Take the warehouse back to the end of the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 925 Capture the City of Gaziwin

Chapter 925 Capture the City of Gaziwin
The gunshot rang out instantly, and the dense bullets flew towards the cavalry in front with a whistling sound.

Almost at the same time, the cavalry at the forefront fell off their horses one after another.

The war horses under their crotches did not escape either, and for a while, the screams of people and the neighing of war horses could be heard endlessly.

One after another, blood flowers appeared on people or horses, like dominoes, falling down layer by layer.

Those cavalrymen who were not hit by the bullets stayed in place with dull faces.

The scene in front of them was the brutal Shura Field, which they had never seen before.

"Hey Law!"

The war horses under their crotches began to neigh loudly, as if they were going crazy, they fled around.

The dense gunshots were connected together, and the loud sound has surpassed the thunder in the sky.

Although the horses these cavalry rode were professionally trained, they had never experienced such a scene.

Just like meeting a natural enemy, they fled around.

The soldiers on the horses had no time to react and were thrown to the ground by the horses.

After falling, these soldiers were trampled to death by the mad horses before they stood up from the ground.



The screams sounded over and over again, the body was pierced by bullets, blood flowed out from the holes on the body, and was instantly absorbed by the sand under the body.

The infantry behind also discovered the battle ahead. When the cavalry was killed or escaped, the infantry was exposed to the attack of the tank.

Song Hu looked at the infantry that appeared in his field of vision, without any hesitation, he still let his soldiers attack.

The barrage flew towards the infantry, like wheat, falling to the ground one after another.

Where there is a war, this is simply an asymmetric massacre. These soldiers of the Safavid Empire are not even as good as cattle and sheep in the slaughterhouse.

Song Hu's biggest purpose in doing this is to use today's battle to completely defeat the fighting spirit of the Safavid Empire.

Only by making the Safavid Empire fearful and trembling, can the Safavid Empire be captured in the shortest possible time.

The infantry fled one after another. Looking at the infantry fleeing to the distance, Song Hu stopped his soldiers from attacking.

Song Hu knew that these fleeing soldiers had completely lost their fighting spirit, and I'm afraid they would never have the courage to take up the weapons in their hands again.

It doesn't make any sense to kill or not to kill. Let these deserters flee back to the capital of the Safavid Empire and let them spread panic.

The tank troops led by Song Hu headed towards Gaziwen again.

In the afternoon of the second day, Song Hu's tank troops had arrived twenty miles outside the city of Kazvin.

Song Hu didn't rush to let his soldiers attack. Song Hu planned to wait another two or three days.

The reason why he did this was that Song Hu wanted to spread panic among the defeated soldiers who had fled back.

During Song Hu's waiting for these few days, those rout soldiers who fled back described Song Hu's tank unit as the arrival of demons.

They described Song Hu's tank as a demon's chariot, and they said that the demon's chariot spewed flames, and whatever it was would be torn apart by the demon's chariot.

Human power, they say, is no match for this devil's chariot.

At the beginning, the residents in the city did not believe it, but as the number of defeated soldiers continued to increase, panic spread in the city.

As soon as Tachi knew the news, he sent people to block it, but now the number of soldiers in Tachi's hands was seriously insufficient, and he couldn't block the news at all.

In just a few days, the news spread in the city, and it seemed like a storm was about to come, and the building was full of wind.

Tachi also learned the news that Song Huchao Jia Ziwen was forcing him from these rout soldiers.

He has reservations about what the soldiers said, and he doesn't really believe it.

However, the soldiers he sent out were easily defeated, which showed the problem.

After detailed interrogation of those rout soldiers who fled back, he got a very unbelievable result.

That is, the current self has no way to resist the invading enemy army, and even the city of Kazvin cannot be kept.

After coming to such a result, Tachi gathered the only soldiers in Kazwin City, and then escorted the royal family, fleeing all the way west.

They were very careful when running away, in order not to be discovered by Song Hu.

They first fled north for more than ten miles, and then went west.

Tucci is a decisive person, and he is also very decisive when escaping.

On the morning of the third day, the tank troops led by Song Hu pressed towards the city of Kaziwin.

As the distance between the two sides continued to shorten, the smoke and dust rolled up by the tank pierced into the sky.

Halfway through, the residents of Qazvin City saw a large cloud of smoke coming towards them.

A gust of wind blew, and the smoke and dust filled the sky instantly under the gust of wind.

The people in the city didn't know that in the current city, their emperor and prime minister were gone, and they had already fled.

The tank troops are constantly approaching, and the smoke and dust are getting bigger and bigger.

The people in the city even felt the ground trembling.

The city wall of Kazwin is relatively tall, but it has been in disrepair for so many years, and in the desert, the walls of the city wall have been severely mottled.

When the tank troops came to a position about two miles away from the city wall, Song Hu ordered his tanks to fire at the city wall and the city gate without even thinking about it.

In just one round of volley, more than a dozen large gaps appeared on the city wall, and the city gate was also wiped out under the shelling.

Song Hu led the tanks and pressed towards the broken city gate. After hearing the explosion, the people in the city panicked and fled in all directions.

Especially those people who were closer to the city gate were more like lambs who met wolves.

Those wicked people took advantage of this time to burn, kill and loot the city, and the whole city of Kazvin was like hell.

Amidst the dumbfounded expressions of the people in the city, one tank after another appeared from the broken city gate.

They had never seen this kind of thing before, and when they saw the tank for the first time, they remembered what those rout soldiers said.

"The devil's chariot, the devil's chariot, this is the devil's chariot!"

"Run away, the devil is coming, the devil is coming!"

When the people in the city saw the tanks, they panicked and fled around desperately.

Song Hu didn't have any thoughts about those fleeing people, he commanded the tank to approach the palace.

"Tap Tap!"

The tracks of the tank rolled on the ground, making a tooth-piercing sound.

In bursts of screams of fear, 25 tanks came to the palace.

However, the palace at this time has become a decoration.

Except for some left-behind personnel, there is nothing else.

The palace has become an empty city, and the royal family has already fled to the Ottoman Empire under the protection of Taqi.

Song Hu commanded the tank to rush into the palace very violently. The palace wall of the palace couldn't stop the tank's impact at all. Under the impact of the tank, the palace wall collapsed layer by layer.

The smoke and dust filled the air, and the efficiency of the tanks demolishing the walls was very high. It didn't take long for the outermost palace walls to become ruins and ruins.

As the tank continued to go in, Song Hu also noticed something was wrong.

If there were people in the palace, when tanks appeared outside the palace walls, there might be a large number of guards coming out.

Even if it wasn't there at that time, it must be there now.

But Song Hu didn't see any guards from the beginning to the end, and there was no other sound in the palace, not even a scream.

Song Hu sat in the cabin of the tank, looking around through the periscope.

"There is no one in the palace, they must have escaped!

Forget it, just run away, anyway, these people are of no use to me! "

Song Hu didn't care, and didn't pay attention to the royal family of the Safavid Empire at all.

The power in Song Hu's hands is subversive in this world. With such a powerful force, one more royal family of the Safavid Empire and one less royal family of the Safavid Empire will have no influence at all.

Song Hu gave an order to let his tanks continue to ram into the palace.

The soldiers under Song Hu launched their tanks one after another, as if they were demolishing the house, and began to have fun in the palace. Every standing wall would be hit by the tanks, just like that, they kept crushing over and over again.

Huge smoke and dust from the collapsed walls appeared above the palace, and the palace of the Safavid Empire was wiped out at this moment, and the majesty of the royal family was also rubbed against the ground by Song Hu.

When the sun fell below the horizon, the city of Kazvin was also plunged into darkness.

If it were in the past, most of the people in the city would have fallen asleep at this time.

But tonight, most of the people in the city basically didn't sleep.

A considerable number of people in the city fled Qazvin City in the dark with their families.

Some people in the capital of the Safavid Empire were relatively wealthy, and the people who escaped from the city were mainly these wealthy people.

Song Hu knew about these people when they started fleeing out of the city, and Song Hu didn't let anyone stop them.

For Song Hu, these people are useless to stay here, and even a burden, since they are willing to leave, let them go.

Anyway, the biggest purpose of Song Hu coming here is the land under his feet, not the people who live on this land.

At dawn the next day, Song Hu dispatched a dozen tank soldiers outside.

To be on the safe side, Song Hu also allocated two tanks to the dozen or so tank soldiers.

The main responsibility of the dozen or so tank soldiers is to explore the terrain around Kazwin and draw detailed maps and topographical maps.

The cultural quality of tank soldiers is relatively high. It is very simple for them to draw topographic maps and detailed maps.

Song Hu also wandered around the city with some soldiers, checking various places in the city.

Last night, quite a few people in the city fled here, but some people did not.

Those people who did not escape lived in poverty. For them, even if they fled with their families, it would be a dead end to a large extent.

Anyway, they are all dead, there is no difference between running or not running, so why run away?
Song Hu wandered around in the streets and alleys of the city, where people dressed in a strong Middle Eastern style could be seen everywhere.

When Song Hu first entered the city, the people in the city were very panicked.

After all, this is a war. Here in the Middle East, when a city is captured, the residents of the city often end up miserable.

Those people who didn't escape at the beginning thought they would be massacred or enslaved.

But as the night passed, nothing happened, and even these people helped maintain the rules in the city.

For various reasons, the people who did not flee gradually let go of their wariness towards Song Hu and the others.

Song Hu was walking on a road paved with gravel, and most of the buildings on both sides of the road were built of stones.

Most of these buildings are spiers, with a strong Middle Eastern style.

It is not far from the imperial palace, and the residents are basically nobles.

Ordinary people in the city of Kazvin cannot afford to live in houses made of stone.

"Most of the houses in our area are made of wood, but most of the houses here are made of stone. The difference is really big!

Also, why do the houses here look a little weird?No matter how you look at it, it feels a little weird! "

Song Hu stopped and looked at the buildings on both sides of the road with a strange expression.

The farthest place Song Hu has traveled in his life is Southeast Asia. Although it is far away from Xuanzhen, the architectural style is deeply influenced by the Central Plains, and there is no difference in the essence of the buildings there.

Now that I have traveled many miles to the Middle East, the architectural style has also undergone earth-shaking changes.

Song Hu had never seen this style before, so he was a little surprised when he saw it for the first time.

"By the way, tell the soldiers in the city not to harass the people in the city.

Let the people in the city do whatever they want, as long as the people in the city don't do anything that is not good for us, let them go!

After all, we intend to rule here for a long time. If we go too far, we will not have many peaceful days in the future! "

Song Hu knew that with the power in his hands, everyone in this place could be rubbed against the ground. As long as he wanted, he could kill everyone in this place.

But killing is not the only way to solve the problem, nor is it the best way to solve the problem. Anyway, the capital of the Safavid Empire has been taken down now, and there is no need to do other things.

"As ordered!"

A soldier standing behind Song Hu yelled at Song Hu, and finally took Song Hu's order and stepped towards the back.

After the soldiers who sent the order left, Song Hu took the rest of the people and started wandering around the city.

From landing on the coastline until now, Song Hu's nerves have been tense. Now that he finally has some free time, Song Hu wants to relax.

A few days later, the supplies hoarded on the coast were transported to the city of Qazvin.

In addition to supplies, there are also some craftsmen.

Among these craftsmen, those who burn cement are the most numerous.

Since it is to rule this place for a long time, there must be no missing buildings and no missing facilities.

After the supplies and craftsmen came to Kazwin City, Song Hu asked these craftsmen to start selecting sites around Kazwin City to build a cement factory.

After the cement factory is gradually completed, Song Hu can build various facilities here.

To be honest, Song Hu didn't like any of those buildings in Kaziwan City.

Moreover, the current city of Qazvin is too small, and the buildings in the city are useless.

Qazvin is located in the northwestern part of the Safavid Empire. It is an important traffic road, whether it is from east to west or from west to east, it must pass through here.

Genghis Khan passed through here when he conquered Europe.

(End of this chapter)

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