Zhao Wen pointed at Song Yingxing and said loudly.

There are so many materials personnel in the research institute, there will be no way to relocate to the capital for a while.

For the convenience of research, Zhao Wen let the research institute stay in Xuanzhen for the time being, and then move to the capital when the time is right.

The research institute stayed in Xuanzhen, so Song Yingxing also stayed in Xuanzhen. This time, Song Yingxing came from Xuanzhen.

Under Zhao Wen's order, Song Yingxing hurried out of the imperial study.

Zhao Wen looked at Chen Donglai, "Go and make arrangements, I'm going to Xuanzhen to see how the plane is doing!"

Chen Donglai also hurried out of the imperial study room, ready to make arrangements.

An hour later, Zhao Wen's car drove out of the palace and headed towards Xuanzhen.

In order to hurry, Zhao Wen didn't bring many guards of honor, but only some guards.

Cars run on concrete roads, and the road between Xuanzhen and Beijing is still a cement road because of the small amount of asphalt.

Cars driving on cement roads are not as comfortable as asphalt roads, but they are many times better than ordinary dirt roads.

As the distance from Xuanzhen got closer, Zhao Wen's mood became more and more excited.

When the tank was manufactured, Zhao Wen was never so excited.

At noon, Zhao Wen's car stopped outside the gate of the institute.

Song Yingxing also brought the main person in charge of the research institute to greet him outside the gate.

"Your Majesty, the plane is now ten miles north of the research institute!"

Seeing Zhao Wen walking down, Song Yingxing went up to meet him.

"In that case, let's go!"

Without saying a word, Zhao Wen walked towards the car that just got off.

"Your Majesty won't rest for a while?" Sending Video and Video looked at Zhao Wen who was so anxious and asked hurriedly.

"No, let's go!" Zhao Wentou got into the car without knowing it.

Seeing this, Song Yingxing also hurriedly got into a car and headed for the airport.

The place where the plane was tested was located about ten miles north of the research institute. There was an open space, very flat, and it was very suitable for building an airport.

Song Yingxing and the main person in charge of the research institute were sitting in the car.

As for the researchers who study the aircraft, they are currently collecting various data of the aircraft in the airport.

Not long after, Zhao Wen's car arrived at the airport.

Song Yingxing led the way for Zhao Wen in front of Zhao Wen, so he arrived first.

Just as Zhao Wen got off the car, Song Yingxing, who had already got off the car, hurried to Zhao Wen.

"Your Majesty, this is the airport now!" Song Yingxing pointed to the airport in front of him and said to Zhao Wen.

Looking in the direction Song Yingxing pointed, a very empty airport appeared in front of Zhao Wen.

The airport has several runways, and these runways are connected side by side, and the length is very long, which makes it look very large.

Airstrips are constructed of concrete, and these planes are not harsh on takeoff conditions.

On a section of the airstrip, there are seven or eight huge warehouses.

Song Yingxing said that these warehouses are used to store aircraft.

There are still aircraft parked on some runways, and there are various personnel around the aircraft to maintain or collect evidence.


A bang sounded above Zhao Wen's head. Zhao Wen raised his head and saw a plane flying over his head.

Standing behind Zhao Wen, Chen Donglai's thin voice rang out, "Damn it, you dare to fly over His Majesty's head, it's disrespectful!"

"It's okay, it's okay!"

Zhao Wen looked at the flying plane with a smile on his face.

Zhao Wen didn't feel anything, just flew over his head.

"I didn't expect that the plane was already brought out in such a short time.

It seems that pilots have also trained a lot! " Zhao Wen laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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