Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 926 I'm not as good as him

Chapter 926 I'm not as good as him
While Song Hu was busy occupying Qazvin, Zhao Daniu was still leading the fleet sailing on the sea.

The Safavid Empire borders the Ottoman Empire, but the area of ​​the Ottoman Empire is too large, and it will not be able to reach the hinterland of the Ottoman Empire for a while.

Like Song Hu, Zhao Daniu also planned to land in the hinterland of the Ottoman Empire in order to win the Ottoman Empire in the shortest possible time.

The Ottoman Empire is bordered by various European countries. After taking the Ottoman Empire, the east gate of Europe will be opened. At that time, Zhao Wen can attack Europe whenever he wants.

It's dry here in Qazwin, and the soldiers under Song Hu's command are a little uncomfortable after arriving here.

As time passed day by day, these subordinates of Song Hu gradually adapted to the climate here.

The most difficult one was a businessman who followed Song Hu to transport supplies, and they hardly had any time to rest.

After transporting all the materials in place, they had to return to prepare for the next time.

It's a pain, but they get the qualifications to do business here.

Businessmen are profit-seeking, even if the road is difficult, as long as they can get a lot of benefits, these businessmen will not feel anything.

After the new year, the weather has not warmed up, and the cold wind is still biting.

Zhao Wen stood on the palace wall of Xuanzhen Palace, quietly looking at Xuanzhen in front of him.

Sun Yuanhua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, stood behind Zhao Wen and said, "Your Majesty, the imperial palace in the capital has been repaired, the power transmission line has been laid, and the power plant in the capital has also been completed."

Sun Yuanhua talked about various information in the capital.

The time to move the capital to the capital is getting closer.

"How long will it take to move the capital to the capital?" Zhao Wen looked at Sun Yuanhua who was standing behind him, and said.

Sun Yuanhua said: "Your Majesty, the current capital has basically been cleaned up, and all the existing facilities have basically been built."

Sun Yuanhua explained the current situation in the capital in detail.

At this time, the time to move the capital is ripe, and the capital city has almost been repaired.

"Your Majesty, will the city walls of the capital be demolished? I have calculated with someone. The population of the capital will definitely increase dramatically in the future. If the city walls are not demolished, there will be great limitations!" Sun Yuanhua asked.

Zhao Wen shook his head and said: "The city wall of the capital has existed for a long time, although it will have great limitations in the future, but if the city wall is demolished, can the capital still be called the capital?

Besides, the factories and other things will basically stay in Xuan Town in the future, and there is no need to tear down the city walls of the capital! "

"After the minister goes down, he will make a proper calculation!" Sun Yuanhua replied.

"Okay, you go down first!"

Zhao Wen waved his hand at Sun Yuanhua and said.

Sun Yuanhua saluted and retreated.

Zhao Wen stood on the palace wall, looking at Xuanzhen in front of him.

To be honest, Zhao Wen still has some reluctance to Xuan Zhen.

This is the place where Zhao Wen lived for a long time, and it is also the place where Zhao Wen started his army. It can already be called Zhao Wen's second hometown.

The sun gradually sank to the horizon, and the street lights came on.

Xuan Town at night is not much quieter than Xuan Town during the day.

This place has reached the bottleneck, and there is no way to expand it.

There is no way for Xuan Town to develop anymore.

As the population continued to increase, Xuanzhen also began to show signs of fatigue.

For long-term development, Zhao Wen had to move his capital to the capital.

Zhao Wen wandered around the streets and alleys of Xuan Town with a dozen guards. Although it was night, all the streets in Xuan Town were illuminated by street lights.

Zhao Wen walked on the sidewalk, looking at the scenery on both sides of the road.

The current Xuan Town was created by Zhao Wen.

It is no exaggeration to say that without Zhao Wen, there would be no Xuanzhen.

After wandering around Xuan Town for a short time, Zhao Wen returned to the palace.

Early the next morning, Zhao Wen held the Great Court Meeting.

The main goal of holding this Great Court Meeting is to discuss the matter of moving the capital.

The matter of moving the capital has long been settled. This time, the discussion is mainly about when to move the capital and the various procedures for moving the capital.

After discussion, it was finally settled.

Zhao Wen and the royal family left first, then the two courts, and then the various ministries and the Xuanzhen garrison.

The time was set at the beginning of April, when the weather was already warm and it was more suitable for moving the capital.

During the period before the capital was moved, the entire Xuan Town was preparing for the capital move.

The imperial palace in the capital was also kept cleaning, always preparing for Zhao Wen's arrival.

Xuanzhen was suddenly busy, and almost all the officials were busy with moving the capital.

Although the time to move the capital was at the beginning of April, before moving the capital, all kinds of documents had to be sorted out and prepared to be transported to the capital.

There are a lot of these things, and it is not so easy to pack them up.

Zhao Wen is relatively free here. He took Chen Donglai and a dozen of his personal guards to the research institute.

Zhao Wen's favorite place to go when he is free is the research institute. Sometimes, Zhao Wen will also guide and guide the researchers in the research institute.

Not long after, Zhao Wen came to the research institute.

Just after arriving at the research institute, Song Yingxing, the dean of the research institute and Minister of the Ministry of Industry, was already waiting at the door.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

Just as Zhao Wen jumped out of the car, Song Yingxing came to meet him.

"Don't do that!"

Zhao Wen waved at Song Yingxing and walked into the gate of the research institute.

Song Yingxing hurriedly followed behind Zhao Wen, explaining to Zhao Wen the various achievements of the current research institute while walking.

"Your Majesty, research is developing rapidly now, and new technologies or achievements will emerge almost every month.

The Institute of Metal Research has developed a method for industrial production of aluminum-magnesium alloys last month. If implemented, the production of aluminum-magnesium alloys will greatly increase.

The Institute of Petroleum has also updated the industrial refining method of petroleum, and the updated technology this time is much more efficient than the old technology."

Hearing Song Yingxing's voice, Zhao Wen fell into deep thought.

The aluminum-magnesium alloy was researched by Zhao Wen a long time ago. This alloy is a very important alloy and is widely used in the aviation industry.

Zhao Wen had thought about the aircraft a long time ago, but at that time, all the technologies were immature.

There is no industrialized aluminum-magnesium alloy, no high-quality fuel.
Therefore, Zhao Wen had to let go of the aircraft manufacturing business.

However, Zhao Wen did not give up the idea of ​​manufacturing aircraft, and he has been letting the research institute develop into the field of aircraft manufacturing.

Now, the time is finally ripe to build an airplane.

"Your Majesty, half a month ago, the personnel sent by the Research Institute to explore oil in Nuergandu sent a message that they had discovered an oil field at the place His Majesty mentioned.

Now, the research institute has teamed up with the Ministry of Industry to send professionals to drill wells there. It is estimated that in less than half a year, a large amount of oil will be extracted there.

The Ministry of Industry is also planning to build roads or railways there to facilitate the transportation of oil.”

Song Yingxing still kept talking.

Zhao Wen is from later generations, so of course he knows where there are oil fields.

The place where the research institute discovered the oil field is exactly what Zhao Wen told, and that oil field is the very famous Daqing Oil Field in later generations.

"It's so good, it's so good!" Zhao Wen praised repeatedly.

It's just that Zhao Wen doesn't have much surprise on his face now, as if this matter is justified.

The current research institute is already very strong in scientific research, and Zhao Wen is no stranger to such a situation.

"If that's the case, let's go there and have a look!"

As Zhao Wen said, he walked towards the Metal Research Institute.

Zhao Wen has been to the research institute more than once, and Zhao Wen is very clear about the various layouts of the research institute. Even without Song Yingxing's leadership, Zhao Wen also knows where to go.

Not long after, Zhao Wen came outside the Metal Research Institute.

The courtyard where the Institute of Metal Research is located is very large, and there are also a large number of scientific researchers in it.

Almost every month, new alloys are born from metal research institutes. Although these new alloys are very common in later generations, they are extremely precious in this era.

The gate of the Institute of Metal Research was open, and Zhao Wen walked into the gate of the Institute of Metal Research under the guard of Song Yingxing.

Because Zhao Wen was on a whim, the personnel in the Metal Research Institute did not come out to greet him.

In the Metal Research Institute, there is a ten-story building in the middle of the courtyard.

This small building is the laboratory building of the Metal Research Institute.

Zhao Wen walked into the laboratory building of the Metal Research Institute.

The first floor of the experimental building of the Institute of Metal Research is a hall in which various new alloys are placed.

These new alloys are housed in cabinets made of glass.

These new alloys are samples, mainly for exhibition use.

"Your Majesty, the aluminum-magnesium alloy is here!"

Song Yingxing led Zhao Wen to a glass cabinet filled with silver-white metal blocks.

There is a triangular wooden sign on the top of the glass cabinet, and the wooden sign says aluminum-magnesium alloy.

Zhao Wen stood in front of the glass cabinet, looking at the aluminum-magnesium alloy in the glass cabinet.

The whole body of aluminum-magnesium alloy is silver-white, and the silver light is shining, just like silver.

But the density of aluminum-magnesium alloys is many times smaller than that of silver.

The reason why aluminum-magnesium alloy can become the darling of the aviation industry is because of its low density and high strength.

Later, accompanied by Song Yingxing, Zhao Wen looked at all the new metal alloys in the exhibition hall on the first floor.

At this time, the researchers at the Metal Research Institute were all busy with their own affairs, and there was no one in the exhibition hall on the first floor.

"Your Majesty, do you want to let those researchers come out?" Song Yingxing, who was standing behind Zhao Wen, asked cautiously.

"No, they should have their own things to do now, let's not waste their time!

Come with me to other places! "

As Zhao Wen said, he turned around and walked outside the Institute of Metal Research.

In the following time, Zhao Wen, accompanied by Song Yingxing, wandered around other places in the institute.

Before I knew it, it was dinner time.

In order to save trouble, Zhao Wen also ate in the research institute.

The meals in the institute are very rich and nutritious.

These researchers among the researchers are talents, and Zhao Wenke has never been harsh on these talents.

The food for these people, to some extent, has even surpassed Zhao Wen himself.

After dinner, Zhao Wen got into the car and headed for the palace.

After returning to the palace, Zhao Wen was not in a hurry to sleep, nor did he deal with political affairs, but sat in the imperial study and drew the blueprint of the aircraft.

With the current technology in Zhao Wen's hands, there is no way to manufacture jet aircraft.

But those propeller planes can still be manufactured.

Zhao Wen was sitting in the imperial study room, with a huge piece of rice paper spread on the table in front of him, and he was drawing seriously with a drawing tool in his hand.

The aircraft drawing that Zhao Wen is drawing now is a biplane propeller bomber.

Called the Airco DH.4, the plane was built from a World War I shitstick.

Airco DH.4 is a two-seater bomber, known as the most successful bomber in World War I. This aircraft is also equipped with a relatively powerful Eagle engine, and its performance can even be compared with fighter jets at that time.

The best part of this bomber is its engine. When drawing the engine drawings of this bomber, Zhao Wen was the most serious.

In this era, this bomber is simply invincible.Even if the speed of this bomber is not very fast, the ammunition load is not very large.

It took Zhao Wen almost four days to draw the blueprint of this bomber.

After drawing the blueprint of this bomber, some other famous bombers that can be produced now were drawn.

As for fighter jets, Zhao Wen didn't think about them at all. Anyway, if they can fly to the sky, they are already invincible, so why do they need combat power?
After drawing the drawings of these planes, Zhao Wen started to draw the drawings of the tanks.

In the past, because the engine was a wood-burning engine, there was a big shortage of power, so the tank was small in size.

But don't worry about the oil problem now, so it's time to upgrade the tank too.

Zhao Wen decided to use the Sherman M4 neutral tank as a model for transformation.

For this era, tanks can be said to be invincible. For Sherman medium tanks, many of the above things are redundant and useless.

It took Zhao Wen another seven days to modify the Sherman medium tank.

After Zhao Wen completed the drawings, he sent them to the research institute.

Zhao Wen believes that with the current manufacturing level of the research institute, these things will be manufactured soon.


Time passed day by day, and the time to move the capital officially arrived.

There was an endless stream of convoys from Xuanzhen to the capital, and on the highway from Xuanzhen to the capital, all kinds of cars followed one another.

These cars pulled all kinds of things and headed towards the capital.

The aborigines in Xuan Town looked at the cars leaving the city and were deeply moved.

They knew that after the capital was moved, Xuan Town would gradually move away from the center of power.

They knew that this day would come eventually, but when this day really came, they were very reluctant in their hearts.

Zhao Wen sat in a car, which drove out of the palace and headed out of the city.

On both sides of the road that the car passed by, there were people from Xuan Town.

These people knew that it would be very difficult for Zhao Wen to come back after leaving this time.

Zhao Wen was the one who led them to prosperity, the one who fed them, and the one who made them no longer be afraid.

Seeing Zhao Wen leave now, their hearts are full of reluctance.

"Your Majesty, come back more often!"

I don't know who shouted this, after a dozen breaths, the people on both sides of the road shouted loudly.

Chongzhen took his son and stood in the crowd. Looking at the car Zhao Wen was riding in, he said reluctantly, "I'm not as good as him!"

(End of this chapter)

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